The Freelance Coach

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The Freelance Coach Ready to start a business? I got you. Let’s start the easy one in the game…learn how to start TODAY

Saturdays mean...🏈 Morning football practice🛒 Grocery shopping🍖 BBQ-ing ribs🫧 Cleaning out closets💻 Building Secret Sale...

Saturdays mean...

🏈 Morning football practice
🛒 Grocery shopping
🍖 BBQ-ing ribs
🫧 Cleaning out closets
💻 Building Secret Sales Strategies (Pssst you can get on the waitlist!)

What is your Saturday looking like?

OMG It's birthday eve! I can't believe it. It is the last day of my 30's. I can't believe it is here already! I swear ye...

OMG It's birthday eve! I can't believe it. It is the last day of my 30's. I can't believe it is here already! I swear yesterday I was turning 32. But alas... here we are!

Today's giveaway is a Disney puzzle!

Lately I have been into doing puzzles with my hunk-ules on the weekends. We have been working on a bunch of villain puzzles lately and it has been so fun with Halloween around the corner.

So to enter to win today I just need you to tell me in the comments what villain is your favorite!

And the last deal before birthday deal day...

Get a year of 1:1 support to grow your business. For 50% off.

I wouldn't be where I am right now without the help of mentors, both good and bad. I learned so much from each of them.

From one mentor I learned the importance of SPEED in business. I learned that being on top of your game, engaging, and helping others is your superpower.

From another, I learned that I LOVE teaching and sharing my skills with others. When I can help someone else win, we all win.

From one I discovered that I don't love marketing in the traditional sense but in a way that feels GOOD to me.

From one I learned that being myself is key to getting to where I want to go cause people are going to love me for who I am.

Building my business has been an incredible, bold, adventurous journey and I want to help you on yours.

Today you can get my help with yours for a FULL YEAR for $1,111. (Payment plans are available)

School is officially back in session and man oh man being a Mompreneur and learning how to function with a schedule agai...

School is officially back in session and man oh man being a Mompreneur and learning how to function with a schedule again. Oh and actually going to bed before 1am.

I’m not gonna lie I’m pumped cause I get a few hours to myself during the day to knock out all the things, like perfecting the best way to help you build a lead system and ways to fill it up!

But hey mama, don’t be hard on yourself. You my friend are a super hero and I’m so proud of you. Not to mention your kid things you are the bomb 💣.

Don’t forget to snag my free content creation template to save yourself some time and make those days more productive 😉

HERE’S WHAT I DID 👇🏻I had just gone through a hard divorce. I was alone, single mama, and had $600 to my name. To say th...


I had just gone through a hard divorce. I was alone, single mama, and had $600 to my name. To say the night sweats and overthinking was in overdrive was an understatement.

My business had been burnt to the ground, I had 2 clients left from my original 8. I was hanging on by a thread.

I remember standing in the grocery store doing math in my head trying to see if I had enough to get just the essentials without overdrawing on my account.

Enough was enough.

I didn’t want to be on food stamps and Medicaid for longer than I had to. I am the most stubborn person around and asking for help and a handout about killed me.

So I went to work. I spent every night after my little went to bed building, testing, tweaking and learning. And then it started to happen.

👉🏻 My content started to pick up and get traction. People were finally seeing me and were interacting

👉🏻 I could get a client when I wanted, almost as if on demand. I had created a set of systems that were working.

👉🏻 I tried others and figured those out too. I had a set of strategies that worked!

Now I know you are like me and need a step by step map to get you where you want to go. Cause someone just tell me how to get to success!

I put all the strategies, tools, step by step instructions on executing all together in my $5K dashboard. Cause these babies are gonna get you to $5k and beyond 🚀.

But cause it’s back to school I wanted to do something so fun! Meet the back to school bundle

⭐️ $5k dashboard
⭐️ 1 month of $100k VA
⭐️ Assistant Accelerator Kit
⭐️ Marketing Master kit

And if you nab this before Monday you get a 30 min strategy call with me too!

Comment or dm ‘BACK TO SCHOOL’ and I’ll send all the details your way!

You are looking everywhere for a 'Silver Bullet' to get you to those consistent cashflow months. Your groceries are more...

You are looking everywhere for a 'Silver Bullet' to get you to those consistent cashflow months. Your groceries are more expensive, your expenses are climbing and you want your business to create the revenue you want.

