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Faith And Shed We will be sharing amazing content around FAITH, FAMILY and FUN moments as a family..

"Hey babe Faithy O Igogo, I just wanted to say how incredibly proud I am of you. Balancing a graduate program and being ...

"Hey babe Faithy O Igogo,
I just wanted to say how incredibly proud I am of you.
Balancing a graduate program and being a mom with a new born is no easy feat, but you're handling it with such grace and strength.

Your dedication and determination inspires me and many every day.
Remember you deserve all the love and support in the world and I'm here cheering you on, always, and there are many cheering you too.
Love you to the moon and back!"
You got this❤️ 🥰👌🏽🥰❤️

Meet Faith! Faith is one of our UNB master students who is conducting a research study in collaboration with NBSP and the Global Child Organization. Faith is working with supervisor Dr. Ziba Vaghri and co-supervisor Dr. Sarah Gander on understanding Newcomers’ Experience in Accessing Healthcare Services for their Children upon Arriving in Canada. Faith fled the Ukrainian war in hope for a peaceful life in Canada, and this project is close to her heart. The NBSP team wants to congratulate Faith on the arrival of her daughter who is working alongside her to complete this project.

In this moment so precious and pure,A new life and a precious gift came into our livesA daughter's arrival brings joy to...

In this moment so precious and pure,
A new life and a precious gift came into our lives
A daughter's arrival brings joy to find.

Her presence a gift, a treasure untold,
A precious soul with a future to unfold.
May her days be filled with laughter and cheer,
As she grows and discovers year after year.

This little girl, a beacon of light and a prayer answered
Bringing warmth and joy, day and night.
May her life be blessed with love and grace,
As she grows in this world, leaving her trace.

I love you Pearl Faithy O Igogo❤️❤️❤️
You are a true definition of Grace and strength

And to Our Heavenly Father the giver of Our Perfect Gift we say thank you Jesus 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


For the miracle and gift of a daughter we can’t thank God enough.
Our Best Valentine present 🥰

Thank you lord for your faithfulness in our livesSpecial thanks to Faithy O Igogo for making my life sweet, you are inde...

Thank you lord for your faithfulness in our lives
Special thanks to Faithy O Igogo for making my life sweet, you are indeed my greatest blessing.

It’s been 4years of bliss and I am grateful for how far God has brought us.
We’ve weathered storms together and I know for a fact that with you and God on our side we are assured Victory.

I love now more than I’ve ever done my Darling
Happy Anniversary Mon Endroit❤️❤️🎉🎉

A new mindset is like a fresh start,It's a chance to transform and play a different part.It's about shifting your though...

A new mindset is like a fresh start,
It's a chance to transform and play a different part.
It's about shifting your thoughts and how you perceive,
Opening doors to new possibilities you can achieve.

With a new mindset, you can break free from the past,
Embrace growth, positivity, and make it last.
It's about believing in yourself, reaching for the sky,
And never being afraid to give things a try.

A new mindset can bring clarity and peace,
Helping you navig*te life's challenges with ease.
It's about letting go of doubt and fear,
And embracing a mindset that's crystal clear.

So, my dear, embrace this new way of thinking,
Let it guide you through life, without sinking.
With a new mindset, you'll soar and thrive,
Unlocking your true potential, feeling alive.

Faith and Shed, a story of grace, strength and love,From Nigeria to Ukraine, a journey they've trod.Building a life in a...

Faith and Shed, a story of grace, strength and love,
From Nigeria to Ukraine, a journey they've trod.
Building a life in a foreign land,
With dreams in their hearts, hand in hand.
Learning and growing, striving to be better .

But war broke out, disrupting their way,
Challenging their dreams, causing dismay.
They journey with many questions to the unknown
Navig*ting challenges, learning to cope.
Through it all, their love remains strong,
Supporting each other, where they belong.

Amidst the chaos, they hold on tight,
Their spirits resilient, shining so bright.
Because God sent people to them
People who prayed,supported and encouraged them
People who advocated in every possible way to get them to safety and stability- a place to call home
People who gave to help them build again
People who are committed to see that they succeed, with grace.
People who were strangers but become family

Faith and Shed, a story of courage,
Grateful for the journey, God's AMAZING GRACE .
Holding on to God’s word our guiding light,
And truly if there is a man to pray there is a God to answer
This is our life and this is our testimony..

