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I want to tell everyone here that it is my business how you raise your children.

And it should also be your business how I raise mine, if you are a parent indeed.

🔴 It is my business because, your ill-parented children will corrupt other children, including mine.

🔴 It is my business because, you may raise more hoodlums, prostitutes, drug addicts, rapists, etc., in addition to the ones we already have in the society; thereby making the environment more unconducive and unsafe for everyone.

🔴 It is my business because, you may raise bullies and send them to the same school where normal children are.

And we cannot afford to continue losing innocent children to untamed bull dogs who pretend to be students😡.

🔴 It is my business because, I am praying to be a father-in-law tomorrow and I don't know who my child will bring home to me.

What if fate brings them together with your ill-parented son or daughter, whom you have craftily taught the art of deceit and pretence?

Wouldn't that mean that I may spend the rest of my life in bitterness watching my son or daughter going through pains in their marriage?

🔴 How you parent your children is my business because, every intentionally parented child is a special gift from God to humanity.

Who knows whether that child you are spoiling or neglecting today would be my destiny-helper tomorrow?

🔴 Don't tell me to mind my business when you are raising charlatans who will waste, rather than save lives in our hospitals; traumatise, rather than teach students/pupils in our schools; profane, rather than glorify the name of God in religious organizations, and cause havoc in every sector of the society, which all of us are meant to coexist in.

🔴 Stop telling me to mind my business because, I am a stakeholder in the upbringing of every child born in this time and season.

Every intentional parent knows that we are all stakeholders in the raising of the next generation.

Posterity will judge us if we see or hear evil and keep mute.

Therefore, my fellow intentional parents, the next time anyone tells you that, how they parent their children is not your business, calmly use these points and other points your intentional-parenting instincts will give you at that instant to educate such ignorant fellows.

Greetings to every parents and parents to be on this platform…




~ Always remember that you can grow without destroying others.

~ Always remember that your dreams can be fulfilled without sabotaging others.

~ Always remember that nobody must go down for you to rise.

~ Always remember that nobody must be shamed or embarrassed for your smile to be sustained.

~ Always remember that while others are rising, you can also rise.

~ Always remember that finding satisfaction in the pain of others will never bring you true happiness.

~ Always remember that what you wish others is a prayer for yourself.

• Become the good fire that genuinely lights up others, not one that ruins the joy, goodwill and expectation of others.

• Never take delight in causing pain or sponsoring the tears of another.


This is the path to an enduring peaceful livelihood.

Stop mistaking………*God Bless You* for a prayer………is never a prayer. It’s only a personal choice by what and all you do to others.

Do think about it…


“Message By…”
Pope Francis

"You can have shortcomings, be anxious and live irritated sometimes, but do not forget that your life is the biggest company in the world.
Only you can prevent it l from going into decline.
There are many who appreciate you, admire you and love you.
I would like you to remember that being happy is not having a sky without storms, road without accidents, work without fatigue, relationships without disappointments.
To be happy is to find strength in forgiveness, hope in battles, security in the box of fear, love in disagreements.
Being happy is not only to value the smile, but also to reflect on sadness.
It is not just to commemorate success, but to learn lessons in failures.
It is not just to have joy with the applause, but to have joy in anonymity.
To be happy is to recognize that life is worth living, despite all the challenges, misunderstandings, and periods of crisis.
Being happy is not a fate of destiny, but a conquest for those who know how to travel within their own being.
To be happy is to stop being a victim of problems and become an actor in one's own history.
It is to cross deserts outside of itself, but to be able to find an oasis in the recesses of our soul.
It is to thank God every morning for the miracle of life.
Being happy is not being afraid of one's feelings.
It is knowing how to talk about yourself.
It is having the courage to hear a "no".
It is to have the courage to receive a criticism, even if it is unfair.
It is to kiss the children, to pamper the parents, to have poetic moments with the friends, even though they hurt us.
To be happy is to allow others and yourself to live free, cheerful and simple the creature that exists within each one of us.
It is having maturity to say 'I was wrong'.
It is having the audacity to say 'forgive me'.
It is having sensitivity to express 'I need you'.
It is having the ability to say 'I love you'.
May your life become a garden of opportunities to be happy ...
That in your springs you are a lover of joy.
In your winter you are a jfriend of wisdom.
And when you make mistakes on the way, you start all over again.
Well, that way you'll be more passionate about life.
And you will discover that being happy is not having a perfect life.
But use tears to water tolerance.
Use the losses to refine patience.
Use the flaws to sculpt serenity.
Use pain to spring up gladness.
Use the obstacles to open the windows of intelligence.
Never give up ....
Never give up on the people you love.
Never give up being happy, because life is an unforgettable spectacle!

