Hello loyal LOLJacKers, and our personal friends and colleagues who felt an obligation to "like" this page years ago. Your various degrees of support and apathy are greatly appreciated.
This post has a purpose! We are trying to get Facebook to change the name of this group to LOLJK Podcast, which is a podcast. That we do. That this page has always been devoted to. And we want the group to reflect that in name.
To achieve that, we must send out a post (this post you're currently reading) announcing the group's name change from "LOL Joey and Kyle" to "LOLJK Podcast." This is for Facebook to ensure that we're not tricking our fans by changing the page to a front for a black market adoption agency or a shop where you can LEGALLY purchase ethically-sourced human bones. You guys know how Facebook has always been about transparency and the fight against false information. THEY'RE HERE FOR YOU.
Thus we come to the end of this lengthy and unnecessary post. If you made it this far, why not actually give the podcast a listen! You probably forgot you even liked this page five years ago. What could it hurt to listen to a dumb, dumb thing that may brighten your day a little?
We're available everywhere you get your podcasts and currently have a 100+ episode backlog for you to dig into. WE WOULD RECOMMEND working your way backwards from the most recent episodes. BUT THAT'S JUST US.
Comedy · 2020