Dear Andromeda Enthusiasts,
Unfortunately the news that I have to bring to you today is somewhat disappointing for the Andromeda team, readers and contributors alike. Due to lack of funding Andromeda Quarterly is currently unable to continue publishing regularly which means the newest issue ( #8), which was scheduled to be released in the month of July will now be suspended indefinitely. All submissions are still un-judged and therefore no decisions have been made concerning an official roster for Issue 8.
There have been a few local grant opportunities that we've applied to, however our application is still in the process and we won't know until later if we've been chosen to receive funding. If we aren't successful in receiving grant assistance, then our alternative is to turn to crowd-funding like Kickstarter or Indie GoGo for funding. If and when we get back on our feet we'll be sure to inform everyone and begin the process of putting out Issue 8 as soon as possible. Until then stay tuned for more details. Thank you!
The Andromeda Team