Pine Island Eagle, Bokeelia, FL

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Don’t Miss the Annual Meeting and Board Elections Tonight

Please join us for the next meeting of the Greater Pine Island Civic Association where members will elect the Board of Directors. Four seats are open for election. Please note that per our bylaws, we need at least 20 members in good standing to attend the meeting in order to conduct the election, so we want to encourage all GPICA members to attend!

Also on the agenda:
• Approve January meeting minutes.
• Treasurer’s Report from Steve Eldredge
• Community Updates from Board Member Sue Dahod
• Last Call: Please take our resiliency survey!
• Announcement of upcoming speakers: FDOT in March
• Questions/comments from the floor
• Motion to Adjourn

Meeting Details
• When: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4
• Where: The First Baptist Church of Pine Island, 5363 Ave. D, Bokeelia, 33922, located next to Pine Island Elementary School. Meetings are also livestreamed on the GPICA page
• Note: members must be present in person to vote in the elections.


Please Join Us tonight for Our First Meeting of the New Year

Please join us tonight for the next meeting of the Greater Pine Island Civic Association. We’ll be talking about a recent report put together by the University of Florida related to hurricane recovery and resiliency. GPICA Board members will provide key highlights from the report related to Pine Island and then open the floor for questions and discussion.

• When: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7
• Where: First Baptist Church of Pine Island, 5363 Ave. D, Bokeelia, 33922, located next to Pine Island Elementary School
• Watch Online: We also livestream the meeting on our page


Tonight's GPICA Meeting will be 'Open Mic'

Have community-wide concerns or questions?
Let's hear them!

Members of the Greater Pine Island Civic Association and other Island residents have the chance to take center stage during our December meeting as we open the floor for your input!

As the GPICA Board works to set its priorities for 2025, we want to hear from you: Are you worried about development? Concerned that houses damaged during Ian are becoming more dangerous in their current state of disrepair? What community issues do you think need to be addressed?

Please attend our meeting with your ideas and your questions to help our Board decide where to focus our efforts in 2025!
• When: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 3
• Where: First Baptist Church of Pine Island, 5363 Ave. D, Bokeelia, 33922, located next to Pine Island Elementary School
• Etc.: We will also livestream the meeting to our page. Just tune in at 6:30 and put your comments in the chat.

***Please Take Our Resiliency Survey Today***

How is hurricane recovery going for you? What are some of the barriers you're facing? If your home or business was damaged during Hurricanes Helene or Milton — or even Ian — please share your details and thoughts on recovery and how our community can become more resilient to withstand future storms.
• Take our residential survey here
• Take our business survey here
Please share/forward this email or share these links with your friends and neighbors and encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas, too. The more community input, the better!

Stringfellow Road Clean-Up THIS Wednesday

Our last roadside clean-up of the year is Wednesday, Dec. 4 — please join us!
• What: Roadside cleanup
• When: 9 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 4
• Where: We meet at the Post Office on Barrancas, then fan out along Stringfellow Road between Raymary and the little bridge near Four Winds Marina.
• Additional details: No need to RSVP. Just show up at the start. Please bring your own gloves and, if you have them, reflective vests (we have a limited number of vests we can provide). GPICA will provide trash bags. Please bring your own water in a reusable bottle!
• Suggested Attire: Please be sure to wear a hat and sunscreen and closed-toed shoes or waterproof boots.


Don't Miss Our Conversation on Resiliency during tonight's GPICA Meeting

Pine Island made it through three hurricances in three years. While we were fortunate that Helene and Milton were not as bad as Ian, we know many islanders sustained a lot of damage in this year’s storms. Today, as we recover, the Greater Pine Island Civic Association board believes our community should work to adapt so that we can better withstand severe assaults from Mother Nature.
Please join us for our next meeting, where we will host a community conversation about resiliency.
Our main speaker will be David Rathke, Executive Director of Resiliency Florida, a nonprofit organization made up of public and private partners focused on developing and promoting regional strategies and action plans for adaptation to extreme weather events and sea level rise. He is also Executive Director of the Florida Association of Mitigation Bankers (FAMB) and a water consultant and lobbyist for the City of Winter Haven. Rathke has had a productive career in the service of Florida’s citizens with a public sector background that includes Director of Administration for the Florida Department of Management Services, COO/Deputy Chief of Staff at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and Chief of Staff at the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
As a native Floridian, he appreciates our natural environment and has a passion for our issues and enjoys all the outdoor aspects of what makes Florida a special place.
During the meeting, we also want to hear your thoughts on:

How could you make your home/property more resilient to future storms;
What barriers are keeping you from taking action to make your home/property more resilient? (Is it financial resources? Time? Knowledge? Something else?)
What are your ideas about how the overall community could become more resilient? (More mangroves? Higher roadways? Something else?)
We’re asking all of our friends and neighbors to show up and share their thoughts — not just on rebuilding, but on how we can rebuild better and stronger!
What: GPICA Community Meeting on Hurricane Resiliency
When: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12
Where: First Baptist Church of Pine Island, 5363 Ave. D, Bokeelia, 33922 (next to Pine Island Elementary)
Online: We will also livestream on Facebook, where you can also share your comments!
Who Should Attend: All full-and-part-time residents and business owners — you do not need to be a GPICA member to attend!
***Please Take Our Resiliency Survey Today***
How is recovery going for you? What are some of the barriers you're facing? If your home or business was damaged during Hurricanes Helene or Milton, please share your details and thoughts on recovery and how our community can become more resilient to withstand future storms.
Take our residential survey here
Take our business survey here
Please share/forward this email or share these links with your friends and neighbors and encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas, too. The more community input, the better!

November Stringfellow Road Clean-Up Canceled
The monthly GPICA-sponsored clean up of a two-mile stretch of Stringfellow Road between Raymary Street and the little bridge near Four Winds Marina is canceled for November, given the hurricane debris cleanup still under way by Lee County Waste Management.

Mark your calendar for our December Clean-Up:
What: Roadside cleanup
When: 9 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 4
Where: We meet at the Post Office on Barrancas, then fan out along the roadway.
Additional details: No need to RSVP. Just show up at the start. Please bring your own gloves and, if you have them, reflective vests (we have a limited number of vests we can provide). GPICA will provide trash bags. Please bring your own water in a reusable bottle!
Suggested Attire: Please be sure to wear a hat and sunscreen and closed-toed shoes or waterproof boots.
Other Community News
County Officials Attended October Matlacha Civic Association Meeting
The October meeting of the Matlacha Civic Association included Lee County staff and elected officials discussing post-hurricane issues, including zoning problems associated with unsafe structures left behind after the storms. Speakers at the meeting also provided updates on the traffic light at the little Pine Island bridge rebuild and an update on the process for restoring homes that are included in the historic district.
Watch the meeting recording on the MCA's page here

This week's online only edition is available to read now by clicking the link below. The Eagle will return to print with...

This week's online only edition is available to read now by clicking the link below.
The Eagle will return to print with the Oct. 23 edition next week!

Covering Pine Island and Matlacha Florida

Post-Hurricane Milton News and UpdatesWe hope your recovery is going better than expected. We have a couple of new items...

Post-Hurricane Milton News and Updates

We hope your recovery is going better than expected. We have a couple of new items to share. But we also wanted to make sure the info we sent previously about recovery and where to seek help was circulating as widely as possible, so some info below may be a repeat for you. If you have specific questions or are looking for hurricane-related recovery information not included below, please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to find answers for you.

Please feel free to forward this email to friends or neighbors who might find the information helpful. And if you're not receiving our email directly to your inbox, sign up for future updates on our website:


P.S.: We hope you join us in giving a big shout-out to the line crews working on the Island. It appears that all but two customers now have power! xfinity services are coming back to Islanders as well!