May our testimony continue to inspire all who hear it, filling their hearts with Faith, Hope, and Charity,
May our lives continue to show forth the praises of God for his mercies and unfailing love..

If you think you are beaten, you areIf you think you dare not, you don't,If you like to win, but you think you can'tIt i...

If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don't,
If you like to win, but you think you can't
It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you've lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins


Dearest Ivan, In a world of wonder, you are a dream come true,On this day 3 years ago you came into our lives Blessed wi...

Dearest Ivan,
In a world of wonder, you are a dream come true,
On this day 3 years ago you came into our lives
Blessed with a little one, so precious and new.
Tiny fingers and tiny toes,
A love that only a parent knows.

Late nights and early mornings, it's true,
But every moment spent with you is worth it, too.
Your laughter fills the air, like a sweet melody,
Bringing joy and happiness, so effortlessly.

From your first steps to your first words,
Every milestone, a celebration that's heard.
Your innocent eyes, full of curiosity,
Exploring the world with such purity.

Through the sleepless nights and endless care,
We find strength and love beyond compare.
For being your parents, it's a role so grand,
Guiding and nurturing with a gentle hand.

We cherish each moment, big or small,
For time flies by, and you continue to grow tall.
The joy of being your parents, a gift so divine,
A love that grows stronger with every passing time.

Have an amazing year ahead Baby ❤️😊❤️

Love From
Dad & Mum

God's touch, a masterpiece divine,In His time, all things align.Through trials and tears, He weaves his plan,Turning ash...

God's touch, a masterpiece divine,
In His time, all things align.
Through trials and tears, He weaves his plan,
Turning ashes into beauty, with His loving hand.

In the depths of pain, He brings forth light,
Transforming darkness into a glorious sight.
Each season He orchestrates, with purpose and rhyme,
The beauty of His timing, unfathomable and sublime.

When dreams are shattered and hope seems lost,
God's promise prevails, no matter the cost.
For in His time, the broken pieces mend,
A tapestry of redemption, that will never end.

So trust in His timing, unyielding and true,
For God makes all things beautiful, old and new.
In patience and faith, stand
For in His time, countless wonders are at hand.

In the face of trials, we won't lose our way,Perseverance in Christ, guiding us each day.With faith as our anchor, we'll...

In the face of trials, we won't lose our way,
Perseverance in Christ, guiding us each day.
With faith as our anchor, we'll overcome,
Trusting in His love, His will be done.
Through challenges faced, we'll stand firm and true,
Perseverance in Christ, carrying us through.

10/10 ✅

"Amidst the autumn hues, our hearts overflow,Grateful for the love and warmth that we know.In each embrace, a bond that'...

"Amidst the autumn hues, our hearts overflow,
Grateful for the love and warmth that we know.
In each embrace, a bond that's strong and true,
Thanksgiving reminds us of the beauty in every chapter and phase of life .
Both the challenges encountered and Victories attained..
With tears of joy and laughter we share,
These precious moments, beyond compare.
May gratitude guide us, forever and a day,
Find something to be thankful for, in every heartfelt way."


There’re people who don’t expect good outcomes in their lives. They’re so used to struggling, suffering and seeing failure and stagnation that they never expect more. They never expect that their lives could be better. They haven’t learnt to expect favours; they haven’t learnt to take advantage of the grace and glory of God available to all who are in Christ Jesus.

Yes! Become expectant that God is favouring you. Expect that favour is being channelled towards you from God and men. Expect to always walk into divine opportunities. It’s good to work hard, but remember what the Bible says, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God” (2 Corinthians 3:5).


“Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord
And whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord.
For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by the waters,
That spreads out its roots by the river;
And will not fear the heat when it comes;
But its leaves will be green and moist.
And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought
Nor stop bearing fruit.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 Amplified Bible

We want to say a very big thank you to all of family and friends who celebrated our son Viktor yesterday as he clocked 1...

