On The Reversal Revelation for Same Sex Mormons and their Children

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On The Reversal Revelation for Same Sex Mormons and their Children joseph the profit..

The updates to “Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ” address common questions posed by missionaries and m...

The updates to “Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ” address common questions posed by missionaries and mission leaders, according to a news release issued Monday by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The changes add a reference to the entry on prejudice in the church’s “General Handbook, which says church members “strive to be persons of goodwill toward all, rejecting prejudice of any kind. This includes prejudice based on race, ethnicity, nationality, tribe,
gender, age, disability, socioeconomic status, religious belief or nonbelief, and s*xual orientation.” https://tinyurl.com/llddssgay22

That entry on prejudice was added to the General Handbook in 2021 and reflects an area of emphasis of the church’s senior leaders. During the church’s October 2020 international general conference, for example, President Russell M. Nelson said, “I call upon our members everywhere to lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice.”

The Church of Jesus Christ updated its handbook for Latter-day Saint missionaries. The update guidelines instruct missionaries to reject all prejudice and clarify how they should contact family and friends.

Elder George Q. Cannon repeated in 1869 the truths taught by President Young: “Where are the nations that have existed f...

Elder George Q. Cannon repeated in 1869 the truths taught by President Young: “Where are the nations that have existed from time immemorial? They are not to be found in Christian monogamic Europe, but in Asia, among the polygamic races — China, Japan, Hindostan and the various races of that vast continent. Those nations, from the most remote times, practiced plural marriage handed down to them by their forefathers. … Rome with her arts, sciences and warlike instincts, was once the mistress of the world; but her glory faded. She was a monogamic nation and the numerous evils attending that system early laid the foundation for that ruin which eventually overtook her.” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, p. 202)

Elder Wilford Woodruff revealed the following truth to us in 1869: “If we were to do away with polygamy, it would only be one feather in the bird, one ordinance in the Church and kingdom. Do away with that, then we must do away with prophets and Apostles, with revelation and the gifts and graces of the Gospel, and finally give up our religion altogether and turn sectarians and do as the world does, then all would be right. We just can’t do that, for God has commanded us to build up His kingdom and to bear our testimony to the nations of the earth, and we are going to do it, come life or come death. He has told us to do thus, and we shall obey Him in days to come as we have in days past.” (Journal of Discourses 13:166)

We emphasize Elder Woodruff’s point: changing the Lord’s definition of marriage away from plural marriage would literally result in the end of Mormonism and thus the Kingdom of God on Earth. It is thus of vital importance that we maintain and defend the Lord’s standard of plural marriage as our very religion and salvation is at stake. We can trust that neither Elder Woodruff nor any other of our leaders will ever lead the Church astray by ending plural marriage. Should such an unlikely event occur, however, God will undoubtedly pave the way for the restoration of plural marriage at some point in the future.

The refusal of the Supreme Court to recognize and legitimize God’s ordained pattern of plural marriage does not, indeed cannot, change the moral law that God has established. God expects us to uphold and keep His commandments regardless of divergent opinions or trends in society.

Finally, we strongly warn that any government, church, or institution that promotes marriages between one man and one woman only will contribute to the disintegration of the family and will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets. We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote God’s divinely ordained plan of plural marriage which is designed to maintain and strengthen the family as a fundamental unit of society.

On January 10, 2016 at BYU-Hawaii,  Apostle Nelson reflected on on the November 2015 revelation regarding same s*x coupl...

On January 10, 2016 at BYU-Hawaii, Apostle Nelson reflected on on the November 2015 revelation regarding same s*x couples. Nelson said "Each of us during that sacred moment felt a spiritual confirmation," that same s*x couples are to be declared apostate and we will deny baptism any children of same s*x couples. Also, they will not be allowed to have their infants blessed. Nelson, then next in line for the Mormon presidency, told the faith's young adults in the first official explanation of the policy's origins
"It was our privilege as apostles to sustain what had been revealed to President Monson." Nelson explained that revelation from the Lord to his servants is a sacred process. "The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles counsel together and share all the Lord has directed us to understand and to feel, individually and collectively," he said. "And then, we watch the Lord move upon the president of the church to proclaim the Lord's will." https://tinyurl.com/ssapostatelds
We met repeatedly in the temple in fasting and prayer and sought further direction and inspiration. And then, when the Lord inspired His prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, to declare the mind of the Lord and the will of the Lord, each of us during that sacred moment felt a spiritual confirmation. It was our privilege as Apostles to sustain what had been revealed to President Monson. Revelation from the Lord to His servants is a sacred process, and so is your privilege of receiving personal revelation. The policy was first noticed Nov 5 ,2015 in the church handbook of instructions. .

