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This photograph is supposedly from either 1957 or 1958. This photo is said to come from an leaked film of a UFO landing ...

This photograph is supposedly from either 1957 or 1958. This photo is said to come from an leaked film of a UFO landing at Edwards Air Force Base. This film has been referred to by several people, including astronaut Gordon Cooper, who claims to have seen the entire event. He says that the film did exist.

Haters will say it's fake.

Haters will say it's fake.

In 1974 a bigfoot trap was constructed by the North American Wildlife Research Team. The trap was constructed in the Sis...

In 1974 a bigfoot trap was constructed by the North American Wildlife Research Team. The trap was constructed in the Siskiyou National Forest after a miner claimed to have found 18-inch-long human-like tracks. Today the trap is maintained by United States Forest Service.

These photographs have been floating around the Bigfoot groups recently. The first photo has been around since at least ...

These photographs have been floating around the Bigfoot groups recently. The first photo has been around since at least 2013. The photo appears to have originated on a blog called Beacon Bigfoot on May 31, 2013. As for the other photos, which seem to be of the same creature, I am still searching for the original source.

There are several examples of giant primates in the paleontological record. Gigantopithecus is often referenced as a pot...

There are several examples of giant primates in the paleontological record. Gigantopithecus is often referenced as a potential explanation for creatures like Sasquatch, but it is not the only one. In 1941 paleontologist Gustav von Koenigswald was captured by the Japanese in World War II, but managed to send a cast of a jaw fragment to anthropologist Franz Weidenreich. The jaw belongs to a hominid known today as Meganthropus which is a giant primate that is estimated to have reached heights of 8 feet tall in Java, Indonesia during the Pleistocene.

Artist unknown.

Earlier I spoke with Jared who took this picture while looking for a place to fish past Union creek in the Rogue River-S...

Earlier I spoke with Jared who took this picture while looking for a place to fish past Union creek in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. He says he saw something large, about 8 feet tall, in the woods.

The Drakensberg UFO photos. South African woman Elizabeth Klarer allegedly claimed to have been contacted by aliens mult...

The Drakensberg UFO photos. South African woman Elizabeth Klarer allegedly claimed to have been contacted by aliens multiple times between 1954 and 1963. Supposed hard evidence was presented by Elizabeth which included her set of 1956 photographs. Klarer published a book about her alleged encounters titled Beyond the Light Barrier in 1980. She died in 1994.

This is thought to be the oldest photograph that allegedly shows a sasquatch. It was apparently taken in British Columbi...

This is thought to be the oldest photograph that allegedly shows a sasquatch. It was apparently taken in British Columbia in 1894 and first surfaced publicly in the late 1970s. Many fakes float around the internet, however this one appears to be authentic with a traceable history through old book publications spanning nearly half a century.


Why are Sasquatch not captured on game cameras?

Many game cameras use active ultrasonic sensors which emit ultrasonic sound waves at a frequency above the range of human hearing. These waves bounce off objects in the immediate vicinity and return to the motion sensor. The frequency of these sound waves lie between 8 and 20 kHz. Perhaps they can hear them.

From the Patterson/Gimlin film analysis paper from J. Glickman

From the Patterson/Gimlin film analysis paper from J. Glickman

Earlier I spoke with the individual who brought this photograph to the light of day. It was supposedly taken near Cave J...

Earlier I spoke with the individual who brought this photograph to the light of day. It was supposedly taken near Cave Junction in Oregon.

"Me and a couple of people i work with were having the 'Paranormal' conversation at work when one of the girls told me this story. Her brother, i believe, was helping an old lady move. While moving some things around he came across an unusual picture, so he took it to the lady to ask her about the background story. She expressed an uncomfortable energy, asked the guy to keep the picture because she didn't want it around anymore and told him that her passed husband, showed her the picture one day and told her that one day while he was inside the house he noticed a massive figure standing at their front door, trying to peak in. So he rushed, grabbed the Polaroid camera and ran outside (I'm not sure if he had a gun or not, i know how crazy that reaction sounds but feel might do the same thing if i didn't feel threatened somehow), opened the door and found himself at very close proximity to the entity, that's when he snapped this picture and the Bigfoot just up and left back into the woods, which is basically the backyard of the house. Judge for yourself. The story was relayed to me from the person who received this picture. This happened in Southern Oregon."

For that special someone. 🖤

For that special someone. 🖤

It all makes sense now.

It all makes sense now.

Earlier so spoke with Darlene who witnessed this metallic craft hover in the sky. "Taken by my brother, we both witnesse...

Earlier so spoke with Darlene who witnessed this metallic craft hover in the sky.

"Taken by my brother, we both witnessed something. I watched it through binoculars. Very clearly in fact. Moved so fast. Came to a dead stop twice while I had it in my sight. Totally unexplainable."


