The Revcoms

The Revcoms Revolutionary communists. Followers of Bob Avakian and the new communism. Fighters for an actual revolution

In A Rare Time When Revolution Could Become Possible… is More Crucial Than Ever
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On October 29, 2023 as Israel’s U.S.-backed genocide in Gaza had just begun, Israel’s Prime Minister Netan-Nazi, aka Ben...

On October 29, 2023 as Israel’s U.S.-backed genocide in Gaza had just begun, Israel’s Prime Minister Netan-Nazi, aka Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel’s army is “the most moral army in the world.”

This is a twisted lie he has repeated for over nine months. Israel—with the full backing, funding and political support of the United States—has deployed its army to bomb refugee shelters, homes, hospitals; to massacre hungry people lining up for food; to assassinate journalists and medical workers; set tents on fire, kill babies and forcibly starve over two million Palestinian human beings locked in Gaza.

This lie has been exposed by the death, devastation and destruction of Gaza. It’s been exposed in video after video of Israeli soldiers gleefully and sadistically celebrating this murder and depravity. And now, a major exposure from +972 Magazine, ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza, has revealed that the criminal savagery is systematic, deliberate, and directed from the highest levels of the Israeli army. The Israeli army destroyed homes, killed anyone they wanted and left “a landscape littered with civilian corpses, which are left to rot or be eaten by stray animals.”

Armies are a concentration of the morality and social relations of the society these armies are fighting for. So what can we learn about the nature of Israel, and about the nature of their American backers, from how Israel’s army fights?

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U.N.-run school destroyed by Israeli airstrike that killed dozens of people in the Nusseirat refugee camp in Gaza, July 6, 2024.

Last week’s Republican National Convention marked a further hardening of the fascist base of that Party around the leade...

Last week’s Republican National Convention marked a further hardening of the fascist base of that Party around the leadership of Donald Trump and his openly violent white supremacy, hatred of women, and hatred of immigrants. The fact that Trump survived an assassination attempt two days before the convention was treated as a miracle delivered by “God” by the delegates who came to Milwaukee. As Bob Avakian has said, this assassination attempt is “a kind of social and political ‘earthquake’ that is bound to continue profoundly affecting the situation in the country (and indeed in the world as a whole) as things continue to unfold.” And some of those implications were on display last week.

On the heels of the assassination attempt, the people around Trump sensed a chance to spread the fascist movement to millions of new people. They switched out some of the original more blatantly fascist speeches of various speakers at the last minute to play down conflict and emphasize “national unity.” They aimed to draw more people under the fascist umbrella with a very temporary softening of the bloody-jawed Republican message.

But the actual content of the convention still made clear—that “national unity” is to be on fascist terms.

Read and watch the videos of the 5 takeaways:

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Last week’s Republican National Convention marked a further hardening of the fascist base of that Party around the leadership of Donald Trump

By Alan Goodman: Israel, Backed by the U.S., Targets “Safe Zones,” Schools, Hospitals, Kills Babies and Uses Disease as ...

By Alan Goodman: Israel, Backed by the U.S., Targets “Safe Zones,” Schools, Hospitals, Kills Babies and Uses Disease as Germ Warfare in Gaza

In many ways, the past 10 days in Gaza have been some of the most horrific since Israel’s genocidal bloodlust began after October 7.

Over nine months, Israel—with full U.S. backing—has killed at least 38,983 people in Gaza, not counting at least 10,000 buried in rubble.

Read the full article:

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Palestinians at a hospital in central Gaza mourn relatives killed in Israeli bombardment, July 18, 2024.

The decision by sitting President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race this late into the election year is unp...

The decision by sitting President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race this late into the election year is unprecedented—a serious sign of “the increasing craziness, the intensifying situation” that Bob Avakian has said opens up the possibility of revolution. (from Bob Avakian Official Revolution #64)

Biden was on track to very likely lose the election against the fascist Donald Trump, causing powerful forces in the Democratic Party to pressure him to bow out of the race. Biden’s withdrawal comes just a week after the attempted assassination of Trump and three days after the fascist Republican National Convention s**tshow where Trump was presented as if he were anointed by god in a grotesque spectacle of white supremacy, misogyny, and vicious xenophobia.

The two ruling class parties are at each other’s throats. They are fighting in a way that hasn’t happened since before the Civil War of the 1860s. Things are not going back to “normal.”

