Coastal Mail Namibia

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Coastal Mail Namibia Weekly newspaper with an e-edition covering Namibia's central coast. Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Henties


AUGUST 24, 2023
Your Excellency, Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa, President
of the Republic of South Africa, host of the 15th BRICS
Summit and co-convener of the China-Africa Leaders
Your Excellency, XI Jinping, President of the People’s
Republic of China, and co-convener of the China-Africa
Leaders Dialogue
Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government; and
Ladies and Gentlemen
I wish to express my profound appreciation to President
Xi and President Ramaphosa for convening this
important China-Africa Leaders Dialogue. There is an
African proverb that says: “A little rain each day, will fill
the rivers to overflow.” Our presence here today is an
expression of the strength of relations between Africa
and China, which like a little rain each day have
continued to fill the rivers of shared development for the
benefit of our nations. Since the advent of the Forum on
China-Africa Cooperation in 2000 and the pioneering
Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, we have been able to
hold hands in our collective endeavour to fight poverty;
we have been able to expand infrastructure connecting
regions, to increase commerce and trade, and to allow
our people to develop their talents in the interest of
national development. All these efforts reflect our
collective will and desire to achieve shared prosperity
and a harmonious global society in a multipolar world,
where we all live in peace with each other.
Your Excellencies, Conveners of this Dialogue,
With our Dialogue this evening, convening under the
theme, “Promoting African integration and jointly
building a high-level Africa-China community with a
shared future,
” we have yet another opportunity to
reinforce the lessons we have learned from the past as
nations that have been subjected to colonialism. As a
country that triumphed over colonialism and
imperialism, Namibia is pleased with the giant steps we
have made in the areas of political and economic
cooperation under the China-Namibia Comprehensive
Cooperation Strategic Partnership. However, in the
pursuit of Africa’s industrialisation and prosperity, there
is scope for more work to be done in new areas of
cooperation such as green hydrogen, oil and gas. At a
time when our continental body, the African Union has
themed this year as “The Year of the AfCFTA:
Acceleration of the African Continental Free Trade Area
Implementation”, Namibia is at an advanced stage in the
development of its green hydrogen industry and the
supply of critical raw minerals, including lithium, which
is needed for the green energy transition as part of our
fight against climate change. We invite you to come,
invest and assist us in the development of the green
energy infrastructure to consolidate regional energy
value chains and off-take agreements. We are open for
Your Excellencies, Conveners of this Dialogue,
Africa and humanity at large are going through a
tumultuous period of global conflicts, which have the
potential to dim the light of peace and development that
has been ignited through our Agenda 2063: The Africa
We Want. To this end, Namibia endorses China’s Global
Security Initiative, which calls for a commitment to a
new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and
sustainable universal security. Namibia is a child of
international solidarity and believes in One Africa, One
World and One Global Village. Therefore, this ChinaAfrica Dialogue reaffirms the saying that, “True friends,
no matter how far they are, are able to fill your spirit”.
As true friends, we join the Global Civilization Initiative
put forward by President Xi, encouraging different
civilizations to flourish collectively when they break
down barriers to work together and by so doing renew
hope to achieve a shared prosperous and peaceful coexistence of all nations.
I thank You.



Message of Gratitude On The Occasion of My Birthday

Fellow Namibians, Heads of State and Government, leaders of political parties, colleagues, comrades and friends from abroad, I am humbled and pleased with the many messages of best wishes on the occasion of my 82nd birthday. You have been many to express messages of best wishes on the occasion of my birthday. I wish to thank my predecessors, Cde. Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma and Cde. Hifikepunye Pohamba, for their highly encouraging messages of felicitations and support of my work as the third President of the Republic of Namibia and of the SWAPO Party. I thank my wife, Monica Geingos, my children and the entire family for the constant love and support over many years. Let me also thank the media, in particular the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) for the special broadcasts on my birthday. I cannot respond to each and every message. But please be reassured that words are not enough to express my gratitude to all of you for your beautiful and kind expressions of love and best wishes on my birthday. Your messages of support continue to inspire me to serve the Namibian people to the best of my ability, and in the spirit of Harambee as we forge ahead for the prosperity of all. May God Bless You All! Hage G. Geingob

Birthday wishes to Namibia's President...

