
Blogger An optimistic person who lives in the world far from reality. Travelling is my passion. Reading and



Travel helps you find your true self, your real self.... Isn’t it so cliché?

What does it actually mean to find your true self? Is it mean that I am not what I really am? Is it mean that I am unaware of my true self?

Sometimes back I was in a state of the rush to find my passion, to find the purpose of my life. I read on the internet that traveling helps you find yourself. I planned a trip to Skardu in quest of myself and ran away from the chaos of the city.

The beauty of Skardu is undeniable, there is something different about it. I cannot describe the beauty over there in words. It was so peaceful and mesmerizing. I was having the best time of my life but deep down whatever I do, where ever I go I was waiting for a moment, where I can connect my true self. I was thinking about how it will all happen? When will I feel something different something like I have read on internet?

Days were passing fast and I was getting frustrated that I am still the same. I came here along to find my true self but haven’t found it yet. Around 2 days before my departure I make myself comfortable with the thought that maybe I have found myself, this is real me or maybe travel doesn’t help.

I woke up at midnight and came out of the glamp. I was all alone there. I climbed the treehouse and felt cold wind passing through the crisp of my bones. I looked around; the view was breathtaking. It was a dark soothing night; all-around snow-covered mountains touching the glittering sky. I lay down on the mat and gazed at the sky. It was the vision to be held for forever.

Stars were blinking on the dark sky; dewy clouds were merging with one another, slowly and peacefully moving. It seems like every star has a certain position; clouds were moving at a certain speed. I felt like it was destined for the clouds to move slowly to complement the whole sight. If anything would be different, the whole view would be ruptured.

Life is also the same, everything happens for a reason. Every person has a perfect position in our life. We do have bad phases but there is no need to rush, they will also pass, like dewy clouds. And if we will try to rush, we will hurt ourselves.

There was utmost peace in that realization, I have never experienced that before. I was far away from the chaos, from the noise of the people reminding me to rush. I was in peace.

Travel doesn’t help me to find another me or real me. I am the real me. Travel helped me to find more about myself, it helped me find some parts of me that were covered and caged by the havoc of the city. I want to find more about myself. Finding yourself is not a one-time thing, it's a journey. I want to travel more to find more about myself.

POWER OF THOUGHTS When I was in High school, I started watching a series on vampires, I was so much obsessed from that s...


When I was in High school, I started watching a series on vampires, I was so much obsessed from that series that I saw vampires even in my dreams and the reflection of that series started coming in my behaviour, like I started repeating certain dialogues that they used in that series.

Later on, my exams started, I put myself in studies and after sometime that obsession vanished. Whatever we see or consumed for internet has a big impact on our thoughts process. As their is source of everything, similarly our thoughts also come from the source.

As we see now a days most of the young girls and boys want to come on YouTube, Instagram. They want to start vlogging and fashion blogging. This is what they are consuming most of the time that’s why they want to do that. And they are also doing very good in that.

Whatever you are consuming all day on internet or in daily routine, your thoughts are influenced by them. That is the source of your thoughts. We often complain we are not getting new ideas; how will you get new ideas or thoughts if the source is old.

If someone watches or read fictional stories so their thoughts will most probably resonate that. If you want new ideas then you had to move towards the new sources. Our thoughts play an important role in our life. If you want to grow yourself, and work on your self-improvement then working on the thought process is the first thing. Change the sources of your thoughts if you want to do something creative and fresh.

Have you ever noticed changes in yourself after watching any series or after reading book?
Share your views in comments.

Was bit confused which one to post so posted both of them.

You are not other thoughts, You can be what you want to be. Don’t let others decide you what you want in your life. You ...

You are not other thoughts, You can be what you want to be.

Don’t let others decide you what you want in your life. You are the controller of your life. Never let your decsions influenced by others.

Sometimes we are so much influenced by others that we started believing that these thoughts are our thoughts but actually they are not. Our thoughts get lost somewhere due to the fuzz of others. This all happens because we don’t believe in ourself. We are not confident about our ideas so we get easily manipulated.

We all have been struggling in our lives, one or in another way. Someone is working hard to become financially strong; s...

We all have been struggling in our lives, one or in another way. Someone is working hard to become financially strong; someone struggles with relationships. We all are stuck somewhere. But there is a way if we keep practising that we all can heal and find happiness in our lives, and that is being generous.

