Samer Tohme video
Increasing hepatocyte mitochondrial content by donor exercise offers therapeutic avenues to reduce post-reperfusion inflammation and improve #transplant outcomes. @samer_tohme, @pittsurgery, @labtohme, @pitthealthsci,@pittresearch #TXPforAll
Video for transplantation_David Baran
COOL comment by @davebaran on hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion in heart transplantation. The 'ice age' ends. #hearttransplantation #TXPforAll #Med
Mario Royo-Villanova
Paper byRoyo-Villanova et al. addresses cost-effectiveness aspects of Normothermic Regional Perfusion (NRP), logistical and ethical obstacles that limit the implementation of this innovative preservation strategy. #transplantation #TXPforAll #Transplant
Read the full review by Moayedi and Teuteberg on the latest developments in monitoring rejection after heart transplantation. #hearttransplantation #TXPforAll #Transplant
Alvaro Assis de Souza explains the benefits of using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to answer diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic questions in solid organ transplantation. @BaanCarla @RotterdamTrans
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Reasons to publish your work in Transplantation:
1. Rapid peer review
2. Is the most cited and influential journal in the field
3. Strong social media presence to disseminate YOUR research
Surfing the Big Data Wave: Omics Data Challenges in Transplantation
What are some of the key steps and potential pitfalls when analysing and making sense of -omics? These are covered here in this recent review.
Extra-hepatic cancers in liver transplant candidates and recipients
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Reasons to publish your work in Transplantation:
1. Rapid peer review
2. Is the most cited and influential journal in the field
3. Strong social media presence to disseminate YOUR research
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