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Genocide Joe Biden when he was Vice President, with Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley at Dover Air Force Base in 2016.

📖 New articles in the July 22, 2024 issue of Revolution!

📖 New articles in the July 22, 2024 issue of Revolution!

Welcome to the July 22, 2024 issue of Revolution!


Carl Dix, a long-time follower of Bob Avakian and revolutionary leader himself, speaking at Revolution Books New York on July 4th, gets into the attacks on immigrants and how way too many people, including way too many Black people, are taking up this anti-immigrant hysteria.

Featured on Ep. 205 of the RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show. Watch “Trump Is A Violence-Mongering Fascist. The Democrats Will Not Save You. We Need Revolution!” at

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Biden has dropped out of the race.A temporary updated slogan isNO FASCIST TRUMP!NO GENOCIDE JOE!**** Or ANY other Democr...

Biden has dropped out of the race.

A temporary updated slogan is
** Or ANY other Democrat! The Democratic Party is a party of war crimes and crimes against humanity!


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Sunsara Taylor introduces the new Bob Avakian—Official Biography!
Released by The Bob Avakian Institute

Order from or pick up your copies at Revolution Books New York or Revolution Books Berkeley

Featured on Ep. 205 of the RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show. Watch “Trump Is A Violence-Mongering Fascist. The Democrats Will Not Save You. We Need Revolution!” at

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THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity, NYC calls on YOU to join in defiant and fierce protest on July 24 whe...

THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity, NYC calls on YOU to join in defiant and fierce protest on July 24 when Netan-Nazi meets with Genocide Joe and addresses the U.S. Congress in Washington, DC.

We are uniting with many different groups and people to demand that THIS U.S.-BACKED GENOCIDE MUST BE STOPPED NOW. And we call on all decent people who cannot stand by with the depravity unfolding before our eyes to join our contingent.

Ask yourself: What kind of system slaughters children by the tens of thousands and treats their ex*****oner as a respected guest of honor? A CRIMINAL system that needs to be overthrown!

If you can’t stand the world the way it is and want to put a STOP to genocidal imperialist wars and all the other atrocities perpetrated by this system, join the Revcom Corps For The Emancipation Of Humanity contingent!

No Fascist Trump! No Genocide Joe! This Whole Damn System’s Got to Go!
We Need and We Demand Revolution For A Whole New Way to Live, A Fundamentally Different System

Reserve your space & more info, Message us or call 917-969-2146

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What happened at the Donald Trump rally on Saturday, July 13 is a very big deal that is bound to have all kinds of major implications and consequences, in terms of developments in this country (and the world as a whole).

This has to be taken very seriously. Here are four truths that must be said about this now, as we continue to analyze rapidly unfolding events.

Featured on Ep. 205 of the RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show. Watch “Trump Is A Violence-Mongering Fascist. The Democrats Will Not Save You. We Need Revolution!” at

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Check out this rap from Sunsara Taylor in response to the parade of Black Christian fascists and bootlickers on the stage of the Republican National Convention.

Is it a bop?

Comment your favorite line
Get with the revolution!

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One of the most outrageous things about the Republican National Convention was the full-throated Christian fascism that was proclaimed by almost every speaker. It’s tempting to dismiss this as just lunacy—and it IS lunatic—but it is also deadly dangerous. What has given rise to this, and just how far is this likely to go?

Bob Avakian has been analyzing deeply and warning against the danger of fascism, and of Christian fascism, for at least two decades—the roots of this and how it needs to be taken on. In this segment of the Bob Avakian Interviews, he gets into economic and social changes that have happened in recent decades that have fueled the rise of fascism—especially Christian fascism—which was very much on display at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Featured on Ep. 205 of the RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show. Watch “Trump Is A Violence-Mongering Fascist. The Democrats Will Not Save You. We Need Revolution!” at

Read: revcom[dot]us

Episode 205 of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show starts soon!“Trump Is A Violence-Mongering Fascist. The Democrats ...

Episode 205 of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show starts soon!

“Trump Is A Violence-Mongering Fascist. The Democrats Will Not Save You. We Need Revolution!”

Trump Is A Violence-Mongering Fascist. The Democrats Will Not Save You. We Need Revolution!

