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Skyward TV and Radio Skyward TV and Radio explores the spiritual aspect of Mental Health for healing and purposeful living


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Nobody Cares

I was helping a friend move into a new home recently when he lamented that "nobody cares". I asked what he meant. His reply: "I have asked friends and family to help us move, but everyone is so busy. It's as though they could care less what we do."

It got me thinking about my own situation. In the past two years, I have launched numerous new projects, hoping, as all entrepreneurs do, to get a positive response. But for most of those projects, not only did I not get a positive response - I got no response at all.

Many of us today are asking the question "What is the point?" We work hard, try new things - and, for what? The world responds with indifference.

And that, according to the Pope, is the problem.

In the words of Pope Francis, in a recent interview with 60 Minutes: "Please, we have to get our hearts to feel again. We cannot remain indifferent in the face of such human dramas. The globalization of indifference is a very ugly disease."

And then the Pope repeated himself: "Very ugly".

He was, of course, talking about the wars taking place on this planet and the human indifference to it all.

I believe that indifference is the cause for much of the depression and anxiety that exists today.

But the deeper question here is: why? Why are so many indifferent?

Many experts point to an obsession with selfishness, spending hour upon hour in front of computer screens and engaging in narcisstic social media posting.

I think it's more than that.

Overwhelmed by world events, we withdraw to our own little sphere of influence. We feel that we cannot do anything about what is hapening out there, so we use what little control we do have to exert change in our personal lives - often, at the expense of showing any kind of empathy towards friends, family and strangers who may be in need.

Maybe it's a kind of self-protection - to shield ourselves against the outer world of chaos.

Within my network of people are a few who are unbelievably kind and supportive. Far from "indifferent", they take an active interest in the lives of others, offering encouragement without judgement.

These people are rare.

Others have taken note of their generosity because of that rarity. And it's made these special people not only popular but highly influential.

Their support is genuine with no hidden agenda - not fake as is the case with most of the advertising and corporate lies we are subjected to each day.

Most of us can spot a BS'er from a mile away. But we can also spot those gems of society who are authentic.

And so - who cares?

You do.

And who will reap the benefits of that caring? Certainly those you support, but certainly also - you will benefit - from having a renewed purpose in this life that matters.

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Experience the power of healing music. Hopeful Radio.

Experience the power of healing music. Hopeful Radio.

Hopeful Radio features healing music, inspirational messages, indigenous voices, uplifting programming and "good news" to help you cope and thrive in today's confusing world.


"So many people feel stuck in their lives. They live in a world they don't fully understand. Maybe they were born into a life in which others were rich and they were poor, or others were tall or smart or physically gifted and they were the opposite of those things — and no one explained to them that while there are some circumstances you can't change, there are others that you can change by being curious and by being a sponge, and then using the knowledge you gain to craft a vision for yourself." - Arnold Schwarzenegger


The oldest woman in the world, 116 years of age in Spain, was asked how she has lived so long. Her reply? Get rid of toxic people in your life!


Epiode 2 of the Love Your Vibe Show is now out. In this episode, Elvira and Eleanor speak with Miracle Mindset Mentor Jennifer Hawkins about the role of the body in healing from trauma and feeling safe. Be among the first to see the interview on YouTube at this address:

NEW ON SKYWARD TV: Welcome to the "Love Your Vibe" TV show with Elvira Hopper and Eleanor Hayward. In the first episode,...

NEW ON SKYWARD TV: Welcome to the "Love Your Vibe" TV show with Elvira Hopper and Eleanor Hayward. In the first episode, Elvira and Eleanor talk with Spiritual Coach Julie Rose who says she's led a life of chaos, but today helps people become familiar with who they really are so they can live authentically to achieve greater inner peace. Our hosts explore Julie's life, what she's learned and how she's helping her clients as a "miracle mindset mentor". Add Skyward TV to Roku, Amazon Fire or Google TV, or watch online at: You can also view the show on YouTube:


TWO NEW INTERVIEWS ! Host Stefan Zaichkowski speaks with Naturopathic Doctor Jenna Tabachnick who works with high achievers struggling with anxiety and depression. Dr. Jenna explains the vulnerabilities of high achievers and how her "Peace of Mind" method can be of help. View here:

And Skyward TV host Eleanor Hayward speaks with community activist Jody Harbour about the importance of "connection" in the healing process. Pointing to the experience of Indigenous people, Jody tells Eleanor that today, there is hope, and that a change is coming. View here:


A lot of people are silently hurting these days. They've become actors. Looking and sounding normal but experiencing emotional pain on the inside. A warm smile from you, or a simple encouraging word, can make all the difference. You have that power. It's free. And badly needed. More than ever. Even if you, yourself, are troubled, you can make a difference to someone else. And ultimately, that will benefit you, as you discover your purpose and self-worth.


Our latest interview is with San Francisco, California sexual abuse recovery coach Rachel Grant who holds an M.A. in Counseling Psychology. Host Stefan Zaichkowski speaks to Rachel about the program she developed, and her goal of stopping survivors of abuse from feeling broken, unfixable and frustrated. See the interview here:

LESSONS IN LIFE:In 1982, he was paralyzed from a serious car accident. But Harry Wayne Casey survived, re-learning how t...


