End of a long day, so I'll try and explain myself in the most expressive way possible.
Trump is a lowlife sack of s**t that courts peoples most base fears, amplifies them for political gain, and leaves behind a trail of misogyny, anti-antisemitism, racism, and hate, as a by product of his need for attention. He flirts with fascism and ultra-nationalism, because he knows it gets the most attention from it. He is at best, a narcissistic moron, and at worse, a fascist dictator-in-waiting.
His advisers, including Stephen Miller , are the true terror. We have an ineffective GOP, that won't stop our slide into fascism, and that's why I'm truly terrified.
That said, we must defend the integrity of our elections, we must vote, we must speak out, and we must have uncomfortable conversations. There are people on the other side, that have demonized anyone that votes democrat, because they assume we want to destroy democracy, because FOX news and right wing news sources tell them we do.
I love democracy. I will defend it to my last breath. I want a better life for all Americans, white, black, Latino, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, agnostic, etc.
Now today really triggered me. I am the son of immigrants. My dad was a refugee, my mom was a resident. They both eventually became citizens, way after I was born.
People talk about the need to remove birthright citizenship because no other country does it. (That’s a lie).
My answer is simply this. Who cares, other nations do provide it (thanks Roy and Teresa), however No other nation is dependent on immigrants to ensure the greatness of their nation. We are a heterogeneous group of people, and this diversity adds to the richness and greatness of our nation.
The concept of legal immigration is relatively new to us, and it was only enacted out of racist policies undertaken by ignorant and mediocre politicians that led us into the guilded age of America, a period of corruption and mediocrity.
The immigrants and refugees coming to America today will only add to our amazing nation. Their foods, culture, and spirit will make us a better nation.
I will not let the ignorant rhetoric of ignorant politicians define who should be here, and neither should you.
Every wave of immigration has seen an uptick in anti-immigrant rhetoric, painful social unrest, and eventual acceptance of most immigrant groups.
We must reject this wave of ignorant hatred. We must not repeat the mistakes made to the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Irish, Italian, etc immigrants.
Welcome our new neighbors, realize that there is no burden that we are taking on, but giving opportunities to others. Let's not keep fighting for scraps, while 1% of America enjoys the feast.
Stop letting the mediocre and power hungry control how we treat each other.