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Posted  •  ”Navigating the world with both my disabilities and my LGBTQ+ identity has shown me the power of resilience a...

Posted • ”Navigating the world with both my disabilities and my LGBTQ+ identity has shown me the power of resilience and community.” - Laura Drummond

Meet Laura, a shining example of resilience and courage. Her story highlights the unique challenges and triumphs of living at the intersection of disability and LGBTQ+ identity.

Read more on our blog to learn about her journey and how we can all contribute to a more inclusive world —link in bio. ⭐️

  May has had it's ups and down, some gorgeous weather, some not so gorgeous 🙄, family time and time with friends. A bit...

May has had it's ups and down, some gorgeous weather, some not so gorgeous 🙄, family time and time with friends. A bit of surgery thrown in for my rogue appendix. Here to hoping for some more sunshine over the next months!

  It's the last day of EDS awareness month 🎉 thank you so much for bearing with all the spamming about EDS and I really ...

It's the last day of EDS awareness month 🎉 thank you so much for bearing with all the spamming about EDS and I really appreciate the time people have taken to respond to my posts and I hope that it helps just one person feel less alone.
Here are my tips and tricks for managing the symptoms of EDS.
- Buy yourself some sports tape and teach yourself how to do taping. There are plenty of YouTube videos about this and obviously depending on the areas where you have the most issues with subluxations or dislocations taping can help keep things in place. Tricky for those with MCAS too but there are barrier creams that you can use before the tapes if you struggle with adhesive. DM me if you're interested in the cream.
- Surround yourself with people who are good for your mental health. Those who gaslight you and are generally unsupportive even if they have been amazing friends previously are not worth wasting your spoons on. I have had a wonderful cleanse over the last few years of people who have only spent time with me if I have contacted them. It has left me with fewer friends but the friends I have now are genuine, supportive and think of my access needs when planning events or meet ups 🫶🏼
- Embrace your disabled identity and never apologise for your access needs. I spent so long trying to not look disabled and to try and make people around me feel more comfortable to my detriment. I no longer do this and I thank people for their help or the time they have taken with access or whatever they are helping with instead of apologising for taking their time. It's really freeing and it's what you deserve.
- Connect with the disabled/chronic illness community. I have made some lovely friends just through commenting on posts and chatting in the DMs. Ones I would really not be without. Non disabled friends are absolutely awesome but there's something special about chatting with someone who just 'get it' without you needing to explain.

Well done if you've got this far and thanks again for your support over the last month 🦓🫶🏼

  You probably won't believe me when I tell you this, but it was people posting about EDS on social media that made me r...

You probably won't believe me when I tell you this, but it was people posting about EDS on social media that made me realise that is what I have!! I put together all the health problems that I have had since infancy and all the problems that have been brushed off by health professionals and realised that this is what it is!
Without people speaking out about their experiences I would probably have ever got the diagnosis. This is why I am so passionate about banging on about awareness and visibility of the condition because it might help one more person like it helped me.
After realising that is what I had the diagnosis took a further few years of the NHS fu***ng around and sending back referrals, but I got there in the end. I paid privately, but I got there in the end. My first symptoms were age 3 from my GP records and I got diagnosed age 42. So just 39 years of doctors not putting two and two together.

  I think I have this one as sorted as I ever will do. These are the things that work for me, are as follows ⏺️ I am una...

I think I have this one as sorted as I ever will do. These are the things that work for me, are as follows

⏺️ I am unable to keep my vitamin D levels up with tablets so I get a sunbed once a week. This also helps with seasonal affective disorder in the darker months.

⏺️ Epsom salts - soaking in a hot bath with an industrial amount of magnesium helps with the pain and the restless legs.

⏺️ Social contact - I thrive on spending time with my friends or just people generally. I literally book this in for my mental health. This won't be for everyone but it's exactly what I need to keep my happy. When you are in a high vibration then you can cope with pretty much anything chronic illness throws your way.

⏺️ A decent GP. Now this is a tricky one!! My advice here is to keep seeing a different one until you find one that isn't going to gas light you. Nothing stopping you changing surgeries too. A decent GP will listen to your concerns and act on them. Personally I do my own research and go to the GP with what I think is the problem, what I would like them to do about it and have a discussion about it.

