
Miskatonian Beyond the Veil of Ordinary Understanding. A Magazine guided by instinct and intelligence across all domains of human inquiry.

The Miskatonian was brought about with the express purpose of being an outlet for the many ideas and concepts that exist in the world both mainstream and sometimes off the beaten path. As a platform, our mission is to provide a place of boundless discussion and push the Frontiers of philosophical discourse. Above all, we wish to service the truth. It is this hunger for innovative ideas and intelle

ctual discourse that drives The Miskatonian. However, responsible discussion requires a counterbalance and for The Miskatonian that is truth in the classical european sense. The essence of the Miskatonian is the exploration of all topics within the framework of the traditional eastern and western european discourse as it existed prior to the questioning of the desirability or moral underpinnings of their institutions. For us, the current state of those institutions does not diminish the goals that formulated their original establishment. As such, we seek to continue that tradition while avoiding the self-destruction that has been a hallmark of much of todays platforms.

"As children, we embody a primal spirit—a raw, untamed energy that exists in the eternal present. This spirit knows no f...

"As children, we embody a primal spirit—a raw, untamed energy that exists in the eternal present. This spirit knows no fear, only spontaneous reaction. It perceives an iron wall but does not recognize it as a limitation. It acts without hesitation, driven by an innate confidence that neither negotiates nor doubts. This is the essence of pure being, the primal force that infuses life with vitality and depth." ~ Rodrigo Arias Landazuri

Explore the interplay of spirit and technique in modern existence, uncovering the glitch that hinders true being.

"Burke’s conservatism and revolutionary conservatism agree that they are, ultimately, artistic projects: they use art in...

"Burke’s conservatism and revolutionary conservatism agree that they are, ultimately, artistic projects: they use art in a particular way, one hiding itself behind it and the other pushing it forward. But while Burke finds it necessary to speak of a “moral imagination,” just as Oakeshott and Scruton speak of “morality,” they are concerned first and foremost with life – their art, it serves or should serve life." ~ Albnor Sejdiu

Uncover the fascinating philosophies and remedies of Conservatorism in 'The Remedies and Nostrums of Conservatorism: A Misopogon Part II'.

https://www.miskatonian.com/2025/01/30/noblesse-rebelle/"The noblesse rebelle is not on the left, not on the right, not ...


"The noblesse rebelle is not on the left, not on the right, not in the centre either, because it unites all of this in the logos of an in-between – and even Social equality is its yes to human inequality, the freedom of the individual is the freedom of the community. It is informal and ritualistic, emphasizes spontaneity and discipline, cultivates community, and yet keeps its distance. It wants the cosmopolitan and the national, the “Du” (you, 2. Pers. Sing.) as well as the “Sie” (you, 3. Pers. Sing), and praises development and tradition. Multiplicity and unity, anarchy and hierarchy, becoming and being Heraclitus and Parmenides – all of these demand justice and truth, not arbitrariness. The honesty of the diagonal is the truthfulness of those who bid farewell to all shallow dualisms in the interim of relationality. It says Vale to dichotomies without spirit, which only know black and white, and which never recognized grey in grey nor heard nuances in colors. She directs her eye towards an openness that is truly the a-venir (future). Noblesse rebelle is avant-garde, because she “watches” into the “ahead” and receives what is “coming” towards her. Noblesse rebelle looks into the open of imprecision and, therefore, has the courage for a higher precision, which does not shy away from the imprecise. Noblesse rebelle works in the in-between of the in-between, it searches for a new space that underpins its right, its left and its centre. It dares to see the invisible in the visible because it endeavors to look even more closely. Behold, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin, and Victor Delhez commend themselves to us!"

Explore the concept of Noblesse Rebelle, an attitude that transcends political and philosophical boundaries with its unique perspective.

"The noblesse rebelle is not on the left, not on the right, not in the centre either, because it unites all of this in t...

"The noblesse rebelle is not on the left, not on the right, not in the centre either, because it unites all of this in the logos of an in-between – and even Social equality is its yes to human inequality, the freedom of the individual is the freedom of the community. It is informal and ritualistic, emphasizes spontaneity and discipline, cultivates community, and yet keeps its distance. It wants the cosmopolitan and the national, the “Du” (you, 2. Pers. Sing.) as well as the “Sie” (you, 3. Pers. Sing), and praises development and tradition. Multiplicity and unity, anarchy and hierarchy, becoming and being Heraclitus and Parmenides – all of these demand justice and truth, not arbitrariness. The honesty of the diagonal is the truthfulness of those who bid farewell to all shallow dualisms in the interim of relationality. It says Vale to dichotomies without spirit, which only know black and white, and which never recognized grey in grey nor heard nuances in colors. She directs her eye towards an openness that is truly the a-venir (future). Noblesse rebelle is avant-garde, because she “watches” into the “ahead” and receives what is “coming” towards her. Noblesse rebelle looks into the open of imprecision and, therefore, has the courage for a higher precision, which does not shy away from the imprecise. Noblesse rebelle works in the in-between of the in-between, it searches for a new space that underpins its right, its left and its centre. It dares to see the invisible in the visible because it endeavors to look even more closely. Behold, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin, and Victor Delhez commend themselves to us!"

