Hey Portugal

Hey Portugal Hey Portugal is a Magazine for Central Portugal and the Silver Coast in English New site is currently under development so keep checking back for updates.

HeyPortugal.com is an extensive website in English, for anyone living in or visiting Central Portugal, and the Silver Coast.


Alojamento Local com Restaurante, localizado em Óbidos-Pinhal. Consulte a nossa ementa diversificada.



Hoje assinala-se o dia mundial da caridade, caracterizada como a doação voluntária de ajuda aos necessitados, classificada como um ato humanitário.

A genesse dos Bombeiros Voluntários assenta no altruismo e abnegação, onde também podemos incluir a carinade, no verdadeiro conceito da palavra.

Neste sentido, hoje também se comemora o nosso dia.

Agradecemos a todos os Bombeiros e Bombeiras que de uma forma desinteressada e de plena caridade, prestam o nobre serviço a todos os cidadãos, em particular aos munícipes de Óbidos.

Um enorme bem haja para todos vós

Foto: creditos Alice Ferreira



Good afternoon everyone, I make no apology that this feature is devoted solely to aerial firefighting. Without doubt this has been a very sad week with the death of a full team of (GNR-UEPS) Emergency Protection and Rescue Unit UEPS soldiers, in a helicopter accident in the Douro, whilst they were returning from a mission. The only survivor was the pilot, despite the helicopter crashing into the water at a speed of 185 km/h.

Only that morning we had pointed out a few hours before the accident that aerial firefighting requires a highly specialized field of knowledge and skill requiring years of education and thousands of hours of flight time.

Many operators of aerial firefighting equipment say that aerial firefighters are “firefighters first and pilots” second. This means that the specialized knowledge of how fires spread and how to contain it using aircraft is critical to being an aerial firefighter.

Finding water to fight wildfires, dipping the specialized bucket slung below a helicopter into water source, low-level flying, precision navigation, and managing helicopter stability with varying water weights and releasing over fires. This requires considerable skills, and bravery and is without doubt one of the most dangerous means of firefighting.

This is not the first time a firefighting helicopter has crashed. A helicopter fighting a fire in Castro Daire, Viseu, crashed on Sunday 20th August 2017, killing the pilot, Américo Sousa, aged 51 years. The helicopter crashed into high-voltage cables, and burned, and the pilot was trapped in the helicopter. The helicopter had just dropped off a GNR GIPS team at a fire at Cabril, Castro Daire. A very lucky escape for them.

Two years later a light rural firefighting helicopter crashed on Wednesday 4th September 2019 as it was taking off from the Aircraft Centre in Pampilhosa da Serra. Inside the helicopter were five military personnel from the Protection and Relief Intervention Group (GIPS), one of whom suffered minor injuries.

And, in September in 2022 a helicopter that was fighting a fire in Amares hit a high voltage cable, in the Paranhos area, and ended up crashing. The pilot was "seriously injured, with several injuries and fractures, namely in the lower limbs and pelvic area". There were no other crew members.

And it is not just helicopters, in July 2022 a FireBoss amphibious plane, from the Centro de Meios Aereos de Viseu, assigned to the Special Device for Fighting Rural Fires," crashed killing the pilot André Serra aged 30.

Following his death we highlighted on Facebook the dangers of areal firefighters namely: This is incredibly difficult and dangerous work and they have shown their worth being the first to arrive at many fires, especially those where accessibility is difficult: Why is it dangerous? - Strong and frequently changing wind conditions - Dodging electricity pylons and wires - Collecting water from tight spaces - Flying in low visibility in hilly terrain with changing atmospheric conditions - The presence of ash - In high heat under considerable pressure in complicated fires

At the time of this accident Civil Protection indicated that in the last two decades, six Portuguese pilots who participated in firefighting operations had died in about a dozen accidents.

When you next thank firefighters for all the work they do in fighting fires please remember to give a special thank you to those pilots and crew that fight fires from the air. They are often to first to arrive at the outbreak of fires and operate without back-up until reinforcements arrive – without doubt they are true heroes!

Our team wishes you all the best for the week ahead

Portugal https://www.safecommunitiesportugal.com/type/situation-reports-portugal/

Algarve https://www.safecommunitiesportugal.com/type/situation-report-algarve/



The districts of Lisbon and Leiria will be under a IPMA yellow warning this Tuesday from 0900 to 1800 hrs due to the forecast of strong winds with gusts of up to 75 kilometres per hour (km/h), especially on the coastal strip and in the mountains, according to the IPMA.

Light to moderate winds (up to 30 km/h) from the north quadrant, temporarily turning to the southwest on the Algarve's leeward coast during the afternoon, and blowing moderate to strong (30 to 45 km/h) and with gusts of up to 75 km/h, in the highlands, especially on the central and windward coast of the ALGARVE, and on the west coast.

Windy.com map shows situation at 1800 hrs but will be similar from 1200 hrs onwards

The Fire Weather Index FWI for Lisbon district is Extreme 50- 64 and parts of Leiria and Santarem at Very High 38-50, so any fires can burn with great intensity.