⏺️ Stop taking the meds that don't work. My rheumatologist suggests that the least amount of chemicals that you put into your body the better. I honestly don't think that there are many pain killers that actually work for me. I have come off opioids, nerve pain killers and strong antidepressants. And I can say that I am not in any more or less pain than I was before. But I feel better generally because of the lack of side effects.

⏺️ The thing that has changed my trajectory of my chronic illness journey is using a floatation pool. I understand how completely blessed I am to have had the opportunity to do this and that this won't be possible for everyone. However I have managed to completely calm my nervous system. I listened to guided meditations while being completely weightless in a warm pool with massive amounts of dead sea salts. Worth a try if this is something that is accessible for you 🫶🏼

Thanks for reading if you managed to get this far 🤣🤣🤣

   🦓There are very few positives of this condition but...- I do have great skin to the point that no-one ever believes t...


There are very few positives of this condition but...

- I do have great skin to the point that no-one ever believes that I am 44. Now if this is down to the faulty collagen then I'll take that 🤣🤣

- The social media EDS community, actually the whole chronic illness community. I have found nothing else like this in my life before. I never found support groups whether online or in person to be for me. I am naturally a very positive person and I found that being around people who are constantly complaining about the life that they have, are not for me. Don't get me wrong I have plenty of days when I am not my usual chipper self but I'm glad that these are few and far between. I have been lucky enough to meet some of these lovely people in real life and I feel very blessed.

  I think one of the biggest misconceptions about EDS is oftentimes you don't "look disabled". This can often be a disad...

I think one of the biggest misconceptions about EDS is oftentimes you don't "look disabled". This can often be a disadvantage as allowances are often not made for those who don't have the disabled look.

This is where schemes such as the are great for those with an invisible disability.

Another common misconception is that you will get well at some point. I often have comments on my TikTok videos for some kind of herbal remedy or vitamin regime. This is usually met with a comment from me saying "yeah I'm sure that will cure my genetic condition for which doctors have no cure....🙄"

What unsolicited advice have you received??

  When you live with chronic illness and pain and someone says to you "have you tried meditation" you would be forgiven ...

When you live with chronic illness and pain and someone says to you "have you tried meditation" you would be forgiven for having the reaction of rolling your eyes. Believe me I know, I've been there.
However, I started using meditation for a different reason when I started working with I have got personalised meditations for my mindset.
They are literally a game changer. It doesn't affect my pain levels but I do have a more positive outlook and when your mindset is good then you can cope with more of what life throws your way. Give Lydia a follow she's awesome 🫶🏼

  If you know me in real life and not just the   photos then you will know me as a very smiley person. I literally would...

If you know me in real life and not just the photos then you will know me as a very smiley person. I literally would need to have a pain level of 8/9 out of 10 before you would know how bad it is. And that's a different scale to the regular person's pain scale! So don't be lulled into thinking that everything is great because I am smiling, I am smiling because often there is nothing more to do. So here's a smile from the weekend, dimples and all. Sending massive love to those who also smile through the pain 🫶🏼

Taking a break from   today because it's the anniversary of losing my today. 23 years ago. Feels like a whole different ...

Taking a break from today because it's the anniversary of losing my today. 23 years ago. Feels like a whole different lifetime. She's been gone for way longer than I had her for now. It was just after my 21st birthday that she died and this always makes birthdays tinged with sadness. But I try and remember her with a smile and a nice memory. I just wish I'd had more time and made more memories.

  This is a tricky one for   people. But just remember that personal growth looks different for everyone. Personal growt...

This is a tricky one for people. But just remember that personal growth looks different for everyone. Personal growth for me looks like keeping my mindset as good as I can, it means doing online courses to keep my brain moving, it means pushing myself out of my comfort zone and seeing where that leads.
What do you do for personal growth?

  I am not sure what to reflect upon today. Not really in a reflective mood. I guess one thing I can reflect upon is tha...

I am not sure what to reflect upon today. Not really in a reflective mood. I guess one thing I can reflect upon is that I found out about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome from social media. I did further research, went to my GP and eventually got diagnosed but this was all down to social media. So without people posting about EDS I would have never been able to put those jigsaw pieces of my life together and my symptoms would never really have made sense.

