Athlete Feature!
(Deo Kato)
In July last year, Deo set out from Cape Town on an extraordinary journey—trekking the entire length of Africa and beyond, from Cape Town to London. His mission? To tell the powerful story of human migration. Deo will become the first person in history to complete this remarkable crossing, traveling from the southernmost tip of Africa, through Europe, and all the way to London. To say the least, this has not been an easy journey for Deo, but he stuck with it.
Deo is expected to arrive in London on Sunday, December 22nd. If you're in the area, don't miss the chance to celebrate his incredible achievement by joining the welcome party—details can be found on Deo's page.
I had the privilege of speaking with Deo just before he began this monumental journey, and his unwavering conviction still resonates with me to this day. It was an emotional and deeply meaningful conversation that left a lasting impression.
, I may not be able to join the welcome party in the UK, but I am profoundly inspired by your resilience and determination. Your journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and really an inspiration to us all.✊🏿
Listen to the interview with Deo here: https:https://www.therunningvoyager.com/podcast/episode/7a181eb8/deo-kato-running-from-cape-town-to-london-for-justice
昨年7月、デオさんは人類の移動の物語を伝えるため、ケープタウンからロンドンまでの歴史的な旅を始めました。彼はアフリカ大陸の南端からヨーロッパを通りロンドンに到達する初の人物となる予定です。デオさんは12月22日(日)にロンドンに到着予定です。詳細はデオさんのページをご覧ください。( )