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She  writes novels Success is what I am chasing for I ain't gonna chase a n***a ❤️🥺👩‍🎓


Isithembu: The polygamy
insert 17
Lubanzi's POV
okay what Thandeka did to me was unexpected but atleast I understand her she was hurt and I forgive her.
neliswa:baby how are you feeling?
Thandeka: can't you see that he is feeling better.
neliswa:I don't remember having you as my baby Thandeka so please when the question is not directed to you don't waste time and open your mouth.
lubanzi:I am good baby and guys please stop fighting okay ? let's go we're done.
Thandeka:you will see me wena neliswa.
neliswa:mxm as if I don't see you now.

* we walked outside Thandeka unlocked her car then she opened the door for me.
Thandeka: neliswa you're not leaving with us.
neliswa:if I am not then leave my husband behind.
lubanzi: neliswa get inside the car. if I stay you will also stay no one is going we will go together. right Thandie.
Thandeka:yes baby.
*Neliswa looked at Thandeka who is very angry then she smiled and got in the car , Thandeka drove the car in a very high sp*ed after few minutes they arrived, they got off the car then went inside.
Neliswa :baby go have some rest I will cook lunch for you.
Thandeka: pass little sister you don't even know his favourite food. so chill I will cook for him.
Neliswa:so that you can finish him off , please my baby boy will need his father.
lubanzi:baby you're pregnant?
neliswa: actually yes my love we're going to be parents. isn't that nice. baby?
lubanzi: it's amazing baby thank you so much queen. ( he kissed her)

* Thandeka ran upstairs crying. Lubanzi broke the kiss looking at Thandeka then Neliswa held wrapped her hand around his neck and kissed him.


isithembu: The polygamy
inserts 16
neliswa's POV

Thandeka drove home we were silent this girl mara she is brave shame. after few minutes we arrived I got off the car then went inside the house I climbed the stairs but I stopped after she called me.
Thandeka: neliswa.
Thandeka:come here we need to talk.
neliswa:so you're basically commanding me to come to you Thandeka and you expect me to listen to you.
Thandeka:yes dear that's what I am doing.
neliswa:then you're wrong my sister.
Thandeka:okay ke sis mntase let me tell you this ke nhe I am not going anywhere and this marriage is not for the weak mabhabha and don't forget that this is my house I can kick you out anytime I want so don't be forward with me.
neliswa:okay goodnight.
*I said going upstairs.

*** following day.
I woke up and did my morning routine then I wore my clothes and went downstairs Thandeka was having coffee. I opened the fridge took out milk I will make a cereal for me .
Thandeka:so we aren't greeting each other now?
neliswa: it's better that way sweety.
Thandeka:can we please not give each other nicknames please cos it's not cute.
neliswa:oh s**t my apologies sister wife.
* I finished doing the cereal I sat on the high chair and ate my corn flakes.
neliswa:bye .
* after that she left I requested an Uber to take me to the hospital, after few minutes it arrived I got inside the car then drove to the hospital. after several minutes we arrived I paid using ewallet, I got off then went to the ward he was admitted into Thandeka was already signing the papers here damn this bitch. I hugged lubanzi, he is now sitting on the bed yeah he's ready to go home.


Isithembu: The polygamy
insert 15
Thandeka's POV
I locked myself in inside our bedroom I cried my lungs out no lubanzi did me dirty but I can't live without him I have no one by my side no family if I leave him where will I go.

I went downstairs and cleaned his blood that is on the floor, then I changed my clothes I took my car keys then I drove to the hospital to check on lubanzi. After few minutes of driving I arrived at the hospital I parked my car then went inside I looked around the hospital searching for neliswa , finally I found her getting out of the toilets. I held her hand she was so scared.

Thandeka: don't be scared I won't hurt you just tell me where the hell is my husband's.
neliswa:okay follow me.
Thandeka: okay , don't do anything funny because I have my gun with me.

