An idea for this page has always been to become a place for people to share stories and mental health journeys in a safe public space.
In addition to this, I would also like to offer the opportunity for this page to be a place where a person can share more than just words, but also their art too.
For many people who suffer from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, a way through those times is to put those experiences into creativity and expression. Whether it's music, drawing, poetry, whatever, I want to extend the offer to share it with this group and the people who follow the page.
If you have a song you've written that has helped you through tough times or even something you have drawn that you would prefer to share instead of being in front of the camera then get in touch and I will put it up on the page.
I hope everyone is doing well during this (hopefully final) lockdown and looking forward to the coming months.
Be kind to yourselves, look forward to hearing from you ✌️