Darren Youd

Darren Youd Helping Busy Moms & Dads & Workaholics Escape The 9 to 5 Grind By Learning The Simplest Way To Start An Online Business From Home 🏡

What a journey it’s been for me personally, from a floorlayer of 21 years, to now working online from the comfort of my ...

What a journey it’s been for me personally, from a floorlayer of 21 years, to now working online from the comfort of my own home for the last few years.

But in the beginning it was not easy, it was tough! - but if you feel like you was destined to become something much more in life, something far greater, that you have a purpose…

You should never ignore that feeling. The universe is actually speaking to you!!

My journey really started by watching motivational and mindset videos on YouTube and podcasts on my phone on different ways on making money, in particular making money online in my dirty works van on my way into work, my lunch breaks, and when I was on my way home from work.

My job didn’t pay very well and it was killing my body, so I needed to find something completely different.

So I was listening to YouTube videos for many months, and the more and more I listened and got sucked into these videos I finally took the plunge.

Was i skeptical…heck yes I was. I tried my hand on many different “side hustles” if you will…

I Purchased many ebooks and courses out there on how to make make money online. Jumping from one shiny object to the other to no success, with no support or guidance whatsoever.

I was that close to throwing in the towel. But I knew that making money online was still a real thing, it wasn’t too good to be true, so I just had to dig deeper and keep looking, I was over being fearful, skeptical, I was too far into this to give up…I was relentless, it was an obsession!

And eventually I found another influencer on youtube who really inspired me massively, This was the very start of my transformation as a person, as his recommendation led me to what I was looking for all along…And yes it was another course.

But this wasn’t just any course…it wasn’t multi level marketing, it wasn’t a course on drop shipping, this was an online college course school of marketing that was designed to teach you transferable skills, to become an all round online digital freelance marketer, to promote everyone else’s products and services online on the internet.

That is what made this thing so unique and different, as it wasn’t solely designed to promote its course. And fast forward today in 2023 this company is the 30th fastest growing private company in the United States of America. That’s how much recognition this company now has.

And I want to thank the genius behind this machine…the man, the legend…David Sharpe

You have changed my life, and my family’s life, by giving me the opportunity to be apart of your amazing team, and I am forever grateful.

It was amazing meeting you at the legendary marketer team event this week in Orlando Florida listening to you speak, soaking up your knowledge and experience like a sponge, and allowing me to speak and share the stage with some amazing people, I was nervous as hell haha, and completely humbled!!

It has been a tough week for me personally as i was so close to not attending the event due to the passing of my 94 year old father on the 11th of octoberđź’”

But my dad would have wanted me to go, and I’m now glad I did.

Thank you once again Dave for everything, I’m really looking forward to meeting you again 💙

A BIG part of our happiness or our misery depends upon our temperament, and not upon our situation.” “Attitude is a litt...

A BIG part of our happiness or our misery depends upon our temperament, and not upon our situation.” “Attitude is a little thing that makes a HUGE difference to both yours, and other people’s lives!!

(Investing In Yourself Is Scary, But It’s A Must To Get To The Top Of The Mountain!)How many opportunities have you had ...

(Investing In Yourself Is Scary, But It’s A Must To Get To The Top Of The Mountain!)

How many opportunities have you had in your life to invest in yourself?

And how many times have you had the opportunity but walked away because it was way too scary to just doing it and pulling the plug?

So why do we feel so scared and intimidated by the idea of investing in ourselves?

Well it’s simply this...

✔️we feel like it’s too much of a bigger risk?

✔️it’s too much of an investment?

✔️Because it means that we have to grow.

✔️It means that we are choosing to put ourselves in a situation that requires stepping up and growing.

✔️The fear of rejection

✔️ The fear of the unknown

I know this these are only some of the reasons first hand because that was me also me once upon a time.

And this is scary even for the most seasoned self-investors.

But you might be wondering…

“ok, I get that Darren…but why should I invest in myself? What’s the point of doing it? Surely I can get by as I am, there’s free information everywhere on the internet for what I need. There’s YouTube, Google, etc”

So yeah You have every reason to think that you can just search the internet for what you need for free.

