As a King.
Some % of people want you to rule.
Some % of people want your head.
This is reality.
Being an influence is the same.
If you have POWER, people will want your head.
If no one wants your head, you have no power.
Remember this if you aspire to move the world.
Ask yourself and prepare yourself,
Can you really handle it?
On the other end of the spectrum
If you don't want power, another man decides how your world moves.
Can you hand over that control?
Power is a spectrum,
Most men do not have the work ethic and knowledge to move up to the highest levels.
But for those students who do,
When you know how to make money from the sky and build yourself into whatever character you want to be.
Be very purposeful about how high you decide to go.
Everyone wants to be a king,
Nobody wants the enemies that come with it.