………End of the message. Hope you find therein one or two takeaway points……… PEACE TO YOUR WORLD TODAY AND ALWAYS!



Do not be driven into eternity destructions by your unnecessary anger that is poisonous to you alone.

Why won’t you holdback for a moment, ask sensible questions and listen patiently and reasonably before drawing destructive conclusions?



A young and successful
executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, in his new Jaguar.

Suddenly, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door!

He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown - and saw a kid standing.

The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the kid and shouted at him.

'”What was that all about? That's a new car and that brick you threw has caused damage that is going to cost a lot of money to repair. Why did you do it?'

The young boy was apologetic.

'”Please, mister... please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do,' He pleaded.
‘I threw the brick because no one else
would stop....'

With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth
pointed to a spot just around a parked car.

'’It's my brother,' he said, 'He rolled off he curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up.'

Now sobbing, the boy
asked the stunned executive, 'Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me.'

Moved beyond words, the man swallowed the rapidly swelling lump in his throat.

He hurriedly lifted the
handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took
out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh
scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay.

‘Thank you and may God bless you,' the grateful child told the stranger.

Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long, slow
walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair
the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message:

'’Don't go through life
so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!'

God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. It’s our choice to listen or not.

Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us so we can STOP and LISTEN.

Thought for the day:

God didn't promise
days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Read this line very
slowly and let it sink

If God brings you to
it, He will bring you through it.
If the devil tricks you into it, be sure to be dragged shamefully and helplessly through it.
May we be graced with an increased act of kindness, charity, piety and selfless dedication to serve the Lord through no strings attached service to humanity, Amen.

*WHAT WAS THAT BRICK EVER THROWN AT YOU AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE?* Do Value Life And Appreciate Livelihood Through People In Your Circle.


As requested by some, here is the full text of the interview published today in the Sunday Tribune. Enjoy!

Q: You are in the news lately following your take on the current situation of the country and the forthcoming general elections. What prompted that?

A: A true artist must speak to the people in every way possible - to educate, inspire, advice and guide. I am just doing my job as a true artist when I speak out.

Q: How did you feel about the reaction it generated from your fans?

A: The strong reaction shows that there are many people out there who are tired of how things are being done in this country, who realize that these 4-year cycles of elections are just a charade and will remain so until we engage with ourselves in a way that is honest and truly democratic. The reaction also shows that a large mass of our more enlightened folks may be close to being ready to play their roles in ensuring that we save ourselves from this endless, and aimless national drift, retardation and the deeply-entrenched culture of corruption.

Q: Is it true you are angry with the government of the day and some past leaders, as some have suggested?

A: I am not angry with anyone. I am not happy about the mess we have created in this country and the many millions of lives we have wasted through lack of vision and application of simple intelligence and wisdom. We are all to blame for the failure of this society and the retardation of our country. Things will not change until people of goodwill and high principles decide that they've had enough of leaving things in the hands of mediocre minds parading as leaders. I am only trying to move us faster in that direction.

Q: You seem to be the only artiste that is taking the lead in fostering the folk and roots music in the industry. How has it been?