The RNC fascists are spewing anti-immigrant LIES and RACISM about immigrant “crimes,” no different from how Hi**er and t...

The RNC fascists are spewing anti-immigrant LIES and RACISM about immigrant “crimes,” no different from how Hi**er and the N***s talked about “Jewish crimes.”

Bob Avakian called this s**t out back in April in his social media dispatch 26:

Follow Bob Avakian Official for crucial revolutionary leadership in these intense times!

Read: revcom[dot]us

Del Grupo de Escritores en Temas Ambientales de Centroamérica hasta los países mediterráneos de Europa y...

Del Grupo de Escritores en Temas Ambientales de
Desde Centroamérica hasta los países mediterráneos de Europa y el norte de África... desde India hasta el Medio Oriente y desde Estados Unidos hasta México... gran parte del planeta está bajo las garras de olas de calor mortales. Estas olas de calor globales ya han dejado miles de mu***os este año, incluidas más de 1.300 personas en Arabia Saudita durante el Hajj, o peregrinación islámica a La Meca. En India, una ola de calor que dura meses ha dejado cientos de mu***os, ha afectado a más de 40.000 con insolación y está provocando una peligrosa escasez de agua.

En México, que ha estado bajo un calor sofocante desde marzo, al menos 125 personas han mu**to y miles más sufrieron insolación a finales de mayo y junio. Las temperaturas alcanzaron los 52 grados Celsius (125 grados Fahrenheit) el 13 de junio, el día más caluroso jamás registrado en México en el mes de junio. Un estudio reciente realizado por científicos climáticos de World Weather Attribution (WWA) encontró que esta ola de calor en México y gran parte de Centroamérica era 35 VECES MÁS PROBABLE debido al cambio climático causado por los seres humanos.

En total, casi CINCO MIL MILLONES (¡!) DE PERSONAS estaban obligadas a soportar temperaturas extremas en junio, lo que llevó a muchos al borde de lo que los seres humanos pueden sobrevivir....

Intentando escapar del calor en un relleno de basura a las afueras de Jammu, India, 19 de junio de 2024.

Eric Garner was murdered by NYPD 10 years ago today.There is the potential for something of unprecedented beauty to aris...

Eric Garner was murdered by NYPD 10 years ago today.

There is the potential for something of unprecedented beauty to arise out of unspeakable ugliness: Black people playing a crucial role in putting an end, at long last, to this system which has, for so long, not just exploited but dehumanized, terrorized and tormented them in a thousand ways—putting an end to this in the only way it can be done—by fighting to emancipate humanity, to put an end to the long night in which human society has been divided into masters and slaves, and the masses of humanity have been lashed, beaten, r***d, slaughtered, shackled and shrouded in ignorance and misery.
- Bob Avakian Official

From statement by Carl Dix in 2004
“The NYPD choked Eric Garner to death for nothing; nothing other than being Black and being tired of being harassed by the cops. Oh they’ve got excuses—they always do. They say Eric Garner was selling loose ci******es. He expressed completely justifiable anger and outrage over being continually harassed by the police. Now, tell me when did those socalled crimes become capital offenses where a pig can choke you to death in plain sight and full view? Let’s face it: every time they murder a Black person, they call it ‘justifiable homicide.’

“When killer cops almost always get away with murder, there is a SYSTEM behind it. And I see now some of these pigs are posting on their ‘police officer’ websites that people like Eric Garner are ‘savages’ who deserve to die. This is a system with a genocidal agenda at home that enforces oppression and mass murder all around the world—like they’re doing now backing their enforcer Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinians. It is a system that needs to be gotten rid of through revolution as soon as possible.”

In messages Fifty-One through Fifty-Four, I examined some crucial historical experience of communist revolution, and the...

In messages Fifty-One through Fifty-Four, I examined some crucial historical experience of communist revolution, and the application of basic principles and methods of revolutionary strategy and tactics, in speaking to why it became necessary to vote for Biden in 2020—and why it would be very wrong and harmful to vote for Biden (or Trump) in the election this year (2024). Since this covered a lot of ground, and dealt with a number of complex contradictions, the following is a summation of essential points.

* There can be times and situations when it is necessary, in the course of working for an actual revolution, to adopt policies and take actions which are in unity with, or objectively support or aid, bourgeois and reactionary forces. However, this must be done not by abandoning the strategic orientation of working for revolution, but instead by handling contradictions in a way that actually advances the revolution overall. I spoke to this in message number Fifty-Two.

