Embrace Social U

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  • Embrace Social U

Embrace Social U I help mission-driven entrepreneurs flood their business with ideal clients by showing up consistent Hey there! Where does social media fit in?

I’m Stacey Nachajski (Nu-HIGH-Ski-I know, it’s a doozie.) I'm a social media mentor, strategist and speaker - and I'm here to help busy business owners learn and leverage the opportunities of social media to increase their visibility, sales and impact. So tell me, are you feeling frustrated with social media for your business? Are you putting in a ton of time, watching helplessly as the apps chang

e over night, and not even knowing if it's working? It's time to step back and look at your overall marketing strategy. Do you have a real plan for maximizing existing content and reaching new people? Social media DOES work, but you don't have to be everywhere, doing all the things. With a background in public relations and advertising, I know the importance of getting in front of the right people. And, I know a thing or two about maximizing the algorithms on Facebook, Instagram, Linked and other platforms - where YOUR people are hanging out! This is not about gaining all the followers - now. This is about consistently delivering quality content to the right audiences and sharing more of you, the business owner. You need guidance to create a realistic plan for disseminating your impactful content, becoming consistent with your posting, and building a community online. But where do you start? First, we determine what IS working, and what just isn’t anymore. We find the missing links and determine the opportunities for your business online. Then, we get to work! Zeroing in on your ideal person, building real connections with those people, and serving those connections with that next best step - YOU and the services you provide - is what I do best! 

I'm here to support you as you ! Do you need help getting into the groove of creating consistent content for your social channels? Shoot me an email and let's set up a free call! [email protected]

Just enter your email to win 750$

Just enter your email to win 750$

Just Enter Your Email to Win CashApp 750, Limited time offer!

Social media is not a magical solution to make your business successful. This might sound weird coming from me, a Social...

Social media is not a magical solution to make your business successful.

This might sound weird coming from me, a Social Media Strategist, but stay with me here.

Social media (regardless of the platform) is a tool to support and amplify all the other things you are doing in your business.

Things like:
- Delivering your products or service with excellent customer service
- Establishing smooth business operations and systems
- Building and Maintaining a well thought-out and functioning website
- Writing email sequences (sales funnels)
- Holding Coffee Chats and networking
- Speaking on stages (virtual and in person)

So while social media supports all of the above to help you stay visible, it's not necessarily going to be the magic pill or bullet that saves or grows your business.

And, if a platform or two happens to go down for 6.5 hours, you've got all of the above that are still working for you. 😉

Do you agree?

What is the first step toward consistency on social media?⠀⠀Commitment.⠀⠀You don't have to be everywhere - when you thin...

What is the first step toward consistency on social media?⠀


You don't have to be everywhere - when you think you do, you stray in 45 directions, not doing any of it well. ⠀

So, you have to commit to what you can realistically handle (and build on that later!)⠀

If you're looking to be consistent on social media - you've got to write out what that means for you. And then commit! ⠀

For example: I commit to posting to Instagram 4 times this week. Or, I commit to sharing in my stories every day this week.

Then you hold yourself to it. Or call in a buddy for accountability! ⠀

I feel most in control of my content when I sit down and schedule out 3-4 posts for the coming week - usually on Mondays, but you could do it Fridays too! ⠀

What can you COMMIT to getting more consistent with in the coming months?

Did you know your Instagram stories are not really “gone?” They live in your archive, and you can access them at any tim...

Did you know your Instagram stories are not really “gone?”

They live in your archive, and you can access them at any time.

Here’s why you might want to.

You can:

⭐️ Reshare an archived story
⭐️ Share the story as a post
⭐️ Save the story to your camera roll and repurpose it into a reel

Go to Settings-> Archive and you’ll find them under Stories.

Let me know if you find anything fun to repurpose

Five years ago - back when my brand was called Great Brook Media! There really is nothing like seeing your brand in prin...

Five years ago - back when my brand was called Great Brook Media! There really is nothing like seeing your brand in print on a fresh new business card!

How many logo/brand name iterations has your business been through?

**I don’t offer stand alone design anymore through my business-but I can give you a referral 😉 **

New Great Brook Media business cards are in! What do you think? Is it time to update yours? We offer custom designs! Leave your email in the comments if you're interested in learning more!

