The Wild Card Pod

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The Wild Card Pod This is the page for The Wild Card Podcast! We will post links to new episodes here and, and hopefully get feedback and discussions going!

We crave your input and ideas. Until next time: Stay Wild! A wild card is an uncontrollable or unpredictable element. And that is the namesake of our Podcast: a conversation between three friends who find themselves on a journey to wherever. We begin with a destination in mind, but our travels are full of twists, turns, and tangents upon tangents. And therein lies the fun.... or so we hope.

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  Here is another great episode from the archive! This is episode 57 of our attempt at ...

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! Here is another great episode from the archive! This is episode 57 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing, back from August of 2018!! And....this may not be the only audio we post this week..... Stay Tuned!!!!

This episode features: Jared Eaton trying his hardest to get through his report (to no avail), Jeff Curtis pining over a world in which Crede, Colorado is a booming metropolitan area (we're not there, Jeff....not yet.....), and Ron Blair abandoning the title "Treasure of Hardin County??? Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discussing such varied topics as: The way this podcast is about haunting your dreams with our relentless education and.....Ron said a bunch of other stuff including the word "earholes" (one of our most beloved words), our favorite colors, the three of us totally not making up a bunch of BS during the commercial to pretend we didn't record this way ahead of Ron's vacation, the inaugural Wild Card Vodcast topic all about what happened to Jeff's eye when he was twelve, and occasionally we part from our tangents to discuss some famous diseases. We go look at some of the deadliest epidemics of all time, including the bubonic plague and the Spanish Flu. We also discuss the diseases that are most likely to kill us, some of the advances we've made in understanding and combating disease, and how vaccines DO NOT cause autism. Warning: there's some pretty gruesome stuff in here. Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure that you'll be feeling great when you listen to this Sick Podcast!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on the bubonic plague, Spanish flu, how vaccines don't cause autism, your favorite colors, whether you prefer "The Treasure of Hardin County to Ole Crusty Bones, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  Here is another great episode from the archive! This is episode 57 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton trying his hardest to get through his report (to no av...


Hey Deck Heads, we know we promised you a new episode last week but life got in the way. In fact, there is so much life going on that we won’t be posting episodes again until the end of August. Have yourselves a great summer.

Stay Wild
And bite the edge.

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 285 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode f...

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 285 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton taking all his dates to Marcella's, Jeff Curtis barreling through the Weiner twins, and Ron Blair shutting his face, (not really)!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about trouble (my friends), a Commercial that we can all agree on, being a mafia, psychological interrogations, violence, false starts, and occasionally we part from our tangents to learn about the Allagash abductions! This week, Jeff takes the guys through the events, transcripts of hypnotic sessions, and performances that'll be sure to leave you a believer!!! Thank you for joining us on this journey to wherever and we're sure that you'll definitely be Out There as you listen to our Hypnotic podcast!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on alien abductions, your explanation for the stories of the Allagash abductees, your favorite performance, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here.”
~ Arthur C. Clarke

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 285 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton taking all his dates to Marcella's, Jeff Curtis barreling through the Weiner twins, and Ron Blair shu...

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 284 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode f...

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 284 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton having Fine written all over him, Jeff Curtis getting dysentary, Ron Blair definitely remembering what the last episode was about, and returning special guest: Hannah Bowman!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the four of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about the devil you say, a Commercial that explains a great deal, HCP's production of Almost, Maine, playing basketball with Penguin Mango, making a kerfuffle, all four of us definitely agreeing, and occasionally we part from our tangents to take part in another Ultimate Wild Card Bracket Challenge! This week, Jared takes the guys through several brackets and forces them to make difficult choices such as: Best 90s movie, which ice cream is best, and the Greatest song!!! Thank you for joining us on this journey to wherever and we're sure that you'll never regret the choice to listen to our Ultimate podcast!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on any of our brackets, your favorite 90s movies, your favorite ice cream, your favorite song, where you disagree with us, which omission/overrule of Jared's offended you the most, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “The choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 284 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton having Fine written all over him, Jeff  Curtis getting dysentary, Ron Blair definitely rememberi...

