We are excited to welcome you back once again in our venues across the 82 provinces as we simultaneously celebrate our reigning King Jesus! Bring your family, friends, church, and community. Bring people who needs to hear the gospel of salvation.
As one body, let us honor ONE LORD and declare in ONE VOICE and as ONE NATION that JESUS REIGNS!
“God reigns over the nations; God sits upon His holy throne. The princes and nobles of the peoples are gathered together, a [united] people for the God of Abraham, for the shields of the earth belong to God; He is highly exalted.” (Psalm 47:8-9, AMP)
Mark your calendar! The date is November 30, 2022! You would not want to be anywhere else on that day. It will be an awesome time of worship, prayer, and celebration!
Like and share this post so more people will hear and come to our celebration.
over the Philippines!