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When I was young, my Dad always ensured that we attend church on the first Thursday of every month for the monthly watch night service. I always looked forward to it as it is an opportunity to mingle with my friends and dance until my legs ached.

However, as soon as worship began, we would fall asleep in a corner, one after the other. Little did we know the importance of the Watchnight Service. Oh! Little did we know that it should not be taken with levity.

You are expected to come with a prepared heart to seek the face of your Heavenly Father in the course of this special and important service - knowing fully well that He is readily available to change things beyond your wildest imagination.

In this service, God Himself is present in the fullness of His glory; to go ahead of you in the new month, to make you victorious in the new month. Going to Watchnight Service unprepared is tantamount to losing out in the month.

Prior to this service, you must have evaluated your life; stating your requests and things that require God's special intervention.

You must have written down your requests for the month so that you don't just come to pray for the sake of it.

It is a service where casual prayers are forbidden. You must have examined yourself appropriately, spelt out your needs and, stated what had been left undone from the previous month.

Coming fully armed with your apt requests, you are able to focus and speak with precision as touching your life.

As a true Celestial, it is mandatory that you appear in this worship in your full regalia. This is so that you would appear before your Maker as you are. He, being present in His full glory, wants to see you in your place. Therefore, the choristers also, are to have their capes on.

It is pertinent to note here, that the Watchnight Service is a high mass in which the power into the new month is bestowed.

The items you are to appear in the service with, are as follows:

1. A candlestick,
2. A bottle (glass) of water,
3. Your Power cloth.

All of these items are necessary for you to be rejuvenated in the new month.

It is a beautiful thing to appear in the presence of God in preparation to meet Him and be blessed all the way!

Written by: Oluwakemi Basuyi
Edited by: Temidayo Orimogunje

Ccc imole Jesu pariah children department

Ccc imole Jesu pariah children department


Let make it a day with the lord starting from on the 16 - 18 of Dec. 2020


The survival of Christianity is threatened if we refuse to raise our children the godly way. If that happens, we would have failed as parents.

“Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.” – Proverbs 22:15

It is important that we train children in the way of the Lord because whatever they learn early in life tends to remain with them for a very long time, if not forever. This means that children will grow with knowledge, ignorance or half-truths. What do you want them to grow with?

To have a future generation of true Christians, we must deliberately teach our children what God requires of them because soon, leadership will rest on their shoulders.

What does God require of His children?

Reverence and obedience: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 says the duty of man is to fear God and obey Him. We must teach the coming generation the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7). They must get wisdom.
Work: 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says whoever will not work should not eat. Tell them eating the food of idleness is not a mark of a Christian.
Trust: Human efforts shall fail (Psalm 127:1), hence they should be taught to depend solely on God.
Holiness: Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). We must prepare them to be pure brides.
Love: Charity is the greatest of virtues (1 Corinthians 13:13). Teach them to love like Christ, not just in words, but also in deed and in truth (1 John 3:18).
Give: If they love like Christ, they should also learn to give to God’s work and to the needy (Proverbs 11:25).
Evangelism: Teach them to win souls. Proverbs 11:30 says soul-winners are wise.
If we are faithful – as Christian parents, God will be pleased and a future generation of genuine Christians will be guaranteed.

Action Point:
Parents and the Church should engage in conscious efforts to offer quality discipleship training for our children, teenagers and youth.


Christmas🎄 carol @ Ccc imole Jesu parish children department , the performance of the children choir


Christmas carol @ Ccc imole Jesu parish children department


I began my search until I finally saw how babies were made when I want for holiday in my cousins house. I was primary 3 when I saw what s*x is all about. I grew up wanting to know more about it out of curiosity.
I am very sure everyone of us on this platform knows what s*x is all about. We might still have to abstain from it because we are not married but the word s*x is not strange to us.

