Mike Dalisay

Mike Dalisay Co-founder, SociableKIT.com | Building profitable software businesses from scratch since 2015. I share what I learn along the way. I didn't stop there.

Follow me for proven software business strategies. I was once a programmer in a technology services company, earning a good salary and experience but always yearning for more. The challenge was clear: I wanted to break free from the constraints of a 9-to-5 job and build something of my own. I grappled with the fear of leaving a stable job and the uncertainty of starting my own venture. I faced the

skepticism of my loved ones and the daunting task of building a business from scratch. I started a coding tutorial website, codeofaninja.com. I was passionate about coding and wanted to share my knowledge with others. But the site was struggling to stay afloat. I tried various methods to monetize it, but nothing seemed to work. My wife, Marykris, helped me with marketing. She helped me and encouraged me to keep going when no one else did. Then, one night, the spark ignited. While working on a freelance project, I stumbled upon a website selling WordPress themes with source codes. I realized I could do the same with the source codes from my tutorials. I set up an e-commerce account, uploaded my source codes, and went to sleep. The following day, I woke up to find that two strangers had purchased my source codes. That was the moment I realized I had my first online business. My guide through this journey was a combination of self-learning and the wisdom of others. I devoured books on entrepreneurship and software business, learning from the experiences of successful entrepreneurs. I also relied heavily on my coding skills and my determination to create solutions that could help people. The result? I built sociablekit.com, a software solution that helps creators and website owners increase engagement by adding social media feeds to their websites. Today, SociableKIT is a thriving business with thousands of paying users. I'm proud to say that I'm the co-founder and CEO of codalify.com, the company behind SociableKIT. My journey has taught me that every step forward is crucial, no matter how small. I've learned to celebrate every victory and to keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacles. I've learned to stop complaining and start living a better life. And most importantly, I've learned that anything is possible with passion, determination, and a little courage. Join me on this journey of entrepreneurship. As a co-founder and CEO, building software businesses from scratch since 2015, I have a wealth of practical insights to share. Follow me for valuable software business tips that you can apply in your own journey. Let's learn, grow, and succeed together!

The Surprising Time Management Secret That Keeps This CEO Ahead of the GameSquarespace founder Anthony Casalena emphasiz...

The Surprising Time Management Secret That Keeps This CEO Ahead of the Game

Squarespace founder Anthony Casalena emphasizes the best way to manage his time. He wanted to avoid losing control of his schedule.

He noticed that if one part of the company consistently demands an extreme amount of his time, it often indicates a problem with the team or a leader in that area.

Casalena also regularly reshuffles his recurring meetings. He changes their frequency and timing every year or two to prevent his calendar from perpetuating the same shape indefinitely.

He even coined the term "calendar zero," referring to the ideal state of having days free from meetings. It allows him to proactively decide how to spend his time.

What I learned from this story is that founders need to maintain control over their schedules and focus on high-impact activities.

We need to regularly evaluate where we spend our our time. Identify areas that consistently drain our time. Time is one of our most precious resource.

Many founders fail to recognize the importance of proactively managing their time. It allows their calendars to be dictated by others' demands. It is not a good way to spend your time.

Do not neglect to delegate tasks or address team problems. It you neglect those things, it will lead to constant stress and reduced effectiveness.

Evaluate how you spend your time. Identify areas that consistently require your attention. Take proactive steps to address underlying issues. Optimize your schedule for maximum productivity.

The Counterintuitive Strategy This SaaS Founder Used to Grow His Startup to $40M+ ARRWhen Nathan Barry started Convertki...

The Counterintuitive Strategy This SaaS Founder Used to Grow His Startup to $40M+ ARR

When Nathan Barry started Convertkit, he didn't try to grow with flashy marketing or by raising tons of VC money.

Instead, he focused on doing things that don't scale. He talked to customers. He migrated them to Convertkit manually. He really tried to understand their needs.

He niched down to a specific customer profile, like paleo recipe bloggers. He reached out personally to get his first customers.

Nathan even offered to migrate people's email lists. Set everything up for free! Just to get those initial users and learn how to improve the product.

What I learned from that story is that in the early stages, you need to do things that are unscalable. Things that don't seem like the "right" way to grow a startup.

Most founders fail because they try to scale prematurely. Ads, marketing, and salespeople are no good if you don't nail product and target customer.

The takeaway is to stay as close to your customers as possible early on. Overdeliver to get those first raving fans.

Resist the urge to scale until you've really dialed in your product and found the right market fit.

