Abby Blue

Abby Blue Metaphysics, Transformation, Biohacking
Mind, Body, Soul

It's easy to get caught up in the belief that external factors, such as money, relationships, or circumstances, are the sole determinants of our happiness and success. However, studies have shown that our internal state of mind and the tools we use to manage our thoughts and emotions play a crucial role in achieving our goals and living our dream life. Internal tools can be anything from mindfulne

ss practices, such as meditation and self-reflection, to divination methods, such as tarot and astrology. These tools help us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings, identify limiting beliefs, and take action towards our desired outcomes. Meditation is a powerful internal tool that can help us reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and improve our overall well-being. By taking a few minutes each day to sit in quiet contemplation, we can train our minds to focus on the present moment and let go of distracting thoughts and emotions. Divination methods, such as numerology and astrology, can also be valuable internal tools for gaining insight into our inner selves and the world around us. These methods can provide guidance and clarity on important life decisions, as well as help us connect with our intuition and spiritual selves. In my personal journey towards achieving my goals and living my dream life, I have found that incorporating both internal and external tools has been crucial. That's why I will be exploring, guiding, and sharing various methods, tricks, and techniques that have helped me connect with my Higher Self and the Universe around me. These practices are meant to deepen our self-awareness, explore our subconscious, and gain valuable insights into the world around (and within) us. Additionally, I utilize external productivity tools to make the most of my time and maintain a balance between my spiritual and physical selves. If my journey can help others see the power of internal tools to achieve their own dreams, then I will consider my goal fulfilled.

After working very hard on building up my brand and website, going through several rebrandings and vision shifts, pushin...

After working very hard on building up my brand and website, going through several rebrandings and vision shifts, pushing through multiple burnouts, and many late nights, is finally live!

I can hardly believe this milestone has finally arrived. Although the website is live, I am continuing to expand on my packages, services, features, and portals through Abby Blue. This is only the start!

Check out Abby Blue if you're interested to know more about what I've been working diligently on for the past 16+ months and if you'd like, go ahead and subscribe to my newsletter for monthly updates, promo codes, and interesting reads! You can find the straight-forward signup form on my home page.


Discover Abby Blue's holistic digital solutions blending technology, wellness, and creativity. We optimize both human and project potential with products, content, and services that prioritize holistic wellness. Integrating science, spirituality, and nature, we enhance personal growth and brand pres...


Every single ingredient you eat feeds a different type of bacteria in your gut. Some of these trillions of microbes are bad and some are good. The wider variety of plant foods you consume, the more diverse and healthy your gut microbiome and flora are. Healthy eating means consuming food to feed your intestinal biome.

I announced on Sunday that I reached 365 days without alcohol. Many of you reached out with questions, so I made sure to...

I announced on Sunday that I reached 365 days without alcohol. Many of you reached out with questions, so I made sure to answer some of them in this video.

Today, I'm sharing the main reason I gave up alcohol and the biggest challenge I faced. Join me in raising a (non-alcoholic) glass to changing habits to reflect the vision for our lives!

As always, your like, comment, subscribe, and share brings me closer to becoming a YouTube partner 💙

Cheers! 🍵

That's right -- April 7, 2024 marks 365 days since I gave up drinking alcohol. Being sober for a full year, I took this time to reflect with you on the benef...

It's official - April 7th was my one-year sobriety anniversary. I thought it would be a great time to reflect with you o...

It's official - April 7th was my one-year sobriety anniversary. I thought it would be a great time to reflect with you on why I stopped drinking in the first place, what my biggest challenge was, and how it's affected my life since I started this journey.

Check out the video in my bio at .co

What you direct your attention to, you are giving energy. Whether you're focusing on something you want or don't want, t...

What you direct your attention to, you are giving energy. Whether you're focusing on something you want or don't want, the outcome that you are focusing on is the outcome you are putting energy toward.

In other words, if you're focusing on how badly you don't want it to rain tomorrow, you're focusing on it raining tomorrow, whether you want it to or not.

How can we use this knowledge to change our lives, uplift our communities, and shape our future? Come along with me as I share with you some of the realizations I've made through hands-on working with energies and observing how things manifest in this physical realm.

Take a moment to sit back and watch while I also create some sacred geometry artwork using the Sri Yantra symbol and mostly watercolor.

Please share with me your thoughts on this new video! 💙

To influence the manifestations in your reality doesn't come down to how your structure your sentences. It doesn't rely on ceremonial tools, and it doesn't h...

CONTENT-TO-GO 🏃‍♀️🎒I present to you custom social media template packs for your brand, now available on Upwork!Who is th...


I present to you custom social media template packs for your brand, now available on Upwork!

Who is this right for?

You are finding that you're spending too much time on content creation when you have other business to take care of.