You need STRATEGY. You need EX*****ON.

You need to KNOW exactly WHAT to do and HOW to do it to get clients flowing to you.

Creating a consistent paycheck in my business mattered to me. It is what I needed to leave my 9-5, to stay full-time in my business and build the dream I was after.

I did all the things I heard online. Market research, branding, posting on social, conversations... but nothing was working. How do I reach them?

How do I reach my people? Do I just do what others are doing and hope it sticks? Do I just bumble through and pray for a miracle?

My bank account needed MORE than throwing ideas out there, it needed a CERTAIN plan. It needed to know if I did X I would get Y.

So I decided enough was enough. I had to figure this out.

I went to work.

I stayed up late and studied, got trainings, implemented, tested, and tried it all. After a while, I found that there were consistent and accelerated ways to get me to where I wanted to go.

Once I put the strategies into place clients started coming to me. My clients stuck with me for YEARS. My clients sent me referrals and my business GREW.

The good news for you is I already did all the homework for you. I tested and tried all the strategies out. I pulled together how to execute them, how to implement, what you need, and how to know if it's working or not.

I decided to pull all this together in a dashboard for you, in fact, it was 25 strategies designed to help you hit and maintain consistent $5k months.

But cause I am a deep lover of school and I know that we are all about to get more time in our days - thank you, teachers!, I decided to make this so juicy that you just can't say no.

The Back to School Bundle has...
✏️ $5K Dashboard packed with strategies to help you WIN big
✏️ 1 Month FREE of $100K VA to help you get access to resources, community and helps
✏️ Assistant Accelerator Kit to speed up your results
✏️ And... a 30 Minute Strategy call with me!
All this is valued at over $1500, but this weekend it's yours for over 80% off!

And if you nab this before Monday I will add in my Master Marketing Kit for free!

Let's make you a massive client magnet!

And if you missed the On the Go audio trainings... head to the group and join in! They are up and available until Monday! We broke down EXACTLY how to do market research with huge success! (

By clicking 'Order Now' you agree to your payment method to be charged now and for any future payments. You can cancel your membership at any time.

Look… business isn’t always 🌈 and 🦋. This week has been one for the books. Mindset upgrade ✅✅✅Finding my ‘thing’ ✅✅✅Coac...

Look… business isn’t always 🌈 and 🦋.

This week has been one for the books.

Mindset upgrade ✅✅✅
Finding my ‘thing’ ✅✅✅
Coaching in the DMs ✅✅✅

So much leveling up and growing it’s wild.

But here is the crazy part… last weekend and into Monday I felt like giving up. I hadn’t made any moves I felt in my business. Nothing was converting like I wanted. I felt I took too big of a risk doubling down on myself.

I even messaged my coach and told her I felt myself breaking down and turning away from it all. ( 👆🏻 my actual message this weekend…)


I said f*ck it and try again for a month. To double down harder and try.

Don’t give up. Something great is waiting for you.

If you want help, I’m here. I’m taking on a few more private clients this summer and would love to help you get there.


OMG, I dropped a 24 flash sale today for a marketing bundle for $19 - and you can share it and make $$ 💸💸
Who wants the link?

Mmm Kay but really it’s my full time hustle and I LOVE it. Who else is running a business? If you aren’t and you wanna s...

Mmm Kay but really it’s my full time hustle and I LOVE it.

Who else is running a business? If you aren’t and you wanna start I have just the thing for you! Comment or DM START and I’ll send you my Quick Start Guide for free!!

Share this with someone who you know needs the guide!!

Here's the thing. I didn't always believe I could do things. I listened to what EVERYONE else was saying. 👎🏻 You aren't ...

Here's the thing. I didn't always believe I could do things. I listened to what EVERYONE else was saying.

👎🏻 You aren't good at this
👎🏻 You will never be successful
👎🏻 I will believe in your business more than you will
👎🏻 Why would anyone buy that
👎🏻 Is there even a market for what you do

And the truth is... I believed it. I didn't think I could get far, or that I would be a success. I let a lot of other people's thoughts and opinions dictate how I navigated in my business. So much so that I STOPPED doing some things I was super excited to do.

Now I don't share my plans with everyone, I have a very close knit circle I talk with about my goals and plans. And I work really hard on my mental game.