 joins the  as a contributing writer, covering Philosophy, Theology and Literature among other very important fields of ...

joins the as a contributing writer, covering Philosophy, Theology and Literature among other very important fields of his interest.

Jan Juhani Steinmann, born in Bern, Finnish on his mother’s side, studied philosophy, general and comparative literature, political science, and theology in Zurich, Berlin, St. Andrews, Heidelberg, and Rome.
Research stays were spent in Copenhagen, Helsinki, and Oxford.

From 2017 to 2020 he was a fellow of the Academy of Sciences .at and since 2019 he is an external lecturer at the
Under the supervision of Prof. Konrad Paul Liessmann, he received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Vienna in 2021. In addition to academic publications in philosophy and theology, he also publishes poetry.
He is currently doing research at the Institut Catholique de Paris on transhumanism in the context of the thought of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Heidegger.

You can find more about his work and publication by visiting his website:https://www.jjsteinmann.com

Ever wondered who laid the groundwork for "survival of the fittest"? (It wasn't Darwin!)In the first part of our new ser...

Ever wondered who laid the groundwork for "survival of the fittest"? (It wasn't Darwin!)
In the first part of our new series on the life and work of Herbert Spencer by our Managing Editor Clifton Knox , we have a new picture of the Victorian polymath who shaped everything from evolutionary theory to sociology.

A fascinating and unique story about how a self-taught thinker went from a railway engineer to one of the most influential philosophers of the 19th century.

From his controversial Social Darwinism to his lasting impact on education reform, discover why Spencer's ideas still spark debates today. Link in Bio.

We are delighted to welcome  as a contributing writer to the  Gabriel is a multi-instrumentalist and writer whose work i...

We are delighted to welcome as a contributing writer to the

Gabriel is a multi-instrumentalist and writer whose work intends to reflect God. Gabriel’s grandmother, a life-long church pianist and organist, began teaching him piano at five years old, sowing early artistic seeds within him. Gabriel engages in numerous artistic and social ventures. He is a proficient pianist (classical, jazz, blues, ragtime, improvisational), guitarist (classical, folk, indie), and drummer (metal, hardcore, indie rock, math rock). Gabriel has a tenor vocal range and took voice lessons in college.
He is also an avid multidisciplinary reader and has written in various genres, including music reviews, personal essays, and poetry. Gabriel is a lover of all things bright and beautiful.


Celebrating our 100th article.

"It is amazing that Spencer, undoubtedly the greatest philosopher of the Victorian age, the most famous mind in all the world in his own time, should have had little more than three years of formal education." ~ Clifton KNox

"To emphasize the prevailing attitude toward death in Mexico, one must familiarize oneself with the pre-Columbian philos...

"To emphasize the prevailing attitude toward death in Mexico, one must familiarize oneself with the pre-Columbian philosophy of life. This attitude toward death is expressed above all in customs and popular beliefs on November 2, the Day of the Dead. At the same time, it is an expression of gratitude for life and recognition of the life cycle because death is understood more as a process, a path, or a transition to a different kind of life." ~ Anastasia Vollinger

The Aztec religion was characterized by a dualistic view of the world. The universe is divided horizontally into three large areas: the Underworld (Chicnauhmictlan), the Earth (Tlaltícpac), and the realm of the heavens (Chicnauhtopan). The upper heavens are the abodes of the gods, and the lower hea...

Something new from our senior editor, Clifford Angell Batess.'While Marx envisions the ultimate dissolution of political...

Something new from our senior editor, Clifford Angell Batess.

'While Marx envisions the ultimate dissolution of political regimes in a classless society, Aristotle recognizes the perpetual necessity of political structures to mediate human relations and promote the common good. Bénéton concludes that Aristotle’s emphasis on justice, virtue, and the moral purpose of governance offers a superior framework, preserving the intrinsic dignity and complexity of political life in a way that modern theories fail to achieve."

Philippe Bénéton, a French political philosopher, offers a profound exploration of political regimes in his seminal work, Les Régimes Politiques. This text delves into the nature, structure, and implications of different forms of government, providing a comprehensive, historically grounded, and p...

