Earth-Check: Food Production and Equitable Distribution
Good day to everyone! This is Earth-Check.
For our last video, we’re going to discuss another cause of environmental degradation, which is Food Production and Equitable Distribution. As nature provides the foundation for plants to grow and animals to live, food is intrinsically connected to the environment. However, unsustainable food production and consumption practices have led to environmental degradation and worsened climate change.
All these environmental problems might not be as terrible as they appear, but if they are ignored, negative consequences could result. We hope you learned a lot from us. Before we part ways, remember that even the smallest of your actions can have a big effect on the environment within your community and all over the world.
Always remember, keep our planet in check, with Earth-Check!
Earth-Check: Rapid Population Growth
Good day to everyone! This is Earth-Check.
In this video, we will discuss the Rapid Growth of our Population. Rapid Population Growth is the aggressive increase in population brought about by increased birth rates and decreased death rates. But how is this connected to the state of our environment? Watch our video below to know how it affects our environment!
Stay tuned and don't forget to keep our planet in check, with Earth-Check!
Earth-Check: Oil and Gas Development
Good day to everyone! This is Earth-Check.
For today's topic, we will be discussing another source of environmental degradation, which is Oil and Gas Development! This may not sound like an issue at first glance, but the industry is indeed detrimental to our environment. To know more about this issue, watch our video below!
Stay tuned and don't forget to keep our planet in check, with Earth-Check!
Good day to everyone! This is Earth-Check.
For today's video, we are going to discuss a long-lived issue that our planet is suffering from, which is the Illegal Wildlife Trade. It occurs when animals and their derivatives are illegally collected, transported, and distributed in this manner. To know more about this issue, watch our video below!
Stay tuned and don't forget to keep our planet in check, with Earth-Check!
Earth-Check: Deforestation
Good day to everyone! This is Earth-Check.
For this video, we will be delving into a major problem the Earth is going through, which is Deforestation and Forest Degradation. Deforestation occurs when forests are converted to non-forest uses while forest degradation occurs when forest ecosystems lose their capacity to provide important goods and services to people and nature. To know more about this issue, watch our video below!
Stay tuned and don't forget to keep our planet in check, with Earth-Check!
Earth-Check: Bycatching
Good day to everyone! This is Earth-Check.
For today's topic, we will be discussing a source of environmental degradation, which is Bycatching! This is the incidental capture and mortality of non-target marine animals during fishing. To know more about this issue, watch our video below!
Stay tuned and don't forget to keep our planet in check, with Earth-Check!
Earth-Check: Introduction
Good day to everyone! This is Earth-Check.
A social media campaign that will provide a deep overview of the environmental problems that the Earth has been undergoing, to empower the youth and spread awareness from ear to ear.
Stay tuned and don't forget to keep our planet in check, with Earth-Check!