Once those tables turn... you are unstoppable. I believe in you. You have so got this.

Man we are behind aren’t we. Having 4 kids at my house and 2 of them with the stomach flu made for a busier week than I ...

Man we are behind aren’t we. Having 4 kids at my house and 2 of them with the stomach flu made for a busier week than I intended. But here we go…

If you don’t know I am a hard core book babe. I could live in and not bat an eye about it. The smell of paper at the bookstore is one of my favorite scents.

So I quite easily burn through a book every week. Like I LOVE reading. Lately it’s been a spicy novel kick and I am not complaining about it.

Here are some of my favs…

📕 The year of yes by Shonda Rhimes
📕 The Ritual by Shantel Tessler
📕 in death series by JD Robb
📕 losers by Harley La Roux

What are yours?

If you know anything about me… You’ll know that I have always wanted a tattoo. Have wanted one since I was 16 years old....

If you know anything about me… You’ll know that I have always wanted a tattoo. Have wanted one since I was 16 years old. Growing up tattoos were a no-go in my house. It went all the rules.

Fast-forward to 2022 and I had just experienced one of the most traumatic experiences my body has ever gone through. I was a mess, emotionally drained, physically spent, and was very vulnerable. Since I was so exposed with this experience I was worried that I would be alone again, that my husband would leave and I would be a single mama again.

One day while scrolling through TikTok, I saw a local tattoo artist post a video of a tattoo, of couples thumbprints. I sent it to my husband to see what he thought about it.

Little did I know that he called her and made an appointment. We went the week before my birthday and both got our first tattoos. If you look closely, they are our two fingerprints together, making a heart.

It is one of the most treasured things I have and I am so glad I did it. After we finished my husband whispered to me… ‘see… not leaving.’

PS. Getting a tattoo on the inside of your wrist really hurts.

You know that moment you go camping and you think that everything was scheduled to send and then you come back to realit...

You know that moment you go camping and you think that everything was scheduled to send and then you come back to reality and internet service only to find that nothing made it... yeah me too. Feels like it was just like yesterday. Wait...

Here we go! Day 25.
Catchup on all the random facts 👉🏻

I had the amazing opportunity to teach at a conference once. I had proposed a topic and low and behold, it got picked! WHAT? I know... kinda cool right?? I didn't think much of it, was thinking I would have like 5-10 people show up and learn... turns out I had way more!

I had a standing room only class not just once but 2x. It was so popular they asked me to teach it again the next day.

It was wild and so so fun. I am pretty sure it is what sparked my love for teaching others what I do and how they can have success too.

Day 24. Buckle up.Catch up on the others here 👉🏻 After high school, while I was in college I worked at a local car deale...

Day 24. Buckle up.
Catch up on the others here 👉🏻

After high school, while I was in college I worked at a local car dealership. It happened to be an Audi, VW and Porsche dealership. Which meant really pricy cars came through there all the time.

One particular evening I was closing and a semi-truck showed up with a custom Porsche for a customer. They are shipped in velvet-lined semi-truck trailers. Like RITZY right??

Well, the car was a stick shift and not just anyone could drive it off the truck. The driver couldn't shimmy into the car and they needed someone who could get it off.

Of course, all the salesmen showed up wanting to do it, until they learned... it was stickshift.

So they made an announcement over the PA asking for anyone who knew how to drive a stick to come out to the lot. So I went. I had been driving one since I learned how to drive.

No one else there could do it. So I shimmied into this truck and down to the door. Climbed inside this half-million dollar car and drove it off a velvet-lined truck. It didn't stop there.

The cars are shipped with 5ish miles worth of gas onboard. We need to refuel it for the mechanic to do his checks the following morning. So I drove that baby down to the gas station and filled her up before tucking her into a service bay.

Sometimes it pays to be the one who has the skills...

I am willing to bet that you have skills that you could use to your advantage right now in business. And how do I know... cause that is how I leverage mine. I am teaching it all inside the Totally Booked Out Mama and I am saving you a seat. DM me to get in!

Day 23. This one... shocked my little HA!I went to a 'rich kids' high school. My high school was the place where the cel...

Day 23. This one... shocked my little HA!

I went to a 'rich kids' high school. My high school was the place where the celebrities kids went, doctors kids went and football players kids went.

I rubbed shoulders with a lot of famous people in high school.