Birthday wishes to Namibia's President...


New Year'sMessage by Preident Hage Geingob:
Fellow Namibians,
It is New Year’s Eve, a time to celebrate endings
and a time to look forward in anticipation to new
beginnings. With the New Year comes new
thoughts, new ideas and new goals. It is also a
time of reflection, as we look back on the year
that was, on pleasant memories, as well as
unpleasant ones, on opportunities seized and
opportunities missed, on times of struggle and
times of victory, on those that arrived and those
that departed. One thing is for sure, in a year we
were called upon to reimage Namibia, we did so,
against all odds and created a new image of
Namibia; a Namibia no longer burdened by the
pessimistic atmosphere of an economic
downturn and Covid-19, but a Namibia moving
towards the green shoots on the horizon and the
optimism of economic revival and the promise of
a brighter future.
Indeed, we have navigated through heavy
storms, headwinds and rough waters but we
have done so with patience, poise and a
collective sense of purpose, ensuring that no
matter how difficult things seemed, we kept the
ship intact, keeping it on course towards the
shores of progress and prosperity.
After a protracted and costly two-year battle
against the unwelcome visitor of Covid-19, we
prevailed, with the help of our international
partners, we were able to lift all Covid-19
restrictions in August of this year, bringing to an
end the most devastating challenge this nation
has faced since independence. At this juncture,
let me thank all Namibians for their heroic
efforts and our partner countries for their
display of international solidarity. Together, we
weathered the storm and emerged more
resilient than ever.
Although we rejoice at the fact that we
overcame what seemed like an absolute
catastrophe, a sense of melancholy still lingers
as we remind ourselves of those Namibians who
did not make it through the difficult days of our
fight against Covid-19. They are casualties of a
war against an invisible enemy. We remember
their smiles, laughter and company. We shall
never forget them. In their memory, we must
endeavor to pursue our dream of prosperity and
work together in unity, so that we grab the low
hanging fruits that the New Year brings and
take our country to greater heights.