New: Greater Pine Island Alliance Seeks Volunteers to Help with Recovery

The GPIA, created after Hurricane Ian to help support Island residents' recovery, is already connecting residents in need with volunteers who can help with things like debris removal and mucking and gutting. GPIA volunteers active since Milton passed have already donated hundreds of hours to help the community, but the need is great and the Alliance is seeking additional volunteers who:
• Are skilled in building trades;
• Can help with physical labor (like mucking and gutting);
• Can man phones in the office to help answer calls and perform basic intake for those in need of help;
• Help the GPIA seek additional grant monies to fund the latest recovery efforts.
The GPIA welcomes individual volunteers and volunteer groups. Please feel free to forward this information to groups off-island that are looking for ways to support the community.
• Click here to sign yourself or your group up to volunteer now or stop by or call the GPIA office: 239.558.4901; 10484 Stringfellow Road, Suite 2, St. James City, FL 33956.

New: Lee County Permitting

Lee County Department of Community Development is opening a temporary, remote permit office tomorrow, Wednesday, Oct. 16, to allow residents to obtain permits for repairs to existing buildings damaged by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. The remote location means staff will be readily accessible to help islanders navigate the permit process, especially those residents without internet service.
• What: Temporary Remote Permit Office for Lee County building permits
• Where: The Pine Island Library, 10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia,
• Hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays through the end of October.
Any residents or businesses of unincorporated Lee County within the Special Flood Hazard Area with any damage to their homes or businesses, including water intrusion, must obtain a permit for all repairs. Email [email protected] for assistance with permit requirements and resources, and be sure to include the following information:
• Contact information
• Property address
• Type of damage
• Height of the water that entered the home
At the remote permit office, residents acting as their own contractors can submit permit applications, have them reviewed and — in some cases — issued from the remote office. The applicants need only a description of the work and their address, and staff will walk them through the process. Residents seeking a full demolition or complete replacement of a structure still need to visit the main Department of Community Development permitting office at 1500 Monroe St., Fort Myers.
• Please remember that the remote office is only for residents acting as their own contractors; hired contractors are asked to continue to use the Fort Myers office for permits.
• Hired contractors are also asked to continue to use the existing electronic permitting process.
Lee County Government is reminding residents in unincorporated areas to pull permits for work on their homes to repair storm damage caused by Hurricane Helene.

New: Household Hazardous Waste Dropoff on Pine Island
Lee County Solid Waste is hosting a mobile household hazardous waste collection day for Pine Islanders. You can drop household waste — things like drain cleaners, pesticides, pool chemicals, polishes/strippers, liquid paint/thinners, fluorescent tubes, car/boat batteries, automobile oil/antifreeze, boat flares, empty propane tanks and items marked "Dangerous," "Flammable," "Toxic," "Poison," "Reactive," and "Corrosive" — at this site.
• When: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 19
• Where: Phillips Park, 5675 Sesame Dr., Bokeelia, FL 33922
• Etc.: Drop off is a drive-through process and is free of charge

Hurricane Debris

Lee County has started Hurricane Milton storm debris pickup throughout the impacted areas. Please use the following guidelines so that work crews can quickly and efficiently remove debris:
• Most Important – Please set storm debris at the curb away from your normal weekly garbage; it will be collected and documented separately.
• Place storm debris at the curb in four separate piles:
o household garbage,
o appliances (white goods),
o yard waste,
o construction and demolition debris.
• Federal Emergency Management Agency rules require documentation of the volume and type of debris collected to reimburse the county for storm cleanup, which saves local taxpayer dollars.
• Place yard waste in piles that can easily be managed by collection personnel with a claw truck.
• To expedite collection, do not place anything beneath low hanging obstacles like trees or power lines or near anything like fire hydrants or mailboxes.
• Food must be removed from any appliance set at the curb. Inedible food should be placed with your normal weekly garbage.

Debris Drop-Off Site on Pine Island

Lee County has opened a debris collection site for vegetative and construction and demolition debris for residents who have the ability and desire to self-haul Hurricane Milton debris while waiting for roadside pickup.

You must be a resident of unincorporated Lee County to take advantage of the site. Be prepared to show identification (accepted forms of ID include driver’s license, utility bill, rental or lease agreement, or local business license).

You will also be asked to complete a waiver confirming the debris came from your property. Click here for a waiver or you can get a form on site.