I followed her she opened the door of this ward , lubanzi did not even look at me I my god he is mad at me right now.
Thandeka:baby I am so sorry I don't know what got into my head sthandwa Sam please forgive me.
lubanzi:if you want me to forgive you you will accept neliswa as my second wife.
Thandeka: anything for you my love.
lubanzi: I am sorry too baby okay. please don't cry honey bee.
Thandeka:I love you.
lubanzi:I love you too. ( I kissed his forehead)
Thandeka:so sister wife when is our husband returing back home.
neliswa:tto ... tommorow.(her voice was shaking)
Thandeka: okay then that's better baby. we will have to leave neliswa.
neliswa: now?
Thandeka:yes , because he have to rest let's go. ( I held her hand heading to the door oh shame this girl is afraid of me shame she is shaking but she must relax I am not going to hurt her now hawu )


Isithembu: The polygamy
insert 14
"A week later"

Neliswa is at the lounge watching her favourite cartoon Masha and the bear, someone opened the door it's Thandeka with her suitcase.
Thandeka:'shouting' baby I am home.
* Neliswa turned and saw Thandeka she became scared she felt like Thandeka will attack he.
Thandeka:( she went to neliswa)Heyy? and who are you?
neliswa:I am neli..' lubanzi hung her before she could finish.
lubanzi:baby. ( they hugged and kissed ) you look. beautiful wifey.
Thandeka: thanks my love but who is this ?
lubanzi:baby this is neliswa my second wife.
Thandeka:( smiling) you're joking right? please tell me that you're joking lubanzi please.
lubanzi:no honey bee I am not joking.
Thandeka:( tears started flowing down her cheeks) okay. ( she rolled her suitcase upstairs while crying in silence)

neliswa:I think I should go lubanzi, you saw that she is hurted by all of this.
lubanzi:no don't go I know Thandeka will not go okay just go to your room unless something happens okay ?
neliswa: something like what lubanzi?
lubanzi:just go neliswa.

Thandeka came downstairs holding a gun crying. he pointed the gun at lubanzi.
Thandeka: it's over for you today lubanzi.
lubanzi: listen sthandwa Sam we can talk about this.
Thandeka:wena you were busy fu***ng another woman in my f**ken bed while I was away saying you love me nja Kanti you're lying
Lubanzi:baby please okay ? you're not a murder sthandwa Sam stop this.
Thandeka: no I have to kill you lubanzi you ruined me man.

*She turned the gun to neliswa then she laughed a little.
Thandeka: no. ' she turned the gun to Lubanzi and shot him in his shoulders two times.

'Thandeka ran upstairs to her room neliswa called an ambulance which came in just 10 minutes and took lubanzi.


guys you are disappointing in comments I don't want to lie shame hayi niyathyafisa( you are discouraging me) and this will make me to write few inserts😭


Isithembu: The polygamy
insert 13
neliswa's POV

neli : it wont fit .
lubanzi : it will fit in don't worry.
*he said rubbing his dic on my c**t ‚ all of the sudden i started shaking . he slowly let it in but it didnt enter ‚ this fool! i told him that it wont fit and he didnt believe me . he held his dic entering me again slowly and this time it got in ‚ i felt like my va**na was teared up .
me : ‘moans’ ahh it hurts!
lubanzi: ‘groans’ f**k mi amor you so warm!
*he started moving in gently and slowly ‚ our moans and groans filled the room . we both stared deeply in each other’s eyes.
neliswa: ahh oh my gosh please go faster .
*i said rubbing my c**t ‚ he started moving in faster and faster more like a roughly s*x!
neli : ohhh f**k ...lubanzi go slowly!
*i said with pain and pleasure mixing ‚ he just continued fu***ng me rough with him spanking my ass . damn he knows how to use his waist! i felt it coming!
neli : ahh lubanzi i love youuuuu!
lubanzi: f**k baby i love you moreee fucck!

we both climaxed and he fall next to me. after this hot steamy session we went to the bathroom ensuite and took a very long inocent shower with fee kisses in between after showering we dried out bodies and lotioned we changed the bed sheets then we got undercovers and slept cuddling. After sleeping for hours I woke up and went to the bathroom and p*ed them went downstairs cos lubanzi wasn't next to me when I woke up. I saw him in the kitchen busy cooking. I hugged him from behind.