KUTV An apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said in a worldwide speech Sunday night that the LDS Church's decision regarding same-s*x Mormon couples was revelation given to President of the church Thomas S. Monson.The decision annou

our kids love to play temple endowment

our kids love to play temple endowment


At BYU-Hawaii on January 10, 2016 Apostle Nelson reflected on on the November 2015 revelation regarding same s*x couples. Nelson said "Each of us during that sacred moment felt a spiritual confirmation," that same s*x couples are to be declared apostate and we will deny baptism any children of same s*x couples. Also, they will not be allowed to have their infants blessed. Nelson, then next in line for the Mormon presidency, told the faith's young adults in the first official explanation of the policy's origins
"It was our privilege as apostles to sustain what had been revealed to President Monson." Nelson explained that revelation from the Lord to his servants is a sacred process. "The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles counsel together and share all the Lord has directed us to understand and to feel, individually and collectively," he said. "And then, we watch the Lord move upon the president of the church to proclaim the Lord's will."

https://tinyurl.com/swordJS14  angel with a sword commanded joseph. . he had no choice.

https://tinyurl.com/swordJS14 angel with a sword commanded joseph. . he had no choice.

A spiritual witness of the truthfulness of the revelation on plural marriage allowed Joseph Smith and other Latter-day Saints to accept this principle.

where IS that seerstone??

where IS that seerstone??

it would take a miracle for the church to actually give financial help ..

it would take a miracle for the church to actually give financial help ..

On January 10, 2016 at BYU-Hawaii, Apostle Nelson reflected on on the November 2015 revelation regarding same s*x couple...

On January 10, 2016 at BYU-Hawaii, Apostle Nelson reflected on on the November 2015 revelation regarding same s*x couples. Nelson said "Each of us during that sacred moment felt a spiritual confirmation," that same s*x couples are to be declared apostate and we will deny baptism any children of same s*x couples. Also, they will not be allowed to have their infants blessed. Nelson, then next in line for the Mormon presidency, told the faith's young adults in the first official explanation of t...he hotly debated policy's origins
"It was our privilege as apostles to sustain what had been revealed to President Monson." Nelson explained that revelation from the Lord to his servants is a sacred process. "The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles counsel together and share all the Lord has directed us to understand and to feel, individually and collectively," he said. "And then, we watch the Lord move upon the president of the church to proclaim the Lord's will." https://tinyurl.com/ssapostatelds
We met repeatedly in the temple in fasting and prayer and sought further direction and inspiration. And then, when the Lord inspired His prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, to declare the mind of the Lord and the will of the Lord, each of us during that sacred moment felt a spiritual confirmation. It was our privilege as Apostles to sustain what had been revealed to President Monson. Revelation from the Lord to His servants is a sacred process, and so is your privilege of receiving personal revelation.

KUTV An apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said in a worldwide speech Sunday night that the LDS Church's decision regarding same-s*x Mormon couples was revelation given to President of the church Thomas S. Monson.The decision annou

Reversal on polygamy, the true and everlasting covenant of marriage.  https://tinyurl.com/MormPoly2  LDS Press Release 1...

Reversal on polygamy, the true and everlasting covenant of marriage. https://tinyurl.com/MormPoly2 LDS Press Release 1898 We also affirm that the Court’s decision does not alter the Lord’s doctrine that marriage, even the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage, is ideally a union between one man and two or more women, a relationship eternally ordained by God from the foundations of the world.
While corrupt civil governments and popular opinion may seek to alter God’s laws, we are simply not at liberty to change the ideal of the Lord’s eternal and unchanging definition of marriage which has been clearly revealed as between one man and multiple wives. Unlike other organizations that can change their policies and even their doctrines, our policies regarding plural marriage are determined by truths that God has identified as unchangeable, and we are not at liberty to change them.
Traditional plural marriage has also been the clear pattern throughout human history, where civil laws regarding plural marriage have usually been compatible with God’s laws.
That plural marriage is God’s eternal and unchanging ideal standard for marriage has been clearly and routinely taught by our Prophets, Seers, and Revelators. They have further warned that monogamous marriages of one man to one wife are ruinous to governments and societies that condone them.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 10, 1879 As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we acknowledge the recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court Reynolds vs. United States which holds that men may be married to one woman and one woman only. While acknowledging the ruling, we strongly...

There is no longer a need for tithing. we have sufficient for our needs on the interest alone.  The interest on 100 bill...

There is no longer a need for tithing. we have sufficient for our needs on the interest alone. The interest on 100 billion is almost 20 million a day which is more than the church spends. Last year the church reported it spent 40 million on relief for the poor and needy.

Other Revelations that are reversed

Other Revelations that are reversed

Elder Packer agrees and said that only faithful history should be taught. The only true church does not want all the tru...

Elder Packer agrees and said that only faithful history should be taught. The only true church does not want all the truth.


I am searching for the history of the same s*x doctrine. The book by Greg Prince gives a version that starts in the 1970's then legally in Hawaii in 1994 and financially with Prop 8 in California. The events of November 5, 2015 with the handbook same s*x policy and its declaration in Jan 10, 2016 as a revelation then lead to the 2019 reversal. Does anyone follow these events? Have any comments on them?? It seems to me that the history and doctrine of same s*x couples should be understood. Anyone??