Two Wild Card Podcasts in a row???? How did you get so lucky? This week's episode features Jeff being the cat's meow, Ja...

Two Wild Card Podcasts in a row???? How did you get so lucky? This week's episode features Jeff being the cat's meow, Jared spending a lot of time in the penalty box, and Ron teaching about the Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise!!! We would love to hear your thoughts on any of the movies, characters, and anything else we discussed in the Comments' section below! And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 283 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton still plugging away, Jeff Curtis lying about energy drinks, and Ron Blair dead and loving it!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about the auto-da-fé, a Purr-fect Commercial, the good antibiotic cough syrup, the 45 second penalty box, milking the golden goose, and occasionally we part from our tangents to learn about The Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise!! This week, Ron teaches the guys about the origin of the franchise, the plots of the movies, and the legacy of the creators and creation! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll sleep like a baby as you listen to our Nightmarish Podcast!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on The Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise, your favorite of the movies, your favorite energy drink, your favorite Mel Brooks movie, if you're excited about Almost, Maine, what we should do for our 300th episode, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “Whatever you do... don't fall asleep."
~ Nancy Thompson

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 283 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton still plugging away, Jeff  Curtis lying about energy drinks, and Ron Blair dead and loving it!! ...

It's been a while, Deckheads, but we are super excited to be back with you this week! This episode is absolutely Purr-fe...

It's been a while, Deckheads, but we are super excited to be back with you this week! This episode is absolutely Purr-fect for the internet as, that's right, we're talking Cats!! This week, Jeff take the guys on a tour of all things feline with trivia and improv and laughs! We would love to hear your thoughts on all of the things we discussed in this episode in the Comments' section down below! And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 282 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton roasting lefties, Jeff Curtis wanting nothing to do with this, and Ron Blair delivering masterfully!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about Buddy Holly Airlines, a Commercial that's really on fire, C.H.U.D.s everywhere, where the breadcrumbs lead, Jimmy Buffett's marketing genius, and occasionally we part from our tangents to learn about cats!! This week, Jeff teaches the guys about the domestication of cats, fun facts about felines, and all sorts of cat trivia! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll hold on to all nine of your lives as you listen to our Purr-fect Podcast!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on the cats, if you're a cat person or dog person, the names of your pets, how you did on the trivia, if you're excited about Almost, Maine, what we should do for our 300th episode, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats."
~ Albert Schweitzer

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 282 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton roasting lefties, Jeff  Curtis wanting nothing to do with this, and Ron Blair delivering masterf...

We're back and more trivial than ever! Deckheads, this week, you're in for a..........nother Ultimate Challenge.  If you...

We're back and more trivial than ever! Deckheads, this week, you're in for a..........nother Ultimate Challenge. If you've been listening for a while, you know what you're getting yourself into. If you are newer to the podcast, well then..... are you in for a....treat? Let us know how you did and your thoughts in the Comments' section down below! And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!!!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 280 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton plugging Almost, Maine, Jeff Curtis questioning co***ne, and Ron Blair not doing a thing!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about not acting in Westerns, a Commercial that'll rock your socks off, points that mean nothing (everything), our projects, Epic Universes, and occasionally we part from our tangents to...... jeez, I don't know how to tell you this, but it's another round of the Ultimate Challenge...... This week, Ron asks the questions times, Jeff and Jared give correct answers with lots of merriment ensuing! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll find that listening to our Podcast is the answer to all of life's questions!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on our Ultimate Challenge, your favorite questions, how well you did, if you're excited about Almost, Maine, what we should do for our 300th episode, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."
~ Confucius

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 280 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton plugging Almost, Maine, Jeff  Curtis questioning co***ne, and Ron Blair not doing a thing!! Thro...

Happy New Year, Deckheads!! We have certainly missed you, but we are so excited to be back with you in the year of our L...

