48_Yoda missed it 🤣 #fyp #saltwatertank #babyyoda #Yodathemantisshrimp
49_Rex with a HUGE Punch on the crab! #saltwatertank #fyp #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
51_Well my son made a perfect timing cry in this fight 🤣 #saltwatertank #fyp #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
52_The suspense 😬 #saltwatertank #fyp #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
53_How beautiful is Rex #saltwatertank ##fyp #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
56_It's so cool to watch Rex! #fyp #saltwatertank #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
58_Rex can make crabs fly! #fyp #saltwatertank #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
137_We gave the Kraken a boat... He didn't care 🤣 #fyp #octopus🐙 #hankthekraken #saltwatertank
30_I love a good ol boop n run 🤣 #fyp #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #posreffish #rexthemantis
32_By far the most complete puncher we have gotten from Rex!! #fyp #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #posreffish #rexthemant
33_My boy bubbles coming in for the win! He has earned his own hashtag! #bubblesfishisbetterthanref 🤣 #fyp #saltwatertan
34_Unfortunately Rex did not want to eat still so we're still waiting for him to be ready since he molted! #fyp #saltwat
35_The things I do for my fish tanks 🤣
36_Rex dropped this crab! #fyp #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #posreffish #rexthemantis
37_Crab actually pinched Rex! #fyp #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #posreffish #rexthemantis
38_Rex occasionally gets dinner for 2 😏 #fyp #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #posreffish #rexthemantis
39_Falling really fastly 😅 #fyp #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #posreffish #rexthemantis
63_Rex doesn't care about anything other than his rocks.. #fyp #saltwatertank #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
64_Crab made a poor decision walking that way! #fyp #saltwatertank #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
65_Damn that looked like it hurt 😅 #fyp #saltwatertank #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp