ATW Podcast

ATW Podcast Everyone struggles in life. Many struggle professionally, but we all have to struggle before we win.

So get addicted to those struggles and get addicted to winning!


Scott Simons came from parents with humble beginnings who wanted to make a better life for their two sons. Having been raised in coal country, when the bottom of the industry soon fell out, McDowell County, West Virginia, became the poorest, economically, in the country. His parents taught him to dream big, work hard, and save money. While going to high school and college he worked a full-time job at a fitness center before and after school and college. After graduating high school, college, and getting his MBA by the time he was 23, he wanted to follow his dream and goal in life of owning a car dealership.

He is also a great husband, father, and friend to many people. As you will hear in this short clip, he just wants to help people.

There’s a saying that goes: “Everyone has a book in them.” And the reality is this is a true statement and it’s also tru...

There’s a saying that goes: “Everyone has a book in them.” And the reality is this is a true statement and it’s also true that less than 90% of the population ever start, much less finish writing a book.

Mike Fallat is a best-selling author and founder of Dream Starters Publishing, helping entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and influencers write the one story they’ve all been waiting to write and don’t have time to finish in 30 days.

Today, Jeff and Mike talk about the journey of schooling and education that revealed there was more for Mike to accomplish in life. They share an affinity for hockey, the competitive nature of the sport which translates into a necessary tool to use to succeed in today’s business landscape. Mike talks candidly about the importance of expanding your network by simply shaking hands, connecting, and continuing the journey of self-education. Jeff and Mike get real transparent and lay out the roadmap of how to create, build, and how there are no accidents or coincidences in the people we are pushed by the universe into meeting.

What You'll Learn:
• The number of books Mike read before he started Dream Starters Publishing
• The position Mike wanted to play in hockey, and the grand revelation he had dating back to childhood about who he was
• Lessons Mike learned from his very first mentor and the cold hard truth about entrepreneurship
• The tactic Mike used to get the attention of a girl on LinkedIn
• And more!
“I am a best-selling author. I have something nobody else has. Wow! I can do something great with this. Then suddenly, people not only came to me to help them with entrepreneur stuff, but they said, “Hey, can you help me write a book?” So here I was off and running all because of the universe was pushing me out of what I wasn’t supposed to do.” ~ Mike Fallat

Connect with Mike:
Dream Starters Publishing . com

Are you in need of RECRUITING services?  Do you HATE interviewing bad candidates or people wasting your time with NO SHO...

Are you in need of RECRUITING services? Do you HATE interviewing bad candidates or people wasting your time with NO SHOW interviews? Want someone to take this OFF your Plate? Do what you do best, and leave the Recruiting to us! Rise Above HR & Recruiting!

Permit yourself to live a big life, stop playing small; you were meant for great things.

Permit yourself to live a big life, stop playing small; you were meant for great things.


In every human being, there’s a box that gets unlocked at some point in their lives. Sometimes it comes early in life and sometimes, much later. The differentiation in when and how all stems from your focus and more importantly, your attitude.

Jay Nixon is a best-selling author, speaker, coach, mentor, and founder of Thrive Forever Fit Podcast, and is owner of Thrive Fitness Studio. His drive and dedication to excellence started at a young age when he was left with only his mom after his father died suddenly. Today, he’s parlayed what many would deem a chaotic life, and changed his life by changing his attitude and simply doing the work.

I am so proud to have had this one on one time with Jay to go deep into his passion for life. His WHY, and I am PROUD to bring it to you! Episode 21 of Addicted to WINNING!

The 20th guest that has had zero stuggles in life, such an easy road, and truly an "Overnight Success, after 15+ years of hard work that no one else sees" (all tongue and cheek there) Welcome Jay Nixon!!

In every human being, there's a box that gets unlocked at some point in their life.  Sometimes it comes early in life an...

In every human being, there's a box that gets unlocked at some point in their life. Sometimes it comes early in life and sometimes, much later—the differentiation in when and how all stems from your focus and, more importantly, your attitude.

Jay Nixon is a best-selling author, speaker, coach, mentor, and founder of Thrive Forever Fit Podcast and is the owner of Thrive Fitness Studio. His drive and dedication to excellence started at a young age when he was left with only his mom after his father died suddenly. Today, he's parlayed what many would deem a chaotic life and changed his life by altering his attitude and simply doing the work.