But the issue and the biggest problem with FREE information is that there is no structure. There’s nothing laying everything out from point A-Z.

All you have is just a big pool of things thrown together that you want to run off with. Jumping from one thing to the next, becoming even more overwhelmed and still NEVER getting ahead in life

And this is when life pushes you to your limits?

Some people have to experience this for themselves sometimes before they realize that they have just been spinning their wheels for the last 2-3 years getting nowhere.

Most people and maybe even you wait until life pushes you to your emotional and mental limits of comfort before you choose to address the underlying issue.

You get by and cope with your current circumstances until life piles on with an abundance of challenges and discomfort.

Then you experience some suffering for a little while, and then you either break down or break through these life lessons.

So Investing in yourself means putting yourself in a situation of forced growth.

And that means you’re investing in your potential. Your investing in YOU!!

It means spending time in the mental and emotional gym training, developing emotional resilience, fortitude and awareness.

It means breaking down your old limiting beliefs and forming new ones that f**king empower you.

It means challenging your mental and emotional weaknesses so you can find your inner strength so when life delivers those inevitable challenges…

you’re READY And your going to do whatever it takes to see this thing thru🔥

There’s a belief that life is the ultimate game. No rehearsals, not practise rounds.


Yet so many people struggle their way through it, trying to do it alone without the guidance, coaching, accountability, the helping hand from those who can help them, and those who can help you.

You don't have to wait until life isn't hard anymore, before you decide to be happy


(How to Find The Right And Qualified Prospects)Back in the time where I was still struggling trying to build my business...

(How to Find The Right And Qualified Prospects)

Back in the time where I was still struggling trying to build my business, I was not able to find prospects online.

And be very honest, I don’t even know where is the right place to find people and how to attract the right people that are serious and want what I have to offer in my business.

But one thing I do know, I just wanted to stop dealing with people that are not interested, not responsive and end up with useless conversations leading to nowhere.

I know you wish to talk to people that are excited, open to your opportunity and ready to join your business.

But here’s how I overcome my biggest struggle and ended up getting so many right people that are highly interested on what I do come to me:

**Step 1: Change Your Outlook**

It sounds funny. But what do I mean by changing your outlook? It means you need to change the entire outlook of your desired social media profile.

For example…”I help stay at home mums lose weight to get into skinny jeans, or I hate overworked dads escapee the 9-5 by building a business from home to spend more time with the people that mean the most to them.

Before you even go out for an interview, sales meeting with clients or go for your first day working, I guess you would make sure that you look professional, not necessarily to be very formal but at least clean and tidy shirt, long pants and nice shoes.

It’s the same case here. Before you even go out and talk to people, you need a good profile and to state clear on what you do.

You don’t need to go for a professional photoshoot in a studio or hire a designer to brand your profile. You just need to have a clear profile picture and have your bio in place. Tell people clearly what you do or what problem you help people to solve.

Here’s another one…I help people that are struggling with anxiety (your ideal client) to get a better sleep (what problem you help people to solve) without taking any expensive and harmful medication (their fear or objection).”

**Step 2: Research for Communities**

Where to find your ideal client that is open to and interested in your opportunity? Join the right communities (FB groups) are a good choice, where your ideal client is hanging out at.

If you are a credit repair agent, join the groups that people in the communities are discussing how to reduce their credit for the approval of mortgage loans, people are asking how to write a good dispute letter and people that just want to maintain a good credit.

People that are not interested in repairing their credit will never join this group. Either they are sellers like you (credit repair agent) or consumers (your ideal client). You just need to avoid the promotional groups that are full of sellers as we all know most of the promotional groups are full of promotional posts. Don’t ever expect to get results from it. You need active and engaging groups that have normal conversation.

Here is the hardest part as this would be hard for a certain type of niche (Think creatively). As for insurance agents or financial advisors, what kind of groups you need to target for. You can look for the groups that are discussing money, financial freedom, side income, saving money, investment or early retirement. Again, need to be the active groups that are full of consumers but not sellers. Higher chances that they will be more open to investment-linked plans.

