Having spent over three years immersed in the world of marketing, I’ve learnt a thing or two. It’s been a rollercoaster ride, with its fair, share of highs and lows – just like any journey worth taking. 🎢
In an industry, where advice comes from all corners, especially from the ones who have never stepped into your shoes, here are my golden nuggets of advice for fellow, small-business owners…
1️⃣ You can’t impress everyone…
You will never be able to impress everyone, so why waste time trying. Instead of tying yourselves into knots, focus on putting out content that you would find valuable. Because if you have found value in it, your target audience should too.
2️⃣ If you think your content is boring… it probably is.
This one is a hard one to hear, but I’m not here to inflate your ego’s. My top tip for creating engaging content is to take a look within. What do you like to see? What do you engage with and why? Post content that you as a customer would find useful, not just fluff.
3️⃣ Over thinking will be the death of you.
THIS! Overthinking kills creativity, and without creativity, your marketing is f*cked! Don’t focus on things, being perfect, focus on showing up and getting the first iteration out there, so that you can learn from it and improve.
Let me know why you think you struggle with marketing your small business so much?