When men remind you that good women no longer exist, show them Rachael Otuoma.
When men tell you how unkind women have become, show them Rachael Otuoma.
When men say that women do not stand with men through thick and thin, show them Rachael Otuoma.
When men say women leave when they lose money or the ability to work, show them Rachael Otuoma.
When men claim women cannot coexist with difficult in-laws, show them Rachael Otuoma.
Do not waste your time trying to prove you are a good woman.
Or argue that good women ended with our mothers.
Just show them Rachael Otuoma.
Rachael Otuoma, caring for Otuoma, is living proof that women can give their all to men
Selflessly, without expectations or strings attached.
Rachael did it all for women .
And today, I just want to say
I see Rachael, and I acknowledge all the sacrifices she made for love.
May men always remember Rachael each time they think of mistreating a woman.
Rachael was to Otuoma what his mother couldn’t be.
Rachael was to Otuoma what his siblings weren’t.
Rachael gave Otuoma a community of her friends.
She loved Otuoma until death separated them.
Rachael, I see you.
And I acknowledge all the work you did.
May the universe see you.
May your husband, the man you washed, wiped, fed, and loved, rest in peace.
Your heart is pure.