Amanda Acord Rhythms and Rhymes

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Amanda Acord  Rhythms and Rhymes Been writing since I was 12. I have books full of poems. Just want to start sharing it with the world


These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

~John 16:33



My sweet perfect little babe...what I wouldn't give for 5 minutes to squeeze this version of you and kiss those chunky l...

My sweet perfect little babe...what I wouldn't give for 5 minutes to squeeze this version of you and kiss those chunky little cheeks just one more time 🥺


"The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.
You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just ponder on them. Just read it straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers.
They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies.
Awards tarnish ...
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money ... or the most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most 💕

Stolen from Tina because I love it so



I’m alone...surrounded by my solitude
Here I can be myself, completely n**e
Sometimes I come off as completely rude
Truth is I don’t care how I’m discreetly viewed
I need a hole in my head - as much as I need you
And/or your opinion of me
You’d probably just end up diminishin me
Or maybe even envisionin me
As exactly the vision you’re wanting to see
But I can’t be who you want me to be
Just move on there’s nothin to see
I promise I’m nothing special
And I really don’t want to tempt you
My mind and body are part of a temple
But no prayers within are answered
Your bridge is gone it can’t burn
I’m full of scars take a gander
I wear them proudly like a banner
The truth is too heavy I keep it buried
All those demons they’re too scary
But it’s a mighty heavy load to carry
I’ve come so far but I’ve grown wary
Maybe I just need someone near me
Maybe I’ve been screaming and no one can hear me
Maybe if I’m honest my eyes are teary
How do I express
This heavy weight on my chest
I try and try but cannot rest
So I digress
Still a soldier strong I stand
I need no one to take my hand
They would never understand
The beast that lives inside of me
The Mr. Hyde that resides in me
I keep him at bay but he confides in me
The back and forth is blinding me
All these ties are binding me
I have to get back to finding me
I wish I had someone reminding me
The good in me is dominant
Not a soul alive is without sin
Won’t quit the race I have to win
There’s no way this is where it ends
Now is the time… my story begins.



Just a solid black box of nothingness.
I’m in the wild all alone just roughing this
The farthest stretch of your imagination isn’t touching this. I’m trapped in a nightmare where nothing is, surrounding me. Same spot everyone was just around me, maybe the depression is clouding me? Blurring my vision, rearranging my memory, Isaiah, Xander, Bella.. don’t you remember we.. were just standing in the kitchen, or in the backyard pitchin, you laughin while I was bitchin, am I really just stitchin, together pieces of time, or is my heart just glitchin, trying to find my peace of mind, I don’t know, no peace I find, just agony and pain, it’s all in vain, nothing to gain, I lost it all, I dropped the ball, a long way to fall, with my back against the wall, and I fought against it all, the demons and the monsters, deciphered the impostors, the obstacles I conquered, still stayed true and honored, the woman who lives in my mirror, she keeps trying to help me see clearer, but sometimes I fear her, and the truth she keeps so near her, I know I need to hold her dearer, and hear her cries for help, and gear her with a belt, full of all the tools she may need, to make it thru this and succeed, stop following and take the lead, just take heed and read the caution signs hiding in the weeds, they’re not just merely suggestions or questions, they’re blessings in disguise, so wipe your eyes and hold your head high, the journey’s just begun and the limit’s the sky.



~ God, I’m Trying ~

It’s a struggle
Just to maintain my composure
Trying to shy away from the exposure
Don’t want to hear the hold your
Head up high words of sympathy
Can’t deal with the fake and forced empathy
Act like you haven’t went with me
Down the same winding path
I can do the simple math
2 and 2 equals you have been there too
Really tell me who
The hell hasn’t
Think you’ve handled it better you haven’t
We’re all broken and damaged
Trying to manage trying to handle it
While others take advantage of
Your misfortune and pain
I’m just trying to to maintain
Scrambling for shelter when I smell the rain
It’s a never ending hurricane
Inside my brain
A million things
The fat lady sings
And the melody brings me back to life
I remember the strife and retreat again
Until we meet again remember me when
I was different..somehow better then
I’ll be better than I’ve ever been
This too shall pass it’s not the end
But the old me’s dead farewell my friend.