Lubanzi:baby you finally woke up.
neliswa:yes baby I am sorry I can't even help you , my Punani is burning because of your big dick.
lubanzi:(laughing ) I am so sorry mi amor.
neli: you're laughing. You will never taste me again boy.
Lubanzi:you lying right.
Neli:I wish I was lying.
* I moved away from him then sat on the high chair and watched videos on my phone as he was busy cooking.


isithembu: The polygamy
insert 12
Neliswa's POV

we arrived at home an hour ago at home his father and uncles have left we are at the lounge watching my favourite cartoon Masha and the bear.
lubanzi: I love you wifey.
*he said coming closer to my face ‚ he wanted to kiss me but I moved my face.
neliswa:what if your wife comes back?
lubanzi: you're also my wife Mos nothing will change.
*he said coming closer to me again ‚ he kissed me and i wrapped my arms around his neck responding to the kiss . he gently stood up not breaking the kiss and carried me in a bridal style climbing the stairs going upstairs ‚ we arrived in his bedroom . he threw me on top the king double bed and broke the kiss and knee down taking off my slides .
lubanzi:even if Thandeka can can come now I would still be with you.
*he said getting up staring deep in my eyes
neli: you're lying right?
*he chuckled and opened my legs and got in between them ‚ he quickly undressed me and now i was left naked in front of him . i started breathing heavily and covered my b***s with my hands .
lubanzi : damn you got that pretty body hun bee .
*he said holding my legs and opening them wide ‚ he started kissing my tummy leaving hickeys i think . my legs were now shacking!
neli : ‘moans’ ahh lubanzi
*he went to my p***y as he started sucking my c**t like a newborn sucking a b**b ‚ i tried pushing him away but he was way strong . i curled my toes as i was about to climax .
neli: lubanz... f**k ‚ ahhh!
my legs started shaking ‚ i pushed him off and closed my legs breathing heavily .
lubanzi: damn girl your p***y tastes so good .
*he said attacking me with a kiss .he pushed me to the edge of the bed and opened my legs ‚ i was about to close them when he quickly gets in between them . he took off his shorts and audies until he was also butt naked . my eyes popped out looking at his thick ‚ hard ‚ long and vainy dic!
neli : it wont fit .
lubanzi : it will fit in don't worry.
*he said rubbing his dic on my c**t.


Isithembu: The polygamy
insert 11
Lubanzi's POV

lubanzi:(guys believe me when I saw I am tired now of explaining myself now, I touched her face and made her touch me by both hands I made her to look at me in the eyes.): mi amor my black China don't worry about Thandeka she will never ask me to choose between you and her and I want you to know that I love you so much , I loved you the first time that I saw you at that club you stole my heart at that moment I couldn't stop thinking about you after that incident now that you're my wife I feel honoured and blessed.
neliswa:you love me?
lubanzi:yes baby I truly love you.
neliswa:for real?
lubanzi:for real mi amor. ( I kissed her forehead then looked at her she leaned her lips for a kiss our lips met and we kissed the kiss got heated up after few minutes then she pulled out then smiled and looked down)
neliswa: let's go.

I took my car keys on the coffee table, held her then we went to the garage I started the engine the drove off to the shopping centre, after an hour we arrived at the mall I parked the car then we got off and went to the entrance.
Neliswa: lubanzi?
neliswa: let's go to istore I want to buy I phone 15plus. remember you broke my phone this phone that I am using now is my mom's phone.
lubanzi:I told you to allow me pay your phone but you were like "no it's okay no need"
neliswa: you're not serious right?

* we walked to istore holding our hands we bought the phone then we went to a clothing store neliswa is choosing both our clothes.
neliswa:baby tell me when you think it's enough iyeva?
lubanzi:did you just call me baby?
neliswa:yhuu nkosi yam ulubanzi Sana.
lubanzi:I am over the moon darling you can choose what ever you want I have no limit baby.
neliswa: I will love you.

* she kissed my cheek then she walked around after that we paid.after doing all the shopping we went to a restaurant for food then we drove back home.