Only storm debris will be accepted, and you must be prepared to unload your trucks yourself. No more than 5 cubic yards of debris may be dropped off at a time. (A standard full-size pick-up truck bed can hold about 2.5 cubic yards.)
• Hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
• Pine Island Location: 5031 Pine Island Road, Bokeelia, FL 33922

Lee County commercial businesses are encouraged to take their storm debris to the Waste-to-Energy Facility, 10500 Buckingham Road, and will be charged by weight. It will be open regular hours from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Landscaping Companies
Landscaping companies hauling vegetative storm debris cleared from residential properties will need a signed declaration from the resident indicating the address where the debris was generated. No debris will be accepted without a signed declaration.

Pine Island Traffic Cams
All four of the Lee County traffic cams (located on the drawbridge and at the Little Pine Island bridge reconstruction project) are operational. Use them to check traffic coming on and off the Island.
• Click here and page down to "Matlacha Cameras" to view the new cams, along with those previously installed on the drawbridge

Parks and Recreation Facilities and Boat Ramps

Due to heavy impacts, all of the Lee County-operated parks and recreation facilities and boat ramps in Matlacha and Pine Island are currently closed. If you're looking for an alternate park location or public boat ramp, please click here for a listing of open county facilities. You can also use that link to check for updates.

More County Information

Follow the Lee County Government page. The county will post the latest news there, as well as on the county's website.

Need Post-Storm Help With Recovery?
The GPIA has resources for residents who need help with recovery. Their goal is to return Islanders to their primary residences, ensuring safe, sanitary and secure housing.
The Alliance has already resumed recovery operations following Milton and is deploying volunteers throughout the community.
If you need help after Milton (or still need help from Helene), you can visit the GPIA website to register for help, call them at 239-558-4901 or stop by their offices in person, 10484 Stringfellow Road, Suite 2, St. James City, FL 33956.

Federal and Other Disaster Aid, Including for Those Uninsured

Florida homeowners and renters in counties who had uninsured damage or losses caused by Hurricane Helene may be eligible for FEMA disaster assistance.

Currently eligible counties: Charlotte, Citrus, Dixie, Franklin, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lee, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Taylor, and Wakulla.

Ways to Apply for Disaster Aid:
FEMA Disaster Assistance
Call: 1-800-621-3362

When you apply, have the following information on hand:
• The address of your damaged home or apartment
• Names of people living in your household
• A description of your disaster damages
• Insurance information
• Your Social Security Number
• A telephone number where you can be reached or left a message
• An address where you can get mail
• If you want your disaster assistance funds sent directly to your bank, provide FEMA your bank information
SBA Disaster Assistance Loans
Call: 1-800-659-2955

USDA - Agriculture Assistance
Call: 1-352-379-4500

Red Cross
Call: 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767)

Disaster Unemployment Assistance

FloridaCommerce has announced that Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is available to businesses and residents whose employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of Hurricane Helene and are not eligible for regular state or federal Reemployment Assistance benefits. Eligible Floridians whose employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of Hurricane Helene are encouraged to submit a claim at .

FloridaCommerce is accepting applications for DUA from residents and businesses frpm: Charlotte, Citrus, Dixie, Franklin, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lee, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Taylor, and Wakulla Counties.

Additionally, work search reporting, waiting week, and Employ Florida registration requirements for Reemployment Assistance claims have been temporarily waived for Floridians impacted by Hurricane Helene in FEMA disaster-declared counties. By waiving these requirements, eligible Floridians will be able to quickly apply and receive Reemployment Assistance and Disaster Unemployment Assistance benefits.
DUA is available to those who are ineligible to receive federal or state Reemployment Assistance benefits and the individual meets one of the following requirements:
• Is unemployed as a direct result of the major disaster;
• Was scheduled to start employment but was unable to as a direct result of the major disaster;
• Is unable to reach their job or self-employment location because the individual has to travel through an affected area and is prevented from doing so as a direct result of the major disaster;
• Has become the primary breadwinner because the head of the household died as a direct result of the major disaster; or
• Is unable to work because of an injury that was a direct result of the major disaster.
• DUA is available for weeks of unemployment beginning Sept. 29, 2024, through March 29, 2025 , as long as the individual’s unemployment continues to be a result of the disaster in the designated-disaster areas.
• The deadline to submit a claim for DUA benefits is no later than December 2, 2024.