A: I gave "folk and roots" as a label to my music to enable classification by people to whom such is important. But my music is more than folk and roots, it is the rhythm of life and contains everything any human being needs to connect with his or her humanity - to feel whole, clear-minded, calm, energized, emboldened, positive, etc., depending on his or her immediate and long-term needs. My music is not made with a focus on making money or garnering fame, it is made with the purest of intentions, to bless and enrich the listener and the world with clarity and joy. My path has been strewn with difficulties and continues to be tough, but those who have been chosen for a high purpose don't lament, they just get on with it.

Q: Aside being a popular folk musician, you diversified in becoming an author of several books in less than two years. How were you able to achieve this?

A: Writing and publishing is not a new thing for me. I have always been a writer of many things - poetry, fiction, drama, essays, etc. I have also always been involved in journalism as a reporter, writer, editor, etc. Not in a newspaper like Tribune, of course, but at a high quality level. Several of my writings were published in the Tribune in the 90s. My first article to be published was in the defunct Daily Sketch in 1984. I have worked professionally as a researcher, technical writer and such. "Citadel Blues", my book of fiction, is not really that new - it was written in 1991, first published in 2004 and republished in 2017. The really new books are "Sounds of Joy" (my autobiography), "Book of Songs" (a compendium of 188 songs released as Beautiful Nubia from 1997 to 2018, including interesting tidbits and anecdotes about the songs) and "A WordMerchant's LogBook" (my fourth book of poetry). I was able to achieve this by spending many months writing, re-writing, editing and so on and on.

Q: Don't you feel concern that despite all your efforts in using your music to preach morals, advocating for a sane society and a corrupt-free nation, things get worse. Why?

A: That's totally normal, any astute student of history would tell you so. What it took a whole year to build can be destroyed in a day and then it might take more than a decade or longer to restore things back to the old glory. Our society has been going down this path of corruption and self-destruction for many years now. It began as a slow slide but we are now in free-fall but, thankfully, many people are awakening to the impending danger. My music has been there since 1997, playing non-stop, almost an album every year - full of guidance, warning, solutions, truth - and it won't stop until we start to see those changes creep back into society. How much of my music do you hear on radio these days? We give them every new release as it comes out but no, they won't play it, because they don't like what it says. However, no human power can keep a force of nature down forever; somehow, our music keeps finding its way to the people. Irrespective of what anyone does to keep our true destiny as a people chained to pain and suffering, we will eventually break free of those shackles and emerge into a new dawn of rebirth and renewal. I am not concerned about the slowness of the process; that's totally normal. Change will come to us when the people are ready. Soon, I hope. In the meantime, our music keeps shedding light on the path to personal and national redemption. Take that path when you're ready, at least for the sake of the children and generations unborn.

Q: Has this in any way discouraged your burning spirit?

A: I am a person who sees further than most; I see things from many dimensions; I don't only see the present chaos and mess; I see what led to it; I see how it came to be; I see how it can be reversed; I see how differently things could be for us as a people - even in only 20 years - if we raise a new generation of upstanding, principled and positive-minded citizens. The children and youth give me hope all the time. I take my message to them at schools, I share it with them on social media, they respond enthusiastically, they respond with joy. I encourage them, they encourage me. I see the future through their eyes, I paint it for them in beautiful words and mellifluous melodies, I send them good energy for their upliftment, to make them ready for the task ahead. We will take back this country from those who have destroyed it over several decades; we will free our people of the yoke of greed and selfishness and build a new land where everyone has a sense of belonging - a country that caters to every citizen irrespective of ethnicity, social class, religion, gender or language. It is a long-term project, my music has set the pace, the message is slowly reaching the critical mass that you need for social change. It is coming - true change; it is coming - true progress. Whether you can see it or not, whether you want or not, it is coming. I am very sure and confident.

Q: Your name, Beautiful Nubia and style of music has made your brand of music unique, but taking a deep look into your philosophy, it seems you are being isolated in the industry. How will you react to this?

A: I don't feel isolated at all. The path I have taken is bestrewn with difficulties; it is not every artist who wants to go that way and I don't blame them. It is a good thing to stand out, isn't it?