We human beings are incapable of formulating moral laws on the issues of s*x because we are not the programmers of s*x. God who designed and programmed s*x knows what he packaged in it. Anchor scriptures 1Corinthians 6vs 1-20.

s*x is uniting Spirit, soul and body with someone through ones private part 1Corinthians 6vs15-16.
Biblical Truth About S*x
(1) s*x is good
In our contemporary culture, Christianity is generally portrayed as s*xually repressive in the extreme. Christians are known for being opposed to gay s*x, pre-marital s*x, and extramarital s*x and therefore the assumption is that Christians believe that s*x is bad in and of itself – but nothing could be further from the truth!
The Bible says that the first husband and wife were: “both naked and were not ashamed” (Genesis 2:25)
Before the fall – before sin – s*x was part of the created order. It was good – VERY GOOD – and was engaged in freely, without inhibition of any kind by the man and the woman.
The Bible says that s*x was affected by the fall but it remains something to be celebrated and protected throughout the entire canon of Scripture. In the Book of Proverbs, the wise father instructs his son to:
rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love. (Proverbs 5:18–19 ESV)
Likewise in the New Testament, it says:
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled. (Hebrews 13:4 ESV)
S*x between a husband and a wife is never a cause for shame. It should be honoured, cherished and enjoyed as the gift and the good that it is; thanks be to God

You are not suppose to have s*x because you are old enough, you are in love, you are with the right person or you are in courtship but because you are married. If you are hundred years old and you are not married to the person you are not qualified to have s*x. 1cor 6:18 1cor 6:13, Eph 5: 3 1cor6 9-20

For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from s*xual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know

(4)S*X IS A COVENANT RITUAL PROGRAMED FOR MARRIAGE. Marriage covenant commitment while s*x is covenant ritual.The bible says in proverbs 5: 19
A hind of loves, and a roe of grace! Let her loves satisfy thee at all times, In her love magnify thyself continually.
1 Corinthians 7:2
But because of the temptation to s*xual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.

It is powerful beyond measure and it has trouble shooting section. This trouble shooting section is what takes place when we ignore s*x manual.
1 Corinthians 10:8 says:
We must not indulge in s*xual immorality as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day.
(a)God made s*x in such a way that it unite partners in spirit soul and body. When you have s*x with someone you yield your spirit to them. Icor 6: 15-16. So s*x has power to make two become one. How? You will become who you have s*x with. Whatever he carries your spirit yield to it and you are loaded with what he is loaded with. Imagine if you have countless patners. God the programmer of s*x said:
"What? Know ye not that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? “For two,” saith He, “shall be one flesh. You can ignore anybody's word but not the word of God. Civilization does not change the standard of God. We have countless men who engage in extramarital affairs and got their lives ruined. This trouble shooting section of s*x can claim all you ever worked and essence in life. Lust kills and burn like a fiery furnace and it suspends your reasoning faculty.
I still remember this family that as a result of adultery four out of six members of the family died. The husband had s*x out of wedlock got the dreaded HIV when it had no cure, he gave the wife and two out of their children got it. They all died. It is that terrible.
There countless stories lecturers and people of high reputations whose glory was tarnished due to s*xual immorality. They lost all they worked for in life because the lack self control.
Lust is not designed by God it is the agenda of the devil. It can make you surrender your destiny when it get hold of you.