In this episode, Jeff and Jay talk about significant loss in life, the journeys through a chaotic life, su***de, unfortunate turns of events, and answering the call to excellence in the direst moments in life. Jay shares one of the most significant breakthroughs of his life that sparked an insatiable appetite for self-development on his journey to self-awareness.

What You'll Learn:
• How Jay channeled the rage from a significant childhood loss
• The reason Jay still carries a dollar bill in a pocket to this day, and what's written on it
• What living in a town of 4,000 people was like and the reality of how most people live
• How giving up certain things and people in life is a requirement if you're going to continue growth
• How a flood in a region of California where it rarely rains completely changed the trajectory of Jay's lifted after his business flooded
• Suffering significant loss in rapid succession and how to cope

"I’m not saying it was easy. There were moments where I had to talk myself off the ledge, but that flood moved me from where I was comfortable to where I needed to be. I just wasn’t doing it. Even though things have been chaotic at times, everything happened for me, not to me. It’s amazing what faith can do if you believe.” Jay Nixon

Connect with Jay:

Think about this.   ** Most people live 95% of their day on autopilot.  They do the exact same thing from morning to nig...

Think about this.
** Most people live 95% of their day on autopilot. They do the exact same thing from morning to night. Spend the same amount of time on social media, playing games, or watching TV.

**Most people are living a comfortable life and will NOT get UNCOMFORTABLE to grow.

**Most people also only operate at approx. 35% of their potential.

So I ask you this.

How much more could you do, and where would you go in life if you lived like you gave a damn? Serious question.

Lifestyle  ~                             Life    -   How you live......                                           Style ...

Lifestyle ~
Life - How you live......

Style is HOW you live it!

Life happens FOR you, not TO you. You see, life is what YOU want to make it.  If you CHOOSE to be happy or positive and ...

Life happens FOR you, not TO you.

You see, life is what YOU want to make it. If you CHOOSE to be happy or positive and greet people, people will likely be friendly to you and return the smiles. Conversely, if you CHOOSE to be angry or negative, people will tend not to want to be around you.
If you do great deeds for others, good deeds shall come your way. Here are two examples from the last two days.

# One: Monday evening, I am having dinner at a restaurant in Tucson, AZ. And a local guy comes in and sits down next to me. Shy me, I ask him what he does, is he local, etc. This starts a crazy cool conversation about how he used to be a welder in a copper mine. He had a couple of days a week off, so he started selling 40 bales of hay to friends of his that had horses. Anyway, he sold them for $1.00 per bale under the “Chain store” that was not buying local hay. His cousins were producing the hay a couple of miles away, so he was saving on shipping. A few years ago, this “Side Hustle” is a retail store AND a $2M operation where he brokers hay throughout the southern USA. Today.

We talked a lot about business, and I gave him some business tips that he hadn't heard of before, which will save him $7,000-$10,000 in taxable income this year. He was so appreciative that he bought my meal.

# Two: I had to sign some docs that I needed notarized. I stopped at a FedEx Print/Ship store and asked if they had a notary on staff by chance. They said they did not. the closest was about 10 miles away. BUT, as I was walking out of the FedEx store, a woman said, “I overheard you talking, are you looking for a Notary?” I said yes. She said, well, I am one, and I have everything right here in my bag.

I genuinely believe that in both of these situations – the big guy up above put me in the right place at the right time, so I could help someone in their business, then not 18 hours later, someone helps me out as well.

“If you can create a culture of self-development and winning, it makes the company run so much smoother, and then it’s e...

“If you can create a culture of self-development and winning, it makes the company run so much smoother, and then it’s easy to promote from within” ~ Shawn Henry

Everything you have in your life, the reality you're living in, is because you brought it into existence with your thoughts, relationships, the work you've done, and ultimately, every single choice leading up to you reading this. So if you're searching for something profound, you'll find it in today's episode of Addicted to Winning.

Our guest is Shawn Henry, CEO and Founder of Efficient Home Services, who serves their clients in Texas, Florida, and South Carolina with roofing, solar, windows and doors, and HVAC needs.

Jeff and Shawn discuss a little about Shawn's past, the true source of his competitive nature, the power of finding mentors along every leg of your journey. Shawn gets real about how he took his life from being the kid no one wanted their kids to hang around, being a high school dropout to reclaiming his life.

Finally, Jeff and Shawn talk about the importance of Philanthropy, the program, and what happens when you focus on every vital aspect of your life by doing one simple thing THE WORK.

What You'll Learn:

• What to do when people doubt you and push you away
• Why it's essential to find a good mentor and the number one quality to look for before you enlist their leadership
• KLM (Kids' Lives Matter) and how they're working with power companies to rescue children who have been trafficked by the foul of this earth and providing counseling, support, and reintegration into society in a healthy manner.
• How the power of visualization and repetitive thoughts got Shawn out of what could've been a lifetime slump
• Building culture and relationships are more important than making money
• How to get anything you want by applying two simple concepts

Connect with Shawn Henry:

Efficient Home Services (web)
KLM (Kids Lives Matter) Non-Profit

Have faith in your journey; everything had to happen exactly as it did to get you where you're going next.

Have faith in your journey; everything had to happen exactly as it did to get you where you're going next.

Our guest today is the epitome of what happens to many entrepreneurs just before they have the “great awakening” in thei...

Our guest today is the epitome of what happens to many entrepreneurs just before they have the “great awakening” in their lives that takes them on a whole new trajectory personally and professionally.

Steve Schabacker doesn’t mince words and he doesn’t waste time when it comes down to doing the work. He’s currently operating 5 companies including an IT Services Company, a Security Services company, 2 Gun Shops, an Online Gun Store, and a gun manufacturing business. The name of his brand is one you won’t forget: SheepDog Fi****ms, named for the SheepDog that lives his life in hopes one day the wolf that never arrives, does. Guns. Ammo. Training. He’s also the host of the Tactical Entrepreneur Podcast.

In this episode of the Addicted to Winning Podcast, Jeff and Steve get right to the journey that brought Steve the realization many entrepreneurs have at one point: start your own business. They discuss the ugly parts of not knowing what you don’t know in business, the effects it has on them personally in their health, relationships, business partnerships, as well as the lessons they learned from taking imperfect action through various iterations of their careers.

What You'll Learn:

Why Steve loves hiring and training people with very little fi****ms experience

• How starting a business is more about filling a need than
filling your pockets
• Why connecting with clients on a personal level is so
important to the livelihood of your business
• The moment Steve decided to jump out of depression and
take imperfect action towards building something bigger than
• A night when he wasn’t sure he was going to live to see his
wife and children the next day
• 3 Big passions Steve has intended for his life moving forward
• Big challenges most businesses face that can be solved with 3
easy solutions
• Why create a culture in your business and establish core
values attract a certain type of clientele
• How a business can differentiate itself instead of
becoming a commodity business.
• And much more!

“Anytime you have a commodity business, you’re going to have some problems long-term with sustainability.”

“The lessons I learned are worth every bit of pain. Because without that, I’m not. We look at the choices we make and say if you could go back in your life and change anything, what would you change? Nah, I wouldn’t change anything. They’re all connected.”
~ Steve Schabacker

Connect with Steve:
Steve Schabacker
IG - steve_schabacker_official
Podcast: The Tactical Entrepreneur Podcast

People With PurposeFocus your energy on creating a great and positive life.

People With Purpose
Focus your energy on creating a great and positive life.

Thankful & GratefulHave you ever had one of those weeks where you look back and say, I am THANKFUL and GRATEFUL?  It cou...

Thankful & Grateful

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you look back and say, I am THANKFUL and GRATEFUL? It could have been for a great week of sales. You are going over your companies goal and hiring some kick-ass new employees. Going on a great family vacation. Or just something that everything turned out right.

For me, I look back over my calendar, and I see names on there and play back in my head the conversations we had. I look at EP 16 of the Addicted to Winning podcast I released with Mike Claudio this week and remembered what a fantastic chat we had, and that I get to share that with everyone. I talked with a few potential new clients about how we can help their businesses. That is what I LOVE to do. That is my PASSION. We are also in the middle of quarter 4, which is our busiest time of the year for renewals and business acquisitions. There are some long hours which I also love.