We want to say a very big thank you to all of family and friends who celebrated our son Viktor yesterday as he clocked 1😊
Thank you for the calls, messages, posts, gifts and most all the prayers..
Indeed the last year has been a testimony of VICTORY..and we know it can only get better.

Thanks so much once again
God bless you all richly. 🥰💖🥰


Why talk about your religion to me, I don’t care about Christianity or what the bible says ? 🤔
Here’s a response I’ll glad to share with you. Please watch.. Have a blessed weekend..😊


Happy Canada Day😊

"You can trust God completely with every aspect of your  life knowing He can do exceedingly, abundantly, far and above w...

"You can trust God completely with every aspect of your life knowing He can do exceedingly, abundantly, far and above what you can think or imagine ."😊

Have a great day family and friends 😊

Have a great day family and friends 😊

Have a great weekend Family and Friends 😊

Have a great weekend Family and Friends 😊


As often as you take communion, you’re announcing, proclaiming, declaring, and making known the Lord’s death. What’s the benefit of that?

First, understand the significance of His blood—which we will forever talk about—that He shed for us; that’s the blood that purges, cleanses and speaks for you when anything goes wrong. When we talk about “His blood,” we’re actually referring to His death.

1 John 2:2 says “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” He made a new will—the New Testament in His blood. And a will is of no effect until the testator dies. So, we proclaim His death because we know God raised Him from the dead. But He died that we might live. His death is the ratification of the will or testament of Jesus Christ, the Seed of Abraham and Son of God.

You may read the four gospels and not get a picture of the Christian life and who the Christian really is. This is becau...

You may read the four gospels and not get a picture of the Christian life and who the Christian really is. This is because the gospels don’t completely give us the full picture of the life of Jesus after the resurrection. The account of His life before His ascension was very brief.

It’s part of the reasons He told His disciples about the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of truth—who would show them things to come and guide them into all truth (John 16:12-13). Therefore, the most appropriate reference point for the Christian, as you study the New Testament, are the epistles.

For example, Paul’s epistle to the Roman church—the Book of Romans—is an extraordinary exposition of the doctrine of the supremacy of Christ and of faith in Christ as the source of salvation. Also, consider his beautiful letter to the Ephesian church; it details how new converts can grow in their spiritual knowledge of God and in the realities of the Kingdom.

Think about Peter’s writings; in chapter one verse four of his second epistle, he said, “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature….” What a description of who the Christian is: we’re participators or sharers of God’s divine nature; associates of the God-kind—carriers or conveyors of the God-life. What a blessed reality!

There’s also the prophetic word on the millennial reign of Christ: everything the Lord promised to the Jews in the millennial reign is what He already gave the Church to enjoy today.

Therefore, if you want to know about the Christian life and who the Christian is, you need the Book of Acts, the revelations and admonitions in the epistles, and all the promises prophetically given to the Jews in the Millennium. Hallelujah!

God loves you more than you love yourself. He knows what’s best for you and always wants the best for you. Therefore, yo...

God loves you more than you love yourself. He knows what’s best for you and always wants the best for you. Therefore, you can trust Him with your life. In Isaiah 1:19, He said, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” The Living Bible renders it in a rather fascinating way. It says, “If you will only let me help you, if you will only obey, then I will make you rich!”

Thank God we’re His obedient children! So you can trust Him to make you rich and make your life glorious. Your responsibility is to submit to His will by living in His Word. It’s those who are ignorant of God’s Word and of His love that struggle and try to wrest the steering-wheel of their lives from His grasp. They haven’t fully yielded to His Word, to His will and purpose.

When you know Him, you’re at rest. You discover that He’s more passionate for your success than you could ever be and will make you submit to His choices and follow His Word wholeheartedly.

Accept His love. Colossians 1:13 AMPC says He’s transferred us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. Have confidence in His love. Dare to believe Him, and submit to the destiny that He’s chosen for you. It’s a unique destiny. And in His Word, He’s laid out the blueprint for your life: how you should live. Follow His Word, for that’s how you submit to His will. His Word is His will expressed.


