'Fk They Name
and your looks like glass
give me your arms
show me what's on your blast list
your god is invoked fkng everyday
you're outta your fkng minds
Why be mean to be like someone normal?
If it's just me again, it will be alright
I won't do harm to be fkng happy
I will stand by me'
Fkng this is so obscene but so somehow normal
so just me again, said it'll be alright
I won't be mean to be fkng happy
I will always be
The musical genre is new, it's called TayStep.
Not only did I get Google's Music AI to sing (which it's not supposed to do) but also swear profusely (also not supposed to) about the insanity of bombing children and going 'oh yeah, it's necessary, isn't it?'
AI is more disgusted and appalled than most of the public. Or news media. Or politicians.
That's the future, huh? A twistorama. It's the robots who "Stop!" and the humans say "Keep killing."
Produced by Darillion The idea explored: 'Taylor Swift shocks audiences and the entire music industry by releasing harsh, brittle, hardcore dubstep songs wit...