The LDS Church’s 2015 policy for same-s*x couples is now history. But for LGBTQ members, even in this more helpful and hopeful present, the pain is hardly in the past.


What They Could Have Said by John Bonner

Three and a half years ago, we implemented a policy regarding the LGBTQ members of our church and their children. In our Handbook of Instructions for ecclesiastical leaders, we stated that same s*x couples are to be considered “apostate.” Historically, apostasy was defined as being “an enemy to God.” In the modern church, apostasy has been defined as “open, public, and repeated opposition to the church and its leaders.”

In the policy, we recommended that disciplinary councils be convened for church members living in same s*x relationships, with the potential outcome being excommunication from the church.

We went on to specify that children living with a parent who was in a same s*x partnership would not be able to be baptized or confirmed, receive other church ordinances, attend the temple, or serve full-time missions until they reached the age of 18. We further imposed the condition that upon turning 18 they would be required to “specifically disavow the practice of same gender cohabitation and marriage” in order to become members of the church and enjoy the blessings inherent in church membership.

At that time, Elder Christofferson said of the policy change, “This is about family; this is about love and especially the love of the Savior and how He wants people to be helped and fed and lifted, and that’s the whole motivation that underlies our effort.”

On January 10, 2016, President Nelson declared:

“Filled with compassion for all, and especially for the children, we wrestled at length to understand the Lord’s will in this matter. Ever mindful of God’s plan of salvation and of His hope for eternal life for each of His children, we considered countless permutations and combinations of possible scenarios that could arise. We met repeatedly in the temple in fasting and prayer and sought further direction and inspiration.

“And then, when the Lord inspired His prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, to declare the mind of the Lord and the will of the Lord, each of us during that sacred moment felt a spiritual confirmation. It was our privilege as Apostles to sustain what had been revealed to President Monson.”

Over the course of the subsequent three and a half years, we have witnessed the effects of this policy in the lives of our LGBTQ members, their families, and loved ones. We have read the accounts of the despair it has caused -- even contributing in some tragic cases, to the devastating decision by some LGBTQ Latter-day Saints to end their lives.

We recognize that myriad factors are involved when it comes to su***de, including underlying depression and anxiety, possible alcohol or substance use, physical ailments, strained or distant family relationships, pervasive feelings of loneliness, rejection, and hopelessness.

We also recognize, because we have been listening, that a deep sense of shame and unworthiness stemmed from this policy and the majority of the church’s rhetoric which preceded it on the subjects of s*xuality and gender identity. We now know that such feelings of shame and unworthiness can become the treacherous underpinnings of life-threatening despair.

We can no longer, in good conscience, continue to perpetuate the sense of shame and despair created and reinforced by our past policies, practices, and teachings.

Effective immediately, the policy change which first came to light on November 5th, 2015, has been revoked. No part of this policy will continue to be implemented.

We wish to express, unequivocally, that we were wrong and we are sorry.

We realize how woefully inadequate those words are in the wake of the unfathomable pain, grief, and loss which arose out of this policy, but we hope they can offer a meaningful place to start.

Our hearts go out, above all, to the parents, partners, siblings, and friends of the beloved LGBTQ Latter-day Saints whose lives were cut tragically short. We are aware that nothing we could say would ever fully assuage your pain or atone for our past ignorance and misunderstanding..

If you will allow us to, we would welcome the opportunity to sit down across from you, face-to-face, to hear your stories and bear witness to your pain. Our doors will remain open to you for as long as it takes to find some healing amidst the heartache. We hope you will continue to share your stories with us until we can begin to forge some way forward, together.

We are learning as we go. We implore your patience as we seek to do so.

You are our teachers. Our hearts have been changed and will continue to change.

We believe a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow is in store for our church and its diverse membership across the globe.

We are invested in never returning to the limited understanding, bias, and faulty assumptions of the past.

We will be offering counseling services at no charge through available mental health professionals in your area to any who may benefit from having professional assistance in working through the pain behind by this policy.

We will be donating a considerable amount of our time, financial means, and other resources to help create safe spaces for LGBTQ individuals throughout the world who have been made to feel unwelcome in their homes, places of worship, and communities.

We invite other religious institutions to join us in seeking to create welcoming spaces for all.

To our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, please forgive us. We have hurt you. We have wronged you. We recognize that any process of reconciliation and restitution will take time. There are not words sufficient to address the anguish you have experienced. But we wish to express again, to each one of you, that we are sorry.

We hope we will have the opportunity to tell you that in person.

The halls of our meetinghouses and pews of our chapels have been less vibrant without you in them. We have missed your vital voices, your presence, your unique and varied perspectives. We welcome you to come back and worship with us. And we will understand if you don’t, or can’t. But we want you to know you have a place here.

You are beautiful children of Heavenly Parents who love you unconditionally. We failed to see that before.

We see you now.

You are worthy. You are loved. You are enough, exactly as you are.
As we strive to entreat you in building beauty from ashes, we promise to never forget that.



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