Origins of the Loch Ness Monster. The Saint Columba encounter. (565)

The earliest report of a monster in the vicinity of Loch Ness appears in the Life of St. Columba by Adomnán, which was written in the sixth century AD. It is said that the Irish monk Saint Columba was staying in the land of the Picts with his companions when he encountered local residents burying a man by the River Ness. They explained that the man was swimming in the river when he was attacked by a water beast that mauled him and dragged him underwater. The men had tried to rescue him by boat but failed. Columba then sent a follower, Luigne moccu Min, to swim across the river, who by some stroke of God wasn't weighed down by his gigantic balls of steel. The water beast approached him, but Columba made the sign of the cross and said: "Go no further. Do not touch the man. Go back at once." The creature stopped as if it had been pulled back with ropes and fled. Columba's men and the Picts gave thanks for what they perceived as a miracle.


Earlier I spoke with Heather who encountered some type of extraterrestrial creature and experienced loss of time.

"So this happened about 5 or 6 years ago. I was living in Griffin Park (Bangor) which is about a quarter mile from the airport. It was around midnight when this happened, I was downstairs in my living room playing video games. I noticed something was blocking the light post from across the street because it illuminates my entire downstairs. I paused my game to take a look. I was about to get up and see, but I didn't need to, there was a triangular face with eyes blacker than the night. It's thin, abnormally thin, and it was watching me. When it noticed I saw it staring at me, it started to climb up the side of my house. That's when I could see how unusually tall it was too, at least 12 feet. I could hear its hands and feet as it climbed. Creaking on top of the overhang on the back door. Then, I heard the window shattering in my bedroom (sounded like it burst into a thousand pieces). I was then frozen in panic, looking up the stairwell from the couch. I could hear it taking steps in my bedroom above me. I could hear the floor creaking. Then, I saw its shadow at the top of the landing, slowly coming down the wall and I could hear it taking a step on the stairs, still frozen in fear, staring through the bars up the stairs. Knowing that in just a short moment I will be face to face with this creature. It takes another step and it's shadow is right in front of me, I take in one last deep breathe (hoping I wouldn't p**s myself when this thing revealed itself) and as the shadow of its head gets bigger, I remember seeing a sliver of this creatures face, then next thing I know, it's 10 in the morning and I am still sitting and starring at the same place, in the same place as I was.

10 hours had passed and I hadn't moved. I felt exhausted, and most of all, utterly confused. To this day the more I try to remember what I saw of this creatures face, it recoils as if it doesn't want me to remember. 10 hours of lost time, and no I didn't fall asleep, I didn't dream any of it. I ran upstairs because the only thing I could have of proof was the window...but it wasn't broken. So I had my morning cup of coffee with my morning smoke and my neighbor joined me for her cigarette break. I told her about what happened and her eyes were wide with shock. She believed every word I said because the night prior to my incident, almost the same thing happened to her. She was on the computer doing work for school, then she stopped because she could have sworn someone just threw a brick (or something) in her bedroom window and shattered it. She remembers getting up to investigate heading upstairs, but then she too had unaccounted time. Next thing she knew she was on her couch not knowing how she got there, let alone remembering that she even "fell asleep". Our windows were fine, but we both heard our windows shatter on different days.

So after our smoke we decided to look up if there were any reports of UFOs and Bangor International Airport had over a dozen reports in the area over the last 3 days. Something happened, and I have a feeling we were abducted."


Earlier I spoke with Sid who experienced loss of time while with his family at a mysterious railroad crossing.

"On March 31st 2021 my family and I traveled from Presque Isle to Madawaska after shopping in P.I. We left Presque Isle at 7 pm. It normally takes us around an hour and a half for that trip.

Somewhere between Caribou and Van Buren we come to a railroad crossing and the red lights are flashing but no train. There was a farm house to the left of us at the tracks. We waited about 15 minutes at the crossing and still no train. Then a huge tractor trailer truck came up behind us, tons of lights on it. I was afraid that the truck wasn't going to stop and was going to run into us, so we crossed the tracks (crossing lights still flashing). As we drove away I looked back and saw the truck stop at the tracks. I could still see the trucks headlights when my daughter pointed out that the car dash clock was wrong. It was reading 8:45. My wife and I checked our phones and they both were 8:45. We lost 1 hour in a split second. No traffic and we got to Madawaska at 10:00 pm. After we got home I checked the time on our receipt was 6:49. It was a very strange feeling.
A week or two later we went to Presque Isle again and I kept an eye out for the train crossing (it was daytime this time).

In no way in our trip, both directions, could we find the tracks. I've looked on Google maps, Google earth and I did a search for railroad maps. I can't find the crossing anywhere. I don't know what happened."

Earlier I spoke with Misty who witnessed this triangle of lights over the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma."So bizarre and qu...

Earlier I spoke with Misty who witnessed this triangle of lights over the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma.

"So bizarre and quiet. Then they just disappeared into thin air."

"The truth is out there" Experienced tracker follows 18x8 human-like footprints with a 4 foot stride before the trail we...

"The truth is out there" Experienced tracker follows 18x8 human-like footprints with a 4 foot stride before the trail went cold.

UPDATE = Bauer of Ellendale, North Dakota has been a trapper all his life. He knows the outdoors and is now ...