Loved working with Trayce Gregoire on a recent branding session! Leading up to that day, we planned and dreamed up where...

Loved working with Trayce Gregoire on a recent branding session! Leading up to that day, we planned and dreamed up where we'd be, what I'd wear, and all the different shots I would want to get. And then on the day of, we had a blast, and she absolutely delivered.

I am going through them now and finding it impossible to choose!

Thanks so much, Trayce!

Recently, a client was wearing a beautiful dress that she thought would look great in her shots - but when she looked at the back of the camera, she realized it appeared as if she was going to a wedding, not shooting headshots! Easy breezy, we pivoted and grabbed a different outfit!

If you're worried about not liking the photos once you get home... don't! I want your photos to come out as beautifully as you imagine, and don't want you regretting what you wore, or having any major surprises about how your images look.

That's why, together, we take a look at the back of the camera throughout the shoot.

Embrace Social U

Gut check time...are you helping?⠀Is what you’re posting on social media actually serving your followers?⠀Look back at y...

Gut check time...are you helping?

Is what you’re posting on social media actually serving your followers?

Look back at your last three or four posts. Did at least one of them help your followers to:

🔹Get a quick win?
🔹Learn something?
🔹Feel less alone in their struggles?

Or did you post just to post?

Who is that serving? You, right? Not your people.

🙋‍♀️I’ve done it too. Frantically trying to think of something to post and then just throwing up an image and haphazard caption.

There I did the thing...moving on.

But it’s a missed opportunity.

You could have helped someone today, and that’s huge!

For your next post: ask yourself, what do my ideal followers need right now? What are they going through and how can I HELP them today?

If you need more ideas for your social media posts, send me a DM and I’ll shoot you my guide for creating Content that Connects. It doesn’t have to be so hard!

Happy last day of July - wait, what? Time to run down thru the list of wins for the month - I have to say there are less...

Happy last day of July - wait, what?

Time to run down thru the list of wins for the month - I have to say there are less business ones this month - because kids…

But you know what? That was kinda the point!

My business is rocking right along, my kiddos are having the best summer ever, and life is good!

How about you, was your July a month of adventures like me? Or did you keep your nose to the grindstone in your business? Either way is A-ok!

I was going for sassy and social here, I think…Can’t wait to see the rest of the pics from

I was going for sassy and social here, I think…

Can’t wait to see the rest of the pics from

Afternoon deep purple smoothie pick me up time! 💙 Blueberries💙 Oatmilk💙  protein powder and super greensAre you a fan of...

Afternoon deep purple smoothie pick me up time!

💙 Blueberries
💙 Oatmilk
💙 protein powder and super greens

Are you a fan of smoothies?


I'm sharing a post with my favorite social media tools later this week - so tell me - what're you researching right now, what tools are you sick of that need replacing, and what do you need advice on?

Lemme hear it!

Do you tell people what to do in your posts? If not, you might want to! I'm not saying to be bossy, I'm saying to GUIDE ...

Do you tell people what to do in your posts? If not, you might want to!

I'm not saying to be bossy, I'm saying to GUIDE your followers to that next best step with you.

I often see feeds that are either mostly selling, or not selling at all. We are running a business here, so people also need to know how you can help them.

Enter the Call to Action - or CTA.

I understand that you don't want to be "salesy," but ending your posts with a next best step can truly SERVE your followers!

Have a great blog post with tips that'll help your followers get a quick win? You gotta guide them to it!

Have a new course that solves a problem you see all the time in your industry? Guide your followers to that!

Your followers won't know what you want them to do, unless you tell them. They won't know to click on the link in your bio unless you tell them what's there for them, and they won't always comment without a reminder to do so!

Your people might not be engaging because you haven't asked them to. 🤯

Drop me your favorite emoji in the comments if you're going to start adding CTAs to your posts!

Guess what I did this past week? 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻I took a break! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻I needed time away from posting on my own social media acco...

Guess what I did this past week?

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻I took a break! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I needed time away from posting on my own social media accounts to get my ideas together. In doing so, I was able to get clear and get back to my own process, which is choosing a monthly theme and building HUGS posts around that.

I can't wait to share with you everything that's been bubbling up!

Here's your friendly social media reminder that it's OK to take a break. You don't HAVE to announce it like I just did - just do it. Share when you get back, or don't ;)

The choice is yours.