Why Slack's Founder Believes in This Unconventional AdvantageSlack co-founder Stewart Butterfield took a path to the tec...

Why Slack's Founder Believes in This Unconventional Advantage

Slack co-founder Stewart Butterfield took a path to the tech industry that is a little different. He studied philosophy at university.

His experiences and philosophical training gave him a unique perspective on problem-solving. He understands human behavior.

He was asked about the advantages and disadvantages of having a humanities degree in the tech industry.

He said that a wide range of backgrounds could lead to success in the field. Especially in the early days of the web.

What I learned from this story is your unique background and perspective can be your advantage.

Diverse experiences can provide valuable insights. Creative solutions can differentiate you in the competitive tech industry.

Many aspiring founders believe that a specialized skill set is a huge advantage to success in the software industry. It might be, but it is not everything.

Founders may overlook the value of diverse experiences. Unconventional thinking is always important. Do not limit your ability to innovate and connect with users on a deeper level.

Your unique journey and perspective can be your greatest asset when building a successful software business.

The Unexpected Drawback of Remote Work That Every Founder Must AddressBuffer is a fully remote company. They faced a cha...

The Unexpected Drawback of Remote Work That Every Founder Must Address

Buffer is a fully remote company. They faced a challenge: They had to cancel their company retreat due to financial constraints.

The lack of in-person interaction started to impact their company culture. Team members feel less connected and cohesive.

Some employees had never met any of their colleagues face-to-face. It makes it harder to build strong relationships.

Even those who had been on previous retreats felt the absence of regular in-person gatherings.

The situation was especially challenging for new hires. They had no opportunity to bond with their team members in person.

From this story, I learned the importance of regularly bringing remote teams together for face-to-face interactions, even if it's a significant expense.

While remote work offers many benefits, it is important to invest in opportunities for team members to connect on a deeper level. Give your team an opportunity to build stronger relationships.

When we were starting at SociableKIT, we fail to prioritize in-person gatherings. We viewed them as an unnecessary cost. Good thing we changed that and we now have at least 2 in-person events every year.

Face-to-face interaction have a positive impact on the team's cohesion, productivity, and overall company culture.

When building a remote team, budget for and plan regular in-person gatherings.

This will promote stronger connections and maintain a thriving company culture.

Thank you, Zach! Delighted you find SociableKIT perfect for showcasing reviews from Yelp, Google, and Facebook. Exceptio...

Thank you, Zach! Delighted you find SociableKIT perfect for showcasing reviews from Yelp, Google, and Facebook. Exceptional support matters!

The Unconventional Way This Billionaire CEO Stays Laser-FocusedCo-founder of Canva Melanie Perkins was asked about this ...

The Unconventional Way This Billionaire CEO Stays Laser-Focused

Co-founder of Canva Melanie Perkins was asked about this thing we all have: Distractions.

She revealed her secret to staying focused:

Saying no to most things outside of her core work. Despite Canva's skyrocketing success, Melanie rarely does press interviews, speaking engagements, or conferences.

Instead, she dedicates her energy to understanding her customers' needs and working with her team to keep improving Canva.

She recognizes the importance of building Canva's brand. But her top priority is serving her user community and expanding the product.

What I learned here is that as a founder, your most valuable resource is your time and attention. You must guard it carefully. Stay focused on what matters most.

Many founders get distracted by the allure of publicity, networking events, and other "shiny objects".

We know that most of them don't directly contribute to building their core product and serving their customers.

Do not spread yourselves too thin. Do not try to do too many things. Concentrate your efforts where you can have the greatest impact.

Protect your time fiercely. Say no to distractions. Stay centered on constantly improving your product. Deliver value to your customers.

Notion's Founder Reveals the Secret to Building Software That Users LoveNotion founder Ivan Zhao shared a fascinating in...

Notion's Founder Reveals the Secret to Building Software That Users Love

Notion founder Ivan Zhao shared a fascinating insight when he was starting.

He was inspired by early computing pioneers who believed that software should be malleable and customizable by users.

This led him to create Notion, a tool that empowers users to customize software.

However, he quickly noticed that most users don't want to create software from scratch. Users just want to get their work done.

So, Notion pivoted to packaging its software building blocks into ready-to-use templates and use cases that people can easily adopt.

What I learned here is it is important to strike a balance between providing flexibility and offering ready-to-use solutions.

Give users the power to customize their software. Provide users with easy-to-adopt templates that help them get started quickly. They are equally important.