I guess if your opinion of and is that they don't actually do anything then you are wrong. They make a difference, they make people feel less alone when they are part of a community, they increase the understanding of those around you and they increase your own knowledge by seeing what has helped other people.

You might say "well what difference will a diagnosis actually make?" Well I can look back on my life and understand why the things that happened in my life did happen. I had symptoms from age 3 but no one put the pieces together except for me. We become the experts of our conditions and without diagnosis we are unable to advocate safely for ourselves and safeguard our health.

So if you're fed up of me posting about EDS and chronic illness then tough, look away, scroll past, but just remember that this could happen to you at any point in your life.

Ok maybe I was feeling a little reflective ☺️ (blushing face emoji)

  If you have a chronic illness or illnesses and you haven't struggled with your mental health then I think you would be...

If you have a chronic illness or illnesses and you haven't struggled with your mental health then I think you would be very much in the minority.
I have struggled with my mental health since my mother died when I was 21. And I have been on antidepressants since then. I have a history of mental health illness in my family and I think that even if I was a healthy person I would still have these struggles.
I am currently in the best place mentally that I have ever been and I am actually debating whether I need both of the antidepressants I am taking. I am not afraid to share my mental health diagnoses which are depression, anxiety, OCD and cPTSD. I was on the receiving end of sexual abuse as a teenager and this has really shaped my mental health and sexual experience for my whole life.
However a few years ago I was lucky enough to have EMDR therapy and this has literally changed my life. EMDR stands for eye movement desensitisation reprogramming, you (very basically) go through your trauma and reprogram the way your brain processes the trauma. You don't forget the trauma but you don't have the same emotional reaction to remembering the trauma. When I spoke with a psychiatrist he said that I would continue to get episodes of depression unless I addressed the underlying trauma. Now that I have addressed a lot of the traumas that I have experienced I have no symptoms of depression.
My advice is to follow accounts that are good for your mental health and unfollow ones that are making you feel bad about yourself or are negatively affecting your mental health.

As always my DM's are open if you ever want to chat xx

   Adversity As a woman I am already at a disadvantage in society because of misogyny and lack of interest in equality f...

As a woman I am already at a disadvantage in society because of misogyny and lack of interest in equality for women. Then there is the of being a woman and being disabled. Never mind the other intersection of being bisexual, a woman and being disabled.
Just under half of disabled women are neither employed nor actively seeking work, meaning that many may not be able to support themselves financially. For those who do have a job, there is a disability pay gap – for women with certain impairments, this is as large as 18.9%. To make matters worse, disabled people are among those hit hardest by recent tax and welfare reforms, and cuts to public spending. So every single day I live with adversity in a world that is not set up for me.
But what can we do when we face adversity? In my opinion we face it head on. I volunteer for and am a member of the Women's Equality Party. Starting today grass roots for change in our community. is the beacon of light in a dismal political world right now.
Also I post on here! It probably is a very small thing but maybe just maybe one person will see that just because your life has changed dramatically due to health, that that's the end. It most definitely isn't and I am testament to that.
This day has been a heart wrenching one for me. It made me think so hard about the every day adversity I face and how disabled I am by society. This is why I am so proud of everyone I meet for showing up and being themselves, you never know what adversities people have going on in their lives 🫶🏼

  I'm a former health professional myself, but as I'm sure with most   patients it has been quite a mixed bag. I have be...

I'm a former health professional myself, but as I'm sure with most patients it has been quite a mixed bag. I have been on many occasions, despite being a health professional myself and had referrals declined and sent back to the GP with neither side letting me know this had happened. I have also been diagnosed with other conditions over the years which probably fit the bill at the time but were actually probably EDS all along.

It was social media that made me realise that this is the condition that I have, aged 39. It took a further 3 years to get someone to listen to me, and then it took going private and paying for a rheumatology appointment to get diagnosed.

Even the rheumatology consultant when I went into the appointment in my powerchair said "oh you just need to go onto an exercise bike and your knees will stop dislocating" 😳 right thanks for that "advice".
As with almost all of the conditions I have there is no cure and there is no treatment so you have to put in the work yourself to find out what your body needs.

