Releasing records & throwing parties since November 2010.
“The diversity of the releases on Audio Doughnuts so far is really something to behold.”
“Having such a passion and love for what you do is infectious, and that’s exactly how the guys over at Audio Doughnuts roll.”
Label artists past & present: Auntie Flo / Benin City / Debian Blak / Diamond Bass / Fontaine / Funkystepz / Kozee / LV / Ma
rcel Lune / Mista Men / Naive Machine / Onoe Caponoe / Pale / Pusherman / Scratcha DVA / Shox / Teeza / The Fives / TOYC / Two Inch Punch / Widowmaker / Zombies For Money
Guests past & present: 8 Spirit / A1 Bassline / Anushka / Appleblim / Ben UFO / Benin City / Blue Daisy / Bobby Champs / Boddika / Brassica / Cameron Smith / Chrissy Muderbot / Chubba / Congorilla / Dark Sky / Darling Farah / Dave Verne / Drums Of Death / DRX / Eclair Fifi / Eliphino / Falty DL / Fantastic Mr Fox / Fontaine / French Fries / Funkystepz / G-Double / Gemini / George A G / George Fitzgerald / GHST / Goli & Ashburner / Grinel / Illum Sphere / Jamie xx / Jay Shepheard / Jehst / Jo Kira / Jon Phonics / Joy Orbison / Julio Bashmore / Kag / Kashii / Kidkanevil / Kode9 / Koreless / Korus / Kozee / Kutz / Krampfhaft / Krystal Klear / Kuedo / Lando Kal / Lazer Sword / Legend4ry / Leon Vynehall / Loefah / LV / Majora / Marcel Lune / Marshall Jefferson / Mele / Micachu / Mike Coleman / Mike E / Mista Men / MJ Cole / MK (Marc Kinchen) / Moet & Benson / My Nu Leng / My Panda Shall Fly / NADASTROM / Offshore (Rest In Peace) / Om Unit / Onoe Caponoe, Ryu Fonix & Funk Mafi / O**y Banton / Oris Jay / Ossie / Owen Howells / Pale / Pinch / Purge / Pusherman / R1 Ryders / Redinho / Richard Aki / Route 94 / Roy Davis Jr / Royce Rolls / Rustie / Salva / Saulya & Radic / Scratcha DVA / Sei A / Shift Key / Shox / Sinjin Hawke / Sk**ky / Slugabed / Swindle / Soap Dodgers / Solarris / Starkey / Subcoat / Syron / T.Williams / Teeza / The Fives / The Pushamann / Tom Breaks / TOYC / Two Inch Punch / Tymz Two / Widowmaker / Will Saul aka Close / Wookie / XAAO / XLII / Zed Bias aka Maddslinky. Plus David Barseghian (Eyedub / Sweyn Jupiter) & Louis Thompson (Narkie) on hosting duties.