I have had the pleasure of recording a few new episodes of the podcast this past 7 - 8 days as well. Scott Simons, what an awesome friend. This is going to be a great episode! I cannot say enough great things about Scott. Mike Fallat, next week will help his 250th client publish a book and become the best-selling author. What an excellent job he is doing! Michael Burns, flipping 60M+ in real estate this year, and another great friend of mine. Then we have the honorable Kris Whitehead. I literally cannot say enough good things about it, and man, that is all I have to say until this podcast hits the air. Kris, I appreciate you! Then today, we round it off with Jeff smith and Jonathon Fedora, two GREAT guys and friends of mine.

As I think about what each of these podcast guests brings to the table. They all bring something very, very special. Something very unique that only they possess. Sure, they are all successful, and yes, they have all struggled to get there. AND, yes, their “Overnight success” was YEARS of grinding and doing the damn work. Mainly behind the scenes, late nights, early mornings, weekends, etc. But each one of them has a unique story that is their own. What is incredible about that is not one person can ever take that away from them. No one “Gave them” the success or a handout. They EARNED it. They FOUGHT for it. They STRUGGLED for it.

Throughout my entire life, like so many others, there have been ups and downs, gut punches, left turns when you thought life was going to take a right turn, good times, and bad times, just like a marriage. But, the one thing that I have always said, whether it was me going through the downtime or to a friend going through it, is this. “The one thing I know for sure is that the great big ball of fire in the sky WILL rise again tomorrow, and it WILL SHINE.”

No matter what curveballs are thrown at you in life, know that the sun will rise again tomorrow. There are people out there that love you and care about you. I will leave you will this. You may not believe you are anything in this world, but to one person, you may be their everything. Or, in other words, the great Dr. Suess said, “To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world.”

Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. C.S LewisMany leaders seem to forget that leadi...

Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. C.S Lewis

Many leaders seem to forget that leading others more than anything else should be held in reverence. Being the leader means that you have been placed in a position to serve others.

Too often, I have seen leaders duck and cover, throw their people under the bus, throw their positional weight around, and instead of leading from a place of service, lead from a place of ego when things get rough.

Never confuse humility with weakness; as a matter of fact, it takes great strength of will and character to put the needs of others before your own. To admit your mistakes, to be vulnerable, transparent, and fallible in front of your team.

According to Gordon B. Hinckley, “Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others.”

I hope you are having a great week everyone. Remember to make the most out of each and every minute. At Home, and at work. You can never get it back.


I have not known Mike Claudio for that long. Just since the spring of 2021 to be honest and we really have not spent that much time together. Only when our "Family of Choice" comes together in Dallas each month.

Mike and I have been part of the same two networks of such great people for the last couple of years.

What I DO know, is that I have so much respect for him as he is doing SO MUCH great work!

This work is four-fold. 1. For his coaching clients. Each and every one of them loves him. He speaks the truth, he is at times harsh, but he pulls no punches. He tells it like it is! 2. For his Non-profit and the recipients that truly are the champions, that deserve to go to school in that brand new pair of shoes their families could not afford. Such an awesome cause! 3. For his family - He shows up, as a husband and a father. 4. He honors himself. In this episode you will hear that Mike, just five short years ago he weighed 300+ lbs., drank way too much, and just did not take care of himself.

Mike puts it all on the line in this podcast. But most of all, the message I want you all to take from it, is that YOU are all WORTH it. You are WORTH more than you think you are.

Most people don't think about self-worth. That is very important to reflect on. This propelled Mike to live his dreams, and it could just be the catalyst to help you do the same!

The very moment you "Get uncomfortable" life seems to take a whole new direction.  Doors open up, opportunities come you...

The very moment you "Get uncomfortable" life seems to take a whole new direction. Doors open up, opportunities come your way, people come into your life that you thought never would have. Do the work, get uncomfortable, Life is ready pretty awesome when you put yourself in unfamiliar territory. WIN THE DAY!

There are some people you meet, and just by looking at them, know they have struggled with actual demons and won.  Mike ...

There are some people you meet, and just by looking at them, know they have struggled with actual demons and won.

Mike Claudio is one of those people. He is the Founder and CEO of WinRate Consulting, he coaches countless entrepreneurs on their self-employment journeys. Host's the Big Stud Podcast and is Co-Founder of A Champions Shoes that has donated over 2,000 pairs of shoes to children in need across the United States in the last ten months.