Q: Could one say that this development could be responsible for you not getting the deserved honour in the industry and even endorsement from corporate bodies?

A: I don't play music for honour from the industry, neither do I do it for endorsement from businesses. You seem to be mixing things up, you're trying to put hawks and doves in the same coop. There is a difference between performers, entertainers, music business people and people like me. I am a fiercely independent artist who likes to go his own way and do things as he sees fit. I am beholden to no one, no one owns me or my voice. I speak and sing what I like, what I am inspired to say. I owe no allegiance to the government, any corporate body or a powerful patron. I am my own man, self-made, my thoughts are not soiled by greed and selfishness, my words and songs are sent forth in purity, with honesty of purpose and are intended for societal growth and development. I didn't choose this path, it chose me, I am doing what I feel I was sent to do. For me, the art is supreme, business or making money is always secondary. I have risen beyond the desire or need for material wealth and personal comfort.

Q: How would you evaluate the acceptability of your work in relation to the proceeds?

A: Well, a lot of people love our music, many of them would go to extreme lengths to acquire and pay well for the music. But there are also many who just want the music for free or for peanuts. The days of selling CDs for 100 Naira are over. People must be ready to pay what is appropriate for good music. Bubble gum pop music that is made for momentary entertainment can be free, but our kind of music demands respect and must be paid for. I always say I have made some money from music but I have never made a profit. In fact, I am always behind, which is a shame but totally expected. If you go down the path I have taken with my kind of music, if you make my kind of choices, then you cannot expect to be the wealthiest musician in the land. I don't consider myself a poor person though - my mind is rich, my works are rich, they will still be here making people happy and strong even after I am long gone.

Q: You must have encountered several reasons to get rid of your locks, but it has remain part of your brand. For how long have you been keeping it and why?

A: I left my hair to its own devices in 2000 after many years of battling in futility to keep it under control. Over 18 years now and my hair and me are happy and at peace with each other.

Q: Some have classified you as a traditionalist, how true is this?

A: I don't know what "traditionalist" is supposed mean. However, if you are asking if I am someone who believes we must take a cue from our good, time-tested African traditions, then maybe the answer is yes. I believe that for Africa to make any progress in the present world order, we must raise our children and upcoming generations to be perfect amalgams of traditional wisdom and modern knowledge. We must sieve the best from our age-old and proven traditional ways of knowing - especially the value system - and merge them with new global trends, to create something totally original and identifiable, distinctly African and modern. The cure to our many ills is as much in the past as it is in the present. Traditional wisdom tells us, "You cannot be happy if your neighbour is not at peace and you cannot be at peace if your neighbour is not happy" and "You are only rich as the poorest person in your community". Go figure that out.

Q: All your works are philosophical and evergreen. How do you draw inspiration?

A: I can't really tell you more than that I was born with a gift and I have honed it to the high level you are experiencing now. I have refused to waver or be blown off-course by the needs of my tummy or my eyes. I am inspired by this gift, and I believe I will continue to be artistically fertile and productive as long as I stay true to the talent.

Q: Owing to the fact that you have a close relationship with some music legends, what is your take on how the industry lacks provision to duly celebrate and even remember them while alive?

A: In the new Nigeria or whatever emerges after our rebirth, we will go back to our traditional understanding of what elders mean to society. Those who have been there and done that, whose experiences continue to be a guide, whose errors and glories we can learn from, those who have given of themselves to enrich our communities must be taken care of and celebrated by the society in their old age. I have tried to do my bit, bringing some of these legends back on the pedestal of recognition, I have arranged concerts and festivals, using my limited funds to create a platform for young artists to showcase their gifts and to celebrate the elders. I wish I had the means to do more, but one must operate within one's limit or else you will destroy your fabric of calm. Artists are a blessing to society. It is a sin to commit them to ignominy, neglect and societal rejection in their old age.

Q: Would you encourage any of your children to inherit your gifts as a musician, instrumentalist and author, so as to keep the genre of music alive?