I am not asking you to help someone with money.Being generous means showing some kindness. Appreciating the small efforts of your peers, helping someone in their work, initiate a small conversation with your friends or even smiling at a person who serves you food is also a part of generosity.

These small things will cost you nothing but it will help you forget you worries. It is proven by studies that people who are generous are happier, and it also helps fight depression and anxiety.


This song is all over the instagram for last few days. But have anyone of you noticed the lyrics of the song?

And I was running far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows nobody knows
And I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain
But now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I can't take it anymore

Most of the time in our lives we are in places or with someone where we felt alive and happy. But that happiness is for just time being, it is not permanent, it is not the real place where we belong so we started feeling suffocated.

However how much difficult it would but we have to leave because that is not our home, that is not where we belong.

It is a dream that felt like real from far but as we came closer to it it will vanished away.

But when I picked it up
Then it vanished away from my hands.

This song might hit u differently. This is what I thought after listening this song.

IB: ._

Anyways this filter is amazing. Have you tried this filter?


Life is like a journey. In this journey, we have to make decisions that can change our destinations completely. And more challenging part is to have a clear view of what we actually want, where we really want to be, with whom we really want to be, and what can actually be best for us.

We want lots of things in our lives simultaneously, but we can not be at two places simultaneously. We have to leave some things behind to get another thing more precious and more beautiful.

Today is an important day in my life. As I have made an important decision that is to be at a better destination. It was difficult, tough, and so hard to leave that hypocrite destination as it has given me soo much false high hopes about its luxuries that are not even possible in real life.

It has been two years since I am trying hard to be at both places simultaneously; I tried my best, I gave my 100%, but it is not working anymore. That hypocrite place is holding me back from a better destination. I have made myself understood that it is the time to leave one.

I have decided with lots of courage to be at a better place, and trust me, it is not as difficult as I thought it would be afterward. It's better than before, and with each passing second, it's becoming more better, and I am more satisfied and more relaxed.

Have you ever taken such decisions? And how difficult was it for you?
Share your views in the comments and tag those who have been a big supporter for you in these challenging times.


SHORT REMINDER TO MYSELF Today I choose to be happy. I choose to be cherish. I choose to love myself. I choose to be fre...


Today I choose to be happy. I choose to be cherish. I choose to love myself. I choose to be free. I choose to let go that is not mine. I choose to be away from all those people who are toxic to my peace of mind. Today I choose to be hopeful that there is another sunshine tomorrow. I choose to embrace myself with all of my flaws. These flaws make me unique and all that is unique is precious. I choose to be beautiful. Today I choose to be humble. I choose to be gentle towards me. I choose to be more compassionate. Today I choose to be a better version of myself. A better me, A better person. A better human.

Hope for the best and believe that it will happen, and it will happen. If it doesn’t, then it wasn’t the best for you. T...

Hope for the best and believe that it will happen, and it will happen. If it doesn’t, then it wasn’t the best for you. There’s something better waiting. Before you lose hope, stay positive, see signs in the littlest of things.

Some years back I was in worst phase of my life. I started comparing myself more and more with others and focusing on my imperfections and how inefficient I am. I started telling myself that I am not good enough, and I cannot do anything in my life. I was too much brutal with my own self.

With this thought of I can’t and I will not whatever I try to do I failed miserably. Even though if everything is right I still find a way to say something bad about myself. Then one day I sit down and realise what the hell I am doing with myself, and what I have done with me. This was not me. I was always the most optimistic person. I started digging my inner feelings and insecurities. I started to understand more about my emotions and promise myself whatever happens whether I failed or pass I will find three positive points in every situation. I started practicing this exercise and you will not believe me how everything changed later.

I believe we all need to be more humble; gentle towards ourself and be positive towards our life. Everything happens for a reason.

5 Ways to Simplify Your Life 1.Be assertive. It doesn't mean to be rude; it means to know your position and goals and be...

5 Ways to Simplify Your Life

1.Be assertive. It doesn't mean to be rude; it means to know your position and goals and be determined towards it.

2.Don’t be afraid to take decisions of your life. You may be wrong sometime but it will help you to grow.

3.Happiness is a choice so always choose to be happy. Find happiness in small things.

4.Keep distance from people who demotivates you or you feel negative vibes from them.

5.Don’t spend too much on thinking. Just do it. Value “doing mindset” than “thinking mindset.”

yourself life

Life is like a fluid; it never stays the same. It’s never static nor unchanging and this year is a best example of it. I...

