What happened to the female police chief when she secretly joined the reality show but the information she kept about the p.e.r.p.etrator's s.c.a.m was the cause of her m.u.r.d.e.r See less
What happened to the female police chief when she secretly joined the reality show but the information she kept about the p.e.r.p.etrator's s.c.a.m was the cause of her m.u.r.d.e.r
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Found the b.o.d.y of the clown in the middle of the forest, but what the police discovered was a plot to p.o.i.s.on the whole city with this v.i.rus and what is the real purpose behind?
Found the b.o.d.y of the clown in the middle of the forest, but what the police discovered was a plot to p.o.i.s.on the whole city with this v.i.rus and what is the real purpose behind?
What's the p.e.r.p.etrator's plan to turn the policeman into the only s.u.s.p.ect and the detective discovers that a pe.r.p.e.trator is a person in the police department trying to erase evidence?
What's the p.e.r.p.etrator's plan to turn the policeman into the only s.u.s.p.ect and the detective discovers that a pe.r.p.e.trator is a person in the police department trying to erase evidence?
What do the police find out about the t.h.ieves' intentions and how do they trick the t.h.i.eves when they realize a secret exit was created by someone inside the police department?
What do the police find out about the t.h.ieves' intentions and how do they trick the t.h.i.eves when they realize a secret exit was created by someone inside the police department?
These firemen had an exciting mission when deal with a horde of dancing frenzy
These firemen had an exciting mission when deal with a horde of dancing frenzy
The boy's legs were completely destroyed, will the doctors be able to save him?
The boy's legs were completely destroyed, will the doctors be able to save him?
The accidental bomb blast in the m.o.rgue is related to the girl's m.u.rder and the detective find out fingerprints on the diary reveal the k.i.l.ler's secret
The accidental bomb blast in the m.o.rgue is related to the girl's m.u.rder and the detective find out fingerprints on the diary reveal the k.i.l.ler's secret
From the file h.e.ist plan that leads the police to the m.u.rder and the detective find out the k.i.l.ler's fake c.rime scene plan with just one small detail in the video
From the file h.e.ist plan that leads the police to the m.u.rder and the detective find out the k.i.l.ler's fake c.rime scene plan with just one small detail in the video
The truth about the girl's d.e.ath related to the relationship with the rich man and the real target that the k.i.l.ler is aiming for was hidden
The truth about the girl's d.e.ath related to the relationship with the rich man and the real target that the k.i.l.ler is aiming for was hidden
What plans do the detectives discover of The Red team and the person behind the serial m.u.r.ders, is it related to the secret that the k.i.l.l.er wants to hide?
What plans do the detectives discover of The Red team and the person behind the serial m.u.r.ders, is it related to the secret that the k.i.l.l.er wants to hide?
What did this man do involving the e.m.bezzlement of charity money that could have been the cause of his d.e.a.th, and what role did this woman play as she tried to conceal the suspect?
What did this man do involving the e.m.bezzlement of charity money that could have been the cause of his d.e.a.th, and what role did this woman play as she tried to conceal the suspect?
What does the serial k.i.ller want from the detective and the secret about their past involves a woman, can the detective get his re.v.enge before the police arrive?
What does the serial k.i.ller want from the detective and the secret about their past involves a woman, can the detective get his re.v.enge before the police arrive?
What happened to this girl and the real purpose of the p.e.r.p.e.trator when the police discovered a script and sketch of the s.u.spect that did not exist in real life?
What happened to this girl and the real purpose of the p.e.r.p.e.trator when the police discovered a script and sketch of the s.u.spect that did not exist in real life?
What's the k.i.l.l.er's purpose when the woman's possessions will be left to her lovely dog and the secret plan of the building's design when the k.i.l.l.er tried to erase the evidence
What's the k.i.l.l.er's purpose when the woman's possessions will be left to her lovely dog and the secret plan of the building's design when the k.i.l.l.er tried to erase the evidence
What happened to this girl and the real purpose of the p.e.r.p.e.trator when the police discovered a script and sketch of the s.u.spect that did not exist in real life?
What happened to this girl and the real purpose of the p.e.r.p.e.trator when the police discovered a script and sketch of the s.u.spect that did not exist in real life?
What does the p.o.isoning of the beehives related to the k.i.d.napping and the police discover something strange about the robe that proves p.e.r.p.etrator's c.r.i.me?
What does the p.o.isoning of the beehives related to the k.i.d.napping and the police discover something strange about the robe that proves p.e.r.p.etrator's c.r.i.me?
A professor with cancer cell research committed s.u.i.c.i.d.e in his home. But Sherlock Holmes saw the truth behind, and determined to find the culprit
A professor with cancer cell research committed s.u.i.c.i.d.e in his home. But Sherlock Holmes saw the truth behind, and determined to find the culprit
Who is really behind this mysterious murder see Sherlock Holmes's answer
Who is really behind this mysterious murder see Sherlock Holmes's answer #sherlockholmes
When a ballerina is m.u.r.d.e.r.e.d, evidence seems to point to the dance company's star performer. However, with the wisdom of Sherlock Holmes, he found the truth behind this case
When a ballerina is m.u.r.d.e.r.e.d, evidence seems to point to the dance company's star performer. However, with the wisdom of Sherlock Holmes, he found the truth behind this case
The More Beautiful Women Are The More Dangerous
The More Beautiful Women Are The More Dangerous
Money thieves can distract the police but not Sherlock Holmes
Money thieves can distract the police but not Sherlock Holmes
#sherlockholmes #DramaMovies
A bad girl was h.a.r.m.e.d. But the main suspect has all the alibi, so who is the real k.i.l.l.e.r?
A bad girl was h.a.r.m.e.d. But the main suspect has all the alibi, so who is the real k.i.l.l.e.r?
How did Sherlock Holmes help the policeman restore his innocence before all the evidence against him
How did Sherlock Holmes help the policeman restore his innocence before all the evidence against him #sherlockholmes
Everyone sees this as a plane crash, but in Sherlock Holmes's eyes it's a m.u.r.der
Everyone sees this as a plane crash, but in Sherlock Holmes's eyes it's a m.u.r.der #Sherlockholmes
Will Sherlock Holmes be able to save his best friend's daughter
Will Sherlock Holmes be able to save his best friend's daughter #sherlockholmes
How the terrible secret behind the girl's de.ath in the washing machine was broken by Sherlock Holmes
How the terrible secret behind the girl's de.ath in the washing machine was broken by Sherlock Holmes #sherlockholmes
M breaks into Holmes' home and issues a challenge. Will Holmes win this battle of wits
M breaks into Holmes' home and issues a challenge. Will Holmes win this battle of wits
The murderer created his own alibi to escape the crime but still couldn't fool Sherlock Holmes
The murderer created his own alibi to escape the crime but still couldn't fool #sherlockholmes
Why this man was as.sa.ss.in.ated in a strange way ? The culprit behind this case surprised everyone
Why this man was as.sa.ss.in.ated in a strange way ? The culprit behind this case surprised everyone #sherlock #detective
This man is stuck at the door and his wife's strange attitude
This man is stuck at the door and his wife's strange attitude