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THIS page is made for ALSDDY reports about Bahraini protesters and what the police use to kill them and no body care about what is happening in Bahrain and why the government killing any protest go out to street and say FreeDom do you now why ??

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمنحن حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة أمير دولة البحريناستناداً إلى ما ورد في ميثاق العمل الوطني الذي أجمع عليه...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نحن حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة أمير دولة البحرين

استناداً إلى ما ورد في ميثاق العمل الوطني
الذي أجمع
عليه الشعب في الاستفتاء،

وبعد الاطلاع على الدستور،

وعلى الأمر الأميري رقم (17) لسنة 2001
بالتصديق على ميثاق العمل الوطني،

وبناء على عرض رئيس لجنة تعديل بعض أحكام الدستور المشكلة بالمرسوم
رقم (5) لسنة 2001،

وبعد إطلاع مجلس الوزراء،

صدقنا على هذا الدستور المعدل وأصدرناه.

أمير دولة البحرين

حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة

صدر في قصر الرفاع

بتاريخ: 2 ذو الحجة 1422هـ

الموافق: 14 فبراير 2002م

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

دستور مملكة البحرين

الباب الثالث
الحقوق والواجبات العامة

مادة (23) :

حرية الرأي والبحث العلمي مكفولة، ولكل إنسان حق التعبير عن رأيه ونشره
بالقول أو الكتابة أو غيرهما، وذلك وفقا للشروط والأوضاع التي يبينها
القانون، مع عدم المساس بأسس العقيدة الإسلامية ووحدة الشعب، وبما لا
يثير الفرقة أو الطائفية.


مادة (24) :

مع مراعاة حكم المادة السابقة تكون حرية الصحافة والطباعة والنشر
مكفولة وفقاً للشروط والأوضاع التي يبينها القانون.


مادة (28)

أ - للأفراد حق الاجتماع الخاص دون حاجة إلى إذن أو إخطار سابق، ولا يجوز
لأحد من قوات الأمن العام حضور اجتماعاتهم الخاصة.

ب - الاجتماعات العامة والمواكب والتجمعات مباحة وفقا للشروط والأوضاع
التي يبينها القانون، على أن تكون أغراض الاجتماع ووسائله سلمية ولا تنافي
الآداب العامة.


الآن بعد إن إتضح ان الدستور كفل حق التجمع دون الحاجة إلى إخطار او
تصريح او إذن مسبق
للمسيرات السلمية وكفل حق حرية الرأي والتعبير ونشره بالقول او الكتابة

مع عدم المساس بأسس العقيدة الإسلامية ووحدة الشعب، وبما لا يثير
الفرقة أو الطائفية.

و على أن تكون أغراض الاجتماع ووسائله سلمية ولا تنافي الآداب العامة.

لماذا شرطي مكافحة الشغب يصرخ ويقول ( تجمعكم غير قانوني ) ويأمر
الناس بالتفرق ؟!

ولماذا لا يقول النص القانوني الذي خالفه الناس لكي يتفرقوا ؟!

ولماذا تم إستخدام القوة لتفريق الجماهير ؟!

اليس كان بإمكانهم إستخدام تكتيك التقدم نحو الجماهير ليتراجعوا بدلاً من
إطلاق قذائق الغاز وإلقاء القنابل الصوتية والتسبب بإصابات من البداية ؟!

وكيف تدعون بأنكم تريدون سلامة المتظاهرين والمواطنين وانتم اطلقتم
الغازات المسيلة للدموع بداخل القرية ووصلت بالقرب من المنازل
وسقطت عدة عبوات على المارة والسيارات وتسببت بحالات إختناق
وإصابات وجروح لعدة اشخاص بسبب إطلاق عبوات الغاز بشكل مباشر على
الجسد كطلقة حية ؟!

و المسيرة كانت لا تمس بأسس العقيدة الإسلامية ووحدة الشعب، وو لا تثير
الفرقة أو الطائفية و أغراض الاجتماع ووسائله كانت سلمية ولا تنافي الآداب
بما معنى إنه قانوني 100%
والغرض هو رفض التطبيع مع إسرائيل دون رفع شعارات سياسية داخلية

و على العكس المسيرة كانت تنصر الإسلام والمسلمين وترفض التطبيع مع
كيان صهيوني يمس بأسس العقيدة الإسلامية ووحدة الشعوب، ويثيرون
الفرقة و الطائفية دائماً وابداً وهذه اهدافهم في المنطقة وليس السلام ابداً

الصهيونيين لا يعرفون لغة السلام والتسامح نهائياً .