~ 1st Spoken Word ~

~ 1st Spoken Word ~


~ You Lost Me ~

Let me tell you when you lose me..right around the time you confuse me..with someone who will accept your condescending viewing..Atop of your cauldron just brewing..just evaluating and concluding..completely undoing..everyone you look upon..look down’re booing within convinced yourself you’re without sin how easily you forget your devils think you’re better since when? Remind me then how long it’s been..since your dark days came and you still remember..when you repent? when did you start feeling heaven sent?Lord I come to you, humbly I bow..Jesus me see how..someone can go from then to now..stand up high and take a bow..praise themselves and then look down..on others as if they’re better forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors or did you forget us the ones so far beneath you I beseech you please..glance upon your mirror..then look in the rear view let your heart just steer you..humble yourself and remember your one’s exempt from being cast..nothing quite like the consequences of your actions..stop you’re proud but stay humble remember you don’t deserve’re not worth it just like say my hands are dirty better wipe yours clean..stop forgetting we’ve all seen..the other side of your fence..not so pristine ..find your way do not pack..what others may lack don’t attack..those a little further back on the path you once tracked.. remember who you are..whenever you’re ready the truth won’t be far ⭐️



Listened to a song a friend started a while back called Dark Angels..and decided to pen a verse to the beat myself..

~Dark Angels (verse)~

Been down to the bottom of the bottle back up to the top..around the rim..I try to swim..when I’m drowning..force my sMile when I’m frowning.. I live for now say f**k tomorrow I been fighting dark angels.. they love me they love me not..are they truthful I think not..stick to the plot I do not..take kindly to snakes in the grass..I’ll take a pass if you’re tryna gas me or inflate my ego..long ago I erased the need to..gain approval or acceptance from anyone who needs to..pass judgment or try to judge..I’m perfect inside and out and you can get f**ked..if you don’t agree we can just agree to disagree your opinion don’t mean s**t to me..join the club it’s you and me and we..Have all been fighting dark angels...



~Stage 4 Narcissist~

I do not sit high enough to judge
You lean on your condescending views like a crutch
Always looking down on others like you’re so high above
Like I haven’t known you from day f**king one
As if I don’t know who you are and what you’ve done
Please do me a favor and miss me with the bulls**t
Just like you’ve already missed me with all your hollow bullets
Yeah, there was a time, for you, I would’ve taken a full clip
But you stood behind the trigger, you aimed and you pulled it
Had me out here lookin real stupid and foolish
But I don’t stay down long..I came back in black, in flashes
Dust settled and I rose like a phoenix from the ashes
And all I ever wanted was for us to move past it
But your unjustified resentment..just gotta rehash it
The way you you praise next level hubristic
I try to calmly rationalize and every time you dismiss it
Were you up there on the cross at that crucifixion
Could’ve sworn it was Jesus guess it was you and I missed it
You’re a psychiatrist’s dream, stage 4 narcissistic
God knows I’m not perfect..and I never claim to be
But I don’t need to bring down others, to feel good about me
You can’t accept, you won’t’s your insecurities
They’re blinding you, from any view..of your reality
Now herein lies the problem, why I can’t just let this go
You’re passing this, down to our kids..and it’s starting to show
Don’t think because I come in peace that I’m not ready for war
I cherish my peace..but love my kids so much more
I won’t let them become like’re rotten to your core
One way or another I’ll finish this..then I’ll close the door.


~❤️ to ❤️~

Side by side, back to back, heart to heart
Not another soul alive has been there from the start
I need you to understand, when I say I’ll always have your back
That means it doesn’t matter, however the odds are stacked
We got the advantage, cover my front and I got your six
No words can hurt, and I’ll block their stones and sticks
You’re stubborn, so am I, but we learn to take it in stride
If ever you get lost, I will be your guide
I’ll look to you, when I can’t see thru, the storm clouds in my path
And God help who, dare hurt you, when they have to feel my wrath
Tho it’s true at times, we disagree, argue and fight
We bounce back quick, forgive and forget, we always make it right
I want you to know, it’s so important to me
That when I fall short, when I’m down and out, you’re the courage in me
I look up to you, I’m proud of you, I love you unconditionally
When I think of who, I just can’t lose, you’re the vision I see
All my life, my good times, all of my core memories
Everything else may fade, but our bond will never leave
Whenever you need me, I’ll never be far
Distance means nothing, I’m wherever you are
So rest easy knowing, I’m in your corner til the end
My sister, my partner in crime, my forever best friend ❤️


~ Armando~

I wasn’t expecting you
Or us or to feel like this
To long for your kiss
I don’t understand how I can miss
Someone I’ve yet to even meet
How do you do that
Quicken my heart’s beat
Impatiently awaiting your love so sweet
I accept defeat
I completely surrender
My heart has been bruised
And you are the mender
Sent to be my defender, and end the
Loneliness and the pain
To hold up an umbrella and stop the rain
Maybe it hasn’t all been in vain
I feel so crazy I can’t explain
I’m drawn to you like a moth to a flame
Like a teenage girl drawing hearts
around your name
I give you my heart it’s yours to claim
I don’t think I’ll ever be the same
But it’s fragile, this heart of mine
I wear it on my sleeve, too easy to find
I pray you don’t hurt it, please be kind
I usually try to put up a wall
But I’ve lost all control, I’m gonna fall
If you’ll have me, I give you my all.


Seconds, minutes, hours
Weeks and months and years
Hurt and pain trying to stay sane, rivers and oceans of tears
The deepest love I’ve ever known, my deepest darkest fears
You taught me to switch gears and run like hell when the smoke clears, spinning my wheels burning out, nowhere to go stuck watching you shift from friend to foe they told me you can’t turn a hoe into a husband or somethin like that I wasn’t the cat and you weren’t the dog back then back when it all started I wasn’t guarded I let my walls down and my hardened heart softened but you outsmarted me so often it became second nature a f**ked up cycle I was never gonna win you were karma for every single sin I paid the price time and again it’s f**king insane how long it’s been since you told me you weren’t like other men since I surrendered and put down my pen do you even remember when? When the real me existed to you? When this false narrative wasn’t fixed into you when you had half a heart and part of your soul when you weren’t so fixated on playing this role do you ever think about the day you’ll pay the toll?
I’m not the monster you portray me to be
I’m not a toy stop playing with me
You’re an imposter go ahead take a knee you could only ever pray to be
Worthy of forgiveness
Lucky for you God will forgive this
Me I’m not quite there yet, could never be that careless, I’ll just pretend we never met, stack the odds and wage a bet, that your karma’s catching up to you, it’s not worth confronting you or wanting you to suffer, thanks for making me tougher, but I’ll still be taking cover whenever you hover or come close to me, this isn’t how things were supposed to be, but you’re hell bent on being a foe to me, so I concede, so be it, you’ll never see it from my point of view, and all of my blame points to you, so call it a draw, call a truce walk away, call it a day, be done with it, I’m throwing in the towel, pick it up and run with it, f**k it, drive yourself crazy, have fun with it.



Let’s give a round of applause
To the righteous ones
You know who you are
The self righteous ones
The sit high on their horse and fight you ones
The never bark only bite you ones
Teeth bared growling always ready for battle
Even in stillness their cages rattle
Horses on ready to throw on the saddle
So high above they can’t see below
All knowing Gods, they see but don’t know
Red light, yellow light, green, but don’t go
Friends slowly scatter, everyone’s a foe
Never realizing they’ll reap what they sew
Let’s give a round of applause
To the saints among us
Everyone clap for how far they’ve brung us
Convinced they were helping but they only hung us
Strung us, up by our feet and left us to die
High and dry
We knew they were foolin you, they fooled us too, but not really I saw your true colors clearly
I was always leery, fearing the jeering, and taunting…because I knew it was the blind leading the blind
Acting so reckless always cruel never kind never mind, the fact, that they speak no fact have no clue of the impact, the cause and effect of the knowledge they lack, don’t ever trust ‘em they won’t have your back, so quick to switch up and attack,
Let’s give a round of applause
To the heroes and the saviors
Who swore they were doing us favors
Their own greatest praisers
Blind to their wicked behaviors
But I see thru you, you’re transparent
Despite your belief that your perfection is inherent
You think it’s so apparent that you’ll inherit a crown
Can’t see the truth when you stare it, dead in the eyes
Who will blink first
Let’s give a round of applause for the cursed
Who think they’re so gifted
Completely oblivious to how far they’ve drifted
Lost in another dimension
Please no comments concerns no opinions or questions
Give a round of applause and witness their ascension.



I can’t look at your picture anymore
I see you walk toward me when I look at my door
Smiling and happy giving me a kiss
It’s all the little things I’ll miss
But I can’t look at your picture anymore
We both look so happy and it cuts me to the core
“I love you beautiful” texts and “I miss you” calls
In no time at all you tore down my walls
I can’t look at your picture anymore
I told you I was scared to get hurt like before
You promised me you weren’t like the rest
You’d give me all of you nothing more nothing less
But I can’t look at your picture anymore
Every time I do my tears just pour
You swore to me this wasn’t a game
Promised one day I’d have your last name
I can’t look at your picture anymore
My eyes are just too swollen and sore
It’s all consuming this ache in my heart
I knew you were too good to be true from the start
But I can’t look at your picture anymore
I’m standing still but feel I’ve been at war
You left without warning no reason no rhyme
I simply just blinked and I ran out of time
I can’t look at your picture anymore
No choice now but to close the door
It’s all my fault I knew the stakes
Now I look at your picture and my heart just breaks.

~AAA 💙~

~AAA 💙~

~AAA 💙~




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