(b)S*x is programmed by God for multiplication Genesis 4:1 Gen 1:28. If you have ugly s*x you will have beautiful baby. It has power to reproduce us. We multiply on earth through s*x. So if you engage in s*x and you are pregnant that is a show you power of s*x. People atimes use prevention and still get pregnant. A lady tied her womb and still got pregnant. A lady removed her womb and still got pregnant. Some use condoms and still get pregnant.
(c)One of the power of s*x is that IT MAKES YOU GIVE AND TAKE AUTOMATICALLY There is nothing on earth you can use to prevent giving and taken in s*x. Once you have s*x with someone you will give and take something. We all are only away of the fact that people contact s*xual transmitted diseases when the have unprotected s*x but we are not aware of what give and take that is not preventable. You give your soul, you yied your spirit and it temper with your body. In marriage it get to a point husband and wife start looking alike. God told us every other sin is outside the body but this one s*x outside marriage is a sin that affects your body. Psychiatrists tell us that there is a chemical reason that makes those who s*xually perverted have their reasoning faculty down. Apparently, the more someone become s*xually excited the more certain chemical start to be secreted within the brain. These actually shut down our reasoning faculty, leaving us with nothing else but our s*xual urge. Any other faculty has been sedated. SOME LADIES DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR LIVES ANYMORE, THE ONLY THING THEY DO BETTER IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH OPPOSITE S*X IS HAVING S*X. If all you have to offer this generation is breast and vaginal you are a failure. Courtship is not a platform for s*x and it does not qualify you for s*x, It is specially designed for marriage. If you have missed it, it is not too late to ask for secondary virginity.
(d)S*x has power of intoxication
In marriage it can be easily manageable because that is the only place it functions wel. You need to see the look of a man when he wants to have s*x with his wife. Some men will be so high despite all the annointing they have as a minister. They can be so tender and loving when they want s*x and some if they know you always complain when it comes to the time of s*x, the kind of aggression they put on will show you fire is burning him. At this stage he will even deny all the previous time you have made love and claim you always reject. Men and women can be wild when the hormones set them ablaze.
This is the reason s*x outside marriage is dangerous because when you are intoxicated you will throw caution to the wind and give away your essences.Civilization does not change the standard of God. We have countless men who engage in extramarital affairs and got their lives ruined. This trouble shooting section of s*x can claim all you ever worked and essence in life. Lust kills and burn like a fiery furnace and it suspends your reasoning faculty.
I still remember this family that as a result of adultery four out of six members of the family died. The husband had s*x out of wedlock got the dreaded HIV when it had no cure, he gave the wife and two out of their children got it. They all died. It is that terrible.
There countless stories lecturers and people of high reputations whose glory was tarnished due to s*xual immorality. They lost all they worked for in life because the lack self control.
Lust is not designed by God it is the agenda of the devil. It can make you surrender your destiny when it get hold of you.
How can I dominate the desire for lust. Check this out next week.


"GBA Ise Oluwa "; The Call to Work for God Pt 1

This is one of the most spoken words by the prophets in Celestial fold today
And likewise it is also the most misleading word that has made the lives of many in jeopardy.
Psychologically when you are told this statement, you are slowed down as your thought dives to becoming a shepherd.

The Most bastardized work is the work of the Shepherd because many just venture into it without confirming.

When you are told, Wa GBA Ise Oluwa or Lo GBA Ise Oluwa, You are expected to apply wisdom, inquiring deeply from God, Seek Divine revelation about it.

God is not a confusionist but he expects you to enquire deeply about the truth and he always confirms the truth.
You are expected to seek God mind deeply to confirm what has been said

The Work of God is very Vast and Voluminous; The Work is plenty that it can accommodate everyone but in unique and distinct places.
We are all Workers of God and with God and we must all work for God in diverse and glorifying ways

We might both be prophets but we are placed to work in different angles of prophetic spheres by God.
You might be a Woleader of a church while I'm a travelling prophetic minister

If you are told to GBA Ise Oluwa and you do not inquire deeply, you are treading and trailing the path of poverty and suffering.
This is what is affecting the youths of the church today; they do not apply wisdom

Because God delights you work for him doesn't mean you shouldnt have a means of living

Joblessness also has made many GBA Ise Oluwa.
They laze around, call themselves whilst God hasn't called them doing nothing and been good for nothing.

You will go hungry if you leave your job and foolishly venture into Ise Oluwa.

When you are told you will GBA Ise Oluwa:
*Its not to be a Shepherd
*There are different types of call to be a Shepherd
*Not everyone is called to work as a Shepherd
*You are not necessarily called to live in the church, stay in the church.
*God will reveal every single detail of your call to avoid confusion and misdirection.
*Its not a must you leave or abandon your job or means of living
*Remember always that the Work of God is very diverse

Don't Hide under the garment of Mo Ti GBA Ise Oluwa ,
If your life is not in order, Ise Oluwa is meaningless.

The Call to work for God for everyone is so unique and different for person.
The call to work of your father is not the same as yours. The criteria of the call to work is very different

If we don't discern properly as regards to Ise Oluwa we will keep producing hungry and mislead shepherds who are blind to where God has throughly placed and positioned them.

To be Continued
By Tola Adele


Dear Celestial Parents,

Until your son or daughter who you christened in celestial stops living under your roof as a parent you share the burden of Deuteronomy 28 verse 1

Deuteronomy 28:1 KJV
And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:

Take them to worship

Take them to Bible class

Teach them right from wrong

Get them Bible.

Get a copy of the constitution of the church for them to read

Get them a copy of the hymn book

Take them to prophet service if they are prophets

Take them to choir practice if they are choristers

Make sure they obey the commandments of the church

Their angels will record it against you and you will give account of it. You will not only give account of your deed but also account of your children.

If you want the blessing of Deuteronomy 28 to remain in your generation, teach them the way of the Lord, teach them to be Celestial.

We are Celestial Generation


Injunctions About Candleholder

81. "Mawunyon it was who gave the injunction that we should worship with seven candles and also took a piece of wood and drew out the shape of the candle holder. In this connection, he also gave us a Powerful song which we seem to have also forgotten lately.

Awon agba tan fitila meje

Wa gbadura wa, etc.🌈👁👑✝️



MARRIAGE is like a shoe. When you wear oversize be ready to drag it along through out life, and when you wear under-size be ready to feel the pains through out life." One thing about marriage is that you don't drop your shoe or remove it at any point, no matter how painful or how stressful it is.

That is why I thought it necessary to write you this letter.

Dear Singles,
When you are ready to buy your own shoe please take note of these three things:


Do not look for the beautiful ones, the nice ones or the cheap ones. Look for the one that is your size. Not every handsome, wealthy or intelligent guy is for you, not every beautiful woman is for you. Look for the one that is meant for you, the one that aligns with your values and beliefs, the one who you meet at your life's journey.
It is important to know where you're going in life before you think of getting a wife or a husband.


All sizes of shoes are not placed in the same place.
There is a place for court shoes, laced up shoes, sport footwear, snickers etc. We have Children sizes, young people's sizes and the adult sizes. Know where to get your own shoe. Your size cannot be everywhere my brother, your type cannot be everywhere my sister. You cannot be a Christian, and be looking for a wife material at a club. Your wife or husband can't just be everywhere.

Stick to your values and therein you shall find someone like you, but when your values are not defined anyone can just match you. Discover yourself and define your values


In this kind of shoe purchasing enterprise, you are not permitted to try the shoe before you buy. This is why it is important to seek guidance and counseling, from people who have bought shoes before or are into the business of directing people to the right shoes (pastors, marriage counsellors and Relationship coaches).
And most importantly to avoid much time wasting , simply consult the shoe manufacturer to tell you your size (Almighty God).

NOTE :"You do not prepare for wedding, you prepare for marriage."

Ladies of today get so motivated when they attend weddings and they will quickly want to say yes to that guy. Wait!!! It is not just the wedding ooooh. The wedding is just one day. After the wedding WHAT NEXT?

Finally, it is not something you rush to the market and just pick a shoe because you like or can purchase it.
Ask questions

-Where is this shoe made from? (Background)

-What's the size (Values)

-How much (His/Her interest)

-How long will it last (His/Her Character)

-Who made it? (Is she/He of the same faith This is compatibility)

-Will it match me? (This is whether he/she loves you and will

accept you the way you are)

Dear one, remember many are dragging their foot and they
would hardly reach their destinations, many are feeling endless pains and wish they could pull off the shoes but no way!!! I have seen people with beautiful shoes and when they show you their foot, you will see scars. Beloved, it is not about the physical, it is the size, you can't know the size from afar so come close, build a relationship first but remember 'you are not permitted to try it before you buy it'.
And for those who have purchased the wrong shoes, you can still make it your size again if you'd consult the manufacturer and let Him have His way in your marriage.
Wedding is a day affairs but marriage is a lifetime affairs. Look beyond what you see now. Never go into marriage because of s*x.
Its a wrong idea


Written by Evangelist TestimonySam

Happy Birthday to you sir I wish u long life & prosperity.I pray God give u the grace to fillful ur purpose in life . pl...

Happy Birthday to you sir I wish u long life & prosperity.I pray God give u the grace to fillful ur purpose in life . pls house let celebrate one of our uncle Peter Olatunde Peter Rahmon let wish him well

Train up ur children in the right way

Train up ur children in the right way




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