Often reminded of this story which says " There was a river infested with crocodiles, so one day a prize of $1 MILLION was put up for someone who will swim across the river and safely reach the other side,, the people laughed it off because it was impossible.. Suddenly, someone jumped in, while crocodiles were still trying to come to sense on what was going on, He swiftly swam nd crossed the river, as He reached the other side, everyone cheered up, applauded and whistled for his achievement....in jubilation, the sponsor shouted "congratulations, come get your prize"", the guy charged towards the crowd nd shouted "" I don't want your money, "Show me the person who PUSHED me in I wanna kill him""
In our lives we often hold our hearts for people who laughed at us, gossiped us, looked down on us, didn't support us financially, refused to help us in any way while we were nothing.. Please go THANK all those people, do it sincerely and from the heart, they made you want to work hard, they pushed you into putting more hard work to improve yourself.... If it wasn't for them you would still be sitting back there expecting to be fed, dressed, living on people etc... Stop trying to revenge nd show off to them, Stop hating those people, they helped you by not being there for you because you wud have never known how to stand for yourself, your goals nd be incharge of your life.......... Come on Bro. Come on, appreciate those people and love them.... You're successful today because they pushed you..they deserve a share in your success......nd remember God the almighty Loves you...