Life is like a fluid; it never stays the same. It’s never static nor unchanging and this year is a best example of it.

It means as life is flexible so our thinking should also be flexible. We all believe subconsciously that we have flexible thinking which is also called cognitive flexibility.

Flexible thinking doesn’t mean our thinking needs to be optimistic, flexible thinking means considering a range of different possible consequences of actions rather than only considering an optimistic view or only considering a pessimistic view.

Flexible thinking goes beyond just having an open mind to different perspectives. It is also having the ability to adapt to new situations, break down complex tasks into bite-size chunks, improvise, and shift strategies to meet different types of challenges.

So how can you develop a flexible mind and be more intentional in using it?

Just carve out some time for day dreaming, talking to people outside of your social circle, doing something out of your comfort zone. Listening to ideas or concepts that you may actively disagree with before disregarding them.

Always try to look at everything from more than one angle, and change the context or your environment. Take a walk, take a coffee break ..try something different.

Even exercise offers a great mental boost!

The more you can challenge yourself to be spontaneous and allow for some new experiences, the easier it will be to integrate flexibility into your everyday life!

What is the cost of the dream?Dreams are aspirations, strong desires or hope. Wishful thinking is also called dream.Drea...

What is the cost of the dream?

Dreams are aspirations, strong desires or hope. Wishful thinking is also called dream.

Dreams that only mere to wishful thinking are free but when you want to turn your dreams into reality then you have to pay price for it.

So,now the question is what is the price of a dream? That depends on the dream one has but one thing is sure the journey to fulfill your dream is not easy. One has to be persistent and hard working to achieve his dreams. You work long and hard to see it come to be. It will cost in time and pesistent struggle.

Do you want to turn your dreams into reality?
Are you ready to follow the path of hardwork to fulfil your dreams?

Share your views in comments. 😊

Trauma is an emotional response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing.Any trauma can aff...

Trauma is an emotional response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing.

Any trauma can affect a person's mental health and put that person into depression.
Trauma can not only be an experience of sexual or physical abuse.

Body shaming and bullying can also affect someone's mental health.If there is a person who is always ignored in a group of your friends, your this ignorance can also be a trauma for that person.
He or she can feel lonely or seem him or herself not perfect for the group. Social satisfaction and inequality are also traumas.

So be cautious about your actions. Always be kind and humble with others, this world is full of darkness where your little cautious actions can save someone from a lot of distress.

On the other side, we can not eliminate negativities from every other person. So we should also work on building our character in a way that we are not affected by other actions or words.

Do you think little act matters?
Share your views in comments.

Depression and mental illness are very common topics nowadays. Lots of people are talking about this.I have seen some yo...

Depression and mental illness are very common topics nowadays. Lots of people are talking about this.

I have seen some youngsters blaming depression for their failures and they were not able to achieve their goals because they were disturbed or depressed.

I really want to say one thing.
Have you given your 100% in achieving your ambitions ?
Have you studied properly to score well?
You really need to analyze the reason behind your failures.
Is it depression or your laziness?

If you are hiding your laziness behind depression then you are doing wrong with yourself and you need to understand this. Depression is real and its suffering is like suffocation, it's not a joke.

What do you think about this? Share your views in comments.

IB :

real magical

How are you killing your time?How many books have you read so far or have you watched some movies?Some of us are enjoyin...

How are you killing your time?
How many books have you read so far or have you watched some movies?
Some of us are enjoying this quarantine with our families while some of are just relaxing and there are also some people who are just waiting for this lockdown to end so they can enjoy their social life.

But there are also some people who just think all day to somehow find a way to feed their children only once a day? Do you beleive that only once a day? We are having 3 times meal a day and moreover most of us just eat to kill time. Be empathetic in these crisis and be grateful for what you have and help others if you can.

@ Home

How's life going in Quarantine?Time flies, that's the saying but I beleive is this situation where we are isolated in ou...

How's life going in Quarantine?

Time flies, that's the saying but I beleive is this situation where we are isolated in our homes time is passing quite slow. Lately I have been reading lots of post about how to spend this time efficiently but what I beleive is that we should not pressurise ourself regarding this.

If you are utilizing this time efficiently and learning any new skill or language that is good but if you are not then this is also fine.

We mostly forget in our lives to give ourself some time. Now we have got some time then we should practice self care, should give some relaxation to our body and soul, detox all negativities and should pour down ourself in some positive energies.

