"The noblesse rebelle is not on the left, not on the right, not in the centre either, because it unites all of this in the logos of an in-between – and even Social equality is its yes to human inequality, the freedom of the individual is the freedom of the community. It is informal and ritualistic, emphasizes spontaneity and discipline, cultivates community, and yet keeps its distance. It wants the cosmopolitan and the national, the “Du” (you, 2. Pers. Sing.) as well as the “Sie” (you, 3. Pers. Sing), and praises development and tradition. Multiplicity and unity, anarchy and hierarchy, becoming and being Heraclitus and Parmenides – all of these demand justice and truth, not arbitrariness. The honesty of the diagonal is the truthfulness of those who bid farewell to all shallow dualisms in the interim of relationality. It says Vale to dichotomies without spirit, which only know black and white, and which never recognized grey in grey nor heard nuances in colors. She directs her eye towards an openness that is truly the a-venir (future). Noblesse rebelle is avant-garde, because she “watches” into the “ahead” and receives what is “coming” towards her. Noblesse rebelle looks into the open of imprecision and, therefore, has the courage for a higher precision, which does not shy away from the imprecise. Noblesse rebelle works in the in-between of the in-between, it searches for a new space that underpins its right, its left and its centre. It dares to see the invisible in the visible because it endeavors to look even more closely. Behold, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin, and Victor Delhez commend themselves to us!"
Explore the concept of Noblesse Rebelle, an attitude that transcends political and philosophical boundaries with its unique perspective.