At Rice, sometimes we can’t help but stay inside and study for exams. We end up cramming for exams and end up sleeping away our free time. But what if we could work smarter, not harder? What if we could improve our grades and enjoy our time in Houston more? The RU Observer is Rice's new, student-run source for campus culture, news, and opinions, providing students with original and creative storie
s, photos, music, editorials, and more! CONTRIBUTE:
We’re here to create a central source for news, opinions, features, and events for the Rice community! Help contribute by sending any work that you would like to see published to our email address at [email protected]! Please include your full name, any affiliations with Rice University or other institutions and organizations relevant to the content of your letter, and an way to be contacted if your piece is chosen for publication. That being said, upon request, we will publish articles anonymously. Some tips for getting your work published:
1. Talk to the writers and editors about the content of your article prior to submitting a draft. We can work with you to refine your arguments and focus your writing.
2. Select a relevant, interesting topic. Though we will consider articles written on a variety of subjects, we are especially interested in commentary on the Rice community.
3. Be a member of the Rice community. We hope to hear from everyone from students and alumni, to faculty, staff and administrators. We are here to represent an open forum for the Rice community to voice their opinions. Thank you! We hope to hear from you!