If you suspect that you have a condition like EDS then don't let the health professionals fob you off. When I got my diagnosis it made my whole life make sense. It made me realise that it wasn't "all in my head" and that my symptoms are valid. Push for the diagnosis you deserve to put your mind at rest and explain your symptoms x

  Well ironically on this medical Monday I am in hospital awaiting the removal of my appendix 🤷🏼‍♀️ my body must have kn...

Well ironically on this medical Monday I am in hospital awaiting the removal of my appendix 🤷🏼‍♀️ my body must have known that was the theme for today 😂😂
On a more serious note though having a condition like this leads to a lot of medical appointments and different specialists. The sad part about it though is that none of these specialists talk to each other. I have one for urinary system, one for pain, one for bowels, one for skin, and the list goes on. But in reality the problems are all related to this one problem and wouldn't it be lovely to see one specialist in EDS who could look at all these problems and symptoms holistically to see if there is anything that can be done to help everything.

 Self care Sunday When you are chronically ill self care is so important. There are a few things that I like to do to ta...

Self care Sunday
When you are chronically ill self care is so important. There are a few things that I like to do to take care of myself.
First is Epsom salt baths, I spend a whole lotta time in the bath due to pain and this also makes me feel like I am taking care of myself.
Hair blow dry, once a week I go to a local salon and get my hair washed and blow dried. I am unable to do this myself and I have long blonde hair which I love. I can now keep this long and I feel like I get a pamper once a week.
Another self care I do is simply massaging my hands with hand cream. I use a beautifully scented hand cream and it feels so luxurious. It's a simple thing to do but it's awakening the touch and smell senses, you should give it a try.
What kind of self care activities do you do?

    Orange for EDS & HSDNot feeling so hot today so just a quick post x

Orange for EDS & HSD

Not feeling so hot today so just a quick post x

 Day Three: Zebra Strong 🦓I am a medical zebra and today I am wearing my zebra stripes. But what is a medical zebra? You...

Day Three: Zebra Strong 🦓
I am a medical zebra and today I am wearing my zebra stripes. But what is a medical zebra? You are usually taught that if you hear hooves you would think that you're hearing horses, but never forget that sometimes it might be a zebra 🦓 In other words, look for the more common and usual, not the surprising, diagnosis.
People with rare and chronic diseases spend years searching for answers:
“But you look normal”
“You’re too young to have so many problems”
“You’re too old”
“You can’t have that, it’s too rare”
“No one knows what that is”

But also no two zebras have identical stripes just as no two people with an Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or HSD are identical. We have different symptoms, different types, and different experiences. This does mean that one person is worse or more disabled than another but just different and each person deserves recognition and respect 🫶🏼🦓

  Day Two is "What is EDS/HSD?" I have Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS), which used to be known as the hypermob...

Day Two is "What is EDS/HSD?"

I have Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS), which used to be known as the hypermobility type or type 3, is thought to be the most common genetic connective tissue disorder.

Connective tissue is the scaffolding of our body and collagen is the glue that holds this together. In this condition the collagen is faulty, this leads to everything in the body not being held together correctly. This mainly leads to pain, fatigue, muscle weakness, dislocations or subluxations, hernias, prolapses, dysautonomia, bladder issues, skin fragility and many more symptoms.

Day one: May is an awareness month for  /HSD or   /   As part of awareness I will be posting (or trying to) every day in...

Day one: May is an awareness month for /HSD or /
As part of awareness I will be posting (or trying to) every day in May to highlight the condition and everything that comes along with it.
Today is share a selfie. This is one from a few weeks ago when I was going out and is a classic example of how everything can look fine on the outside but on the inside nobody really knows what is going on. Would be great to have some support and shares to increase the visibility of this awareness month.

"Right we are going to an adventure playground what would you like to wear?" "I'd like to wear my dress, purple tights a...

"Right we are going to an adventure playground what would you like to wear?" "I'd like to wear my dress, purple tights and heels please mummy"
Of course!! Perfect attire for an outdoor adventure playground 🤷🏼‍♀️🙄
But I will never squash her sense of style or individuality, I will just bring along suitable clothing for when she needs it!!

Did you know I was a blogger? I write about chronic illness from the heart and talk about my personal experience. You ca...