GIsithembu:The polygamy
insert 10
lubanzi's POV

This girl is still lying on my chest I have to move her so that I can call Thandeka. I gently moved her from my body then layed her on the bed haybo how can someone sleep like this mara it's 10am but she is not even moving this one is lazy nkulunkulu.

I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth,took a quick shower I dried my body the lotioned and wore my Nike tracksuit. I took my phone and went downstairs my father and uncle are eating cereal sorry guys.

lubanzi: molweni.
them:molo, where is your wife?
lubanzi:she is sleeping.

*I sat on the couch I took my phone and video called my wife , we chatted for quite a long time after ending the video call with her I watched soccer match Neliswa came and sat next to me.

lubanzi:hayi wena you lazy waking up this late
neliswa:when I have stress I sleep a lot boy.
lubanzi: what's stressing you baby?
neliswa:the fact that my father married me off to you knowing very well that you have a wife.
lubanzi:I am sorry about that , let's go shopping maybe you will feel better.
neliswa: you're going to buy everything I want right?
lubanzi: anything for my wife.
neliswa:but I am not the only one though, but let's go.
lubanzi: but you're the one here with me sthandwa Sam.
neliswa:so when she comes back you will stick to her.
lubanzi:hell no baby you're both the queens of my heart.
neliswa: does she know about me? that's why she is not here right?
lubanzi: mmh Thandeka is on a vacation with her friends don't worry. .
neliswa:what if she makes you choose lubanzi, you will choose her right ? because you don't love me you only love her you married me only because you want kids.
lubanzi:(guys believe me when I saw I am tired now of explaining myself now, I touched her face and made her touch me by both hands I made her to look at me in the eyes.): mi amor my black China don't worry about Thandeka she will never ask me to choose between you and her and I want you to know.


Isithembu: The polygamy
insert 9
Neliswa's POV

I got in the bathroom ensuite and took a bath after that I dried my body, lotioned then wore my silky pyjamas. After that I got undercovers I couldn't sleep at all Shem , after 2 hours of tossing and turning in this bed someone opened the door it's lubanzi he is Soo perfect guys when he got in he smiled I also returned the smile back.

lubanzi:Heyy why aren't you sleeping?
neli:I can't sleep, I think it's because it's my first day here.
lubanzi:I can stay here with you till you fall asleep?
neli:no I will be fine.
lubanzi:okay goodnight mi amor. if you need me my bedroom is opposite yours.( he kissed my forehead then he went out)

I watched the videos in my phone for an hour after that I wore my sleepers then went out of my room I stood in front of the room opposite I opened the door I sat next to him and stared his handsome brownskined face then I Shaked him gently.

neli:I can't sleep.
lubanzi: what's wrong baby?
neli:( I stared at him) I don't know.
lubanzi:okay come and sleep on top of me you will eventually sleep.
neli:no I can't.
lubanzi:I won't hurt you black China come on.
neli: okay.

* I got on top of him I laid my head in his chest, he kissed my forehead multiple times haybo lomntu am I a baby na?
neli:will you stop this man.
lubanzi:okay, goodnight.
neli: goodnight.

*I eventually fell asleep, no guys because I think his chest will be my favourite sleeping spot , we slept like this the whole night I didn't even woke up.


Isithembu: The polygamy
insert 8 (continuation)
lubanzi's POV

neliswa: let's eat the ice cream before it melts.

* we shared the ice cream , we ate it till it was finished.
neliswa:can you go I wanna be alone please.
lubanzi: so the elders are hungry Downstairs can you cook something simple for them please?
neliswa:will you help me?
lubanzi:yes I will.
neliswa: thanks, let's go.
we went to the door.
neliswa:wait I have to take off the heels can you borrow me your slides ?
lubanzi: okay baby. ( I took of my slides and gave her , and she wore them. )
neliswa: it's neliswa or neli to you lubanzi.
lubanzi: you're my wife wena I will call you baby forever or mi amor.
neliswa:I would really appreciate it if you would call me by my name.
lubanzi:okay let's go.

we went to the kitchen yeah started cooking we cooked chicken stew with rice, the girl can cook shame and she is good at what she does after an hour and 30 minutes we finished cooking, we dished the food then she took the plates to my father and uncles at the dinner table then she took her plate as well and sat next to my father , this girl bathong!!
As we were eating our food my phone was on top of the table my phone rang I checked the ID it's Thandeka , no I will call her later.

neliswa:why don't you answer your phone.
lubanzi: it's nothing important mi amor.
tshawe:you even gave her a nickname you truly.
neliswa: goodnight guys I am off to bed you can put the dishes in the sink I will wash them tommorow.

