Welcome to the '10 Magazine Book Club hosted by Barry Welsh.' The club meets at least once a month to discuss books chosen by the book club members and to hear visiting writers discuss their work. In 2012 we were very lucky to have several incredible writers attend the book club. Krys Lee came to our June meeting to talk about her acclaimed short story collection 'Drifting House'. She was a charmi
ng and delightful guest. (http://kryslee.com/)
In September Shin Dong-Hyuk joined us to discuss the shocking and tragic book written about his life - 'Escape from Camp 14.' Co-written with Blaine Harden, this book has become an international best seller since its publication. He was a passionate and eloquent speaker. You can find out more about Mr. Shin on his Facebook profile (http://www.facebook.com/NKSDH)
We were privileged to have Yoo Young-bok visit us in November to talk about his incredible life story and the book he wrote about it ‘Tears of Blood.’ Despite his sad story he was humorous and entertaining when relating the moving details of his life as a prisoner of war in North Korea. (http://tearsofbloodbook.blogspot.kr/). Our last special guest of the year was the Economist correspondent for South Korea, Daniel Tudor. He came to discuss hi fascinating new book ‘Korea: The Impossible Country.’ ()
In 2013 we also have several exciting guests lined up including Michael Breen, Andrew Salmon, James Turnbull (http://thegrandnarrative.com/) and Charles Montgomery (http://www.ktlit.com/). Check the events page for details. You don’t need to have read any of the books to attend the meeting. As long as you are interested in hearing about the books from those that have read them or have an interest in the subject you will be very welcome. However, please try and read the book if you can. You can post comments or suggestions in the Facebook group. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Also don't forget to check out and 'like' the main 10 Magazine page here - https://www.facebook.com/10magazine - or the 10 Magazine website here - http://10mag.com/. It really is the number 1 best resource in English for finding out what's happening in Seoul and the rest of the country. There are lots of special offers and you can also advertise your business and events with 10 Magazine as well. Many thanks and kind regards,
Barry Welsh
Book Club Host & Organizer
[email protected]