ونحن شعب البحرين نقف مع العدالة والإسلام والقانون ولا نحب إلا كل خير

لبحريننا الغالية ارواحنا لها الفداء وسنواصل إلى الأبد حراكنا دون توقف .

يوم الجمعة | تاريخ : 8/10/2021 | قرية سترة الخارجية | مسيرة قانونية وسلمية بعنوان كلا كلا للتطبيع وقمعها بشكل غير قانوني .

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمنحن حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة أمير دولة البحريناستناداً إلى ما ورد في ميثاق العمل الوطني الذي أجمع عليه الشعب في الاستفتاء،وبعد الاطلاع على ...

Bahrain : Citizens Welcoming 2019 by Protesting with Yellow Vests السترات الصفراء في البحرين


Riot Police Armoured vehicles Repression and Attack Peaceful Yellow Vest demonstration in the first day of the New year In conjunction with the application of VAT and taxes on everything in the Country even the Food.

People are so angry in Bahrain Because even the wages are too low to make you live or eat , also the gas Prices went high with the electricity and water as well .

But Unfortunately Most People are afraid to Protest to get their rights back or to Stop the VAT and taxes , Because the Government of Bahrain arrest and torture Protesters or kill them in the streets with Shotguns or 9mm Bullets , or they Sentenced Protesters to life imprisonment with Withdrawal of nationality and not to mention they execute them by Firing Squad , they fire 4 Bullets in one time into the heart.

All that horrible crimes the Government is doing to people by the name of the fake Law or Security they created and Wrote is to Keep them quiet and slaves to them instead of Revolutionary and free people living their life in peace without being slaves to the Government.

only less than 50 Person was Protesting that day and only 15 Protester clashed with riot Police Without rioting or destroying public or Private Properties , they only used Garbage containers as moving shields to Protect them selves from 12 gauge shotguns that the Police was firing on Protesters and from Tear Gas Projectiles that was fired Directly on Persons bodies

Revolution Movements and Protesters Will Continue Without Stopping Till The Victory Will Be Ours and To Have Our Rights Back With Freedom.

#البحرين #ضرائب #مظاهرات #ثورة CNN International RT Alalam News Channel Occupy Wall St. Occupy Bahrain #فرنسا #باريس

Kingdom Of Bahrain : Tuesday (January 1, 2019) Sitra Island kharjiya Village South of the Capital Manama, Riot Police Armoured vehicles Repression and Attack...

What You Won't See On Bahrain TV ما لا تشاهده ولن يعرض على تلفزيون البحرين

Since 2011 In Bahrain 26 Person Has Been
Killed By Semi Automatic Shotguns Between Them
Teenagers And Thousands Of People and Children Was
Injured With Shotgun and Most of them Lost
Their Eyes Because Of Using Shotguns By the
Mercenaries Riot Police (commandos Unit)
Violently and Excessively.

The Shotgun That The Government Use Against The People Is Made In Italy By Benelli Shotguns Company They Use Powerful Tactical Lethal Combat Shotgun Called :
(12 gauge Benelli m4 super 90 / M1014)

It’s Made For Army Or Military Combats Or Operations Only
{It’s Not For Use By Police Or Riot Control}
But Bahrain Government Gave it to The Police To Kill The People With It !

Since 2011 In Bahrain 26 Person Has Been Killed By Semi Automatic Shotguns Between Them Teenagers And Thousands Of People and Children Was Injured With Shotg...

Bahrain : {Powerful Report} Thank You Italy And Cyprus For Taking Our Eyes and Souls

Italy And Cyprus Are Directly Involved In Killing And Injuring Bahrain People By Supporting The Government With Their Ammunition and Rifles And They Take The Full Responsibility For Their Crimes By Keeping Supporting The Police With Animals and Birds Hunting

Since 2011 In Bahrain 26 Person Has Been
Killed By Shotgun Between Them
Teenagers And Thousands Of People and Children Was
Injured With Shotgun and Most of them Lost
Their Eyes Because Of Using Shotguns By the
Mercenaries Riot Police (commandos Unit)
Violently and Excessively.