The truth is, everyone is so busy, they may not even notice! Which doesn't mean they don't love you. 😘

Have you ever taken a break from social? How did it feel?

You know that feeling when you want to try a new social media feature, but you think you might make a fool of yourself? ...

You know that feeling when you want to try a new social media feature, but you think you might make a fool of yourself?

I'm lookin' at you, Instagram reels!

I know it can be intimidating, but you can keep it super simple to start. Here are 3 ideas for starter Instagram reels that'll get you in the groove!

1) Share a tip, face to camera
2) Give us a tour of your work space with trending music as audio
3) Share your favorite tech tools and why we might love them too

Keep it simple, and just give it a whirl - and PS you don't have to dance or lip sync- unless you want to!

Just posted this one over on Insta, come comment and tell me which one you would try!


On social media, the goal (for the platform) is to make sure its users are having a good time. The more fun you’re havin...

On social media, the goal (for the platform) is to make sure its users are having a good time.

The more fun you’re having, the longer you’re staying on their app, right?

So how does Instagram know whether your content is "good?" ⠀

It takes cues from your followers' behavior. If they're liking, commenting, sharing and saving the content, it's considered engaging, and Instagram will continue to show the post to more people - so they can have a good time too!⠀

These actions are called "engagement."⠀

As the one posting the content, we want more of all of the above, because every time someone is interacting with our post, it’s telling Instagram that we have something worth talking about, and the app will continue to share our content with more people.⠀

More engagement = More eyeballs! 👀

When was the last time you looked back at your insights to see what kinds of posts your peeps engage with? I highly recommend it so you can create more content like it!

🙋‍♀️ Let me know what questions you have in the comments!

Let's talk tools of the trade. Since I got started, I’ve invested in tech tools that makes my life easier. I have an iPh...

Let's talk tools of the trade. Since I got started, I’ve invested in tech tools that makes my life easier.

I have an iPhone, iPad, and MacbookPro laptop, and I am in love with each for different reasons!

I think I could live without the iPad, but my laptop and iPhone? I don't think so.

🔧 What is one tool of your trade that you couldn't run your business without?

It's Friday, and I'm on the lookout for inspiring and helpful content! Let's do a  ! Whose account are you loving connec...

It's Friday, and I'm on the lookout for inspiring and helpful content!

Let's do a ! Whose account are you loving connecting and engaging with on social these days?

Tag ‘em below!

Do you want a big end-of-the-day, middle-of-the-week sigh of relief? >> You don't need to be in all the places on social...

Do you want a big end-of-the-day, middle-of-the-week sigh of relief?

>> You don't need to be in all the places on social media.

Do you choose a theme for your social media each month? Sometimes I find it helpful when sitting down to look at my mark...

Do you choose a theme for your social media each month?

Sometimes I find it helpful when sitting down to look at my marketing for the upcoming month to give myself a theme. It helps to set parameters in place and direct where my energy, attention, and content will be focused for the month ahead.

💙 You don't have to, but it can really help!

And of course... you don't have to stick to it 100%! I am a huge fan of sharing in-the-moment and changing as I see and feel I need to.

What about you? If you do and you've picked one, tell me your theme for June!

Giving this one a try! Anyone read it? And what’re YOU reading right now?

Giving this one a try!

Anyone read it? And what’re YOU reading right now?

In case you were waiting for the Android version of Clubhouse - it's out!

In case you were waiting for the Android version of Clubhouse - it's out!

Clubhouse, backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Tiger Global and DST Global, has launched its beta Android app for U.S. users.

Closing out the week with a little reminder...We’re always looking for more likes, more comments, more followers. But, i...

Closing out the week with a little reminder...

We’re always looking for more likes, more comments, more followers. But, it’s not all about the numbers.

It’s about conversation and connection, with real people!

Drop me a 💙 (my new favorite emoji) if you agree!

Heading out to meet with not one, but TWO clients in person today. Weird, right? Happy hump day, friends! 💙

Heading out to meet with not one, but TWO clients in person today. Weird, right?

Happy hump day, friends! 💙

I still love Instagram stories. They are more than just fun, they are where 500 million people are spending their time o...

I still love Instagram stories. They are more than just fun, they are where 500 million people are spending their time on Instagram EVERY DAY. To put that in perspective for you, that is 50% of all Instagram users.