Did you know I was a blogger? I write about chronic illness from the heart and talk about my personal experience. You can check out my blog posts on the page. I will also link to them on my story. What would you like to see me write about?

Have you heard of the   ? As the infographic says above, the author has the option to finish the story there, but has us...

Have you heard of the ? As the infographic says above, the author has the option to finish the story there, but has used a semicolon to pause and carry on because the story is not yet over.

This is related to . I have a semicolon tattoo to symbolise that instead of ending my life I decided that my story was not yet over. I have been in some very dark times in my life, especially when I was first diagnosed with as the pain was at such a level that it made going on with life seem impossible.

Now living with multiple there are times when my mental health isn't very good. I have however been very lucky to have trauma therapy and this has had a profound affect on my mood and general coping methods for life living with and amongst all the other symptoms.

If you are at the point of not wanting to be around anymore, then please take a pause and reach out to someone, me, anyone as things will change. Dark times will become brighter, and being part of the wonderful online has really been a game changer for me. Love you all 🫶🏼

I've been off posting for quite a few days recently. This is because one of the symptoms that I struggle with daily has ...

I've been off posting for quite a few days recently. This is because one of the symptoms that I struggle with daily has been really kicking my ass

It's Easter holidays and with my daughter off school I feel like this is the worst timing for a flare up. Chronic fatigue isn't just feeling tired. There is no way of describing it for someone who hasn't experienced it themselves. So if we start with the I will try.

Every single cell in your body has collagen to make it's structure correct, so when you have too much of it then none of the cells in your body is sitting structurally correctly to the cell next to it. So that means that every process in your body, from breathing to digesting, from creating energy from food to processing toxins from your body is not working properly. Every single process, seeing, hearing, absolutely everything. So every single process takes more energy and time.

Couple that with /CFS which makes each process in your body slower and take up more energy is an absolute nightmare to live with.

There is so much I want to do and so much I want to video for my social media but "body says no".

A lot of living with is being in tune with your body and managing symptoms but there is nothing that can be done for and you just have to rest. The frustration is real when you are in a up but you just have to ride it out.


 reel coming soon! Photography credit

reel coming soon!

Photography credit

And here we are, last one of the gorgeous photos by  A little bit sexy this one and I think my favourite ☺️Makeup

And here we are, last one of the gorgeous photos by
A little bit sexy this one and I think my favourite ☺️

Fifith of six beautiful photos taken by This comes with the reminder that   "Why are you in a wheelchair if you can walk...

Fifith of six beautiful photos taken by 
This comes with the reminder that

"Why are you in a wheelchair if you can walk?"
"Why did you drive up to Scotland from London when you could have walked it?"
"Well I can't walk that far...!"

Makeup by 

  is a bittersweet day for me. Before having my own pregnancy losses and eventually my daughter I knew what to feel. Whi...

is a bittersweet day for me. Before having my own pregnancy losses and eventually my daughter I knew what to feel. Which was sadness. And I let that happen however it presented. Now that I have a daughter and she wants to celebrate with me I feel torn. I love the cards and beautiful presents she makes me but there is always a background sadness. I see so many photos all over social media of people with their mothers or mother figures and I wish she could be here to see what a beautiful little human I have created, but also for my daughter to have met her grandma. Very lucky to have a mother in law with whom my daughter has a wonderful bond.

So if you too have a difficult relationship with Mothering Sunday for all the various reasons, all your feelings are valid and let yourself feel them. Sending love 🫶🏼

Very exciting news for you all!  It's time to announce another   ambassador for our range with  Meet the wonderful  💘 💜 ...

Very exciting news for you all!

It's time to announce another ambassador for our range with Meet the wonderful 💘 💜 Laura is an ambulatory powerchair user. She is a fantastic model, content creator and blogger. . To shop the range head to the link in bio!

(ID: A woman reclining on a bed in fabulous black lingerie. She holds a vibe in her hand / 2: My name is Laura, also known as Powerchair Queen on social media. I have a number of chronic illnesses and mental health diagnoses. I am an ambulatory powerchair user and use my powerchair outside of the house for energy preservation, pain relief and to stop dislocations. I love to show that women in larger bodies, disabled women and women over 40 can be sexy and have desires. Let's smash those misconceptions. 3- Black cartoon hearts with the text follow Laura at



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