A name that emphasizes his vocation to be connected with his land, a style, and at same time, unmistakably Italian, but with a global vision. Techno on his shades that intersect, maintaining in the centre of their creative universe the concept of "emotion". The philosophy of the label is to be open to different and new sounds,
without following a precise stereotype of music, infact the declared cl
aim from the beginning is "open your mind". The artists who have released are Luca Agnelli, Alignment, Nico Moreno, Amelie Lens, OGUZ, Regal, Farrago, Ben Sims, Slam, Truncate, Radio Slave, CLTX, Diøn, Alt8, Rian Wood, Hush & Sleep, LESSSS, Jacidorex, Setaoc Mass, Yotam Avnii, TWR72, Electric Rescue, Charles Fenckler, Deep Dimension, Abstract Division, 2000 and One, Arnaud Le Texier, Dj Sodeyama, Nikita Zabelin, Dana Ruh and many more.