* she put her plate after that she walked upstairs.


Isithembu: The polygamy
insert 8 (continuation)
lubanzi's POV

neliswa: let's eat the ice cream before it melts.

* we shared the ice cream , we ate it till it was finished.
neliswa:can you go I wanna be alone please.
lubanzi: so the elders are hungry Downstairs can you cook something simple for them please?
neliswa:will you help me?
lubanzi:yes I will.
neliswa: thanks, let's go.
we went to the door.
neliswa:wait I have to take off the heels can you borrow me your slides ?
lubanzi: okay baby. ( I took of my slides and gave her , and she wore them. )
neliswa: it's neliswa or neli to you lubanzi.
lubanzi: you're my wife wena I will call you baby forever or mi amor.
neliswa:I would really appreciate it if you would call me by my name.
lubanzi:okay let's go.

we went to the kitchen yeah started cooking we cooked chicken stew with rice, the girl can cook shame and she is good at what she does after an hour and 30 minutes we finished cooking, we dished the food then she took the plates to my father and uncles at the dinner table then she took her plate as well and sat next to my father , this girl bathong!!
As we were eating our food my phone was on top of the table my phone rang I checked the ID it's Thandeka , no I will call her later.

neliswa:why don't you answer your phone.
lubanzi: it's nothing important mi amor.
tshawe:you even gave her a nickname you truly.
neliswa: goodnight guys I am off to bed you can put the dishes in the sink I will wash them tommorow.

* she said then after that she walked upstairs.


Isithembu: The polygamy
insert 8
Lubanzi's POV

There were three Oldman sitting at the lounge. u wonder who is my husband between them

:molo makoti.
neliswa:molo tata.
* I after that I shared greetings with all these men after that they said I must sit down. within just few minutes someone touched my shoulders and I turned it was the man I pumped in to at the club the other day , I smiled greatly at him as he was also smiling. he is so handsome I just can't smile at him his lips are what I am craving for right now okay ?

with her beauty especially her eyes I just pray that I won't make my first wife jealous.

neliswa:Heyy , nice to meet you.
lubanzi:nice to meet you again beautiful.
tshawe:do you guys know each other?
tshawe: okay only you know the truth, lubanzi take makoti to her room.
lubanzi:okay let's go.
* I took her suitcases and we went upstairs I showed her a bedroom that is all white , that's my favourite colour hope she loves it.

lubanzi:and here is your room mam. I hope you like it.
neliswa: it's clean , beautiful and stylish I love it a lot thanks.
lubanzi: Aren't you hungry?
neliswa:I am craving ice cream would you please bring it for me please?
lubanzi: anything for you madam.

I left and went to the kitchen to take the ice cream for her , I took the ie cream ( magnum) bucket and I went to her room she was on her phone watching videos. when I sat on the bed she also sat next to me.
neliswa:thank you.
lubanzi:my pleasure. ( I watched her as she was eating the ice cream)
neliswa: why are you starring at me Mr?
lubanzi: sorry it's just that you're too beautiful.
neliswa:I told you before I know so please stop praising my beauty, do you want some ?
lubanzi:say thank you first.
neliswa:I won't say that.
lubanzi: you're so stubborn mi amor.
neliswa: what's that now?
lubanzi:means my love.
neliswa:so cute but I think it would be too cute on your wife right?.
lubanzi:(clears throat):you're my baby.


