How do we go beyond cliché sayings that sound good to actually celebrating the holidays differently? Pastor Davis with First Baptist Church 1776 Williamsburg Virginia shares some thoughts.
Giving thanks benefits everyone! Thanks Amber Cullum for sharing. So grateful for you. @graceenoughpodcast_amber
Joy in the midst of Grief
Thanks for sharing your heart Angela Mackey with Rethinking My Thinking !
Thank you @beth.runkle.writes Beth for your service in and to the military!
Thanks Mesu Andrews @mesuandrews for your love of God's word and being willing to pivot.
Thank you Barb Roose for sharing practices to overcome overwhelm and stress!
Karen Ehman @karenehman talks about "how to get life done". I appreciated the insight and practical tips she shared.
Rachel Wojo @rachelwojo shares her heart about her latest book Desperate Prayers.
What legacy are you leaving? @suemooredonaldson asks some thought-provoking questions about how we live our life.
@loriannwood Lori found so much wisdom in Jesus' temptation that we can learn from. Do you ever have questions about God?
Such a treat to have @donnaamidon_ Donna Amidon return as a guest! She shares some meaningful thoughts.