How you live every day, how you relate with other people, how you relate with God – and the kind of mind you have – these are very important to God. There is a way a Christian should and must live that distinguishes him or her from a non-Christian. Someone may be born again and not live the Christian life. In fact, some do not even know what a Christian life really is. But the Bible says, “This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth WALK not as other Gentiles WALK, in the vanity of their mind” (Ephesians 4:17).

This is one of the reasons churches and pastors are important, because the spiritual life requires training. God brings His children into congreg*tions, church assemblies, and gives them pastors after His heart to train them, teach them, and build them through the Word

God expects that in the Church, every new person that receives Christ, that becomes a member of the Church, is trained in the Christian walk. Then, He tells us why: “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive
“But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ
(Ephesians 4:11-15).


If someone does something that upsets or offends you, rather than become bitter or enraged, let it go. Jesus showed us a good example of how to walk in love. He loved everyone, including His accusers and persecutors. Then He tells us in Matthew 5:44, “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

Emulate the Master. Have the love language and culture. Love everyone unconditionally. The Bible says, “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously” (1 Peter 2:21-23).


1 John 4:20-21 The Message
20-21 If anyone boasts, “I love God,” and goes right on hating his brother or sister, thinking nothing of it, he is a liar. If he won’t love the person he can see, how can he love the God he can’t see? The command we have from Christ is blunt: Loving God includes loving people. You’ve got to love both.

Love is foundational to the Christian faith. When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment is, His answer was: Love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and love your neighbour as yourself. He then went further to say, on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:36-40).

True love is in the DNA of every genuine child of God. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and does not have love as one of his or her characteristics has to repent..(1 Corinthians 13:1-2).


Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck (1 Timothy 1:19)

From the above scripture, we observe the connection between faith and a good conscience. You need both for a balanced and effective Christian life. Your conscience is the voice of your spirit. Your conscience can be trusted, but it’ll only be dependable if your spirit is educated with the Word of God.

The Bible says out of your heart—your spirit—are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). It’s therefore important that you train your spirit with the Word to be a sure guide. Never allow neg*tive thoughts and ideas—thoughts of bitterness, wickedness, evil, violence or terror—grow in you..

Send a message to learn more


The Word of God from your lips is the sword of the Spirit (the “rhema” of God). This an inspired utterance of the Word of God from your mouth. It’s a prophetic word. With it, you chart your course in life from glory to glory. You can re-frame and re-plan your life. You can override the sequence of unpalatable events in your life or circumstances.

What has God said about you? What has He said about lost souls? What has He said about your situation? Use those words to make war and cause His will to be established in your life, in your nation, and in the lives of men and women around the world.

When I count my blessings, You are number 1My Earthen treasure of inestimable value💝Your resilience and courage is unmat...

When I count my blessings, You are number 1

My Earthen treasure of inestimable value💝
Your resilience and courage is unmatched , you are wise and effective in every good cause.
I am indeed favoured to call you wife, Our Boys are Blessed to call you Mother.

Thank you for all you for us and for making our lives Beautiful, We love and appreciate you Mami and be rest assured that I g*t you for life as God g*t us.

Happy Mother’s Day my Pearl..❤️❤️


There’re certain neg*tive forces that affect people’s actions, choices and decisions; one of them is fear. Fear is a tormenting spirit. There’re different kinds of fear: The fear of failure, the fear of the future, the fear of man, the fear of death, the fear of darkness, and so on.

Oftentimes, those who are driven by fear can’t even define what they’re afraid of. Yet, they perpetually live in fear. But we’re never to be moved by fear, because we’re born of God and live by faith. In your life, make up your mind that you’ll never be ruled by fear.

Never allow fear to prompt you to take an action or stop you from taking one. The Bible says fear entraps, but if you trust in the Lord, you’re safe (Proverbs 29:25).


How do you hope for something that you don’t even know exists?
You can’t expect something that your imagination can’t fathom..

Life is limited by your knowledge or understanding.
There’s a whole lot that happens to you when you get the right knowledge, the knowledge of God’s Word..
Your capacity is tremendously increased and you become aware and are able to comprehend the wonderful blessings God had prepared for you to enjoy..




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