Be extra vigilant in these areas concerning rural fires and call 112 immediately.

Remember one small spark can cause a large fire



Lisbon, 02 September 2024 (Lusa) - Nurses are beginning an indefinite strike today, lasting two hours per shift, on weekdays, at the local health units of S. João and Santo António (Porto), Coimbra, Santa Maria and S. José (Lisbon).

The strike, which takes place in the morning shift between 9:30 and 11:30 and in the afternoon shift between 16:30 and 18:30, is called by the Portuguese Nurses' Union Association and aims to demand, among other demands, a salary update, the end of limits on career progression and a minimum quota of 35% of nurses in the specialist category.

Minimum services are guaranteed for the provision of urgent and unavoidable nursing care for two hours, as well as for ongoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, administration of blood and derivatives and antibiotic therapy.

The strike includes health centers and hospitals (outpatient consultations, hospitalizations and imaging services and other diagnostic or therapeutic exams).

Urgent and complementary care services, hospital emergencies, intensive, intermediate and palliative care, operating and delivery rooms, day hospitals and home hospitalization, are excluded from the strike.



To align the seasons better with how meteorological records were kept, METEOROLOGICAL SEASONS were created.

Each meteorological season is still three-months long, but unlike astronomical seasons, they start and end on exactly the same dates from year to year, and they align precisely with our calendar months.

Meteorological spring begins on the 1st of March, meteorological summer starts on the 1st of June, meteorological fall begins on the 1st of September, and meteorological winter starts on the 1st of December.

Meteorological seasons are useful for more than just bringing consistency to seasonal comparisons. As it turns out, they are also well-timed to capture the most 'representative' weather of each season.

Although people may not be used to the meteorological approach, in a lot of ways it's the more natural scheme for how we live our lives today. Gone are the days when we pore over the happenings of the celestial heavens and organize our lives accordingly. But organizing our lives around months and similar stretches of temperatures is more true to our modern reality.

Count down to the Grand Festa here in Gaeiras 🎉🎉🎉

Count down to the Grand Festa here in Gaeiras 🎉🎉🎉


👉🏻5 a 9 SETEMBRO
🪩Sociedade Cultural Recreativa Gaeirense
💪🏻Contamos Contigo!
✔️Ajude-nos a divulgar! Partilhe!



The body of the GNR soldier who disappeared after a helicopter crashed in the Douro on Friday was found this Saturday afternoon.

There were six people on board the aircraft. The pilot, who is already being questioned by the authorities, was the only survivor.
Tiago Ferreira was 29 years old. His body was found this Saturday afternoon during a search operation. He was the only missing person, after four bodies were found on Friday.

A GNR firefighting helicopter crashed on Friday in the Douro River, in the Lamego region. There were six people on board and only the pilot was rescued alive. Four bodies were found on Friday, in searches that were suspended overnight.

This morning, the search was resumed and the aircraft was removed. During the operation, the fifth body was found at around 4:15 pm.

Our deepest condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of this young man.


Mais um dia de recolha de donativos e a "Rica" - Rede de Intervenção Comunitária Associativa a funcionar.

Hoje agradecemos à pessoa que quis doar alguns donativos para algumas famílias que precisam.

Agradecemos à CRAPAA por nos ter ajudado na recolha com o transporte.

Um obrigada especial à Jacqueline Branco e Tony Aston pelo vosso tempo e trabalho.

Hoje também foram entregues todos os livros que tínhamos, livros escolares e outros, para integrarem uma biblioteca em Angola, através do mentor do projeto, que parte hoje para lá. Boas notícias Continuamos a receber livros, nova recolha agendada para Dezembro.

Juntos somos mais fortes e podemos fazer muito mais e melhor.

Obrigada a todos os que ajudam a nossa Associação ,Associação MVC - Movimento Viver o Concelho.

Obrigada a todos os que ajudam a comunidade.

Obrigada a todos os que ajudam e realçam o melhor do SER HUMANO!



1st Olympic diploma 🇵🇹 at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games for Telmo Pinão, 7th place in the C2 3000m individual track cycling race with a time of 3:59.150 and secures the first Portuguese diploma.

Telmo Pinão said that he "would have loved to have managed to break his personal record" and confessed that he was "very happy to have achieved the main objective of obtaining the diploma", leaving a special thanks to the medical team "for everything they did after his recent fall and having gone through difficulties".

C1-C5 is for athletes with cerebral palsy, amputees and other conditions who can ride a bike.



O IRA expressa as mais sentidas condolências aos familiares, amigos e camaradas dos militares da Unidade de Emergência de Proteção e Socorro da , vítimas do trágico acidente ocorrido no início da tarde de hoje.