Many software businesses fail to recognize that users don't always want to build from scratch.

They often focus too heavily on providing flexibility without considering the importance of pre-built solutions that address common use cases.

Provide customization and ready-to-use templates. Your users must find it easy to adopt your product while still having the power to make it their own.

The Hidden Ways Your Leadership Style Might Be Sabotaging Your TeamIf you fail to clearly communicate your goals and exp...

The Hidden Ways Your Leadership Style Might Be Sabotaging Your Team

If you fail to clearly communicate your goals and expectations:

Your team members will not be sure about their roles and responsibilities.

If you often neglect to provide regular feedback and support:

It will be harder for your team to grow and perform.

If you struggle to adapt your leadership style to the unique needs of individual team members:

Your team members will not be engaged and productivity can go down the drain.

Do not sabotage your team. Take care of your team.

The Surprising Secret Behind Webflow's Incredible SuccessWebflow co-founder Vlad Magdalin had a dream to revolutionize w...

The Surprising Secret Behind Webflow's Incredible Success

Webflow co-founder Vlad Magdalin had a dream to revolutionize web design.

His journey was filled with challenges. It took him a staggering 10 years and four attempts to finally bring his idea to life!

Webflow struggled to gain traction. They got only 50 paying customers out of 30,000 signups after launch.

But Vlad and his team refused to give up. They doubled down on their core professional user base. They continuously iterated on the product.

Slowly but surely, Webflow began to gain momentum. They reached profitability. They became a leading player in the no-code revolution.

Persistence and an unwavering focus on your target audience. Those are very important when building a software business. That's what I learned from this story.

Even when there are challenges in your way, stick to your vision.

I remember almost failing SociableKIT because I was about to give up too early and got distracted by shiny new opportunities.

Don't lose sight of the core users you want to serve. Don't try to develop everything for everyone.

Stay true to your mission. Trust your instincts. Keep pushing forward. No matter how long it takes.

Your breakthrough might be just around the corner!

How I Went from Juggling Roles to Leading a Thriving TeamI struggled with delegation.When we were starting SociableKIT, ...

How I Went from Juggling Roles to Leading a Thriving Team

I struggled with delegation.

When we were starting SociableKIT, I faced the big challenge of scaling up while maintaining great customer service to our growing number of clients.

I juggled numerous roles from programming to customer support. It left a little time for strategic planning and personal life.

My wife, who is also my co-founder, saw this. We talked and decided to hire people to help us with the business.

I realized my approach was unsustainable. She helped me build the team. We thought the team would build the business. We should have done this sooner.

I decided to delegate specific responsibilities. We hired an experienced developer to handle the programming. Skilled customer support to help our customers. An industrious data administrator to manage our data.

This change allowed me to focus on building strategies. Specifically, growth strategies for product development and marketing.

I empowered the new team members, who brought fresh ideas and improvements. It leads to enhanced product features and customer satisfaction.

The team's motivation soared as they took ownership of their tasks. I can say the company flourished. All thanks to the strategic decision to delegate effectively.

The Secret Ingredient That Helped Figma Build a Thriving Company CultureWhen it comes to building a strong company cultu...

The Secret Ingredient That Helped Figma Build a Thriving Company Culture

When it comes to building a strong company culture, Figma's approach is all about giving and receiving feedback.

They've created a place where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Open communication helped them identify and address potential issues before they became major problems. I believe every company must do this.

It's also allowed Figma to foster a sense of transparency and trust within the team.

Figma's feedback-oriented approach helps w**d out employees who are a poor cultural fit.

What I learned from this story is that creating a culture of open communication and feedback will help you build a strong and cohesive team.

We've been trying to do this in Codalify since we started. It's just so easy to manage the company if the people try to be transparent and honest.

If your team members avoid difficult conversations, it will allow negativity to spread within the company.

Create a feedback-driven culture. A positive, transparent, and trusting workplace will always win. This will attract and retain top talent.

The Surprising Reason Why Many Leaders Fail to Drive Team SuccessSetting clear, achievable goals is important for a lead...

The Surprising Reason Why Many Leaders Fail to Drive Team Success

Setting clear, achievable goals is important for a leader. But it is not enough; we also need to effectively track our team's performance to drive progress and success.

We want each team within the organization to be successful. Have amazing goals. Have the right metrics as proof. Have a purpose.

Many leaders don’t have well-defined goals, so they track the wrong performance metrics.

Imagine a person learning how to play basketball.