* In the extraordinary circumstances of 2020, it became necessary, as a tactic, to vote for Biden in that election, to prevent further consolidation right then of the fascism represented and spearheaded by Trump (who lost the election but then nearly succeeded in pulling off a coup to remain in power). I got into this particularly in message number Fifty-Three.

* In message number Fifty-Four, I spoke to why it would be terribly wrong and very harmful to vote in the upcoming election this year:

Voting in the election this time would not simply mean enacting once more the repeated ritual of voting for the “lesser evil” Democrats (or, in the case of some, actually voting for the “greater” evil, Trump, out of disgust with Biden/the Democrats). Arguing for voting in this election would in essence make a principle of getting drawn into the deadly trap of voting for this system (which is really what these elections represent). It would greatly reinforce the already powerful pull that—however much people become alienated from, and even rise up in resistance against, this system and the atrocities it continually perpetrates— they will never break out of the confines of this system, because every few years they will get drawn back into accepting the terms of this system, and “validating” its monstrous crimes, by taking part in its elections.

* Not only is voting for Biden this time terribly wrong in principle and would have very bad consequences, but as a practical matter it could not provide any assurance of preventing Trump from taking power. This time, the Republicans are even more firmly consolidated in their unity with Trump that the only acceptable outcome of the upcoming election is a victory for Trump—and any other outcome (a win by Biden) will not be allowed. And they are continuing to whip up a fanatical mass of mindless fascists around this basic position.

* To quote a crucial part of an earlier message (number Eight):

The country as a whole is being torn apart by divisions that can no longer be covered over and things can no longer be held together in the way they have been for generations.

Everything will very likely be coming to a head and coming up for grabs this year, 2024, with the presidential election this year a sharp focus of the fight between the dominating ruling class parties—Democrats and Republicans—a fight that is very likely to break all out of the bounds of the “normal way” they exercise power over the people, and keep their whole murderous system going.

* This whole situation could lead to armed clashes between the opposing sections of the ruling class, which could even develop into large-scale military confrontation—a new kind of civil war.

* All the institutions of this system would be profoundly affected by this whole situation, with a real possibility of these institutions splitting apart. All of these institutions are illegitimate—they serve to enforce this monstrous system of capitalism-imperialism and its continuing crimes against humanity and destruction of people and the environment, here and in the world as a whole. The splitting apart of these institutions would add a very favorable dimension to the struggle for an actual revolution.

* Again from message number Eight:

This kind of deep division—and especially this bitter antagonism among the powers-that-be—has not been seen in this country since the time of the Civil War way back in the 1860s.

This is not a time to be siding with one group of oppressors or another. This is a rare time—a very rare opening—a chance that may come only once in a lifetime—a chance to take advantage of the deep divisions among the ruling oppressors and go after their whole system, with the aim of bringing the whole thing down, and putting something much better in its place.

* Everyone who hates the injustices and atrocities constantly perpetrated by both Democrats and Republicans, in enforcing the interests of this system of capitalism-imperialism, needs to join with us— the revcoms (revolutionary communists)—now, and in an ongoing way, in bringing out sharply the reality of what is happening, and why, and bringing alive revolution as the only positive solution to all this; winning masses of people, from every part of society, to break with this whole system and become part of the organized forces actively working for this revolution; building up the basis to go for the whole thing, with a real chance to win.

* Becoming part of and working urgently for that revolution, now, is what is required in order to really meaningfully oppose both the deranged and dangerous fascism represented by Trump, and the very real horror represented by Genocide Joe Biden and the destructive violence he has wielded, and threatens, in asserting the depraved interests of this system. Actively working for this revolution is the only means to sweep away this system as a whole, which is the source of very real madness and suffering all these politicians represent and seek to enforce, by truly monstrous means.

* Once more, concentrating a basic point of strategic orientation and practical approach in this “rare time” we are living in now, when revolution is not only urgently necessary but is actually possible:

NO Fascist Trump! NO Genocide Joe!

The Whole Damn System’s Got To Go!
Reposted from Bob Avakian Official at Substack.

Revolution 55

Free Iran's Political Prisoners NOW - International Emergency Campaign:Activist Sharifeh Mohammadi was arbitrarily and s...