Which means...your people are probably there too.

Here are three ways to get more of those eyeballs on what you are sharing in yours:

💙 Show Your Face - I know, I know I had to go ahead and put the hardest one first. But seriously, going live and sharing video on your Instagram stories is the key to your audience's heart. People connect with people!

💙 Use hashtags, location stickers and tag other accounts

You open up your laptop, fingers poised to type your next social post. You had so many ideas in the shower, and while fo...

You open up your laptop, fingers poised to type your next social post.

You had so many ideas in the shower, and while folding laundry, but none of them are coming to you now.

Well, that's a stinker. And it happens a lot!

So...you wanna know my go-to when I'm stuck? I ask myself one question.

What would HELP my followers today?

Maybe it's a tip, a useful tool, or an insight that came to me in said shower that just might move them forward.

I go with that - and it will often get those ideas flowing for the rest of the week too.

So, what would help YOUR followers today?

It's Monday. Here we gooooo!

It's Monday. Here we gooooo!

Are we sure this isn’t a second Monday? Computer difficulties have me off to a slow start...relocated to the sunshine fo...

Are we sure this isn’t a second Monday?

Computer difficulties have me off to a slow start...relocated to the sunshine for a pick-me-up.

How’s your Tuesday going?

Walk breaks throughout the day with this guy are key for staying productive. My driveway is steep, and my walking buddy ...

Walk breaks throughout the day with this guy are key for staying productive.

My driveway is steep, and my walking buddy is spry, so it’s just the energy injection I need to refocus.

How do you refocus?

When was the last time you emailed your list?I sent out an update about a big decision I made last week, and I got the m...

When was the last time you emailed your list?

I sent out an update about a big decision I made last week, and I got the most supportive replies. Several even reached out to take me up on the offer I popped in the PS!

What often happens when I hit send, is that I get responses from people who've been meaning to reach out. They just hadn't found the time.

Here's something to remember - even if you hate sending emails!

💙 You reaching out via email makes it easier for your subscriber to take their next step forward.

You're helping them by hitting send.

If you're crafting an email, and you can't pinpoint how it's helping them move forward - take another spin through until it does. It's not about you, it's about them. And they love hearing from you!

They've raised their hand. Give 'em the good stuff on a regular basis, and remind them that you're there to support their goals!

Let me know in the comments the last time you helped your subscribers by hitting send.

I made a big decision in my business last week.I closed a program I have been running for more than 2 years! My membersh...

I made a big decision in my business last week.

I closed a program I have been running for more than 2 years! My membership program, first called The Classroom, and more recently The Social Groove, just didn't fit in with my current business goals.

I kept it going because I genuinely thought I had to. Shouldn't I have an online program? Shouldn't I have a low-ticket, entry-level offer to fill my funnel?

And I love my members! I didn't want to let them down.

But when I really looked at it, it turns out, I was chugging away at someone else's idea of the perfect business. The online membership model just didn't fit me anymore, and I was exhausted.

So, I made the decision to close it, and shared it with my members. And you know what? They were SO supportive! They wanted for me what I wanted for me, and it was amazing.

Now, I'm focusing on loving on my ongoing clients, and opening up space for intentional strategy sessions to help more ambitious business owners connect with their ideal people via social platforms.

I'm excited for this new focus in my business as we kick off Q2.

Are you stepping into anything new and exciting right now?

What you wanted in your business last year is not necessarily what you want now.I'll be sharing a bit more later this we...

What you wanted in your business last year is not necessarily what you want now.

I'll be sharing a bit more later this week about a big decision I made last week in my business - and why I did it.

Just wanted to share tonight that whatever the "thing" is that you want to do in your business, it's possible.

What is that thing for you? I'd love to hear what you're working on!

None of us have time for social media - we gotta MAKE the time! ⠀The opportunities available to us through Facebook, Ins...

None of us have time for social media - we gotta MAKE the time!

The opportunities available to us through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more do take some effort and precious time - but the brand building connection is worth it, friends!⠀

I'm not saying it's easy, I'm not saying it doesn't take practice. But, I am saying that you can do it!

Planning ahead, and setting a time each week where you’ll schedule out your posts is a great first step in getting on top of this.