This person's goal is to shoot the ball through the hoop to score points. He should track his performance by counting the points he gets.

But what if he keeps missing his shots? If this goes on for a while, he might start to question the goal of the game. The goal can become unclear. He might wonder if the goal is just to:

Throw the ball
Bounce the ball
Hit the backboard

None of these actions will get him the points he needs to win. Throwing and bouncing the ball, and hitting the backboard is meaningless. He could track those activities but those are the wrong performance metrics to track.

He needs to score. Scoring is the goal. Tracking the points is important to analyze good or bad performance.

How a Chance Encounter Changed the Course of WordPress ForeverWordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg shared an amazing stor...

How a Chance Encounter Changed the Course of WordPress Forever

WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg shared an amazing story about how WordPress was born from a single comment on his blog post.

In the post, he expressed his frustration with the limitations of existing blogging software. He thought might be able to build something better for himself.

Mike Little, who would later become the co-founder of WordPress, left a comment saying, "Hey, if you're interested in working on this, I'd be interested in working on it too."

That single comment started a collaboration to build WordPress.

What I learned from this story is that a single idea or interaction can have a big impact on the course of a business.

You never know where a chance encounter or a simple comment might lead you.

Sometimes I fail to recognize the potential of small ideas. I might dismiss a suggestion without realizing that it could be the seed that grows into something big.

It is better to always be open to new ideas, no matter how insignificant they may seem at first.

A single comment or conversation could be the reason your software business will be at the next level.

The Counterintuitive Approach to Efficiency That Can Transform Your BusinessWhen founder Tobi Lütke realized that Shopif...

The Counterintuitive Approach to Efficiency That Can Transform Your Business

When founder Tobi Lütke realized that Shopify was becoming inefficient as it grew, he didn't just throw more people at the problem.

Instead, he took a step back and applied his engineering mindset to the issue.

He recognized that adding more people to solve a problem that could be handled by one person was actually slowing things down.

He kept his teams lean and focused. He provided them with the right tools and processes. Efficiency was greatly improved.

This approach led to the development of unique systems inside Shopify.

What I learned from this story is that bigger teams and more resources don't always lead to better results. The most efficient solutions often come from constraint and a focus on simplicity.

Many founders believed that growth and success are synonymous with increased headcount and complexity. But it is wrong in many cases.

Take the time to examine your processes and identify areas where small changes could lead to big improvements.

Approach efficiency like an engineer – break down problems, identify the most elegant solutions, and don't be afraid to challenge conventional wisdom.

Thank you, Elizabeth! Delighted you enjoy sharing LinkedIn posts via SociableKIT for free. We appreciate your recommenda...

Thank you, Elizabeth! Delighted you enjoy sharing LinkedIn posts via SociableKIT for free. We appreciate your recommendation!


Sometimes, the simplest changes can give your customers the most value. In a rush to innovate, it's easy to overlook the basics. There are small adjustments that can significantly improve your business.

The Risky Decision That Transformed Squarespace and Secured Its FutureIn 2012, Anthony Casalena (the founder) made a bol...

The Risky Decision That Transformed Squarespace and Secured Its Future

In 2012, Anthony Casalena (the founder) made a bold move.

He completely changed the architecture of Squarespace’s entire platform.

He realized that the original system, which had roots in blogging, would not power the next ten years of websites.

Their team recognized that web technologies, user behavior, and mobile devices had changed a lot.

They set out to build a new platform that would serve future website owners. It will empower users to create the sites they truly want.

What I learned from this story is that recognizing when to reinvent your product is very important.

Many founders fail to adapt their products to changing market conditions, either due to complacency or fear of change.

Be willing to make bold decisions when necessary.


Profit might fill your pockets. But without understanding cash flow, those pockets could be empty really fast. Is your business really as healthy as it looks on paper?


Don't rush to build your software business ideea. Share your vision in a blog post and use SEO to find your potential customers. If the interest is there, you'll know. Start writing to validate your idea without the risk.

Thank you, Lonnie! Delighted you find SociableKIT easy and love our Google Review Widget. 100 stars indeed

Thank you, Lonnie! Delighted you find SociableKIT easy and love our Google Review Widget. 100 stars indeed


Solving a real problem creates an "aha!" moment for your customers. That's when they truly see the value of what you're offering. You make their lives easier. Find your "aha!" moment.

This one website change will make a huge difference for your software business.We started getting lots of traffic a few ...

This one website change will make a huge difference for your software business.