One thing that was beyond wild was the fact that I tutored multiple kids in high school - driver's ed, health and math - who went on to play in the NFL.

Oh and did I mention I also dated a celebrities son? That story is for a different day...

Day 22. We are now in the tail end.. should I keep doing this??Catchup on the other days here 👉🏻 I am a published author...

Day 22. We are now in the tail end.. should I keep doing this??
Catchup on the other days here 👉🏻

I am a published author.

Yep. I have written books. And not just one, but two. Is that just wild or what?

I can still remember the moment I got the book in the mail and I saw my name printed. It is a wild wild ride to have your name on a book.

Have you ever wanted to write a book?


Day 21. Sorry so not sorry for making you hungry.Today's fact is... I love to bake. Like I mean REALLY love to bake. I w...

Day 21.

Sorry so not sorry for making you hungry.

Today's fact is...

I love to bake. Like I mean REALLY love to bake.

I will find recipes all over Pinterest, get requests from family and I will experiment to get it just right.

I am a sucker for baked goods. Seriously the way to my heart is with cupcakes, cakes or cookies. They are all just too dang good.

Here's the cool thing... business is like a recipe. Once you find the right ingredients you can make the most amazing thing ever. Are you ready for a recipe to success? I got you... send me a DM and I will hook you up!

We have made it to day 20, can you believe it?Catchup here 👉🏻  As a freshman in high school, I got to know a set of fun ...

We have made it to day 20, can you believe it?
Catchup here 👉🏻

As a freshman in high school, I got to know a set of fun friends. We did everything together. Binged 24, ate way too many j***y foods, had a bazillion trips to Vegas, and my favorite...

An epic trip to Europe.

One of my friends' brother lived in Switzerland and his 4-year-old son had been in the States visiting grandmas. He needed an es**rt back to Switzerland. So we offered to take him back.

Here's the kicker... the week before we were set to leave my friend's passport expired. So the kid's aunt wasn't going to be with us. It was me, another friend, and a 4-year-old from Utah to Switzerland. It was a fun ride. HAHAH.

But the trip was one for the memories.

We visited Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and France. I have even had the lucky chance to go back to Italy and hit Rome.

Where is somewhere on your bucket list?

Day 19... let's go! I had always had horrible period pain, heavy periods and abdominal pain. Like for as long as I can r...

Day 19... let's go!

I had always had horrible period pain, heavy periods and abdominal pain. Like for as long as I can remember. Taking ibuprofen didn't help, heat sort of helped, and comfy pants were about all I could wear.

I finally got a doctor to listen and believe me.

I got to have a laparoscopic surgery in 2018 so I could figure out exactly what was going on inside of there.

Turns out I have stage 4 endometriosis that has spread to other organs in my body. I have had multiple surgeries to clean it out, but if you know anything about ... well it grows back.

So every few years I have another surgery to have it scraped out and we start the clock over again.

Day 18 is one of my favorites. . .Catch up on the rest here 👉🏻  I got the most amazing gift in 2019. After the divorce, ...

Day 18 is one of my favorites. . .
Catch up on the rest here 👉🏻

I got the most amazing gift in 2019.

After the divorce, I didn't think I would ever get remarried. I figured I would be a spinster and alone the rest of my life. If you remember from day two, I met my husband on Tinder.

When we started dating I told him that I came with a kid. That he was a package deal and that my son would most likely be with me 24/7. That if he wasn't ok with it, he could walk away.

He replied with... well I come with a disabled brother. I am his guardian when my parents can no longer care for him. If you aren't ok with that, you can walk.

Well... a few movie dates, talks about Marvel, and a trip to Disneyland I was in.

Meet Jon my sweet brother-in-law. He teaches me to be happier, let more go, and enjoy the ride. See... told you an amazing gift.

Day 17 is here!Catchup here 👉🏻  I started my business in May of 2015. I got a real big push to help me start, one I don'...

Day 17 is here!
Catchup here 👉🏻

I started my business in May of 2015. I got a real big push to help me start, one I don't hope on others,

I had been working as a marketing director for a company. I had been giving hours of my life every week to this business. I had grown it and my team to support the changes. Fast forward to March of 2015 I go into labor and have my son.

I take a two week unpaid maternity leave I returned back to full time work. After about a month of working I got called into the CEO's office and was demoted.