A: I encourage my children to be whatever they are meant to be and not to be swayed by my achievements or fame. They will follow their own paths, and if that includes music, that's fine. The music will stay alive irrespective; good art never dies.




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1. *Respect 3 People*
☝🏻. Teachers
☝🏻. Parents
☝🏻. Elderly

2. *Keep 3 things in you*
☝🏻. Honesty
☝🏻. Faith
☝🏻. Good Deeds

3. *Be Free from 3 things*
☝🏻. Arrogance
☝🏻. Cheating
☝🏻. Debts

4. *Control 3 things*
☝🏻. Tongue
☝🏻. Anger
☝🏻. Appetite

5. *Reject 3 things*
☝🏻. Bad deeds
☝🏻. Backbiting
☝🏻. Jealousy

6. *Obtain 3 things*
☝🏻. Knowledge
☝🏻. Understanding
☝🏻. Wisdom

7. *Build on 3 things*
☝🏻. Good counsel
☝🏻. Good Manners
☝🏻. Godliness with contentment

8. *Keep 3 things pure*
☝🏻. Body
☝🏻. Clothes
☝🏻. Thoughts

9. *Remember 3 things*
☝🏻. Death
☝🏻. Hell
☝🏻. Heaven

10. *Protect 3 things*
☝🏻. Family
☝🏻. Future
☝🏻. Friends

11. *Work on 3 things*
☝🏻. Vision
☝🏻. Trust
☝🏻. Faith

12. *Run away from 3 things*
☝🏻. Sin
☝🏻. Pride
☝🏻. Bad association

13. *Love 3 People*
☝🏻. God
☝🏻. Yourself
☝🏻. Others.




Dear Nigerian leaders, I want to appreciate your condolence messages to Singaporeans since my death on Sunday, March 22. Having died at the age of 91, I would not say I died young.

In fact, life expectancy in Singapore, which I led as prime minister for 31 years, is 80 years for men and 85 for women. You may even say I spent an overtime of 11 years. I would say I lived a good life which I devoted to the progress of my country.

I can confidently say that everything I did — including that for which I was heavily criticised for being “highhanded” — was for the benefit of my people, not for personal gain. I died a fulfilled man with no regrets whatsoever.

May I briefly tell you the story of Singapore so that you can understand why it is often told with admiration all over the world. We were a small, hopeless Island.

We thought we were so poor it was impossible to survive on our own. We decided to go into a union with other countries to form Malaysia in 1963.

But because of ethnic riots, we were expelled from the union in 1965, and I broke down in tears because I did not see how we were going to survive as a country. It was so bad we had no potable water. We relied on other countries for water to drink!

_*We had no natural resources. No oil, no gold, no solid minerals, nothing. All we had were human beings — and ports.*_

Dear Nigerian leaders, we did not give up. We decided to pick the pieces of our lives. We resolved to turn our fortune around.

Today, our story has changed completely. So you know, we are no longer a Third World country.

*We are one of the four Asian Tigers — so-called because of our incredible development story.*

Singapore is the only Asian country with the top AAA rating by all credit rating agencies. We are the fourth largest financial centre in the world. We have one of the five busiest ports in the world.

Manufacturing accounts for around 30% of our GDP. And Singapore has the third highest per capita income in the world.

Permit me some more immodesty. Unlike Nigeria, we don’t have a single drop of crude oil on our land.

But also unlike Nigeria, we are one of the biggest exporters, not importers, of petroleum products.

_*Our country is in the top three of oil-refining centres in the world, yet we don’t have oil! We have some of the biggest refineries in the world.*_

_*Meanwhile, Nigeria, the sixth largest oil producer in the world, has been importing petrol, diesel, kerosene and engine oil for decades!*_

Let me shock you: we are the largest oil-rig producers in the world! The World Bank ranks us as the easiest place to do business in the world. I’m blushing, even in death!

Let me explain how we attained these feats. We are no magicians. We are no angels.

We are human beings like you, dear Nigerian leaders.