Isithembu:The polygamy
insert 7
Neliswa's POV

I woke at 7h00 yeah today I am going to live with my in laws in fact my husband so they sent people to come and fetch , I went to the bathroom took a long shower then I dried my body lotioned then I wore a tight long brown backless dress with a cropped leather jacket on top with black heels. I took my suitcases downstairs my family was already downstairs having breakfast.

neliswa: good morning everyone.
Them: morning.
mom:you look beautiful my baby.
neliswa:thanks mom.
dad: where is your doek young lady?
neliswa:I forgot to put it on tata.
mom:I will give you mine Lisa go and take it upstairs in my room.
Lisa (my little sister she is 18):mom I am still eating , and no one should be disturbed when eating.
neliswa:lisakhanya where is your respect why are you talking with mom like that ?
Lisa:sorry mama. ( she got up and went upstairs)
mzala:I see you feel better today.
neliswa:no I am not better but I have to be like this since I am going to see my .. you know?
mzala:I will surely visit you mzala wam.
neliswa:okay and I will have another person I will talk to in that house.
mzala:who ?
neliswa:my sister wife baby girl.
mom: that's great mntanam.

* Lisa gave me the doek I draped it on to my head then after few minutes my in laws arrived my family escorted me outside to their car I hugged all them , tears were flowing on my little sister, my mom and I , I know they will miss me shame.

neliswa:I love you guys , and I will come to visit you everything I get a chance.
Lisa:I love you sisi( I hugged for few minutes then I broke the hugbnad kissed her forehead)
neliswa: don't cry my love.

Another man took my suitcases to the booth then he opened the door of the car for me then he got inside on the driver's seat he started the car and drove away we arrived at the house in just few minutes. I got off the car the man took my suitcases and he led me inside the house. There were three Oldman sitting at the lounge.


Morning babies❤️❤️

I am going to the town now so I will dropp when I come back.

~love you ❤️💐


isithembu:The polygamy
insert 6
"The following day : lobola day"
*Neliswa's household.*
neliswa:mama I am nervous.
her mom:no baby you will be fine.
neliswa:how mama because I don't know that man , do you know that if I marry this guy I won't be able to fulfill my dreams mama my goals this is not the life I desired as a little girl
her mom:you will be fine. now turn around I have to zip your dress.

-she turned around her mother zipped her dress she fixed the doek on her head then she covered herself with a blanket. tears were flowing down her cheeks she is so heartbroken but she had to agree or else her father would disown her.
"mpondo nyawuza thahla ndayeni " those are the clan praises of neliswa's they were said by lubanzi's family. After saying this neliswa's father and uncles went outside to open the gate for them.
*The lobola negotiation was successful after the tshawe family were served food by neliswa and her other cousins they left , neliswa was told that she will be fetched tommorow to go and stay with her husband. *

Neliswa's POV
hey you all my name is neliswa ndamase I am 25 years old I am a doctor i am forcefully married to lubanzi Dyosi , I never saw him in my whole entire life I wonder where my dad heard about him do you know the worse part about this is that I am the second wife this makes me want to kill myself.

mzala: mzala I think you should think about this positive.
neliswa:what do you mean?
mzala:mntase what if he is your soulmate, you have been single for quite sometime now.
neliswa:no my dad sold me because he is greedy babes mna I was going to find my own soulmate at the right time mzala but your uncle decided to sell me like a jacket cabanga. let's pack these clothes mntase I am tired I want to sleep.

*After we were done with packing my clothes we changed to pyjamas then we got on the bed and dozed off it has been a long day.


Isithembu:The polygamy
insert 5
Lubanzi's POV
I took another car and drove to the airport after some time I arrived I putd their suitcases on the booth then we got inside and drove away.

tamnci:mntanam hayi I salute you what you did is only done by realman.
lubanzi:tata I am the real man I will do everything to make sure that my father's legacy don't die.
tamnci 2:hayi drive faster ndoda we are tired tommorow is a big day.

* I drove faster we got home tata was not in the car obviously he woke up we got inside the house tata was watching TV.

tamnci 1and 2:mntakwethu. tshawe.
tata:matshawe wakowethu.

*They are happy to see each other so now I will have to be a wife Sana I have to cook but don't worry guys I know my job in the kitchen, I went to the kitchen I took the ingredients that I will need but damn I am still thinking about that lady I wonder what's her name hay why do I think about her while I have the most gorgeous lady on planet earth. I decided to call and she answered it in just few rings.