Free Iran's Political Prisoners NOW - International Emergency Campaign:
Activist Sharifeh Mohammadi was arbitrarily and suddenly sentenced to death by the Islamic Republic of Iran on July 4. In the days since, there has been widespread protest against this vile injustice by broad sections of society inside and outside Iran, especially heroic are actions by other political prisoners.

Inside the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran, 85 political prisoners refused food on July 11 to protest the death sentence of activist Sharifeh Mohammadi—30 in the women’s ward and 55 in two men’s wards. Two days earlier, 16 women political prisoners signed a letter against Sharifeh’s death sentence that warns of the danger it represents. Participants in the “Tuesday No to Execution” weekly hunger strike in 9 prisons across Iran also messaged, “One of the allegations against Sharifeh Mohammadi is that she distributed leaflets declaring ‘No to ex*****on’; trying to stop the ex*****on machine is not only not a crime but should become a public demand.” These collective actions and statements to stand with Sharifeh are being organized in the face of great risks by Iran’s vengefully repressive regime.

Read the full article:


Activist Sharifeh Mohammadi was arbitrarily and suddenly sentenced to death by the Islamic Republic of Iran on July 4.


Pigs just murdered 42 year old Black man Samuel Sharpe Jr right outside the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee... while Tim Scott says “America’s not a racist country.” Watch Rafael Kadaris on what happned and why we need REVOLUTION – NOTHING LESS!

Message us to join up with the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity.



Thursday, July 18 at Revolution Books, NYC:Stop the Genocide in Gaza, Why We Must Protest Netan-Nazi in Washington DC......

Thursday, July 18 at Revolution Books, NYC:
Stop the Genocide in Gaza, Why We Must Protest Netan-Nazi in Washington DC...

In-person event—Join the discussion with writer Alan Goodman and THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity


Sign Up by TODAY, Tuesday, July 16REVOLUTION SCHOOLFour sessions, one per week, online (or in-person)Go to https://revco...

Sign Up by TODAY, Tuesday, July 16
Four sessions, one per week, online (or in-person)

Go to
Fill out the registration formstack— include when you are available to participate. Message us with any questions.


Read the full statement 👇🏾

Read the full statement 👇🏾

On the attempted assassination of Donald Trump: Four important truths, from the revcoms.

Milwaukee: On June 30, D’Vontaye L. Mitchell, a 43-year-old Black man, was savagely murdered in broad daylight in downto...

Milwaukee: On June 30, D’Vontaye L. Mitchell, a 43-year-old Black man, was savagely murdered in broad daylight in downtown Milwaukee. Four security guards at the Hyatt Regency Hotel pinned D’Vontaye to the pavement with their hands and knees for an estimated 7-15 minutes. These killer pigs sneered, “Stop resisting,” as they squeezed the life out of D’Vontaye. He gasped, groaned, pleaded for his life, and called for help. One of the guards attempted to stop witnesses from video recording the incident. He taunted them by shouting, “Are you cool with [D’Vontaye] trying to hurt us?”

DeAsia Harmon, Mitchell’s widow, exposed the sadistic cruelty of the pigs who killed D’Vontaye: “They pushed his head into the concrete. Then they flipped his body over, and you see he was bleeding from his head and from his nose and his mouth. To see them beat him repeatedly over and over and over again, they didn’t stop.”

Read the full article:


D’Vontaye Mitchell, left, with his sister Nayisha Mitchell and cousin Samantha Mitchell.

From Annie Day, Director of The Bob Avakian Institute and follower of Bob Avakian:This week, The Bob Avakian Institute w...

From Annie Day, Director of The Bob Avakian Institute and follower of Bob Avakian:
This week, The Bob Avakian Institute will be releasing a print version of the updated Official Biography of Bob Avakian. This is a lively introduction to Bob Avakian (BA) and his work, and a great resource for people to get to know in a basic way who this revolutionary leader is, what his history is and a beginning sense of the world historic breakthroughs in the new communism that he’s developed.

I want to take this opportunity to share some reflections about the significance of The BA Institute, whose mission is “to preserve, project, and promote the works and vision of Bob Avakian with the aim of reaching the broadest possible audience.” This mission takes on even greater urgency and import at such a pivotal moment in history.

Read the full article:


The significance of the Bob Avakian Institute.



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