What are you guyz doing in quarantine? Are you practicing self care?
Share your views in comments

How many of you use these magic words that we learnt in our childhood?SORRY , THANK YOU , PLEASEThese words would cost u...

How many of you use these magic words that we learnt in our childhood?

These words would cost us nothing but can make someone's happy. Kindness is what that everyone one can afford. It's absolutely free but we are too busy in the chaos of this world that we all have even forgotten to be kind.

Being a nice and kind person is not difficult, it is easy. All you need is a good heart for this.

Little act of kindness matters alot even a smile can make a big change. It can make someone's day.

We all need to recall the lessons that we learn in our childhood. Our tiny small act of kindness can make this world a better place to live and we all need this desperately.

Double tap if you agree 👍

Life is all about making choices. We all have free will to make our choices. Sometimes we make choices that are influenc...

Life is all about making choices. We all have free will to make our choices. Sometimes we make choices that are influenced by others but this is also our choice. We always tend to blame others for our choices and deny the fact that this was our choice to make a choice that is influenced by them. Although we all have brains to critically analyse the situation then make a certain choice.

Then why we do this? Because it is easy to blame others, it is easy to be in denial, it feels good. Solving a problem and analysing our mistakes is hard, it requires efforts and we all don't want to put effort. Without realising its outcome that if we don't accept our mistakes how we will learn then? How we will rectify it?

Blame and denial both can give you escape from problems, but we need to realise that this escape is temporary, it is not permanent, it will just make us satisfied for some time. Acceptance needs courage, it is a sign a maturity and it helps you becoming a better person.

Playing a victim card is simple and effortless but it is damaging, it stops you from good change, it stops you from becoming better version of yourself. So take responsibility for your actions. You are responsible for all your success and failures.

@ Hunza Valley

Love yourself as much as you want to be loved. The person who needs most of your love and affection is yourself. Don't f...

Love yourself as much as you want to be loved. The person who needs most of your love and affection is yourself. Don't forget to shower yourself with the love that you deserve.

Your inner beauty shines brighter than the million stars in the sky so appreciate yourself and never allow soneone to dim your light.

This world is harsh, know ypur worth and be clear how you want to be treated.

You have a glaxy inside you. You just have to beleive it to achieve true happiness.

Love Yourself Deeply, Unconditionally and Honestly.

Think about the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?God has created everything in this world and the best creation of ...

Think about the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

God has created everything in this world and the best creation of him is human. That is YOU. You are the crowned jewel of his creation. But he is not talking about your face or your body.
He is talking about your heart and soul. Beauty is not about having a pretty face, its all about having a kind heart and a beautiful soul.

As a soceity it will take a alot of time to understand the true definition of beauty because in our soceity beauty is defined in alot different way, we rate the beauty with the colour of skin or the physique of the body.

We all need to understand that outer beauty dies and fades away with time. Your inner beauty, your character, your moral values makes you beautiful and it never fades, it grows and mature with time.

True beauty is soul deep, not skin deep.

Double tap if u can relate to it. 👍

souldeep @ Hunza Valley


BYE BYE 2019

Most of us start our new year with list of resolution that we want to achieve but it's also important to see for what we have accomplished and how far we have came this year. So take a moment and be thankful to God for all the blessings and appreciate yourself for how fiercely you have faced all the troubles.

I have learned this year whatever leaves us, leaves room for something better to find us and all the difficulties of our life helps us to become better version of ourself.

I don't want to pressurise myself for the sake of just new year to make resolutions or set any high expectations. I really don't know what exactly I want in #2020 but all I know is that I want real happiness that can soothes my soul and I want to connect more with nature.

I don't know how I will be able to do this so this year so I am surrending myself to the universe because nothing is in our control except the way we react.

Here I am welcoming a new decade, a new year with all the positive energy.

Wishing everyone health and happiness.
Happy New Year

🎥 :

For me and for many of us, our first waking thought of the day is "I didn't get enough sleep" "I don't have enough time"...

For me and for many of us, our first waking thought of the day is "I didn't get enough sleep" "I don't have enough time" or "How I will manage everything? "

We spend most of hours and days of our lives complaining and worrying. Before we sit up in bed or before our feet touch the floor we start complaining. Our days start with worrying and ends with worrying.

What has done can't be change and we don't know the future. So free your soul with all worldly worries, Leave everything on God and beleive him that he will definitely make up paths for you because there is nothing he can't fix.