If you are a health coach or selling healthcare products. It is better for you to focus on solving one specific problem like knee pain. You can aim for the groups that are discussing knee pain. If you’re solving inflammation, you can focus on the communities that are discussing inflammation.

This is how you find the places that your ideal client is hanging out at.

**Step 3: Be Part of the Communities**

Most people fail because they only post promotional posts inside the groups. Some of them even add every single member of that group or simply reach out to everybody of that group. This is obviously violating the rules and FB is punishing hard for this spamming behavior right now.

So what should I do? Be part of the communities just as how you socialise in real life. One aim and one goal, give as much value as you can to this community. You want to be the best donator and you want to help as many people as you can.

Don’t join 100’s of groups, join 4 to 5 at most just as you will never join more than 10 clubs or communities and be active for every group in real life.

If you see anyone asking questions that you know how to solve. Just comment below and give constructive suggestions and try to help them as much as you can (in the comments section). If the group allows you to post, create value posts that really help. Just purely give out all the knowledge that you can to help people. So how to add people if in this case?

For those who are engaging in your post or comments. Just send friend requests to those whom you’re really interested in being friends with. For example, if today I meet 3 like minded people that I really want this kind of person in my team, I will send friend requests to them. If you truly give as much value as you can, people will start to pay attention to you, love your posts, follow your posts and start to become your audience.

Just be sincere and authentic. It doesn’t matter if you're a beginner, you’re speaking different languages or you’re not having massive results yet. It all depends on whether you start to take actions and try things out or not. Just take imperfect actions and tweak along the journey.

Hope it helps!

(Why Pain Is The Greatest Motivator)The man doesn't know that there is a snake underneath.The woman doesn't know that th...

(Why Pain Is The Greatest Motivator)

The man doesn't know that there is a snake underneath.

The woman doesn't know that there is a stone crushing the man.

🙍‍♀️The woman thinks:

“I am going to fall! and I can't climb because the snake is going to bite me!

Why can't the man use a little more strength and pull me up!"

🙍‍♂️The man thinks:

“I am in so much pain! Yet I'm still pulling you as much as I can!

Why don't you try and climb a little harder?!"

Both perspectives are true.

But neither are seeing the others struggle.

The lesson is:

Everyone is struggling with something.

You don't know what struggles people have outside of your field of view.

Some people are just hanging on for better times.

You might be the person keeping them sane.

➡️ Listen, appreciate and be open.

Nobody knows how you feel or what struggles you have unless you share.

Open communication, listening and appreciation will ease so many issues.


(Focus on Building a Tribe)If you want to build a business that makes it so easy to sell that you don't have to try, the...

(Focus on Building a Tribe)

If you want to build a business that makes it so easy to sell that you don't have to try, then focus on building a tribe.

I learned this concept from one of my original mentors.

When you focus on helping people and leading the way you will create a core group of people who listen to your every word, look to you for advice, and yes even buy your products.

When I first started in this industry I would go out there and "Invest, Learn, Do, Teach".

These are the steps I took:

1.) Figure out what people struggle with.

2.) Go learn these skills. (Invest in mentors and courses)

3.) Do them myself

This part is important, I would actually do what I learned so I could gain real work experience.

4.) Teach people and show them case studies of how to do it.

As you go along your journey never undervalue your knowledge.

Share and document your journey every step of the way.

You only need to be one step ahead of the person you're teaching for them to value your knowledge.

By following this simple process I started building up my tribe and attracting people to me left, right and center.

Soon I had people who wanted to buy affiliate products and people started requesting I coach them before I ever offered to coach.

I still use this simple process today.

Some of my customers have gone on a journey with me to watch me from just a nobody to now growing my business at a very rapid pace.

Some of them climbed to the top of the mountain with me by applying the same concepts I use and are now also crushing it out there themselves!

I went from barely being able to pay my bills to making the kind of money people think is not even possible to make in a year in 1 month

Take the focus off yourself and focus on people.

I take the concept of building a tribe one step deeper and I build a "family".