In this episode, Jeff and Mike plunge into discussing doing things that aren't aligned with who you are as a person. First, Mike opens up and shares his journey through college, getting a job in Corporate working for Verizon wireless, making six figures a year, his battle with alcoholism and obesity. Next, Mike tells of a pivotal moment that made him quit his cushy corporate job and take a $100K pay cut. Then, Jeff and Mike dive into knowing what's truly important at the end of the day.

What You'll Learn:
• The value of the golden handcuffs Verizon slapped on him
• Mike shares an image that stopped his middle management training dead in its tracks
• What happens when you go through 30-day quota sales cycles for nine years in a row
• How corporate equips you enough to be informed about selling a product and pays you well enough not to ask questions
• The process required to take a company from $300k per year in sales to $2.5 in under two years
• The power of learning quickly and rebranding yourself in a brand new industry
• Two show-stopping questions that leave Mike speechless for a moment
• What Mike has learned about how to be a killer coach
• The best way to launch a foundation with maximum impact
• How A Champion's Shoe has changed over 2000 lives in less than ten months
• Perspectives on being married and making sacrifices
• And much more!

"When I'm looking at numbers of these businesses. We talked about per transaction stuff, cost of employees, and cost of sales, so I learned a lot about a company by asking questions. Sales 101. But people are like, I need these tablets, and I was like, what kind of impact would these tablets even have for you? I don't want to sell you something you don't need. So let's talk about it.
I learned the value of an employee, the value of sales, and I got that Verizon invested a lot of money in me, and my commission was a tiny part of that, and I'm not knocking their commission plan. I was saying if I can do this here, what can I do out there? Here's the crazy part. I did not have an answer. I just knew I would figure that out. I do not know the answer to this question other than it must have been God because I didn't know how to pull that off. I knew I was worth more, and I'm going to go figure it out."

Connect with Mike:
Podcast: Big Stud Podcast
YouTube: Consulting
Foundation: A Champion’s Shoes – A non-profit organization focused on creating Champions one pair of shoes at a time. A Champion’s Shoes – A non-profit organization focused on creating Champions one pair of Shoes at a time.


So true. Have a great day my friends. Go forth and make someone smile today who might just be having a bad day. You just might be that one person who changes the direction of their life and will not even know it.

That person at the Gas pump, it might be the Nod & Smile while waiting for your coffee today, or that extra second you give to the car to change lanes and merge in front of you. You literally never know what that will do to the direction of someone's life and how it can change them.

Have a great day friends. Make someone's day brighter today. Because you just never know.

Don't react; respond.It is mostly our reaction, which gives power to the negative situations or negative comments by peo...

Don't react; respond.

It is mostly our reaction, which gives power to the negative situations or negative comments by people. If we don't react, then these situations have no power to affect us. When you take a moment to respond, you are not allowing anyone to take your power away or invoke a reaction from you.

Take responsibility for your own thoughts, your own feelings, and actions. In doing so, you will no longer give your power away to forces outside yourself. When something negative comes your way, you will pause, and instead of reacting, you will RESPOND to everything and everyone. You will no longer be a victim but rather a person aware of their inner strength and power.

Credits: Luminita D. Saviuc and Best Daily Thoughts

Be happy because your happiness will not come to you; it only comes from you.

Be happy because your happiness will not come to you; it only comes from you.


"There is no such thing as being, TOO LATE TO THE GAME." Here is the context: No matter your age, your skill set, your mindset, your occupation, etc. you can always learn something or change for the better.

I was talking with a friend of mine who I recently connected with, Lisa Marie PLatske, and we were talking about how just a few years ago we did not do business online. No social media, no email campaigns, no Facebook groups, as though we were "late" to the party so to speak.
Then she brought up a great point. Prior to starting our dive into social media, we did business, "The OLD FASHIONED WAY." Phone calls, face-to-face meetings, networking, etc. The generation today that starts in social media, does not have this face-to-face skill set. This is, to me, still the way things get done by the majority of the country in "Relationship" selling. It is not social media alone.