The Shotgun That The Government Use Against The People Is Made In Italy By Benelli Shotguns Company They Use Powerful Tactical Lethal Combat Shotgun Called :
(12 gauge Benelli m4 super 90 / M1014)

It’s Made For Army Or Military Combats Or Operations Only
{It’s Not For Use By Police Or Riot Control}
But Bahrain Government Gave it to The Police To Kill The People With It !

Italy And Cyprus Are Directly Involved In Killing And Injuring Bahrain People By Supporting The Government With Their Ammunition and Rifles And They Take The...


The Shotgun That The Government Use Against The People Is Made In Italy By Benelli Shotguns Company They Use Powerful Tactical Lethal Combat Shotgun Called :
(12 gauge Benelli m4 super 90 / M1014)

It’s Made For Army Or Military Combats Or Operations Only
{It’s Not For Use By Police Or Riot Control}
But Bahrain Government Gave it to The Police To Kill The People With It


The Tear Gas That Was Fired Directly On The Student Eye In Sitra Today after Finishing School exams for no Reason was From Condor Non Lethal Technologies Company (Made In Brazil ) :
The Tear Gas Model : GL 203/L - Multiple Charge Tear Gas
#البحرين #سترة #واديان #أبوالعيش #مركوبان #الخارجية #القرية #مهزة #سفالة


Today at The Morning 11/1/2017 Bahrain Police Forces Attack Middle School Students And Shoot One Of Them In The eye after Finishing Their exams for no Reason With Tear Gas

#البحرين #سترة


Commando Units (Riot Police) Forces Attack The Citizens Protesters with Excessive Force Against Them By Firing Brutally 12
Gauge Tactical Combat Semi Automatic Shotguns From Close Ranges Directly on The Persons To Cause Them Serious injury or To kill Them Or Some Times Just To Cause Them A Serious Injury and Leave Them Bleeding Because They will Not Be able To go To
hospital Because The Government Will Arrest
Them So The Protesters Will Suffer and Live
With the Rest of Their Life’s With The shotgun
Pellets are Inside Their Body !

And To make it hard To Them To walk Normal So They will Not Gonna be able To go Out Side Again to Protest Or To Run Anymore And To Make The Living Hard On Them With Lots Of Pain The People Of The Villages Therapy The Injured Persons In Houses Only And They Can Remove The Pellets That Didn't Went So Deep Under The Skin The Pellets That Are So Deep Inside The Body Will
Not Be Removed and The Persons Will Not Get Any Therapy Or Surgery Because They will Not Be Able To Go To Hospital Because The Government Will Arrest Them ! They Will Will Suffer and Live with the Rest of Their Life’s With The Shotgun Pellets are Inside
Their Body

No One indemnity These Poor Injured Persons Not The Government and Not The People Or The Politicians Or Human Rights Organizations Doesn't They Deserve Better Than What Happend To Them For Demanding Their Rights and The Peoples Rights and Freedom Of Speech With Justice and The Best For Bahrain ?!

No One Of The Commando Unit Or Police Forces Has Been Punished Or Charged For Their Crimes Of Shooting The Citizens and Killing Them Purposely All Of Them Got Away With It Even if There Is Enough Evidence !
And The Regime With The Government Say They Care and Respect
Human Rights In Bahrain ?!!

If They Do They Wouldn’t Used This Weapon Against Peaceful Unarmed Citizens And They Would Let Them Go To Hospitals
But They Don’t Care About The People Or Their Lives Or Health All What They Care For Is Their Money and Interests and Especially Their Authority.

Ministry of Interior Say That They Use This Weapon Only In Absolutely Necessary Cases Or In Emergency situations Like When The Police Forces Lives is In Danger When They Are

(On Foot Only) Or Serious Threat ?!

{That is Another Big Lie}

We All Saw In The Showen Videos That The Commando Unit (Riot Police) are Chasing The People and Firing The Weapon On Their Backs From Close Range Purposely To Cause Them
Serious injury or To kill Them For No Reason ?!
Especially When They Fire the Weapon From Full Armed Secured Bullet Proof And Anti-Explosives Armoured Vehicle !
The Forces are So Safe And Secured Inside It Why Dose They Still Fire It While They are Driving It Fast Close To The People ?
Isn’t That Against The Law They Created ?

