I've always found the phrase "There aren't words..." to be confusing, because I always feel like there are TOO many words to accurately express my feelings.
I feel honored to have had your attention and real estate in your imaginations for nearly four years, as I crafted this narrative.
I feel humbled by the INCREDIBLE roleplaying that John, Rob, and Mike have executed since minute one of sesh one on day one.
I feel grateful for the HUNDREDS of hours that Mike put in to edit our adventure and make it consumable for the public.
I feel indebted to Kirbs and Will for all their technical work in the studio and with story continuity.
I feel fortunate that Paizo Inc. provides FREE resources for gamers like us who want to have a good time and tell a good story.
I feel proud that we have built a small community of fans and friends that continues to grow (be on the lookout for exciting news coming soon!).
I feel overwhelmed by the incredible players, producers, and fans this campaign has had.
I feel. I feel. I feel.
That's all I've got for now because everything is just swirling. We wrapped the last official sesh of Coda Millennia last night. There was joy, there was tragedy, there was a capstone to an 11-year story that began with a simple 4th Edition campaign about the restless undead and a demon prince hellbent on usurping his competition from the throne of the underworld.
Final episodes will be released soon, including a group retrospective episode where we discuss all the things. If you'd like, feel free to DM us any questions, statements, or feelings of your own; we'd love to share them on air.
Thank you to everyone involved in this endeavor and thank you for seeing it through to its completion.
If I truly have earned the "Master" part of "DM," then it's only because I've been surrounded by the best damn gamers, enthusiasts, and listeners one could ever hope for.