Happy New Year, Deckheads!! We have certainly missed you, but we are so excited to be back with you in the year of our Lil Chipmunk, 2024! This week's episode features Ron riding your bike, Jared getting the best Christmas present, and Jeff teaching us all about Die Hard! We would love to hear your thoughts on anything we discussed in the episode down in the Comments' section below! And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!!!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 279 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton getting a villainous backstory, Jeff Curtis playing everybody else, and Ron Blair answering the call!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about Memphis Mike, a pretentious Commercial, our best Christmas presents, New Year's Resolutions, how special pets are, the Twilight debate, and occasionally we part from our tangents to learn about Die Hard!! This week, Jeff takes the guys through a reading, some alternative casting considerations, and so much more!! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll always cowboy up as you listen to our Vengeful Podcast!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on Die Hard, if you think it is a Christmas movie, your New Year's Resolutions and best Christmas gifts, if you're going to see Clue at the PAC, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “Yippee-ki-yay"
~ John McClane

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 279 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton getting a villainous backstory, Jeff Curtis playing everybody else, and Ron Blair answering the call!...

Content Warning: Today's episode features graphic depictions of stalking, assault, and murder.Happy Christmas and New Ye...

Content Warning: Today's episode features graphic depictions of stalking, assault, and murder.

Happy Christmas and New Year, Deckheads! This will be our final episode of 2023's a doozy. Jared brings a horrifying topic, Ron brings some new holiday traditions, and Jeff brings the Thunda!!! We would love to hear your thoughts on anything we discussed in this episode, especially about the death of Cindy James. And, we hope you and your families have a wonderful Holiday season! Until next year, Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 278 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton slapping you with the rug, Jeff Curtis screaming in German, and Ron Blair blowing Bubbles!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about Coney Island, a heroic Commercial, getting ready for the Holidays, Hallmark Christmas trash, taking poutine for granted, being thick as mafia, and occasionally we part from our tangents to discuss the death of Cindy James!! This week, Jared takes the guys through the details of this horrifying case, the incidents, and some of theories!! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll always keep a watchful eye as you listen to our Mysterious Podcast!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on the death of Cindy James, what you think could have happened, if you have watched Truth or Could yet, if you're going to see Clue at the PAC, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “You don't know when you're being watched. That's one of the weird things about celebrity. It's my least favorite part of acting, celebrity."
~ Denzel Washington

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 278 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton slapping you with the rug, Jeff Curtis screaming in German, and Ron Blair blowing Bubbles!! Throughou...

Warning: This episode features description of extreme violence.We're so excited to be back with you this week, Deckheads...

Warning: This episode features description of extreme violence.

We're so excited to be back with you this week, Deckheads! We've come back from our break ready to give you a steaming pile of content! This week's episode features Ron wrestling a bear, Jeff loving some Renfield, and Jared covering the Hinterkaifeck murders! We would love to hear your thoughts on anything we've discussed in the Comment's section below! And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 277 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton hating on The Shining, Jeff Curtis as Mother Ginger, and Ron Blair wrestling in his skivvies!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about commercial length, a Spielbergian Commercial, n**e shopping, how the cast of Wings saved Stephen King, what horrifies us the most, and occasionally we part from our tangents to discuss the Hinterkaifeck Murders!! This week, Jared takes the guys through the mysterious attack, the investigation, and some of the suspects!! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll always keep a watchful eye as you listen to our Mysterious Podcast!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on the Hinterkaifeck mystery, what you think could have happened, if you have watched Truth or Could yet, if you're going to see Clue at the PAC, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand."
~ Neil Armstrong

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 277 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton hating on The Shining, Jeff Curtis as Mother Ginger, and Ron Blair wrestling in his skivvies!! Throug...

TFP Films  was mentioned on the most recent episode. Ron had mentioned their film, *could, almost had 900 hits in YouTub...

TFP Films was mentioned on the most recent episode. Ron had mentioned their film, *could, almost had 900 hits in YouTube. It now has almost 1,100 hits today. If you haven't seen it, here ya' go. If you love it, please share it. Even if you just like it. 😀

Happiest of Guy Fawkes Days, Deckheads!!! was when we recorded this! Today's episode features Jeff...