Or you simply don't, as the world fights for it's new currency (attention), have the time to keep up with the constant stream of content demanded of you.

I'm Abby Blue, an open creative offering holistic digital services to empower growth in your brand.

I'm here to relieve some of that social media pressure by providing you a bundle of custom-designed, branded templates ready for you to use.

Simply fill in the blanks, schedule, and you're good to go!

Some of the main features you'll receive with any tier package are as follow:

• Fillable templates

• Reusable posts for series

• Expert designs

• Optimized for social media

• Ready to use

• Save time

• Revisions

Working in the industry for 7+ years, I welcome you to feel confident in my ability to create designs both you and your audience won't forget.

To get started, send me a DM or head to my Upwork profile in my bio to select a package (scroll to bottom of page). If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Let's hear your vision and make you some more time!

The day has finally come!If you've been following my IG Stories, you had a glimpse of just how difficult this challenge ...

The day has finally come!

If you've been following my IG Stories, you had a glimpse of just how difficult this challenge was to complete. You're witnessing history - we did it!

I promised you all I'd tell you all about the madness that went on during the filming and post-production, so here it is.

I started this video on 11/11/23 and finished everything on Feb 05, 2024. If I had known... I would have waited to start. But once I started, I didn't want to stop until completed.

At the same time as recording this 30-day qigong challenge, I was simultaneously recording another challenge video (circadian alignment).

Shortly after starting these two challenges, I also started packing up my belongings and deep cleaning the apartment. Being that my lease wasn't up for another ~5 weeks, I expected to finish these two videos while still here.

Well, while searching and viewing apartments that would accept a dog + cat at this time of year, I finally found one worth pursuing BUT needed to rent ASAP.

So those 5-weeks turned into less than 1-week. Packing and cleaning like a maniac, running errands without a car, and finding people who could help me move...

I made it to my new apartment. As soon as things were unpacked, I was hit with my first case of covid. Even through covid, I kept on.

I thought I was recovering, only to experience prolonged *extreme* symptoms... my muscles in my arms were wasting and weakening. I couldn't lift my arms. Out of commission up until the end of the challenge.

This was a wild experience. I put myself through too much at once, albeit a lot was unexpected.

When I reached the point of export, I can't tell you how happy and proud I was for making it to this moment. And it hit me just how much I love making content and sharing my experiences and thoughts with you. This is something I wish to continue doing, whether I get 1 view or 1M. Creating content should be about experimenting new ideas and getting to know yourself on deeper levels. I will never fit into guidelines nor trends - that has *never* been who I am. I create my reality, not algorithms.

Thank you to those of you who support me in my projects. In a world where many people attack those who live true to themselves, your support means more than you know.

So many ideas to come! We're experimenting with new ideas with a focus on overall vibe and topic sentiment.

Until next time xx Abby Blue

It feels SO good to have a new video published. Thank you all for being patient while I transition to a new apartment, r...

It feels SO good to have a new video published. Thank you all for being patient while I transition to a new apartment, recover from long-c*vid muscle wasting, and work through the chaos and uncertainty that comes along with shifting content strategies.

This video is a 7-day challenge where I attempt to finally align my circadian rhythm with the help of blue light blocking glasses.

Being a digital nomad for 7+ years and in different timezones than my clients, I always find myself working on my computer late, which means I am constantly exposing myself to blue light waves.

This challenge was filmed in the midst of moving apartments and up into the start of me getting sick. It was difficult getting the footage to turn out how I wanted as the last apartment was far from ideal for filming. But I made it work and the project is complete.

I would greatly appreciate your support with this project which I put in countless hours and energy through one of the most chaotic months I've had in a long time.

Thank you 💙

For the next 7-days, I'm going to be testing blue light blocking glasses to see if I can finally get my circadian rhythm aligned. It might be a challenge (pu...

For the next 7-days, I'm going to be testing blue light blocking glasses to see if I can finally get my circadian rhythm...

For the next 7-days, I'm going to be testing blue light blocking glasses to see if I can finally get my circadian rhythm aligned. It might be a challenge (pun intended).

My sleep schedule has been an issue I've struggled with most my life. It's rooted deep - I am a night owl. So... can wearing blue light blocking glasses actually solve my sleep problem?

✨ Try it for yourself!

🚨 10% OFF Blue Light Blocking Glasses
👉 Link in bio

👉 Video in bio

I made a promise to myself last month that I would start dancing more.Dancing used to be a major part of my life, and it...

I made a promise to myself last month that I would start dancing more.

Dancing used to be a major part of my life, and it's probably one of my strongest sources of flow.

Since giving up alcohol, I've been working on getting comfortable letting the flow go in public environments without a substance to help let loose.

Now that I'm in a spacious, comfortable apartment again - which is also set up so beautifully for filming - I'm utilizing the space to fulfill my promise.