In 1982, he was paralyzed from a serious car accident. But Harry Wayne Casey survived, re-learning how to walk, dance and play the piano. Today, Casey is not a household name. But the musical group he created – KC and the Sunshine Band – was famous the world over during the height of the disco era. In fact, the band is often credited for launching the disco dance moves of the 1970s. Casey created a monster hit.

But he wasn’t happy. “I couldn’t go anywhere.” explained Casey in a 2015 interview with the Huffington Post. Fame, it seems, isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. In fact, Casey explained: “It was the loneliest time of my life. I just wanted out.” Millions of fans loved KC and the Sunshine band. They loved the music. They loved how they could dance to the music. But they didn’t love Casey. They didn’t even know him. And he knew it. It made Casey feel – believe it or not – unloved.

But now, at age 72, Casey looks back and has a different view of things. In his words, “It has taken me over 40 years to understand who Casey of KC and the Sunshine Band is. I know that my music has brought a lot of enjoyment to a lot of people. My purpose was to bring joy into people’s lives.”

It’s a bit like that with us too. Every day, we struggle with our jobs and personal lives. Often, I wonder why I bother working so hard. To what end? But we need to see things with a wider lens.
I realize, for example, that I have helped create a better world for my family, friends and those who work with me. While we may not know it, because of life’s busyness – we are, in fact, making a difference. Take time this week to consider all that you’ve created.

Harry Wayne Casey has.

Written by Cory R Galbraith.

Pictured: Harry Wayne Casey in 2017
By Cornstalker - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Harvard Professor Avi Loeb on his study of alien life: "It may make us better instead of fighting with each other. Perhaps it will be a wake-up call for us to realize that there are more important things in life than fighting with other people."

NEW INTERVIEW: For many years, Genevieve Taeger says she ignored the spiritual side of herself. Despite a well-paying jo...

NEW INTERVIEW: For many years, Genevieve Taeger says she ignored the spiritual side of herself. Despite a well-paying job, she was deeply unhappy which led to a complete breakdown. She finally started following what she calls "divine wisdom" and today, helps people discover their gifts and purpose. Genevieve is also the author of "Heal and Awaken the Goddess Within." She reveals to our host Teresa Greco that it's natural to have negative thoughts, and goes on to explain how we can start concentrating on our divine wisdom to change direction for the better. See the interview here:
Also visit:

For many years, Genevieve Taeger says she ignored the spiritual side of herself. Despite a well-paying job, she was deeply unhappy which led to a complete br...


Physicist Stephen Hawking: "Heaven is just a fairy story for people afraid of the dark." Oxford Professor John Lennox: "Atheism is a fairy story for people afraid of the light."

"There was no beginning and there is no end. We are all a part of that endless flow." - Actor Alan Arkin (1934-2023).Pic...

"There was no beginning and there is no end. We are all a part of that endless flow." - Actor Alan Arkin (1934-2023).

Pictured: Alan Arkin in 1975.


NEW ON SKYWARD TV: Host and Happiness Life Coach Teresa Greco speaks with psychologist and psychotherapist Dr Matt Shorrock about best practices to defeat burnout and stress, and to improve the balance in our lives. Dr. Shorrock says for many people, life has become so stressful, they have even forgotten how to breathe properly. In this conversation, he talks about the importance of taking breaks, naps, cold showers, and what he calls "sensory rests" to help put us back into balance. Be among the first to view on YouTube:


SKYWARD TV ON AMAZON: Skyward TV is now on Amazon Fire TV. All our interviews and documentaries about spirituality and mental health can be seen and heard on your TV set, 24/7. What exactly is Amazon Fire TV? It's simply a video streaming device created by Amazon that connects to a TV and allows you to watch streaming digital channels that include Netflix, Amazon Prime and many other services like our new Skyward TV. Some people think Amazon Fire TV and Amazon prime are the same thing. They're not. Prime is Amazon's digital streaming channel, but Fire TV is just the little device that plugs into your TV set and works with a small, special remote. Amazon also has entire TV sets that work with their "Fire" service, so in those cases, you don't need a device. But the majority of people don't own an Amazon smart TV, so they need to purchase the device which costs as little as around $50. The device is often referred to as a "stick" because it's a small USB-style device that just plugs into your TV set's HDMI port. If you're interested in getting Amazon Fire TV and also watching our Skyward TV channel, here are the steps.

1. Go to the Amazon website and search for "Amazon Fire TV"
2. You will see a number of Amazon smart TV sets displayed, but you'll also see the sticks for sale. Purchase a stick.
3. When your Amazon Fire TV stick arrives, install it onto your TV.
4. Follow the on-screen prompts.
5. Once Amazon Fire TV is installed, you can now install Skyward TV.
6. In the Amazon Fire TV search box, type "Skyward TV"
7. When our channel logo shows up under "Apps and Games", proceed to install.