Fellow Namibians,
It has been said that, “Peace cannot be kept by
force. It can only be achieved by
understanding.” Understanding leads to
diplomacy and dialogue, for where diplomacy
fails and people stop talking to each other,
conflict begins. I am proud to say that
throughout the Year of Reimaging, Namibians
across the country have demonstrated the
maturity, patience and understanding needed to
maintain peace.
At the social level, it is pleasing to note that we
can agree to disagree without being
disagreeable. However, when it comes to
national interests, we can always set our
differences aside for the sake of peace and
harmony. For instance, when civil servants
decided to go on strike in August, through a
vote, I cancelled planned visits to Jamaica and
Cuba where I was scheduled to undertake key
engagements in the interest of advancing
Namibia’s bilateral interests. However, the
decision was made to forfeit these trips, in order
to avert what would have been an economically
devastating strike. I called a meeting of key
stakeholders, where consensus was reached
and we held hands. Therefore, we avoided what
could have been the most devastating strike to
our economy.
As we celebrate the conclusion of the Year 2022
and look forward to the New Year, let us
appreciate the fact that we live in a country
where peace prevails. Let us not take this peace
for granted. As we look forward to a year of new
promise, let us endeavor to keep the peace by
behaving responsibly and celebrating the dawn
of the New Year in a spirit of love, compassion
and understanding, keeping in mind that one
person’s freedom ends where another person’s
freedom begins. Therefore, let us go into the
New Year knowing that in this land blessed by
many gems and natural resources, unity is one
of our most precious treasures. It is our
collective responsibility to protect it and prevent
anyone from stealing it from us. There are those
that want to see Namibia crash and burn. Let us
hold hands in solidarity and continue to prevent
their efforts.
Fellow Namibians,
After a period characterized by protracted
economic headwinds and persistent droughts,
there are positive signs that our economy is on
the rebound and that 2023 promises to bring
with it better fortunes. With a projected 5.6%
growth in the second quarter next year, our
economy is expected to perform better in 2023,
than in the past two years. Agriculture, mining
and ICT are the main drivers for this growth and
given the fact that our Tourism Sector is
experiencing a post Covid-19 rebound, there is
room for more optimism in future. With the
acquisition of the world’s most advanced
diamond recovery vessel, The Benguela Gem by
Debmarine Namibia at a cost of US$ 420 Million,
new jobs were created and the diamond sector
is likely to see an annual increase of 45 percent.
Our experts also tell us that 2023 SACU
revenues will show marked improvement.
For these reasons, as we conclude 2022, we
have cause to look forward with optimism and a
renewed sense of an improving economic
situation at the dawn of 2023, and beyond. In
this regard, our country is now economically
healthier and with brighter prospects than the
recent past. The Harambee Prosperity Plan I and
II is our short-term impact plan, aiming to
accelerate implementation of our long-term
National Development Plans and Vision 2030.
The Government remains on track to deliver an
impactful economic recovery.
The green shoots on the horizon, are amplified
through efforts to develop a Green Hydrogen
ecosystem, and the recent discovery of
commercially viable oil reserves. In a world
determined to find solutions to reduce global
carbon dioxide emissions and to mitigate global
warming, Namibia holds the potential answer
through Green Hydrogen.
In this context, the Namibian Government has
taken the lead together with national and
international stakeholders to unlock the
massive potential of Green Hydrogen.
Therefore, the Government established the
Green Hydrogen Council, which for the past
three years has worked tirelessly to position
Namibia as one of the leading players in the
global market for Green Hydrogen. These efforts
have brought home unprecedented amounts of
new investments and partnerships.
Consequently, Namibians have visibly started to
benefit from the low hanging fruits in this
emergent sector.
In Egypt, during COP27, Namibia signed a
landmark agreement with the European Union
to collaborate on the production of Green
Hydrogen and the responsible extraction and
value addition to critical raw minerals in
Namibia. Following this agreement, Namibia
received pledges in grants valued at over
N$1.52 billion, to start developing a world-class
synthetic fuels industry through construction of
various Green Hydrogen related projects in the
Erongo and ǁKaras regions, starting as early as
In the same vein, His Excellency Robert Habeck,
the Vice Chancellor of Germany, visited Namibia
with a strong business delegation of 50 people.
The visit was to reinforce Europe’s most
industrialized nation’s support for Namibia in
various ways, including as a customer for Green
Hydrogen to be manufactured in Namibia.
Additionally, Government launched the Youth
for Green Hydrogen Scholarships through which
60 Master’s level and 30 technical and
vocational education scholarships were
awarded this year. Many more are to come in the
near future, to prepare Namibians to
successfully participate in the unfolding Green
Hydrogen economy.
The Government’s negotiations with Hyphen
have proceeded well and the implementation
agreement is expected to commence in the first
quarter of 2023, preceded by a feasibility study
reported to be in the amount of N$2.4 billion.
Thus, in the Green Hydrogen sector, the
agreements we have signed and the foreign
direct investment mobilized this year, bode well
for 2023. Once funding gets deployed, jobs will
be created, construction activity will commence
and the plans we have so carefully laid out in
this year will begin to bear fruit.