Obrigado pelo vosso serviço.
Serão sempre recordados como heróis 🇵🇹

Descansem em paz,




Às 12h36 de hoje, 30 de agosto, o helicóptero bombardeiro ligeiro do Disposito do Combate a Incêndios Rurais (DECIR), com o indicativo operacional Hotel 16, accionado para o combate ao incêndio rural em Gestaçô, em Baião, sofreu um acidente, obrigando à amaragem no rio Douro, próximo da localidade de Samodães, Lamego.

Foram de imediato enviados meios de socorro para o local. O piloto foi resgatado com vida e a está a ser avaliado por uma equipa médica. Neste momento decorrem as buscas para localizar os cinco operacionais da Unidade de Emergência de Proteção e Socorro da GNR.

120 operacionais
42 meios terrestres
5 embarcações (dos bombeiros e da Autoridade Marítima Nacional)
2 meios aéreos

ℹ️ Informação operacional em


The countdown has begun... just one month from today!

Don't miss it! Diarize the date!

See you soon 🇿🇦🥳🇵🇹

Associação MVC Movimento Viver o Concelho Caldas da Rainha Rua Henriques Sales 36Caldas da Rainha 250036 R. Henrique Sal...

Associação MVC Movimento Viver o Concelho Caldas da Rainha

Rua Henriques Sales 36
Caldas da Rainha

36 R. Henrique Sales
https://maps.app.goo.gl/txbnSvuJDbTAwZpc6?g_st=ac36 R. Henrique Sales


Dia 7 de Setembro estaremos abertos para receber donativos:
Temos muitos pedidos de pessoas a precisar das mais variadas coisas, mas também sabemos de pessoas que querem doar coisas em BOM ESTADO que já não precisam.

Por essa razão estaremos de portas abertas a receber:
Roupa de vestir
Roupas de cama
Coisas de cozinha
Pequenos eletrodomésticos

No Domingo dia 8 no fim de tudo preparado vamos combinar com as diversas famílias que ajudamos para virem escolher aquilo que precisam.

Venha contribuir para este movimento onde a circularidade, entreajuda e educação para o consumo responsável, bem como para a otimização de utilização de bens.



On the 7th of September we will open the doors of the Association MVC, here in Caldas da Rainha.
We have many requests from people in need.
Do you have items that you woud like to donate, which are no longer in use for you.
Maybe the clothes do not fit / maybe in the cupboard taking up space / maybe in the kitchen there are items you no longer use!
We ask for donations in good clean condition please.

Donations required:
Children clothes.
Baby clothes 0.- 24 months.
Bed linen
Kitchen utensils
Small electical.kitchen items.
Food items as we would like to prepare food hampers,:
Milk - Tinned items - Coffee - Sugar - Jam - Tinned toms,
Red and White kidney beans/ chick peas
Washing powder for clothes.

On Sunday 8th September, once we have organized all the donations. We will invite the families to come and choose what they may need.

Come and join and contribute to this movement where circularity, mutual help and education for responsible consumption, as well as for the optimization of the use of goods.


⭐ Para refletir ⭐

Adotar um animal é uma decisão que deve ser ponderada com muito cuidado e responsabilidade. Embora a ideia de ter um companheiro de quatro patas seja atraente, é essencial compreender que um animal de estimação não é um brinquedo, mas sim um ser vivo que requer atenção, cuidados e, acima de tudo, compromisso a longo prazo.

Antes de adotar, é importante que as pessoas considerem se têm tempo suficiente para dedicar ao novo membro da família. Animais, especialmente cães e gatos, precisam de interação diária, exercício, alimentação adequada e visitas regulares ao veterinário. Além disso, cada espécie e raça tem necessidades específicas, e é crucial estar preparado para atender a essas exigências.

O fator financeiro também não deve ser ignorado. Além dos custos iniciais, como vacinas e esterilização, há despesas contínuas, incluindo alimentação, cuidados médicos e, por vezes, a necessidade de tratamentos ou medicamentos específicos.

Outro ponto a considerar é o impacto na rotina familiar. Adotar um animal muda a dinâmica da casa, e todos os membros da família devem estar de acordo com a decisão e comprometidos a partilhar as responsabilidades. Por exemplo, se a família gosta de viajar, é preciso pensar em quem cuidará do animal durante as ausências.

Além disso, é necessário ter em mente que a adoção é um compromisso de longo prazo. Cães e gatos, por exemplo, podem viver entre 10 a 20 anos, e durante todo esse tempo, irão precisar de cuidados e atenção. Infelizmente, muitos animais acabam abandonados porque os donos não refletiram adequadamente sobre a responsabilidade que estavam a assumir.

Por fim, adotar um animal deve ser um ato de amor e compromisso. Para aqueles que estão prontos, a recompensa é um companheiro leal e amoroso. No entanto, para aqueles que ainda têm dúvidas, talvez seja melhor esperar até estar verdadeiramente preparado para acolher um animal na sua vida. Adotar com consciência é garantir o bem-estar do animal e a harmonia do lar.
Se não pode adotar, pode ajudar o abrigo sendo:
🐕Apadrinhar um animal do abrigo
🐶Ou fazendo um donativo



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