You can see Skyward TV listed on the Amazon website here:

If you don't want to bother with Amazon Fire TV, you can watch Skyward TV on the web at this address:

P.S.: We're also on Roku TV.

NEW ORIGINAL DOCUMENTARY JUST RELEASED: Will We Live Forever? A mini-documentary on research that indicates our consciou...

NEW ORIGINAL DOCUMENTARY JUST RELEASED: Will We Live Forever? A mini-documentary on research that indicates our consciousness may live outside of our brain. See it here:


A Journey of Self-Healing: At age 7, Illinois photographer Dennis Frye was sexually abused by a neighbor. For almost 50 years, he has suffered from unrelenting anxiety and depression. Nothing seemed to work for him. Until he healed himself. See:


Our 24/7 mental health radio station is now online and can be heard on the web from anywhere in the world. The station concentrates on the spiritual component of mental health. Listen to Skyward Radio at this web address:


On Skyward TV tonight at 7pm Eastern - Illinois photographer Dennis Frye explains how he healed himself from almost 50 years of depression and high anxiety caused by child abuse. Skyward TV is on Roku and Amazon Fire TV.

Tonight and tomorrow night (June 24 + June 25, 2023) at 7pm Eastern (4pm Pacific) on Skyward TV: Life Coach Elvira Hoppe...

Tonight and tomorrow night (June 24 + June 25, 2023) at 7pm Eastern (4pm Pacific) on Skyward TV: Life Coach Elvira Hopper speaks to Tara Geraghty-Ellis, a disabled woman who started her own coaching business after being told her diseases were "incurable" and "inoperable" and that she was destined to a life of endless suffering. She explains how her positive attitude has conquered her condition and given her hope for the future.

Watch on Roku TV, Amazon Fire TV or the web at:

TONIGHT ON SKYWARD TV:7pm and 9pm Eastern / 4pm and 6pm Pacific1 hour interviewLife coach Teresa Greco speaks with entre...


7pm and 9pm Eastern / 4pm and 6pm Pacific
1 hour interview

Life coach Teresa Greco speaks with entrepreneur and author Vickie Helm who has written 43 books, the latest of which is "The Secret Joy of You." Vickie says most of us believe our state of mind is heavily influenced by other people, but in reality - we can choose our state of consciousness. She recounts an incredible story of when she was confronted by a robber who threatened to kill her, but Vickie entered a mindset void of fear and calmed the robber down. Hear her amazing story and her beliefs on living the life you love.

Watch on Roku TV or Amazon Fire TV. If you haven't installed the channel, use the search box and type in Skyward TV, then follow the simple instructions to add.


LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEER HOSTS: We're looking for people who would love to conduct interviews for Skyward TV. You would use Zoom to link up with guests and record your interviews. Recordings are then sent to our studio for editing and posting onto our Roku, Amazon, Web and YouTube channels. We have a producer who can help you find guests and co-ordinate interview dates and times. Contact us for more info. See Skyward TV at this web address:


What is Skyward TV? The Skyward TV Channel explores the spiritual side of mental health. We speak with people who have recovered from depression and anxiety through their faith in God; life coaches whose counselling includes spirituality; spiritual guides and healers; researchers and authors; and medical practitioners. Topics include belief in yourself, inner strength, the afterlife and best practices for a purposeful life. You can watch the Skyward TV Channel on Roku and Amazon Fire TV, featuring a live 24/7 stream, plus on-demand interviews and shows. In Roku and Amazon TV, just use the search box to type in "Skyward TV" (and be sure to insert the space between the two words). Then, add or install the channel. Skyward TV is TV that heals!

UPDATE: Our Skyward TV station on Roku and Amazon Fire TV now includes on-demand video shows, so you don't have to wait ...

UPDATE: Our Skyward TV station on Roku and Amazon Fire TV now includes on-demand video shows, so you don't have to wait to see a program on the live channel.


We are rebranding to Skyward TV and Radio, with a new mission to explore spirituality for mental health and purposeful living. We'll be featuring interviews with: medical experts; survivors of trauma; spiritual healers; certified life coaches; and researchers and authors.

Skyward TV and Radio will also be creating original programming focussed on faith-based living, the afterlife, and best practices for coping in today's challenging environment.

We welcome comments, feedback and offers of participation.


UPDATE: In addition to Amazon Fire TV, Skyward TV is now also available on Roku-TV. Just use the Roku search box and type in "Skyward TV" to install the channel. Skyward TV takes a faith-based approach to mental wellness and can also be found on the web at: . We are very busy these days researching and producing more shows and interviews. If you know of anyone who would make a good interview for the station, by all means let us know.

Easy Jazz TV is the web's live TV channel promoting new jazz artists.'


LOOKING FOR GUESTS: If you have recovered from PTSD, depression or anxiety either entirely, or in part, based on a belief in God, or a spiritual component to healing - we'd like to hear from you if you're willing to be interviewed for Skyward TV. We're also looking for professional care workers who incorporate a spiritual component to mental wellness for interviewing. Skyward TV is on the web now at: . The channel is also on Amazon Fire (just search for "Skyward TV) and debuts on Roku tomorrow.







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