Earlier I spoke with Bob from the Cecil County Maryland Sasquatch Group. They recently discovered and cast several giant...

Earlier I spoke with Bob from the Cecil County Maryland Sasquatch Group. They recently discovered and cast several giant humanoid footprints in the woods.

Earlier I spoke with John who discovered this giant humanoid footprint in the woods."This was found a few years ago up i...

Earlier I spoke with John who discovered this giant humanoid footprint in the woods.

"This was found a few years ago up in Marquete Park in Grafton Illinois, it was early March and there was still snow on the ground
I wear a size 13 shoe ... So either bigfoot or some crazy basketball player was running around the woods barefoot"

Earlier I spoke with Amir-Ali Shirazi, the artist of these sasquatch drawings. He was kind enough to allow me to post th...

Earlier I spoke with Amir-Ali Shirazi, the artist of these sasquatch drawings. He was kind enough to allow me to post them here. To thoes who have witnessed the creature, how does his artwork compare to what youve seen?


Earlier I spoke with Daryl who saw a sasquatch when he was a teenager.

"I was 14 when I had my sighting. I was peddling home on Overton road in NE Pennsylvania, Bradford county. It stepped out of the woods on the right side of the road 50 yards up the hill from me. It stopped, looked at me, and cleared the road in 2 steps! That’s 12 to 16 feet! I take a lot of crap, now and when it happened, from my friends and family but I know what I saw."

Sure does

Sure does

Happy new year! Dont stop believing. 👽

Happy new year! Dont stop believing. 👽


New conspiracy theory: Bigfoot is just Elvis and an Extraterrestrial in a gorilla costume.


Earlier I spoke with Rob whos brother encountered a sasquatch 11 years ago.

"About 11 years ago my brother was snowmobiling in the Sierras above Bass lake on a closed road. The road is closed and maintained by a snowmobile club every winter. It was about 1 in the morning when he was riding. Down the road a ways he noticed something hunched up right off the road. At first he thought bear but knew the black bears out here are denned up this time of year. As he got closer, within a 100 feet, the animal stood up facing away from him and took off running on two legs. He never reported it or told to many people. He didn't want anyone calling him crazy. My brother and I hunted and fished our whole lives. He doesn't exaggerate or lie. From what he described it was 7 to 8 feet tall and dark brown hair. Moved very fast as well. I asked if he looked at the tracks, he didn't. He sat on his snowmobile for a few mintues then rode off. He said he was shocked, took a while to register."

100% authentic. Enjoy.

100% authentic. Enjoy.

This Yeti is REAL - the fake costume is here - Yeti sighting captured on video . Checkout the Sequel - SNOWMOBILER'S SHOCKING ...

Earlier I spoke with Brian who photographed these large 18 inch bipedal tracks behind his home. He says the stride start...

Earlier I spoke with Brian who photographed these large 18 inch bipedal tracks behind his home. He says the stride started wide and then got smaller as they approached the treeline. He also noted that there were define toeprints present.

Earlier I spoke with Sylus from the Hunting Hollows paranormal investigation team. They captured an apparition in this m...

Earlier I spoke with Sylus from the Hunting Hollows paranormal investigation team. They captured an apparition in this mirror during their investigation of the abandoned Vassalboro Mill. Near the end of the night they saw an 11 foot demonic looking creature.

"Vassalboro Mill, we believe our group encountered a Shape-Shifting entity of sorts. We set up a Scrying Mirror and left the room with a camera in front of it. (Besides one of our investigators, who was standing in a far corner to watch the candle). We left the camera in front of that mirror for about an hour. When we rewinded the footage later that night, we saw this very clear manifestation of a human face in the mirror. It only appeared for a split second before fading away… Problem is, that face in the mirror is very clearly our fellow investigator, Brad. Brad wasn’t with us that night. He was at work.

Along with the screenshot from the mirror footage, I’ve attached a picture of the room we were in when this happened. Shortly after we cleaned up the mirror, we saw a very inhuman, animal-like apparition which made us leave. (That I won’t describe, but it’s available on our YouTube Channel) []

After this, we ran downstairs. Our investigator Billy was down there waiting for us, and when we found him he was rocking back and forth in a chair, crying. He was going on about how he was seeing goat-people in his mind, but he couldn’t describe it. The manifestation of that apparition we saw had goat-like characteristics.

This encounter is especially bizarre, since the mill isn’t really known for having many malevolent spirits, and the ones that are there aren’t as other-worldly as this one seemed. We’re confused as to how it got there."



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The truth is here

Growing up I always had an interest in the paranormal and other unexplained phenomena. Back in 2009, one of my grade school friends and I would stay up late at night watching YouTube videos claiming to have caught the unexplained on camera.

Fast forward 10 years later I would enlist the help of my best friend Dane and we would go on to create CHALLENGE THE UNKNOWN. After premiering a couple interviews with people who claimed to have supernatural encounters, our inbox was flooded with people who also wanted to tell their story.

Join us every Monday and Friday where we talk to people who have had unexplained encounters and discuss related historical cases.

If you've had an experience, send us an email at [email protected]