Fellow Namibians,
The discoveries of potential giant oil reserves in
the form of Graff and Venus reservoirs, offshore
Namibia in the Orange Basin, near Lüderitz by
Qatar Energy, Shell and Total Energies, are set
to positively transform the economic landscape
of our country and the well-being of our people.
These discoveries are ranked among the top 20
globally in the last decade. According to
international experts (Wood Mackenzie),
Namibia stands to receive N$500 billion in
Foreign Direct Investment in this regard.
Furthermore, with an estimated production of
6.5 billion barrels of oil, the discoveries could
earn Namibia between N$60 to N$95 billion
annually in taxes and royalties. It is estimated
that the two oil projects will generate over 3 600
jobs at the peak of production and double
Namibia’s Gross Domestic Product by 2040 to
about N$636 billion. Of course, further drilling
work and evaluations are ongoing to determine
the precise commercial viability of these finds.
However, the renewed interest means that
Namibia can expect increased foreign and
domestic direct investment inflows, not only
into the gas and oil sectors but also into the
broader economy, both in the short and medium
terms. This bodes well for the acceleration of
our economic recovery.
Fellow Namibians,
To ensure that benefits deriving from our
natural resources will not only accrue to the
current generation but are evenly shared with
future generations, we launched in May this
year, the Welwitschia Sovereign Wealth Fund.
Moreover, we are in discussions with friendly
countries that possess a wealth of experience
and policy know-how in the oil and gas sector to
help beef-up our policies and regulations. In this
way, Namibia will not only escape the “resource
curse,” but proudly take its place among the
league of oil and gas rich countries that are
successfully managing these resources for the
benefit of their people.
Fellow Namibians,
As a country, we are prepared for our
rendezvous with destiny; a future shaped by
information technology, robotics and the
Internet of Things (IoT). In this context, we
appointed an eight member Namibia Fourth
Industrial Revolution (4IR) Task Force, which
was led by Professor Anica Peters, with the
purpose of, amongst others, conducting a
country assessment to determine Namibia’s
readiness for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
(4IR). Having successfully completed its work,
the Task Force presented its recommendations
to Government, which we plan to implement as
soon as possible. Furthermore, the landing of
the Google Equiano subsea cable and the
accompanying inland ICT infrastructure moves
Namibia one step closer to fully leverage the
opportunities presented by the Fourth
Industrial Revolution.
Given these positive scenarios, we should pull
ourselves out from the perennial frame of mind
of pessimism, and rather collectively put the
shoulder to the wheel with optimism, to realize
these national projects.
Therefore, let us all pull together as Namibian
citizens, each at his/her respective level of
responsibility to achieve inclusive and shared
prosperity in the Namibian House, where no one
should feel left out.
I themed 2022 as the Year of Reimaging, and
challenged all of us to endeavor to think anew
as a nation and move forward with renewed
enthusiasm and vision. I also said that a new
and different mental picture should guide the
actions we will undertake in the Year of
Reimaging. As we close 2022, there is no doubt
that we have been able to reimage our nation.
As a nation, we now have a good reason, to
cease looking backwards, but rather to look
ahead and pull forward into the direction of
inclusive progress and prosperity. We say
goodbye to 2022, the Year of Reimaging and say
welcome to 2023, the Year of Revival, which is
about reigniting the strength of a resurgent
nation, a nation that looks into the future with
renewed hope and optimism. It is time for our
collective revival, to shape our future, one step
at a time as we march towards shared
Happy New Year Namibia.
May you all have a prosperous 2023.
May God bless you all and may God bless the
'public of Namibia.'


Statement By The Namibian Presidency Following Unfounded
Allegations That The President Of The Republic of Namibia May
Have Assisted President Cyril Ramaphosa “in apprehending” A
Suspect Connected To The Phala Phala Farm Burglary