So if you think it is "Too Late" to learn a new skill or start a new project, etc. Think again. The time is NOW. Stop thinking about it and take action!

Over the last couple of years, I have met some amazing people from every corner of the USA, as well as many different co...

Over the last couple of years, I have met some amazing people from every corner of the USA, as well as many different countries. Grateful for the opportunities that have presented themselves, as well as the ones I have both acted on, and not acted on.

Same with the people I have met. There is always a reason they come into your life. For some people, it is just a short time. For others, it can be a very long time, but there is always a reason that person played a part in your life. For this, I am blessed and grateful. Have a great day everyone.


Business owners and Human Resource professionals. TWO Questions.
1. When you are hiring, do you consistently do a background check on each new hire?
2. If you ARE, comment on one reason you continue to do it. If you don't, WHY not?

Blue Sky Benefit Solutions is YOUR SOURCE for background checks.


In the latest episode of Addicted to Winning, Daniel Blue talks a lot about how strong his mom is, and what a true inspiration she was, is, and continues to be in his life. This was a great pleasure to spend time with Daniel.

At a young age, Daniel realized if he was going to make it in this world, he’d need to develop tough skin and keep pressing forward. Along the way, he took some hard hits and learned some valuable lessons that serve him to this day.

Life is full of ups and downs.  But one thing is constant.  If you keep moving forward, eventually you WILL get to a bet...

Life is full of ups and downs. But one thing is constant. If you keep moving forward, eventually you WILL get to a better place.

We are seeing a lot of issues right now. Take care of yourselves, take care of the people you love and care about. Check-in on them, keep them front of mind. If you want to offer THE BEST benefit for your employees for 2022, just let me know. We have it available and are PROUD to say we do. Mental health Matters


If you had to cut one of these items out of your life for one full year. Which one would it be and WHY?
1. Television
2. Dishwasher
3. Microwave
4. Washer/Dryer

HEADLINE: My Father Abandoned Me at 12, and I Used it to Build Families; I’ll Share What I Built and How I Did ItI am pr...

HEADLINE: My Father Abandoned Me at 12, and I Used it to Build Families; I’ll Share What I Built and How I Did It

I am proud to announce another episode of the Addicted to Winning podcast has just dropped! Featuring Daniel Blue!!

At a young age, Daniel realized if he was going to make it in this world, he’d need to develop a tough skin and keep pressing forward. Along the way, he took some hard hits and learned some valuable lessons that serve him to this day.

Daniel Blue started his career in Sales at the ripe young age of 18, quickly earning 6-figures while powering through an addiction that continues to plague many people today. He quickly figured out how to leverage his ability to earn and create a business. He’s now the founder and CEO of Quest Education, a platform dedicated to showing people how to become their own banks and access their 401K and retirement plans tax and penalty-free. Daniel is the Co-Host of How Winners Win Podcast, and best-selling author of B.L.U.E. Print to Your Best Retirement.

On this episode of Addicted to Winning, Jeff and Daniel talk about some impactful events that led to learning the lessons to grow from impoverished to living an enhanced lifestyle, abandonment by someone you love, addiction, becoming a parent at 19 and the challenges associated with climbing out of dark hole into a star-filled sky.

What You'll Learn:
• What Daniel did when his father abandoned him at 12 years old
• The challenges Daniel overcame with drug addiction
• How his mismanagement of financial resources created him to be an authority in living well and well below your means
• How to redirect your IRA, 401K, and retirement accounts penalty and tax-free
• Why his Mazda 3 is more significant than his Range Rover
• The point where Daniel decided to leave a thriving Real Estate firm to start at the bottom again
• How using your business as a vehicle will fuel your passions to the top
• A network that has kept Daniel on track, accountable, and allowed him to only work with the very best people on the planet
• And much more!

“Yes, we can get advice from mentors and people we look up to, however, it hits different when you actually experience that pain and own it, take accountability for fu***ng up and then you look yourself in the mirror and you’re like, okay, what can I do better, how can I make changes that way I can be a better person? ” ~ Daniel Blue

Connect with Daniel:
Website: Daniel Blue
Podcast: How Winners Win
Book: B.L.U.E. Print to Your Best Retirement

Catch the most recent episode and previous others of Addicted to Winning in Apple Podcasts

Enjoy the Show!



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