Goodbye Pluto in Capricorn! Hello Pluto in Aquarius!
Pluto is leaving Capricorn! Everything Capricorn has been exposed. Never has there been such a total distrust in the government and banking institutions and corporations . Even the most naive people have realized that these institutions are rotten, outdated, corrupt and serve a secret powerful elite and not the people. We have started using the term- the deep state, which is a perfect description of Pluto in Capricorn. Not that it is something new, but it only now is being exposed for the collective. Nothing hidden can stay so for ever.
The last time people felt like this was in 18th century, when Pluto was again leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius. They were disillusioned with the ruling system to such an extend they they brought down the feudal system, whole monarchies, chopped the heads of half the nobility (elites) (French Revolution) created the first modern republics and democracies, kicked off tyrannical rulers from their lands (war of Independence in America). So, my dear fellow contemporaries, we are at the threshold of the same epochal social changes which will unfold over the next 20 years. We are starting this phase of social unrest and transformation of Pluto in Aquarius, with huge grassroots, citizens and farmers protests in Central Europe. The people are taking power back…the people want their freedom. What did Pluto in Capricorn do for us on the psychological and personal level over the last 15 years? It asked us to be honest about our priorities and to start taking responsibility for our lives in our own hands. Our inner authority had to develop through various challenges.
We learned to take executive decisions and actions without having to turn to other authorities to hold our hand…we learned to question to authority and build our own. Look back and make a mental note- what did you learn from Pluto in Capricorn? More back bone? Resilience? Responsibility? Maturity? Sure, there were probably way more clashes with tyrannical little people who overextended their authority and power, but these incidents were there so you can face them and take your power back from the bullies. I remember when Pluto first entered Capricorn, i left my job because I kept being singled out by my boss, I could not tolerate abusive power so I started my own business, little by little finding my personal inner authority. I must say I was really strict, critical and serious with myself all these years…but the final result is ability to trust myself that I can do, make things happen, run my life like a boss ;) What is your Pluto in Capricorn Story? Share it for us all? What will be your Pluto in Aquarius big transformation? For sure Pluto in Aquarius will be less heavy and dense in energy, at least psychologically.
There will be more lightness (air)…Capricorn is a hard and resistant matter to transform and crack. The psychological pressure of Pluto there was at moments overwhelming and crushing…somehow more internal (female sign). It was a very sloooooow process, very laborious and painstaking transformation, going back and forth, back and forth, repeating the same tests and lessons over and over, testing our resilience and patience to the limit. Mind you, thanks to Pluto in Capricorn many of us built exactly these hard to acquire virtues! But Aquarius is an energy eager for new ventures, sudden changes, big turnarounds! There will be fast and multiple external and internal changes, we will not get bogged down with one issue for 2 decades, but will jump transforming quickly different aspects.
Cutting the cords with the rotten, toxic or outdated quickly and without turning back. No apologies, no back and forth. Bam, bam, bam! Next please! The most profound and total changes happen when one changes their point of view and mind (Aquarius), something clicks in the mind and you are different, you can easily move ahead and not look back longingly. Pluto in Capricorn changes were slower, needed a lot of planning and repetition to stick. The focus was on one or two big issues which we had to consistently chip away at, with a little chisel, mastering it piece by piece. It was more of a slow job, using all our soul muscles and power.
But Aquarius Pluto is like a lightning storm. Might be devastating but it is fast. Our minds and mental structures will be transformed in a blink of an eye. It has a viral energy, one or two people think it, and within hours or days it has reached the whole world. New fast trends will sweep humanity and societies in waves of change. The group think will be powerful. We just need to guard from blind herd mentality, because sometimes we might be swept into acts and behaviors which are atrocious…think of mobs going crazy, civil wars, etc…:while other times this will lead to incredible acts of collective bravery and power. The power of the many- Pluto in Aquarius!On a personal level Pluto in Aquarius will be about freedom, in whatever area of life Pluto will active in your horoscope.
Imagine volcanoes and fires erupting in these areas which spread fast because of strong winds. But they totally clean up the terrain for brand new beginning, to create something totally free from the past models, totally free from the ego identifications and attachments of your old life. Pluto in Aquarius wants to teach you critical thinking too. Aquarius is highly intuitive sign, it just knows or downloads knowledge, Pluto helps you recognize what is truth from untruth, what is meaningful and what is superficial. You will just know what you have to do in that area of life…
if you would like to watch your 2024 personal video horoscope from me, there is a link in the comments to the 12 signs. 2,5 hours for each sign the link in the first comment