Good things stand the test of time, and as we get ready to close out the year and the 85th year of publication of 'Film Journal International,' we are delighted that we have persevered in our commitment to bring our readers the finest in journalism with the clear and precise goal of presenting the news in a fair, non-biased manner.
That being said, this issue of 'Film Journal International' will be the last publication of this iconic magazine. As reported in our November issue, 'Film Journal International' is being merged with long-running publication 'Boxoffice' and January 2019 will mark a new version of 'Boxoffice.'
Good things stand the test of time, and as we get ready to close out the year and the 85th year of publication of Film Journal International, we are delighted that we have persevered in our commitment to bring our readers the finest in journalism with the clear and precise goal of presenting the new...