We started getting lots of traffic a few years ago, but signups were sluggish, and new users seemed confused.

After investigating, I discovered the issue: people expected a quick-and-easy signup and login option like logging in with Google.

A major barrier was forcing everyone to create an account by manually entering their email address. We added the Google login option. Within an hour, there were 15 new signups. 7 of them used the Google login option.

The results were immediate. SociableKIT signups skyrocketed!

I focused on complex website features. I overlooked basic user experience. I did not spend enough time stepping into our customer's shoes.

The user journey is very important. Map out how people initially find your site, navigate your pages, and finally decide to try your product. Where are they likely to get lost, confused, or frustrated?

Those are your friction points. Small tweaks addressing these pain points make a big difference.
Make it ridiculously easy for your ideal customer to achieve their goal.


Start small so you are not overwhelmed by big goals. Break down your massive ambition into micro-goals. Each small win is a step forward. Small steps lead to big changes.

You might be profitable, but this mistake could kill your software business.Several years ago, Codalify started growing ...

You might be profitable, but this mistake could kill your software business.

Several years ago, Codalify started growing significantly. We had a killer product. New customers are coming in everyday. I was happy with our profits.

Then, out of the blue, I felt like we were going down.

Turns out, I did not understand the difference between cash flow and profit. I spent too much on expansion and marketing.

I hired several employees too fast. I spent too much on Google ads. When there were months when revenue dipped slightly, we lacked the actual cash to pay bills and salaries.

Cash flow is the money moving in and out of your business. Profit is the money left over after all expenses are paid.

Bootstrapped founders need to track cash flow religiously. Expanding too quickly, unexpected expenses, or customer churn can squeeze your cash and cripple operations, even if your business is technically profitable.

Knowing your cash position and profit margin is important. Survive with positive profit and master your cash flow.


Stop letting tech indecision hold you back.

Choose the tools you know. Build something meaningful. Start solving real problems.

Your customers are waiting for solutions, not the latest tech.

Let's get building!

You may have the next big software business idea... But should you build it? I found a smart way to find out.Before buil...

You may have the next big software business idea... But should you build it? I found a smart way to find out.

Before building SociableKIT, I was unsure if there was a real market need. I knew building a full-blown solution would eat up tons of my time and budget.

Instead, I created a comprehensive blog post outlining the problem I wanted to solve for my clients. I focused on SEO to drive targeted traffic.

It was a blog on my site called codeofaninja about adding page events, posts, and other social media content to a website.

This simple strategy generated tons of interest. Almost every day, there's an inquiry related to the blog. On my email, page messages, Twitter, and comments. It was even mentioned on forums.

It proved the demand existed, all without building a full-blown software product.

Bypassing the build-first approach can save you major headaches. Validating your idea early is important. A well-written blog post describing your proposed solution allows you to measure interest.

SEO becomes your superpower: if potential customers are searching for what you're offering, you've hit the mark.

Don't build in the dark. It's a smart way to validate your software business idea before committing significant time and money.

Thank you, Adrian! Delighted you find SociableKIT helpful embedding Facebook Events. Simplifying processes for small chu...

Thank you, Adrian! Delighted you find SociableKIT helpful embedding Facebook Events. Simplifying processes for small churches excites us!


"I'm not ready to start a business..."

You're not alone. Facing self-doubt and uncertainty is part of the journey.

Learning to manage those feelings can lead to growth and progress.

Readiness comes from doing.

This totally changed how I built my software business... and it might work for you, too.When I freelanced building websi...

This totally changed how I built my software business... and it might work for you, too.

When I freelanced building websites 10 years ago, I noticed my clients manually copy and paste their social media content into their websites.

They were frustrated because it was very time-consuming!

I felt for my clients. I had an idea for a solution - a tool to automatically put content from social media to my client's website. I built SociableKIT.

My client used the software. He created a Facebook events widget. Customized the widget to match his brand. Embedded the code on his website.

He saw his website automatically updated with events from his page. His reaction was priceless! This is the "aha!" moment.

That "aha!" moment happens when your target customer sees your solution and instantly feels a deep sense of need and recognition.

It's validation that your software product solves a real, painful problem for them. This feeling cuts through the noise and can set you apart from the competition.

Obsess over solving your customer's problem so deeply that when they experience your product, the only logical reaction is: "Wow, this is exactly what I need!"


Your product's price must truly reflect its value. Consider the impact it has on easing customer pain points and saving costs.

A product positioned as an investment rather than an expense transforms perceptions and value.



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