It was my push.

I used that as fire to start my business and I have never looked back. I have never gone back to a 9-5 (but I would be lying if I didn't say there have been times I wanted to burn the business down to the ground and go back).

When did you start on your dream business?

Ready for a fun one for sweet 16? Let's do it! So if you know me or seen me with my hair up you know that I have pierced...

Ready for a fun one for sweet 16?

Let's do it!

So if you know me or seen me with my hair up you know that I have pierced ears. And not just one on each side, but 3. So a total of 6 piercings. I got my first set done when I was 8.

When I was 16 I convinced my mom to let me get a second piercing done. So off to Claires - who remembers getting their piercings there??

At the age of 17 due to some rules with my family I took them out. I was bummed but hey... rules.

Fast forward to when I turned 30. I had just had my son and wanted my ears pierced again. So I toted my then 4 month old with me to Claires (yep, I was a repeater!) and got them done... again.

A few years later I got an infection in my ear and it caused issues with my piercing so I took them out. And well... they closed.

I was bummed for sure, but tis life.

In May of 2023 I decided I wanted to get them done for yes... the 3rd time. so I found an incredible tattoo parlor and made an appointment. And... I got them done again.

I can safely say that I haven't had issues this time around and added to the collection in September.

Look sometimes you have to do something a bunch of times before you nail it. It's like that in business often - even though the gurus don't want to tell you that. You have to keep going, keep trying. The good news is you can skip steps, quantum leap and accelerate your results. . . and you know I got you. Send me a DM and I will give you a coupon code for access to The Totally Booked Out Membership... it's pretty radical, just saying.


Day 15... this one surprised even me when it happened!Catchup here 👉🏻   In 2020 I decided to go back to school and get m...

Day 15... this one surprised even me when it happened!
Catchup here 👉🏻

In 2020 I decided to go back to school and get my Masters degree in business. I wanted to know what business owners of corporations were doing that small businesses weren't so I could help my clients get ahead.

I took a stab in the dark and applied to an online EMBA, and I took a risk and went for a full-ride scholarship too. It was an application and an interview. I didn't think I would hear back for a while since the cohort didn't start for months.

I still remember the moment it happened.

I lived in California at the time. It was February 2020 and I had gone to a doctor's appointment in the city. We had left the appointment and had a very hungry little so we stopped at Wendy's for lunch.

As we sat waiting for our food I decided to check my emails. And there it was.

I had been accepted, and I had been given a full-ride scholarship to attend. I remember sitting in total shock.

I started that May and completed in 2021. It was a wild ride complete with COVID shutdowns, distance learning for a kindergartner and a move to a new state. But we did it.

What is something you decided to just go for?

Let's start the week with a fun one!I ❤️   like... a lot. I have always loved it. It has a way of making the impossible ...

Let's start the week with a fun one!

I ❤️ like... a lot. I have always loved it. It has a way of making the impossible seem so possible. The magic hits you when you enter the gates and the world is suddenly yours for the taking. It's always been an inspiring place.

So in 2021 after having a really REALLY rough year we decided to cheer it all up with a week long trip to Disney.

At the end of our trip we decided to go for it, to get Magic Keys and make our love affair official. And since we are just 3 hours away from it living in Vegas... well we went a lot.

In 2022 we visited the parks EVERY single month. 16 trips in total for 56 days inside the parks. That's a ton of magic and it has been incredible.

Yes we are still magic key holders 🗝️!

Where is your magic spot? Have you figured out how to bring magic into your business yet? If not send me a DM and let's find your extra ✨ sparkle!

Day twelve... it's a goodieCatchup on the others here 👉🏻  I was on a international competitive hula team. Yes I said hul...

Day twelve... it's a goodie
Catchup on the others here 👉🏻

I was on a international competitive hula team. Yes I said hula. And not just any hula... tahitian. The FAST moving one.

Growing up I had a neighbor who was from Tahiti. She had a dream of taking a team of 'howlies' to the islands to compete. So she gathered a group of girls from Utah and we built a team.

We practiced for months and she entered us into a International competition.

Turns out we weren't that bad. We took 2nd.

Yep... humidity + me = frizzball hair.

It was something I NEVER dreamt of doing but I went for it anyway and had an incredible time.

What if taking the leap into something new is the best thing for you? Would you jump?


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Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00


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