#لبحرين #المنامة #إيطاليا #قبرص


The Shotgun Ammunition That Is Used In Bahrain Against People is From Cyprus
Company Called :

{ G & L Calibers LTD. }
{ Victory cartridges }

They Design and Make Ammunition for hunting
Birds and Animals and Clay Shooting Only !

They Don’t Make Shots Or Ammunition For Riot
Controls Like Bean Bag Or Rubber Pellets .

All Their Ammunition Is Not For Police Using It’s
Only For Animals Hunters and Clay Shooters.

The Model Of The GAME LOAD That Is Used
In Bahrain Against People is :

{ STARLIGHT 32GR } BirdShot
High Brass Shell The Pellets size is 8 That
Means each One Shotshell has Over 400
( for per shell Over 400 Lead pellets) !!

Let's Count How Many Pellets Will Be Spread
Over The People Bodys If They Fire All The
Shotgun Magazine Which is 8 Shotshells Per
Each Rifle : 400 × 8 = 3200 Lead Pellets !

Thats Only From One Shotgun
The Commando Unit Fire From More Than 10
Shotguns in One Village For Hours Only Imagine
How Many Pellets Daily The People Get In Their Bodies And Eyes !
It's Uncountable !

Shame On You Cyprus If You Know About This and
Not Doing Or Saying Anything
Or Even Stopping The Ammunition Shipment !

#لبحرين #المنامة #إيطاليا #قبرص


Italy And Cyprus Are Directly Involved In Killing And Injuring Bahrain People By Supporting The Government With Their Ammunition and Rifles And They Take The Full Responsibility For Their Crimes By Keeping Supporting The Police With Animals and Birds Hunting

Since 2011 In Bahrain 19 Person Has Been
Killed By Shotgun Between Them
Teenagers And Thousands Of People and Children Was
Injured With Shotgun and Most of them Lost
Their Eyes Because Of Using Shotguns By the
Mercenaries Riot Police (commandos Unit)
Violently and Excessively.

The Shotgun That The Government Use Against The People Is Made In Italy By Benelli Shotguns Company They Use Powerful Tactical Lethal Combat Shotgun Called :
(12 gauge Benelli m4 super 90 / M1014)

It’s Made For Army Or Military Combats Or Operations Only
{It’s Not For Use By Police Or Riot Control}
But Bahrain Government Gave it to The Police To Kill The People With It !


The Shotgun Ammunition That Is Used In Bahrain Against People is From Cyprus
Company Called :

{ G & L Calibers LTD. }
{ Victory cartridges }

They Design and Make Ammunition for hunting
Birds and Animals and Clay Shooting Only !

They Don’t Make Shots Or Ammunition For Riot
Controls Like Bean Bag Or Rubber Pellets .

All Their Ammunition Is Not For Police Using It’s
Only For Animals Hunters and Clay Shooters.

The Model Of The GAME LOAD That Is Used
In Bahrain Against People is :

{ STARLIGHT 32GR } BirdShot
High Brass Shell The Pellets size is 8 That
Means each One Shotshell has Over 400
( for per shell Over 400 Lead pellets) !!

Let's Count How Many Pellets Will Be Spread
Over The People Bodys If They Fire All The
Shotgun Magazine Which is 8 Shotshells Per
Each Rifle : 400 × 8 = 3200 Lead Pellets !

Thats Only From One Shotgun
The Commando Unit Fire From More Than 10
Shotguns in One Village For Hours Only Imagine
How Many Pellets Daily The People Get In Their Bodies And Eyes !
It's Uncountable !

Shame On You Cyprus If You Know About This and
Not Doing Or Saying Anything
Or Even Stopping The Ammunition Shipment !


The Shotgun Ammunition That Is Used In Bahrain Against People is From Cyprus
Company Called :

{ G & L Calibers LTD. }
{ Victory cartridges }

They Design and Make Ammunition for hunting
Birds and Animals and Clay Shooting Only !

They Don’t Make Shots Or Ammunition For Riot
Controls Like Bean Bag Or Rubber Pellets .