The first thing we recognised is that quality leadership is non-negotiable.

_*I understand that ordinary Nigerians get all the blame for Nigeria’s problems under the pretext that if the followers are bad, then leaders will be bad. I disagree.*_


If the leaders are good, the followers will be good.

The leaders take the critical decisions and show direction. That is why they are called leaders.

*It is the dog that should be wagging the tail, not the tail wagging the dog.*

*Don’t blame passengers for bad driving. Countries are transformed by good leadership.*

Why does a country need competent and exemplary leaders? Development starts from visioning.

No country develops by accident or co-incidence. Development is planned.

The leader, who must understand the critical issues, puts together a team, shares his vision with them, assigns them responsibilities and leads them from the front.

That is where it starts. It is when you have a vision of society that you will know that education is key, electricity is key, health is key, infrastructure is non-negotiable. It is when you have this vision that you know where to direct your energy and resources. You know the kind of people to put in charge of key ministries and agencies.

_*Furthermore, leaders must not be obsessed with instant gratification and personal comfort. That is one of the biggest problems you, Nigerian leaders, have.*_

*You are too obsessed with the perks of office that you have forgotten why you were elected in the first instance.*

I understand that you have a presidential fleet of the latest jets in town, and that your governors also own jets or fly in chattered jets. What a waste. I will share a story with you, which you can read in my book, From Third World to First.

The story is on pages 363-364 and it had to do my trip to Ottawa, Canada, for the Commonwealth meeting in 1973.

The Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, arrived in style in his own aircraft.

When I landed, I saw a parked Boeing 707 with “Bangladesh” emblazoned on it. When I left, it was still standing on the same spot, idle for eight days, getting obsolescent without earning anything.

As I left the hotel for the airport, two huge vans were being loaded with packages for the Bangladeshi aircraft. At the conference, Mujibur Rahman had made a pitch for aid to his country.

Any public relations firm would have advised him not to leave his special aircraft standing for eight whole days on the parking apron. You want aid but you are showing opulence to the world.

_*Presidents of Kenya and Nigeria also arrived in jets. I wondered why they did not set out to impress the world that they were poor and in dire need of assistance.*_

Our permanent representative at the UN explained that the poorer the country, the bigger the Cadillacs they hired for their leaders.

So I made a virtue of arriving by ordinary commercial aircraft and thus helped preserve Singapore’s Third World status for many years.

However, by the mid-1990s, the World Bank refused to heed our pleas not to reclassify us as a “High Income Developing Country” — giving no Brownie points for my frugal travel habits. We lost all the concessions that were given to developing countries.

Dear Nigerian leaders, I understand that you are very, very religious.

The Muslims among you pray five times day, go for lesser hajj so often, fast during Ramadan and mention the name of God as punctuation for every word and every sentence. The Christians among you are always speaking in tongues or eating communion, paying fat tithes and heavy offerings and holding prayer sessions at home every morning.

Yet, I am told you loot your state treasury without compassion or compunction, inflate contracts recklessly, operate killer squads, and watch — without conscience — as your citizens struggle without clean water and good hospitals.

Unfortunately, I died an agnostic. I neither denied nor accepted that there was a God.

Though two of my younger brothers, Freddy Lee and Lee Suan Yew, are members of the Anglican and Methodist churches respectively, I was not a churchgoer. Don’t misunderstand me: I am not saying you should not believe in God.

_*But I only wonder: how can you say you believe in God and fail so woefully in what the Holy Bible and Holy Qu’ran teach about loving your neighbour, caring for the needy and showing responsibility as a leader? I cannot understand it.*_

_*You guys never cease to amaze with how you can conveniently combine religion with greed.*_

On a final note, I appreciate that you are mourning my death and describing me as great. Thank you very much.

*But I want you to know that you too can become great by putting the welfare of your citizens above your personal comfort.*

_*Nigeria too can produce a Lee Kuan Yew. I go to my grave a happy man. Ask yourself: will you go to yours fulfilled? Adieu!*_



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