Yesterday, I recovered from most symptoms of a winter virus and spent the day baking, playing ukulele, singing, and (you guessed it) dancing.

I'm considering sharing videos here or on YouTube freestyling dancing, whether it looks good or not.

Either way, I'm excited to continue evolving my style. I've been consciously developing it since I was in my early teen years.

There's been countless moments where I'd practically black out in a way that my energy was in total control of me in that moment.

When I was younger, I used to describe it as this energy that pulsed through my veins and controlled my skeleton like a puppet.

I now realize this is chi, prana, flow. And at it's fundamental source, it is home. I think it's what we are all looking for as humans - to find what brings us into flow and live in it.



My 7-year run of being vegan/vegetarian shifted since I moved to Zagreb one-year-and-a-half ago when I started having chicken occasionally. Now, I'm integrating salmon as well. Since making the decision that I'm going to adjust my diet, I've had another wave of creative meal ideas.

This is a fresh chicken recipe that came to mind yesterday, and I made the vision a reality. Let me tell you, this meal is a perfect balance of fresh and filling, and the options for leftovers are endless - try a sandwich with a turmeric spread or pulling apart the chicken breast to toss in like a salad.

Adjust the recipe how you like with your own boosters, spices, herbs, and oils. Below you will find a general recipe with a few suggestions to allow room to get creative with your own style.


2 Chicken breasts
3 Garlic cloves
Fresh lemon
Your preferred cooking oil
Powdered turmeric
Red pepper flakes

1 medium Thinly sliced apple
1/4 Shredded purple cabbage
2 Shredded carrots
1/2 - 1 lemon squeezed
Microgreens / Sprouts
Splash ACV
Red pepper flakes

Make coleslaw first and put in fridge until ready to assemble.

Lightly press you garlic cloves and slice thinly. Add spices to one side of chicken breasts. Let oil heat up with the garlic, place chicken breasts seasoned side down and season the other side. Sear the chicken breasts, flipping on both sides, add butter, flipping once more. Sear until it's the color you want it at.

Transfer to oven and finish cooking until internal temperature of 74°C. Let sit before 5 minutes on cutting board before slicing.

Place coleslaw on plate, top with chicken, squeeze fresh lemon, garnish with sprouts.

Let me know if you try this recipe! Tag me in a photo if you do 💙✨


The Toroidal Field is the fundamental shape of the Universe.
Everything has a toroidal field.

Humans, Earth, language, sound, objects, animals, plants, solar systems, galaxies.
Every one of these fields are in direct communication with each other and the cosmic field (ethers).

This week, we are reviewing the Biohacker Summit hosted in Amsterdam 2023 by Teemu Arina, the Founder of the Biohacker C...

This week, we are reviewing the Biohacker Summit hosted in Amsterdam 2023 by Teemu Arina, the Founder of the Biohacker Center.

Biotechnology, microdosing, sound healing, shaman icaros, breathwork, infrared saunas, ceremonial cacao, 75+ keynote speakers. Take a look at all of this and more with our Biohacker Summit review!

Stay until the end for a brand message about our upcoming content. We would love your input on a couple of things. Please let us know your responses in the comments!

This week, we are reviewing the Biohacker Summit hosted in Amsterdam 2023 by Teemu Arina, the Founder of the Biohacker Center. Biotechnology, microdosing, so...

The Biohacker Summit (Amsterdam) overview is finally here! This video was a monster to edit but boy was it fun.  Check o...

The Biohacker Summit (Amsterdam) overview is finally here! This video was a monster to edit but boy was it fun.

Check out this week's video for a look at the beautiful sanctuary stage, intriguing exhibits, mesmerizing stage, and after party sponsoring .nl ceremonial cacao.

Looking forward to the next summit in Finland! Special thanks to for putting together such a beautiful event with so many like-minded people.



With the Law of Assumption, as in quantum physics, you must step into the quantum timeline where you already have what it is that you desire.

Deep in your core, you must *believe* you already have, or are, what you're trying to attract.

When you are in the state of already having, your vibrations are vibrating in alignment with the frequencies of what you desire (and remember, we focus on *emotion* rather than the physical outcome. Those emotions manifest through different scenarios, events, and creatures).

When the Law of Attraction comes into motion, like attracts like. When you are vibrating frequencies of gratitude, contentment, relief, joy, you will attract more events, people, objects that bring more of that same vibration into your life.

Last video of this formatting before we change things up a bit!We will be adjusting our posting schedule from every week...

Last video of this formatting before we change things up a bit!

We will be adjusting our posting schedule from every week to every other week, as well as shifting the format of the videos themselves.

Come along on my personal transformation journey, learn, experiment, and experience the beauty of life's mysteries with me, and witness Abby Blue evolve into it's true purpose. One step at a time 💙

According to Sigmund Freud, the personality consists of 3 dynamic elements.These parts of our personality are in constant interaction with each other, influe...