All Their Ammunition Is Not For Police Using It’s
Only For Animals Hunters and Clay Shooters.

The Model Of The GAME LOAD That Is Used
In Bahrain Against People is :

{ STARLIGHT 32GR } BirdShot
High Brass Shell The Pellets size is 8 That
Means each One Shotshell has Over 400
( for per shell Over 400 Lead pellets) !!

Let's Count How Many Pellets Will Be Spread
Over The People Bodys If They Fire All The
Shotgun Magazine Which is 8 Shotshells Per
Each Rifle : 400 × 8 = 3200 Lead Pellets !

Thats Only From One Shotgun
The Commando Unit Fire From More Than 10
Shotguns in One Village For Hours Only Imagine
How Many Pellets Daily The People Get In Their Bodies And Eyes !
It's Uncountable !

Shame On You Cyprus If You Know About This and
Not Doing Or Saying Anything
Or Even Stopping The Ammunition Shipment !

Bahrain : {Powerful Report} Thank You Italy And Cyprus For Taking Our Eyes and Souls

Italy And Cyprus Are Directly Involved In Killing And Injuring Bahrain People By Supporting The Government With Their Ammunition and Rifles And They Take The Full Responsibility For Their Crimes By Keeping Supporting The Police With Animals and Birds Hunting

Since 2011 In Bahrain 19 Person Has Been
Killed By Shotgun Between Them
Teenagers And Thousands Of People and Children Was
Injured With Shotgun and Most of them Lost
Their Eyes Because Of Using Shotguns By the
Mercenaries Riot Police (commandos Unit)
Violently and Excessively.

The Shotgun That The Government Use Against The People Is Made In Italy By Benelli Shotguns Company They Use Powerful Tactical Lethal Combat Shotgun Called :
(12 gauge Benelli m4 super 90 / M1014)

It’s Made For Army Or Military Combats Or Operations Only
{It’s Not For Use By Police Or Riot Control}
But Bahrain Government Gave it to The Police To Kill The People With It !


The Shotgun Ammunition That Is Used In Bahrain Against People is From Cyprus
Company Called :

{ G & L Calibers LTD. }
{ Victory cartridges }

They Design and Make Ammunition for hunting
Birds and Animals and Clay Shooting Only !

They Don’t Make Shots Or Ammunition For Riot
Controls Like Bean Bag Or Rubber Pellets .

All Their Ammunition Is Not For Police Using It’s
Only For Animals Hunters and Clay Shooters.

The Model Of The GAME LOAD That Is Used
In Bahrain Against People is :

{ STARLIGHT 32GR } BirdShot
High Brass Shell The Pellets size is 8 That
Means each One Shotshell has Over 400
( for per shell Over 400 Lead pellets) !!

Let's Count How Many Pellets Will Be Spread
Over The People Bodys If They Fire All The
Shotgun Magazine Which is 8 Shotshells Per
Each Rifle : 400 × 8 = 3200 Lead Pellets !

Thats Only From One Shotgun
The Commando Unit Fire From More Than 10
Shotguns in One Village For Hours Only Imagine
How Many Pellets Daily The People Get In Their Bodies And Eyes !
It's Uncountable !

Shame On You Cyprus If You Know About This and
Not Doing Or Saying Anything
Or Even Stopping The Ammunition Shipment !


Commando Units (Riot Police) Forces Attack The Citizens Protesters with Excessive Force Against Them By Firing Brutally 12
Gauge Tactical Combat Semi Automatic Shotguns From Close Ranges Directly on The Persons To Cause Them Serious injury or To kill Them Or Some Times Just To Cause Them A Serious Injury and Leave Them Bleeding Because They will Not Be able To go To
hospital Because The Government Will Arrest
Them So The Protesters Will Suffer and Live
With the Rest of Their Life’s With The shotgun
Pellets are Inside Their Body !