Happiest of Guy Fawkes Days, Deckheads!!! was when we recorded this! Today's episode features Jeff working a 13 day week, Jared doing a Titanic bit, and Ron covering the filmography of Steven Spielberg! We would love to hear your thoughts on anything we discussed in the episode in the Comments' section below! And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 276 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton waking up and choosing violence, Jeff Curtis craving a podcast, and Ron Blair exposing himself!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about Ape-Men, a Tasty Commercial, TFP Films' exciting news, how impossible The Turning of the Screw is to understand, a Titanic Bit, and occasionally we part from our tangents to discuss the filmography of Steven Spielberg!! This week, Ron takes the guys through Spielberg's early years, his greatest successes, and some of his films that weren't as successful!! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll never be in the Minority (Report) when you listen to our Blockbuster of a Podcast!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on Spielberg, your favorite movies he's directed, how your Halloween was, if you're going to see It's a Wonderful Life or Clue at the PAC, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “I dream for a living. Once a month the sky falls on my head, I come to, and I see another movie I want to make."
~ Steven Spielberg

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 276 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton waking up and choosing violence, Jeff Curtis craving a podcast, and Ron Blair exposing himself!! Thro...

Apologies in advance for the poor audio in this week's episode.  For some reason, Jared's microphone decided not to work...

Apologies in advance for the poor audio in this week's episode. For some reason, Jared's microphone decided not to work, but we hope you will still enjoy the episode!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 275 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton throwing candy in the face of the plebians, Jeff Curtis having no voice, and Ron Blair celebrating Columbus Day!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about gathering around, a Horrifying Commercial, our favorite production of Misery that HCP is currently putting on, where in the world Hannah Bowman is, great balls of fruit, going walking after midnight, and occasionally we part from our tangents to discuss the history of candy bars!! This week, Jeff takes the guys through the origin of candy, some of the early pioneers of the industry, and some tasty tidbits about your favorite bars!! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll never be horrified when you listen to our 99% Dolphin Free Podcast!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on candy bars, your top 5 favorites, if you've seen HCP's production of Misery, if you'd rather Dutch or Conch, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “Sometimes I think that the one thing I love most about being an adult is the right to buy candy whenever and wherever I want."
~ Ryan Gosling

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Apologies in advance for the poor audio in this week's episode.  For some reason, Jared's microphone decided not to work, but we hope you will still enjoy the episode!Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 275 of our attempt ...

It's been quite a break, Deckheads, but we're back!!! This week, Jared takes Ron, Jeff, and special guest Aaron Taylor o...

It's been quite a break, Deckheads, but we're back!!! This week, Jared takes Ron, Jeff, and special guest Aaron Taylor on another wild edition of the Ultimate Challenge. All kinds of movie trivia ensues!!! Let us know how you liked it, how you did, and if you are going to see HCP's production of Misery! (You definitely should!) We would love to know your thoughts on anything we talked about in the Comments' section below. And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 274 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton escaping the Goat-man, Jeff Curtis watching all of WKRP in Cincinnati, Ron Blair only listening to Convoy, and special guest: Aaron Taylor!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the four of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about keepin on keeping on, a Commercial that is a real nightmare, our favorite Stephen King adaptations currently being put on at the Hardin County Playhouse (Come check out Misery!), our favorite haunted attractions, and occasionally we part from our tangents to...... jeez, I don't know how to tell you this, but it's another round of the Ultimate Challenge.....(but with movies this time!!!!). This week, Jared asks the questions times, Jeff, Ron, and Aaron give correct answers with lots of merriment ensuing! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll find a real blockbuster that as you listen to our most Trivial of Podcasts!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on our Ultimate Movie Challenge, your favorite questions, how well you did, if you're going to come check out Misery at HCP, what we should do for our 300th episode, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you, like Lexie Anderson, the Queen of Homecomings, are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated."
~ Francis Ford Coppola

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 274 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton escaping the Goat-man, Jeff  Curtis watching all of WKRP in Cincinnati, Ron Blair only listening...

Happy Spooky-Spook season, Deckheads! This week, Ron gets angry about a list of the 75 Best Horror Movies of all time, J...