The people in my tribe are not customers they're a part of my family.

The one thing to remind yourself is this...

People attract to people they know, like trust and RELATE to.

Focus all your efforts on helping these people, guiding these people, and treating them like family.

I focus on creating a tribe of lifetime customers, not one-time customers.

It's easier to sell something to a previous customer over getting a new customer.

Stop looking at things like, I got 100 leads onto my email list and instead look at it as I got 100 people on my email list and these people have real problems, concerns, fears, desires, and goals of their own.

This is the exact format I've been following for years and my business get's bigger and bigger by focusing on helping people solve a need, problem, or reach a goal they desire to achieve.

When you take the focus off of YOU and instead place it on your tribe you reach your goals much faster.

The concept I'm following is nothing new. It's straight from the bible.

If you do good things for others and have a servant's heart then good things will happen to you.

The more I focus on helping others and the less I focus on myself and what darren wants the more easily and frequently money flows into my life.

Money is traded when you help others.

So if you're currently stuck in your business I can guarantee you're focusing more on yourself and less on how do I help at least one person today.

Now start working on creating your tribe and watch your life change dramatically.

Imagine this...One year from now you’re walking down the street just minding your business and you bump into a stranger....

Imagine this...

One year from now you’re walking down the street just minding your business and you bump into a stranger.

You then look up and notice it’s yourself from one year ago.

What would you tell your old self about your accomplishments for the year?

Will your old self be excited to know what is ahead of them?


Will they be disappointed again that they didn’t follow through on what they promised themselves they would do?

Did you hit all of your goals?

Are you happy with yourself?

With your finances?

With your personal relationships?

With your health?

Now I want you to stop and think about this seriously.

Analyze yourself deeply and be honest.

Are the habits, routines, and people you surround yourself with going to lead you to greatness, or will they keep you shackled to being average?

If the answer is “NO” then ask yourself what would I do differently?

Who would I surround myself with or who do I want to align myself with so they can help me reach my goals?

What habits do I need to change so I hit my goals and am proud of myself one year from now?

Understand this... Successful people aren’t successful by chance, luck, or because someone helped them.

They’re successful because they planned it that way and they believed they were successful before the money and fame.

Successful people are successful because they study successful people.

They become obsessed with the habits other successful people implement and then they implement those routines into their own life.

Figure out what you would change about yourself and your habits and then do whatever it takes to do what the superior version of yourself would do in order to reach your goals.

Because if you ignore this...

One year from now you will have to look back with many regrets and still be stuck feeling like you've accomplished nothing.

And if you're anything like me... fear ways an ounce, but regret weighs a ton.

I'm okay with being scared of stepping outside my comfort zone.

I'm not okay with living with more regrets.

Push yourself, make empowering choices in your life and business, remain consistent and 1 year from now you will be in a completely different position financially, physically, mentally, and spiritually.


When life feels like too much to handle and you no longer have the strength, courage, and confidence to move forward, I ...

When life feels like too much to handle and you no longer have the strength, courage, and confidence to move forward, I want you to remember that no storm lasts forever – the sun will eventually shine through!

No matter how many times life knocks you down, no matter how many times you feel like giving up, and no matter how many times your mind will bully you into thinking that you are not worthy and deserving of the beautiful dreams your soul wants you to pursue…

I want you to keep believing in you…because when you believe in yourself, you will be unstoppable


Sometimes it’s very challenging to stay positive in a negative situation in particular when starting a digital marketing...

Sometimes it’s very challenging to stay positive in a negative situation in particular when starting a digital marketing business online.

In many instances, when we find ourselves in these situations, it can become very easy to adopt negative thinking and in the process, blame everyone and everything in the world for our problems. It’s always someone else’s fault.

The hustle and grind is real!

It's tough, and I know first hand…for example I just lost my YouTube channel a few weeks ago with 8k subscribers that I’ve been building for the last few years due to too many music copyright claims in my YT short videos.

Did I feel sick to my stomach, YES…but i didn’t cry about it, I just created another channel the next day.