Thandeka:phakade lam.
lubanzi:my one and only.
Thandeka:how are you ?
lubanzi:I am not fine baby.
Thandeka: what's wrong? are you sick?
lubanzi:no I miss , I don't think I will be able to sleep without you.
Thandeka:ooh cute pumpkin mommy will come back soon don't worry okay?
lubanzi:I will not worry my love we will chat later okay I am cooking.
Thandeka:okay bye. I love you.
lubanzi:I love you more.

* I cooked the food then after an hour I finished cooking I dished for us then took my food to my room I ate my food then after that I video called my wife we chatted for about 2 hours.then after that I dozed off.


Isithembu:The polygamy
insert 4
lubanzi's POV

We arrived at the club we went inside we sat at the bar the are few people here and good music too.
barman: gentlemen.
lubanzi:man get us the us your most expensive whisky you have.
barman:coming right now man.

*He gave us the Bootle of whiskey and glasses we poured the whiskey ourselves. After hours of chilling here, I went to the bathroom I need to p*e. on my way to the bathroom I pumped myself with another lady her phone fell down I knelt down to take it but my hands landed to this lady's hands i lifted my head up our eyes locked we looked at each other for minutes but she decided to break the eye contact. she is so beautiful with Chinese eyes and beautiful lips. she is so beautiful her scent is something else her body is perfect.

lubanzi:I am sorry okay? ( I held her hand to help her stand up )
her:no it's okay I should have looked where I a m going.
lubanzi:no need to apologise I will pay for your phone.
her: don't worry I will be fine.
lubanzi:I insist.
lubanzi:you are so stubborn and beautiful.
her:I know.( she then smiled showing her Colgate smile and her Chinese eyes became smaller, her phone rang but she struggled to answer it cracked) sorry I have to go work staff.
lubanzi:okay it was nice to meet you.
her: likewise, take care.

*she then ran going to the exit gosh I even forgot that I want to p*e , I went to the toilets did my business then I went back to the bar where my father was haybo the old man was drunk asf guys I paid then I helped him to stand up we went to the car I placed him at the back seat then I drove back home after few minutes we arrived my dad was sleeping no I will let him sleep him because I can't carry him to his bedroom. I went inside the house , I watched TV after an hour my uncle called me I answered.
tamnci:we are at the airport kwedini come and fetch us now.
lubanzi: okay coming right now.


isithembu:The polygamy
After 30 minutes they arrived at the office they got off the car and got inside the building then got in the elevator which took them to lubanzi's office..

lubanzi:tata I pray that she doesn't agree to all of this yazi.
tshawe:she already agreed mntanam, she will be perfect for the clan of amatshawe.
lubanzi:tata you have grandchildren , why are you troubling me and my wife.
tshawe:Mntanam they are not the heir of this family.
lubanzi:you know what tata I don't want an heir mna.
tshawe:okay but mna ndifuna I ndlalifa yelikhaya. ( I want the heir of this family)
lubanzi:yazi let's do this cause at the end of the day I also want to have a little me.
tshawe:okay tommorow it's the lobola negotiation you will have to give me money.
lubanzi:okay I will transfer it to you right now.
tshawe:nyanam now you are a real tshawe.

*As they were talking Thandeka got inside looking beautiful.

lubanzi's POV
lubanzi:baby you're so gorgeous, what's the occasion.
Thandeka:baby I am going out for a week with my friends so I came here to say goodbye and I need money.
lubanzi:you will get your money queen , come give daddy a kiss.
tshawe:hayi hayi ndikhona.
*They all laughed, Thandeka hugged and kissed lubanzi then her hugged her father in law.
Thandeka:bye guys I will see you next send the money now ( she said going outside)
lubanzi:bye.( She closed the door) tata this is great the lobola negotiation will go smoothly.
tshawe: amatshawe asebenzile mntanam.
Lubanzi: let's go to the club to celebrate.
tshawe:masihambe nyana.

* we took the car keys then we went outside to the parking we got in the car and i started the car driving to the club this really calls for a celebration.*




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