The President of the Republic of Namibia, His Excellency Dr Hage
G. Geingob is a champion of the rule of law and Effective Constitutional Governance. Following revelations by media houses in South Africa and Namibia that Mr Arthur Joseph Peter Fraser had lodged a criminal complaint against the President of the Republic of South Africa, His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa, certain individuals and a number of media houses, out of context and clearly motivated by malice or other ulterior motives, have been suggesting, without any factual basis, that the President of the Republic of Namibia, His Excellency Dr. Hage G. Geingob,
may have used his office, in a manner incompatible with the laws of the Republic of Namibia, to assist President Ramaphosa. The slanderous allegations and insinuations made about President Geingob are outrageous and unfortunate.
There is absolutely no truth in the allegations that President
Geingob inappropriately used his office to assist President Ramaphosa.
The Presidency had an opportunity to look in particular at paragraph 13.23 of Mr Fraser’s statement under oath, which is publicly available, and which reads that:
“President Ramaphosa sought the assistance of the President
of Namibia, President Hage Geingob in apprehending the
suspect in Namibia. ”
As can be seen from the above-quoted part of Mr Fraser’s
statement, it does not make any allegation of criminality on the part of President Geingob, except a suggestion that President Ramaphosa
“sought” assistance from President Geingob “in apprehending” – which literally means “assistance in arresting”– the concerned suspect, who is a South African citizen and who at the time was alleged to have unlawfully entered Namibia. The portion referred to above in Mr Fraser’s statement, if properly considered on an objective basis, simply suggests that President Ramaphosa “sought assistance in apprehending” the concerned suspect.
The details regarding the arrest of the suspect in Namibia on
14 June 2020 are matters of public record. The arrest was executed by members of the Namibian Police upon reasonable suspicion that the suspect in question had committed some immigration-related offences in Namibia. The suspect was, in accordance with the law, subsequently convicted by a Criminal Court in Namibia and paid a fine. Following the suspect paying the fine imposed, he left Namibia in November 2020 to his home country, South Africa. It follows from the above-stated facts that except for those who (motivated by bad faith and ulterior motives) would be quick to unnecessarily read something more into the statement of Mr
Fraser, clearly the statement does not suggest criminality. It also does not suggest that President Geingob may have in any way participated in and/or abetted foreigners in kidnapping and torturing any person, as maliciously and recklessly suggested by certain individuals in Namibia and South Africa. Such suggestions and insinuations are devoid of any truth in their entirety, and these were simply made to score cheap political points.
The apprehension of suspects in Namibia is a constitutional
and statutory duty of members of the Namibian Police who, on reasonable suspicion that a person may have committed an offence, are mandated to effect an arrest if it is deemed appropriate and necessary. On the other hand, persons suspected to have committed offences in foreign countries who may be located in Namibia, are dealt with in terms of the International Cooperation in Criminal Matters Act of 2000 or the Extradition Act of 1996 unless they voluntarily return to the countries they are sought. The President is not a repository of power when it comes to
the apprehension of suspects alleged to have committed offences in foreign countries. Accordingly, the mischief-riddled and politically motivated statements by individuals and media houses in Namibia and South Africa against President Geingob have no factual or legal basis. The Presidency finds the politically motivated statements by some political leaders in South Africa, that criminal investigation be conducted against the President of the Republic of Namibia to be absurd and downright nonsensical.
The President of the Republic of Namibia liaises with other
Heads of State on official matters, within established State-to-State
diplomatic protocols, in accordance with the constitutional powers of the President and upon the dictates of international practices on mutual cooperation between Heads of State and Government.
The Presidency therefore categorically denies insinuations that
President Geingob may have acted inappropriately and/or participated or abetted in the apprehension of the individuals concerned. The above stated facts exhaustively and demonstrably clarify the matter.


Message of President Dr Hage G. Geingob on the occasion of Mother’s Day, 8 May 2022

Today, on Mother’s Day, celebrated under the theme: “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow,” we are provided with a moment to pause and to reflect about the role mothers play in nurturing a caring society. Despite difficult circumstances, mothers continue to shower the world with care, love, and compassion and extend a helping hand to those in need.

On Mother’s Day, we should recognize and honour our mothers for the sacrifices they make to build families, homes and a better Namibia. As a nation, we recognize and celebrate Namibian mothers and continue to promote gender equality through the advancement of women in leadership roles at different levels of Government.

We owe mothers a debt of gratitude for who they are and continue to be in our lives. As we share in the love that mothers continue to demonstrate, I appeal to men to honour and protect our mothers by accelerating our fight against Gender-Based Violence, including ending the r**e of innocent women and children. I appeal to law enforcement agencies to do their work by protecting our mothers. Our progress in gender equality should not be derailed by cowardly acts of violence against women. Let us shower our mothers with gestures that are befitting of the sacrifices they endure in raising and nurturing us. Let us return the love and compassion from our mothers by investing in a safer and sustainable Namibian House.

On this special day for our mothers, I extend heartfelt warm wishes to all the mothers of our nation who continue to solidify the foundations of the Namibian House by working hard for the benefit of our country.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Blessed Easter!


A very Happy Birthday to Hon. Neville Andre, Governor of Erongo Region. 🎂🎈🥳🎉🇳🇦🎂


A quick update on our site in Swakopmund, Namibia

We will start planting Poles and putting up our fence and gates next week..

Thank you for all your support, without you this is not possible...