In case you missed it, last week's video was all about toroidal fields (aka auras, aka electromagnetic fields).Really in...

In case you missed it, last week's video was all about toroidal fields (aka auras, aka electromagnetic fields).
Really interesting stuff, check it out if you haven't yet!

The toroidal field is present around everything - living and non-living, physical and non-physical. The torus itself is the fundamental shape of the Universe...


Take the time to reflect on the lessons you’ve learned from each relationships that’s come and gone.

Why did the Universe bring them into your life? Why did they Universe take them away?

Everything comes in seasons, and everything happens for a reason.


Your energy is extremely valuable, don’t let just anybody feed off of it

The people you actively choose to surround yourself with should at least match your vibration

You’re in each others lives to grow together

If they cannot grow with you, then they may either draw on your energy or keep you from evolving

Being conscious of how long, how often, and where you see these people will really help maintain your high vibrations while giving it the proper energies to nurture its growth



It is essential, essential, essential…

That you BELIEVE that the Universe is shifting energies and directing resources to bring your manifestation into the physical realm.

If you have a hard time believing in your manifestation at the core level, it can be helpful to look for places in your life where you’re already feeling that emotion and focus on the beauty if what it brings you.

This will help bring you into the vibration of already having, thus attracting other vibrations that resonate with it.

Remember, everything vibrates and like attracts like.

So the vibrations you are putting out are the vibrations you are going to receive.


When learning to lucid dream, it’s important to continuously test yourself.

One really beneficial way to strengthen your control is by dream hopping into past dreams and predicting what will happen next.

You will find your subconscious trying to outsmart you by manipulating the dream as to not repeat events play-by-play, while you are directly manipulating the dream yourself.

You will be in an overlapping battle of control over the dream until your own control becomes so strong, you will have to mentally allow your subconscious to throw curveballs at you.

You’ve most likely heard about the Law of Attraction, but this is only one of many Universal Laws.Without the fundamenta...

You’ve most likely heard about the Law of Attraction, but this is only one of many Universal Laws.

Without the fundamental knowledge and practice of other laws at play, you may be standing in the way of your own manifestation.

In this video, we are going to talk about 4 universal laws that everyone should know when focusing on shifting realities.

I’ll also give you ways to practice each law so you can start consciously working with universal energies today.

You’ve most likely heard about the Law of Attraction, but this is only one of many Universal Laws.Without the fundamental knowledge and practice of other law...


You’ve most likely heard about the Law of Attraction, but this is only one of many Universal Laws.

Without the fundamental knowledge and practice of other laws at play, you may be standing in the way of your own manifestation.

In this video, we are going to talk about 4 universal laws that everyone should know when focusing on shifting realities.

I’ll also give you ways to practice each law so you can start consciously working with universal energies today.


Manifestation is a co-creation, a shared project. The consistent application of your energy is essential for the Universe to do its share of the work.


Our Golden Shadows represent parts of our personality where we were shamed or repremanded when we let that light shine.

We learned to repress these gifts as means of discipline and blending into society.

When we feel or express insecurity about ourselves, especially when in comparison to someone else, oftentimes these are our wounded superpowers that are underdeveloped, waiting to be excavated, polished, and brought to light.


Our Shadow is responsible for many of our personality traits, as well as our impulsive reactions to our environment and judgement of others.


Alongside the 3️⃣ key elements of manifestation that we talked about in one of my recent videos, divine timing plays an important role in when you will see the materialization of your manifestation.

Link to full video in bio

Gratitude can literally rewire your brain to live a healthier and happier lifeBut not only that, gratitude plays a huge ...

Gratitude can literally rewire your brain to live a healthier and happier life

But not only that, gratitude plays a huge role in the effectiveness of manifesting your reality

In this video, we are going to break down how gratitude effects your vibrational frequencies and attracts more of what you want, as well as the ways in which this simple daily practice can change your life

Gratitude can literally rewire your brain to live a healthier and happier lifeBut not only that, gratitude plays a huge role in the effectiveness of manifest...

In this video, we are talking about the three main ingredients behind manifestation.Whether you're someone who follows s...

In this video, we are talking about the three main ingredients behind manifestation.

Whether you're someone who follows science, religion, spirituality, or a combination - everything comes back to the same three elements.

I'll also give you a few bonus tips at the end to boost the effectiveness of your manifestations and the vibrations of your electromagnetic field.

Don't let your thoughts shape a reality you don't want. Learn how to take control through conscious co-creation with the Universe.

(PS audio quality has been significantly updated!)

In this video, we are talking about the three main ingredients behind manifestation.Whether you're someone who follows science, religion, spirituality, or a ...



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