From my 15 days trip, I saw many mesmerising sites but the beauty of Attabad Lake was exceptional. It offers a magical feeling of peace, serenity and calmness. Sometimes all we need is a peace to cleanse the bitterness of our soul and the beautiful site of lake does this job.

The site of turqoise water surrounded by sky touching mountains soothes the mind. I can still feel the effect it has had on me and I feel like I have left the small part of my heart over there that is calling me.

But I don't know why the time passess soo quickly when I was actually happy. Have you ever felt that when you are happy time passess quickly?

Share your views in comments and double tap if you are also mesmeried by the beauty.

You are so afraid ofAllowing the ocean within youTo rage through your Eyes.Did you not know thatYour soul Suffocates on ...

You are so afraid of
Allowing the ocean within you
To rage through your

Did you not know that
Your soul
Suffocates on the tears that you
Hold in
Out of the fear of
Them seeing that
You are weak?

We are living in a soceity where crying is stagmatised as a sign of weakness and associated as a trait of a girl or a weak person, whereas it is a natural act; it is a emotion like happiness,sadness. If you are stoping a person from crying it means you are distancing that person from a certain emotion which is absolutely wrong.

I feel suffocated, starangled or feel like something is killing me from inside whenever I try to hold up my emotions. We all have probably fell down at some points of our life but we don't express it, we feel insecure about it. Expressing emotions eases up everything, it calms our brain, releases stress, releases all the pain and negative energy that we have caged in ourself for so long.

Crying is not a sign of weakness, it is the resilience of our soul in the purest form.

Double tap if you like it 👍

Instagram :

Life is like a roller coster, its our choice to close our eyes in fear or enjoy the ride by raising our hands high up in...

Life is like a roller coster, its our choice to close our eyes in fear or enjoy the ride by raising our hands high up in the air.

This year was too tough for me. I have faced lots of unexpected things, have been through worst phase of my life, first time I felt too disturbed, lost, betrayed, lonely and suffocated but my beleive become strong that Allah's planning is the best.

At the moment, we felt too ungrateful, sad and strangled. Hurdles in our life is like a fog, we can't see behind it but as soon mist start fading we realise everything that happened was for purpose, was for something more beautiful and mesmerising. Although I have loss lots of things but what I have got is more precious. Alhamdulillah got an amzing person as my life partner.

So always believe in Allah's plan, he is the best planner and enjoy the ride of life.

@ Shogran and Siri

FEAR controls our lives. To avoid fear it is important to first understand fear. What is FEAR? It is darkness, a blind f...

FEAR controls our lives. To avoid fear it is important to first understand fear. What is FEAR? It is darkness, a blind faith that is not real and exists only in our thoughts of future. What will happen if I fail? What will people say? What will others think? What will if I not succeed? These are all product of our imagination.. how could we know the future? How could you know the result if you don't experimemt it?

Fear is deep rooted in our subconciousness, it holds us back to believe in our self, it holds us to follow our instincts. It stops us from following our dreams. It stops us from seeing the other side of fear and all it shows the negatives. But deep inside we all know that the other side is more ravishing, glorius and beautiful.

So stop overthinking, stop waiting for right time, stop making any excuses or justifications JUST DO IT beacuse I beleive this is the only way to kill the fear. Live your dreams and JUST DO IT without overthinking.

How do you overcome fear?
Double tap if you agree👍

On my trip to northern Pakistan, I discover this beautiful town named Gulmit. The beauty in Gulmit is raw that makes it ...

On my trip to northern Pakistan, I discover this beautiful town named Gulmit. The beauty in Gulmit is raw that makes it magical.

There I found a GULMIT CARPET CENTRE that was established in 1998. The women who established it are not much educated but I was astonished to see their all work, and their way to run the centre in such a planned way. They have made proper flow charts to represent how their centre work. They have a president, secretary and finance seretary who leads the team of 17 female workers, have also received awards and their work is recognised by different forums.

Colourful threads are elegantly presented on fabric that make rugs very attractive and appealing. Their choice of colours and different type of threads in making side bags and traditional caps is amazing, it exhibits Pakistani culture. It takes months to make a single carpet. The women working there are very generous, hardworking and creative.

I think these type of women are like real heroes and role model who are representing Pakistani culture in such an amazing way, in very limited resources and I beleive we all should promote them.

Do you love cultural caps? What do u think about these women?
Share your views in comments.

📸 :




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