Faith Word Network is here to stay! 🎉 FWN is your one-stop shop for podcasts, sermons, music, healing, prayer, meditation, forgiveness, and more. Check us out for the new way to stream Faith 😉
Hey Denise! 👋
Exciting news! 🌟 Join us on the cutting edge of faith streaming with the Faith Word Network app and website: Experience a fresh way to engage with your faith journey. Follow us today!
Hey Rick! 👋
Exciting news! 🌟 Join us on the cutting edge of faith streaming with the Faith Word Network app and website: Experience a fresh way to engage with your faith journey. Follow us today!
Reflecting on The Great Exchange 🙏 Jesus paid the ultimate price, taking our debt of death, and granting us the gift of eternal life. Let's praise Him for His sacrificial love and embrace the chance for everlasting redemption!
Pause. Worship. Journal. Pray. Bask. 🙏 Take a minute to immerse yourself in the presence of the Almighty God. Let His love surround you, His wisdom guide you, and His peace fill you. Join us for a moment of spiritual refreshment and connection.
Listen closely to the whisper of the Holy Spirit, for He is the gentle guide leading you toward fulfilling God's purpose for your life. Trust His voice, follow His lead, and watch as He orchestrates divine moments that align with your destiny. Embrace His guidance and step boldly into the purpose God has ordained for you on this earth. #faith
What you see yourself as, is what you will become. It is VITAL to have a vision for your life.
Pastor's Pep Talk S1: Ep 9 is OUT NOW!
Platforms to download our app:
App Store
Google Play Store or
App for your smart TV
Follow 👉 @faithwordnetwork on Instagram, Facebook, X, as well as on YouTube!
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Keith Moore joins FWN
KEITH MOORE has joined FWN 😱 👀 — Faith Life Church with Keith Moore!
Platforms to download our app: �App Store �Google Play Store or �App for your smart TV
Follow 👉 @faithwordnetwork on Instagram, Facebook, X, as well as on YouTube!
#faithwordnetwork #fwn #streaming
#network #series #faith #app #Jesus
Faith is stepping out of your comfort zone and putting action towards the thing in which God has shown YOU!
Without Action, faith can NOT be completed 👀
Platforms to download our app:
App Store
Google Play Store or
App for your smart TV
Follow 👉 @faithwordnetwork on Instagram, Facebook, X, as well as on YouTube!
#faithwordnetwork #fwn #streaming
#network #series #faith #app #now #GoBishop
#kbm #keithbutlerministries
James 5:7-11. Good Things Come to Those Who Wait.
As men, we all want instant gratification 👀 — it's the world we live in. But gradual progress is what is going to get us to our goals. As the great Rocky once said " step at a time, one punch at a time, one round at a time.."🥊
Be sure to download the FWN app and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!
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#network #series #faith #app #now #lee #Ferguson
Do you want to take about love? REAL love? That's who our God is! ❤️
Get to know Him. Spend time in His Word, in His presence, because it is easy to get caught up going through the motions of this life. You can TRUST Him — For God is LOVE ☝️
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#network #series #chalktalks #app #now #love #reallove
Faith in FOCUS!
Remember, Grace and the Grace of God is upon YOU this Holiday season! Let's remember to show Grace towards others and give LOVE. Happy Holidays🎄
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#network #series #faith #app #now #focus
Pastor’s PEP TALK!
In order to have REAL relationships, were talking about those James 5:16 relationships, you have to relationships where you can be vulnerable.
James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Remember, vulnerability is your superpower 💪
#faithwordnetwork #fwn #streaming #peptalk
#network #series #faith #app #now #vulnerability
The seed, the decisions that you make right now, today — they DO matter.
#faithwordnetwork #fwn #streaming #true
#network #series #faith #app #now #truth
NEVER let go of what God has promises for your life! Release it INTO your life — let Him in! You can't outrun God☝️
#faithwordnetwork #fwn #streaming
#network #series #faith #app #now
God has a plan and purpose for YOU!! 🫵 With that being said, You already know that He will make a way — He always does!
#faithwordnetwork #fwn #streaming
#network #series #faith #app #now
Faith Word Network!!
Faith Word Network will launch on October 30th!
Spread the Word! 🗣️
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