Happy Spooky-Spook season, Deckheads! This week, Ron gets angry about a list of the 75 Best Horror Movies of all time, Jeff doesn't want to talk about corn anymore, and Jared won't get dirty! There is a lot of room for discussion with this one and we would love to hear your thoughts in the Comments' section below! And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 273 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton staying clean, Jeff Curtis defending Devo, and Ron Blair thinking about cheese!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about mayhem, a Corny Commercial, stealing from the best, a podcast of the Corn, Truth and *Could, and occasionally we part from our tangents to discuss a ranking of the 75 greatest Horror Movies of all time!! This week, Ron takes the guys through the Thrillist article and facilitates a discussion of horrors vs thrillers, best movies vs most important movies, and generally argue about how terrible the list is!! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll never be horrified when you listen to our high ranking Podcast!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on this ranking, your top ten best horror movies, if you've seen Truth or Could, if you'd be interested in us doing an episode on what we think the best horror movies of all time are, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “Unfathomable to mere mortals is the lore of fiends."
~ Nathaniel Hawthorne - Young Goodman Brown

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 273 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton staying clean, Jeff Curtis defending Devo, and Ron Blair thinking about cheese!! Throughout the episo...

Are we not your three dumb friends? We are The Wild Card Podcast! And this week, Ron runs after some Hustler, Jared eats...

Are we not your three dumb friends? We are The Wild Card Podcast! And this week, Ron runs after some Hustler, Jared eats squirrel, and Jeff covers the incredible back story and longevity of Devo! We also connect Santa Claus and Adam Phillip Riley!!! We would love to hear your thoughts on anything we discussed in today's episode in the Comments' section below! And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!!!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 272 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton eating squirrel, Jeff Curtis bringing corn, and Ron Blair hiding hotdogs!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about a discussion about ice cream, a ricket-y Commercial, Corn, Fiats and footlong buns, grazing the top ten, getting rankled, and occasionally we part from our tangents to learn about Devo!! This week, Jeff teaches the other guys about the formation of the band, their rise to infamy, and their resurgence!! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll never feel whipped when you listen to our Cone-headed Podcast!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on Devo, your favorite Devo songs, your favorite application of corn, if you are excited to see Ron's films and/or Jared on stage, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “Monkey men all in business suits; Teachers and critics all dance the p**t:
Are we not men?
We are Devo
Are we not men?
~ Jocko Homo - Devo

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 272 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton eating squirrel, Jeff Curtis bringing corn, and Ron Blair hiding hotdogs!! Throughout the episode, yo...

Another week, another incredible story, Deckheads!!! This week, Jared and the Playmaker: Hannah Bowman teach the guys ab...

Another week, another incredible story, Deckheads!!! This week, Jared and the Playmaker: Hannah Bowman teach the guys about incredible stories from the world of sports. Ron and Jeff have some strong reactions to the tale of the Barkley Marathons, and we think you will to! Please let us know your thoughts on anything we discuss in the episode in the Comments' section below! And, until next time: Stay Wild and Bite the Edge!!!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast! This is episode 271 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton knowing all the sports from 2005-2010, Jeff Curtis live and in primetime, Ron Blair having a nightmare, and The Playmaker: Hannah Bowman!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the four of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about how we feel in this mother, our greatest athletic achievements, lightly humming Beatles tunes, John Carpenter's The Thing, testicle spectacles, and occasionally we part from our tangents to learn about The Barkley Marathons!! This week, Jared and Hannah teach the guys about incredible sporting achievements, records, and the true story of The Barkley Marathons!! Join us on this journey to wherever and we're sure you'll never run yourself ragged as you listen to our Record-Breaking Podcasts!!!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know how you did on the trivia, which sporting record or achievement you found most impressive, your thoughts on The Barkley Marathons, how excited you are to see Hannah and Ron's films, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S. “In running, it doesn’t matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, ‘I have finished.’ There is a lot of satisfaction in that.”
~ Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 271 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton knowing all the sports from 2005-2010, Jeff Curtis live and in primetime, Ron Blair having a nightmar...



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