As a minister of the Gospel, I have been a Word of Faith teacher and P&W minister for over 40 years. This is a Word of Faith handbook. It is concise and topical, i.e. confession, Baptism of Holy Spirit and tongues, Gifts of Holy Spirit, authority, the enemy, prayer, true worship, and more. It explains WHAT to do and HOW to do it; to know your complete authority in Christ and walk in the supernatural, as God's Ambassador, Minister, and Warrior! The original version was used for an online Bible college and to teach Pastors in South Africa...then the Lord told me this was needed for all believers. This is the Expanded Edition. Sheila and I refer to the healing chapter nightly - I've been told by a pastor, and others from Scotland to Florida that it's the most powerful chapter on healing they have ever read. This handbook will aid and advance your faith in these perilous end-times. It is available through Barnes and Noble.com, Amazon, westbowpress.com and most booksellers.