To file a claim, go to and select “File a Claim”, visit a local CareerSource Career Center, or call 1-800-385-3920. Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For DUA claims information, call 1-833-FL-APPLY (1-833-352-7759) to speak with a representative.

FloridaCommerce Floridajobs

This weeks' edition of the Eagle is online now!CLICK HERE to read:

This weeks' edition of the Eagle is online now!
CLICK HERE to read:

Covering Pine Island and Matlacha Florida

REMINDER FROM THE GPICA:Lee County has issued evacuation orders for Zones A and B. All of Pine Island and Matlacha are i...

Lee County has issued evacuation orders for Zones A and B. All of Pine Island and Matlacha are in Zone A.

Please finalize your emergency plans and evacuate to safety if you can. The County advises that you should be in a safe place by tomorrow evening (Tuesday, Oct. 8).
Three emergency shelters are opening for individuals who do not have a safe place to ride out the storm. As of 3 p.m. today, Monday, Oct. 7, three shelters will be open to the public:

Island Coast High School - 2125 DeNavarra Pkwy, Cape Coral
Estero Recreation Center - 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd, Estero
Dunbar High School - 30 Edison Ave, Fort Myers
Lee County encourages you to stay with friends or family outside of an evacuation zone, which would provide a much more comfortable option. If you do choose to go to a shelter, please bring a Go Kit for each member of your family, including pets.

LeeTran is offering free transportation to emergency shelters. See details below with shuttle hours and pickup locations.
Tolls have been suspended on all Lee County bridges as of noon today.
Sources to help you stay ahead of the storm:

Download the American Red Cross Emergency: Severe Weather App, which provides alerts, maps, radar and other disaster-related information.
Follow the Lee County Government page. The county will post the latest news there, as well as on the county's website.
Follow the National Weather Service's Tampa Bay Office page, which covers our area.
Post-Storm Information

The Greater Pine Island Alliance will resume its recovery operations as soon as it is able after the storm passes. For immediate needs after the storm, the GPIA has identified the following locations as distribution sites. Please be aware, however, that whether these sites are activated will depend on whether they are safe.

GPIA Office – 10484 Stringfellow Road, St. James City, FL 33956
Eagles Nest – 10880 Stringfellow Road, Bokeelia, FL 33922
VFW – 8150 Stringfellow Road, St. James City, FL 33956
American Legion – Post 136, 4106 Stringfellow Road, St. James City, FL 33956
Pine Island Community Church, 5320 Doug Taylor Circle, St. James City Fl 33956
Blue Dog Bar & Grill – 4597 Pine Island Road, Matlacha, FL 33993
Additionally, the American Legion, the VFW, the GPIA Office and the Bluedog will activate a Starlink at their locations if it is viable and safe to do so.

Don't forget, if you need help after Milton passed (or still need help from Helene) you can visit the GPIA website to register for help or call them at 239-558-4901 or stop by their offices: 10484 Stringfellow Road, Suite 2, St. James City, FL 33956.
The GPICA will do our best to post information updates directly to our page, depending on internet access and our own personal situations. Below, we've listed some other helpful information resources so you can stay ahead of the storm.

LeeTran Transportation to Shelters

Today, Monday, Oct 7, and tomorrow, Tuesday Oct 8, LeeTran is running a shuttle that will transport residents off Pine Island to Merchants Crossing and then to Island Coast High School. Shuttle times and pickup locations:

1:30 p.m.-6 p.m. Monday, Oct 7
9 a.m. -6 p.m. Tuesday Oct 8.
Pickup locations: Bokeelia Fire Station #3; Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Catholic Church; First Baptist Church at Oleander and 8th; Matlacha Community Park Boat Ramp; Winn Dixie Plaza; Flamingo Bay at Stringfellow and Curlew Drive.