That’s another reason with what being a real entrepreneur is all about, and that's why it’s not for the faint at hearted.

So you are tested in a crisis, and you can immediately deduce what kind of person you are when facing challenging situations whatever that may be that stretch you to think beyond your comfort zone.

It's all a matter of mindset because you have to inspire other people also to believe that everything will be okay, which is why being positive in a negative situation is not naive; it's leadership.


Your prospects are secretly judging you for this 🤨You only have ONE chance to make a memorable first impression. And mos...

Your prospects are secretly judging you for this 🤨

You only have ONE chance to make a memorable first impression.

And most marketers royally screw this one up…

By looking like a fool still stuck in high school, listen up! How you look really matters.

And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Because here’s the truth…everyone judges everyone.

You make split-second judgments about people you meet every single day. And you form your opinion based on those judgments.

So what makes you think your prospects aren’t doing the same?

If you want to attract higher-paying clients, you have to look the part.

You gotta have a healthy balance between casual and professional.

You’re running a BUSINESS at the end of the day.

And when you’re in business, your prospects want the security of knowing you’re a pro who knows what you’re doing.

It’s all in the finer details.


(Appreciation is one of life’s greatest motivators, and now more than ever)All employees, people who are still working i...

(Appreciation is one of life’s greatest motivators, and now more than ever)

All employees, people who are still working in a 9-5 environment need to be shown some level of recognition for the incredible sacrifice and inspiring work they perform every day during these unprecedented times.

Yet that does not seem to be the case.

So as the boss, a leader of an organisation, make it a priority to appreciate your team, appreciate their commitment to helping the organization navigate these troubled waters, value their contributions, and most importantly, thank them for their excellent service.

Some bosses take these things for granted but believe me, your employees will feel valued. Leadership is all about people, the little things make a huge difference, and the organizations that get it are the ones that ultimately succeed.

When we take the time to let people know that we value them, it inspires them to continue doing even more which is why as a leader, you don’t inspire your team by showing them how amazing you are. You inspire them by showing them how amazing they are.


Please feel free to check out my free Ebook. It has tons about online business resources and Affiliate Marketing. If you are interested to take things further, take the training that got me started from scratch… you can access here https://successwithdarrenyoud.com


Side hustle Idea đź’ˇ - For Total Newbies in 2022 & Beyond!


Side hustle idea đź’ˇ - You can do to replace your 9-5


Welcome to this side of social media…

Please feel free to check out my free Ebook. It has tons about online business resources and Affiliate Marketing. If you are interested to take things further, take the training that got me started from scratch… you can access here https://successwithdarrenyoud.com


American Express & Discover Remote From Home Jobs - HIRING NOW!

Please feel free to check out my free Ebook. It has tons about online business resources and Affiliate Marketing. If you are interested to take things further, take the training that got me started from scratch… you can access here https://successwithdarrenyoud.com


Why Affiliate Marketing Beats The Rest - Super Side Hustles 4u in 2022


Don’t be afraid…
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So what Is the so called secret…
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The beauty of affiliate marketing…
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3 great websites to make some extra money on the side…
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The Wake up Legendary Show…

If you want to learn how to start up your very own online business THE RIGHT WAY! to escape your soul sucking full time 9-5 job…

Then take part in #1 training today. Learn how to make Passive income online as an all round online digital marketer and learn the exact step-by-step blueprint that allowed me to quit my full time job as a floor-layer of 21 years to a full time online Digital marketer that allowed me to create a 6-figure online Business in just 6 months as a complete beginner.

So if that’s you, and you're curious or have been wondering how to start your own online business from scratch, and if the words passive- income and work from anywhere Intrigue you, then follow the steps and click the 🔗 below in the comments section to meet me, dave and the team that can take you there!


This is why affiliate marketing is the best online business today✨



When people ask you is affiliate marketing “MLM” ask a pyramid scheme✨



How to market with 5 simple implementations…



Let’s get you started✨➡️🔗 👑


The best way for new guys to make $2,500 a week from home✨ 👑


Disappear for six months and just see what happens✨ 👑



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