If you've been following us, you by now know that 𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝗶𝘀 𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗺 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵. Fork n Nice joined in the fun! The whole of April you can support Stepping Stone School, by simply purchasing a delicious meal from Fork 'n Nice. Ask for a sticker with your meal and you will contribute N$5 towards the our School!

Thank you, Fork n Nice!



April is Autism Awareness month!
Today is International Autism Awareness Day and we would like to give a shout out to Autism Association of Namibia for all their great work. We will be sharing more throughout the month.

Contact them at for more information about their organisation and how you can help.

“Together, we do great things”


Happy Independence Day, Namibia 🇳🇦

Today marks our nation's 32nd Independence Day celebration. Our past is extremely important but so is shaping our future. Let us continue to build a greater and more prosperous Namibia.


Fellow Namibians,
over the past 32 years, our country has transitioned from a poorly governed occupied territory to a stable and peaceful democracy. Collectively, we have worked hard to ensure that we overcome many of the ills of the past. Happy 32nd Independence Day!


Dear Residents and Visitors

It's time for us to hear your voice. Today we open our Facebook platform to engage with you, our valued clients on matters pressing you that may be pertaining to our services. Please feel free to post any inquiries or questions, suggestions, and any other comments below.

Note, also add your location or country you’re commenting from.
We will strive to respond to all queries aired, as well as take note of all suggestions given.
Thank you.


Massive congratulations from UK in Namibia to Dr Esperance Luvindao (representing ), on receiving the 215th Commonwealth award.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, as Head of the Commonwealth, recognised Dr Esperance Luvindao, in honour of her exceptional voluntary service delivering free online medical consultations for thousands of Namibians living in rural areas.


40th COVID-19 Briefing by H.E. Dr Nangolo Mbumba on National Response Measures
Date: Monday, 14 February 2022
Time: 15h00
Venue: State House
The Briefing will also broadcast live on Namibian Presidency social media platforms.



Newly elected members of the Learners' Representative Council (LRC) were formally introduced to the general student body, marking a historic first for Riverside Private School.

We celebrate this monumental achievement as we rally behind you and wish you all the success. May you lead with passion and devotion.

Riverside, our pride!!!


Dear Residents and Visitors

Swakopmund will officially turn 130 years during August 2022, as it is such a huge milestone, Council feels your participation is needed in deciding how best to celebrate this momentous occasion.

For our Wednesday’s Questions, Answers and Suggestions session, we wish to know your opinion, no answer is wrong or right, therefore, feel free to answer as freely as possible.

How do you think we as Swakopmunders (Locals and Visitors) should celebrate this huge milestone?

What sort of new unveiling should Council have to celebrate this memorable occasion?

And finally, 130 years down the line what in your opinion will be the biggest achievements to Swakopmund?

If possible, kindly indicate from which town or country you are, after your comment.

We look forward to reading your comments below. Thank you.


President Hage G. Geingob extends condolences to the Kaura and
Mbuende family following the passing of veteran politician, Hon.
Katuutire Kaura
The President of the Republic of Namibia, His Excellency Dr Hage G. Geingob
extends condolence to the family of the late Katuutire Kaura, who passed
away on Sunday, 23 January 2022, at the age of 80.
In his message of condolences, President Geingob says:
“I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura.
During this hour of grief, on behalf of the people and Government of the
Republic of Namibia, I wish to convey sincere condolences to his wife Vicky
Kaura, the children, the Kaura and Mbuende families. May you find comfort
and solace in the Lord and May the Soul of the Late Katuutire Kaura Rest in
Eternal Peace.”
Former DTA President, Hon. Kaatutire Kaura, a Namibian politician
has contributed greatly to the political landscape of the country during his
tenure as leader of the DTA from 1998 to 2013. The late Katuutire Kaura will
be remembered for his contributions to the socioeconomic development of
Namibia as the official Leader of the Opposition in Parliament and
later as Special Advisor to the Governor of Kunene Region. The
late Kaura later joined SWAPO 2017, after which he was appointed by
President Hage G. Geingob as Special Advisor to then Governor of Kunene
Region, late Angelika Muharukua.




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