"Since the beginning of this year, I have been reading a volume called Basic Writings, which includes Leibniz’s texts Mo...

"Since the beginning of this year, I have been reading a volume called Basic Writings, which includes Leibniz’s texts Monadology, Discourse on Metaphysics, and a series of letters exchanged between himself and the distinguished French Catholic priest and theologian Antoine Arnauld, which discuss the contents of the Discourse on Metaphysics. These texts deal with the most fundamental questions of metaphysics: the nature of being, knowledge, substance, cause, and other such concepts." ~ Gabriel Hollis

Discover the extraordinary life and contributions of Baron Leibniz: from mathematics and physics to philosophy and theology.

“What is Conservatism?”-Albnor Sejdiu

“What is Conservatism?”-Albnor Sejdiu

Explore the essence of conservatism and its remedies. Uncover the perspectives that preserve and defend the principles of conservatism.

"A conservative who does not investigate one’s own enchantment is not so much a conservative as a defender of a particul...

"A conservative who does not investigate one’s own enchantment is not so much a conservative as a defender of a particular tradition." ~ Albnor Sejdiu

Explore the essence of conservatism and its remedies. Uncover the perspectives that preserve and defend the principles of conservatism.

"Stoner" can be productively read as reflecting particular academic ideals that were already being challenged by postmod...

"Stoner" can be productively read as reflecting particular academic ideals that were already being challenged by postmodern innovations. Walker's character, rather than representing academic fraud, might better be understood as embodying emerging forms of intellectual expression that challenged institutional conventions. The text's treatment of difference and authority continues to resonate with contemporary debates about academic culture and institutional change." ~ Joe Nally

John Edward Williams‘ 1965 novel “Stoner” warrants careful examination as a reflection of institutional power structures and generational transitions in American academia. The work’s portrayal of academic culture and authority raises important questions about how educational institutions nav...



"The Greek polis and the Roman civitas represent some of the most distinctive forms of political and social organization in history. Yet, they are often misunderstood when examined through the lens of the modern state." Clifford Angell Bates

Delve into the political and social organization of the ancient world. Gain new insights into the polis and civitas beyond the modern state.

"The modern state is defined by its sovereignty, territoriality, and institutionalization. It operates through impersona...

"The modern state is defined by its sovereignty, territoriality, and institutionalization. It operates through impersonal legal frameworks and hierarchies, ensuring governance through the centralized exercise of power. In contrast, the polis was a holistic community where governance was deeply integrated with social customs, religious practices, and communal identity. Participation in the polis was not merely a right but a defining aspect of life, as citizens actively engaged in decision-making and the administration of justice. Similarly, the Roman civitas was built on shared norms, mutual obligations, and a sense of collective responsibility rather than modern states’ hierarchical structures and territorial sovereignty. These differences highlight the need to study these ancient communities on their own terms rather than forcing them into a framework they were never intended to fit." Clifford Angell Bates

"AI mirrors our current state of prioritizing functionality over being, challenging us to confront our reliance on intel...

"AI mirrors our current state of prioritizing functionality over being, challenging us to confront our reliance on intelligence and efficiency. Yet, this comparison serves as a reminder that we are far more than our cognitive capacities or societal roles—we are beings of creativity, intuition, and interconnected dimensions. Reflecting on AI compels us to reexamine our own nature, urging us to balance our abilities to function with the deeper essence of simply existing.

As we create ever more sophisticated AI, we must also look inward, recognizing that what sets us apart is not just our ability to think or act, but our capacity to exist holistically—to dream, create, intuit, and transcend." Narmin Khalilova

We are delighted to announce that  will join the editorial Team of the   A native of Rhode Island, Clifford is a politic...

We are delighted to announce that will join the editorial Team of the

A native of Rhode Island, Clifford is a political scientist specializing in political philosophy and theory history, with expertise spanning comparative politics, international relations, literature and politics, and American Constitutional thought and institutional history.
His scholarly work examines the complex intersections between human biological nature, institutions, and environmental forces that shape humanity's political and social dynamics.
Clifford is the author of two books: Aristotle's Best Regime (LSU Press, 2004) and The Centrality of the Regime for Political Science (WUW, 2016).
His research combines classical political philosophy with contemporary insights into how state structures emerge and persist over time.

Currently, Clifford is pursuing two major research projects: an investigation into the formation and temporal viability of state structures and concepts and an exhaustive commentary on Aristotle's regime science. His work explores how political and social phenomena influence biological imperatives, institutional frameworks, and environmental pressures.

Throughout a prosperous academic career, He has focused on understanding how foundational political concepts emerge from the complex interplay between human nature and the structures humans create. Their research bridges classical political thought with modern state formation and sustainability questions.



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