Federal and Other Disaster Aid, Including for Those Uninsured
Florida homeowners and renters in counties who had uninsured damage or losses caused by Hurricane Helene may be eligible for FEMA disaster assistance.

Currently eligible counties: Charlotte, Citrus, Dixie, Franklin, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lee, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Taylor, and Wakulla.

Ways to Apply for Disaster Aid:
FEMA Disaster Assistance
Call: 1-800-621-3362

When you apply, have the following information on hand:
The address of your damaged home or apartment
Names of people living in your household
A description of your disaster damages
Insurance information
Your Social Security Number
A telephone number where you can be reached or left a message
An address where you can get mail
If you want your disaster assistance funds sent directly to your bank, provide FEMA your bank information
SBA Disaster Assistance Loans
Call: 1-800-659-2955

USDA - Agriculture Assistance
Call: 1-352-379-4500

Red Cross
Call: 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767)

Disaster Unemployment Assistance
FloridaCommerce has announced that Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is available to businesses and residents whose employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of Hurricane Helene and are not eligible for regular state or federal Reemployment Assistance benefits. Eligible Floridians whose employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of Hurricane Helene are encouraged to submit a claim at .

FloridaCommerce is accepting applications for DUA from residents and businesses frpm: Charlotte, Citrus, Dixie, Franklin, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lee, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Taylor, and Wakulla Counties.

Additionally, work search reporting, waiting week, and Employ Florida registration requirements for Reemployment Assistance claims have been temporarily waived for Floridians impacted by Hurricane Helene in FEMA disaster-declared counties. By waiving these requirements, eligible Floridians will be able to quickly apply and receive Reemployment Assistance and Disaster Unemployment Assistance benefits.

DUA is available to those who are ineligible to receive federal or state Reemployment Assistance benefits and the individual meets one of the following requirements:

Is unemployed as a direct result of the major disaster;
Was scheduled to start employment but was unable to as a direct result of the major disaster;
Is unable to reach their job or self-employment location because the individual has to travel through an affected area and is prevented from doing so as a direct result of the major disaster;
Has become the primary breadwinner because the head of the household died as a direct result of the major disaster; or
Is unable to work because of an injury that was a direct result of the major disaster.
DUA is available for weeks of unemployment beginning Sept. 29, 2024, through March 29, 2025 , as long as the individual’s unemployment continues to be a result of the disaster in the designated-disaster areas.
The deadline to submit a claim for DUA benefits is no later than December 2, 2024.

To file a claim, go to and select “File a Claim”, visit a local CareerSource Career Center, or call 1-800-385-3920. Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For DUA claims information, call 1-833-FL-APPLY (1-833-352-7759) to speak with a representative.

Pine Island Traffic Cams
Lee County installed two additional traffic cams to cover the area where the Little Pine Island Bridge is being reconstructed.
Click here and page down to "Matlacha Cameras" to view the new cams, along with those previously installed on the drawbridge

FloridaCommerce Floridajobs


Business owners, please let us know if you have recovered from Hurricane Helene

Florida homeowners and renters in counties who had uninsured damage or losses caused by Hurricane Helene may be eligible...

Florida homeowners and renters in counties who had uninsured damage or losses caused by Hurricane Helene may be eligible for FEMA disaster assistance.

Currently eligible counties: Charlotte, Citrus, Dixie, Franklin, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lee, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Taylor, and Wakulla.

Ways to Apply for Disaster Aid:
FEMA Disaster Assistance
Call: 1-800-621-3362
When you apply, have the following information on hand:
The address of your damaged home or apartment
Names of people living in your household
A description of your disaster damages
Insurance information
Your Social Security Number
A telephone number where you can be reached or left a message
An address where you can get mail
If you want your disaster assistance funds sent directly to your bank, provide FEMA your bank information
SBA Disaster Assistance Loans
Call: 1-800-659-2955
USDA - Agriculture Assistance
Call: 1-352-379-4500
Red Cross
Call: 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767)

Every 8 minutes the American Red Cross responds to an emergency. Support the Red Cross. Join us today by making a donation.



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