In The Social Groove, we call this and blocking out that time each week (psst it doesn’t have to be on Monday) is a game changer!

Is this something you’ve been meaning to do, or are you a pro at making time for social?

Joined any new Facebook groups lately? This is your reminder that you have control over the posts you see in that group!...

Joined any new Facebook groups lately?

This is your reminder that you have control over the posts you see in that group!

You can choose to see all posts, just highlights, friends' posts, or turn them off.

Go in and set your notifications today and make sure you don't miss a thing - OR regain some of your sanity back by reducing the number of notifications you get from groups. Whatever works for YOU.

To set notifications - desktop: click into the group, click the 3 dots to the upper right hand side and choose manage notifications. On mobile it's called Notification Settings.

When people tell me that social media isn't working for them, I often find that there is a disconnect between what they'...

When people tell me that social media isn't working for them, I often find that there is a disconnect between what they're posting, and the goals that they are shooting for.

Their account may be full of quotes, and educational posts which show their followers that they understand them, and may even help get them get a quick win.

But, they're not conveying to their audience what they should do next.

What's missing is a the Call To Action, or CTA. Without it, people aren't sure what to do next, and they keep on scrolling.

Your call to action doesn't have to be salesy. It can be to leave a comment below, save this post, or download a PDF.

Make it easy for people to take action, and guide them to that next step!

Ready for mine?

If you'd like to jump into Q2 with a plan for creating consistent content that connects, check out my guide for planning 30 days of content in 30 minutes here: https://www.embracesocialu.com/monthly-content-brainstorming

Hello Monday! I'm drinking all the coffee this morning after being up with my littlest a couple of times thanks to sprin...

Hello Monday! I'm drinking all the coffee this morning after being up with my littlest a couple of times thanks to springing forward over the weekend...but believe me, it's all good, I'm soaking up that extra snuggle time while he still wants to!

We're halfway thru the month of March, and that means two more weeks in Q1! (Whaaat?!)

I'm very happy with the progress I've made in my business in the first quarter of 2021, and ready to close it out with some hard work and FOCUS - how about you?

(Also, holding a coffee mug for insta is super awkward...)

Have a great day everyone 😉

Instagram Reels create excellent opportunities to HELP your audience! Check out The Social Groove member, Sarah Guillot'...

Instagram Reels create excellent opportunities to HELP your audience! Check out The Social Groove member, Sarah Guillot's first reel -> it's a great tip for pop ups on your website!


If you want to learn how to efficiently use reels for your business, I'm running a training this week inside The Social Groove, and I'd love to have you there!

The training is on Thursday at noon, but you gotta be in The Social Groove to attend! Check it out here: https://www.embracesocialu.com/groove

Celebrating   today! Our feeds are full of shout outs and virtual hugs today, and it’s well-deserved for all the hard wo...

Celebrating today!

Our feeds are full of shout outs and virtual hugs today, and it’s well-deserved for all the hard work and hustle put in by women.

It’s a beautiful thing to see, but I say keep spreading that love even after today. You never know how much you’re impacting someone until someone tells you-so let’s make it an everyday thing...

Go tell a woman right now how they’ve helped or inspired you. It’ll make their day, and you’ll feel amazing too!


Be kind. 💕

Be kind. 💕

They’ve opened up Clubs to most users on Clubhouse! (In the past you had to apply.)Just navigate to your profile, and sc...

They’ve opened up Clubs to most users on Clubhouse! (In the past you had to apply.)

Just navigate to your profile, and scroll down to the Clubs you’re a part of, and you should be able to add your own!

I have to confess, I haven’t spent much time on this platform recently, but when I do hop in, I enjoy it!

How about you? Are you loving Clubhouse? Will you create your own Club?



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Creating Content that Connects

Hey there -> I’m Stacey, a social media mentor, strategist and speaker – this means that I am basically obsessed with learning all I can about social media and then boiling it down to what you actually need to know.

Through one on one virtual consulting, virtual workshops and my online classroom, I strive to inspire entrepreneurs and business owners to embrace social media and take advantage of the incredible opportunity we have to reach the people that need us most via these ever-evolving online platforms.

If you're ready to shine up your online presence and connect with more of your ideal people, I'd love to chat with you. Shoot me a message, and let's discover how you can #EmbraceSocialU!