And To make it hard To Them To walk Normal So They will Not Gonna be able To go Out Side Again to Protest Or To Run Anymore And To Make The Living Hard On Them With Lots Of Pain The People Of The Villages Therapy The Injured Persons In Houses Only And They Can Remove The Pellets That Didn't Went So Deep Under The Skin The Pellets That Are So Deep Inside The Body Will
Not Be Removed and The Persons Will Not Get Any Therapy Or Surgery Because They will Not Be Able To Go To Hospital Because The Government Will Arrest Them ! They Will Will Suffer and Live with the Rest of Their Life’s With The Shotgun Pellets are Inside
Their Body

No One indemnity These Poor Injured Persons Not The Government and Not The People Or The Politicians Or Human Rights Organizations Doesn't They Deserve Better Than What Happend To Them For Demanding Their Rights and The Peoples Rights and Freedom Of Speech With Justice and The Best For Bahrain ?!

No One Of The Commando Unit Or Police Forces Has Been Punished Or Charged For Their Crimes Of Shooting The Citizens and Killing Them Purposely All Of Them Got Away With It Even if There Is Enough Evidence !
And The Regime With The Government Say They Care and Respect
Human Rights In Bahrain ?!!

If They Do They Wouldn’t Used This Weapon Against Peaceful Unarmed Citizens And They Would Let Them Go To Hospitals
But They Don’t Care About The People Or Their Lives Or Health All What They Care For Is Their Money and Interests and Especially Their Authority.

#إيطاليا #قبرص #البحرين #المنامة

Italy And Cyprus Are Directly Involved In Killing And Injuring Bahrain People By Supporting The Government With Their Ammunition and Rifles And They Take The...

Bahrain : Riot Police Excessive force By Firing 56mm French Tear Gases Heavily At People

Kingdom Of Bahrain : Thursday (September 15, 2016) Nuwaidrat Village South of the Capital Manama,

During The Violent Clashes Between Angry Resistance Movement & Protesters With Riot police ,

Confirmation To Not Stop From Protesting and Keep
Demonstrating With Resisting Till We Get Our Rights Back and Freedom.

Riot Police Fired Multiple Charge Tear Gases Heavily in The Middle Of The Village Neighborhoods and Houses Heavily Without Caring About The People Who Start to suffocation in their own Houses To Death or To end up with them In hospital especially The children Or the Kids .

Also a lot Of pregnant Mothers who inhalation Tear Gas in Bahrain Has been fall of Their embryos . while They Just was In their own Houses and they have not done anything But The Police Fire The Tear Gases Up the Houses To fall inside Them .

Confirmation To Not Stop From Protesting and Keep
Demonstrating With Resisting Till We Get Our Rights Back and Freedom.
Riot Police Armoured vehicle Attacked The Protesters Citizens with Excessive force against them By Firing Brutally Semi Automatic Shotguns And Multiple Teargas Charge Directly on The Persons To Cause Them Serious injury or To kill Them Or Some Times Just To Cause Them A Serious Injury and Leave Them Bleeding Because They will Not Be able To go To hospital Because The Government Will Arrest Them so The Protesters Will Suffer and Live with the Rest of Them Life’s With The shotgun Pellets are Inside Their Body !
and To make it hard To Them To walk normal so They will Not gonna be able To go Out side again to protest or to run anymore !!

Revolution Movements and Protesters Will Continue Without Stopping Till The Victory Will Be Ours and To Have Our Rights Back With Freedom.

Mercenaries Riot Police Forces Fired GL 203/L - Multiple Charge Tear Gas 37/38mm Product of Brazil or 56mm Tear Gas Product Of France and 12 Gage Shotguns From Armoured Vehicles .


The Weapons That The Government use against The people

Shotgun ammunition is From Cyprus company called Victory cartridges the model of the GAME LOAD is STARLIGHT 32GR Medium Brass Pellets size 8 that means each one shotshell has 410 Pellets ( for per shell 410 pellets) !!

Shotguns Rifle is from Italy company called benelli they use powerful Shotgun called : (12 gauge Benelli m4 super 90 / M1014)
19 Person was Killed By Shotgun Between Them Teenagers

And Thousands Of People and children Was Injured With Shotgun and most of them Lost Their Eyes Because Of Using Shotguns By the Mercenaries Riot Police Violently and Excessive .


Tear Gas is From Brazil company called (Condor Non Lethal Technologies) They use two Types

1- GL 203/L - Multiple Charge Tear Gas
2-203 GL/T - Triple Charge Tear Gas

They use AM 637 - 37/38mm Non-Lethal Launcher To Fire The Tear Gas Ammunition

There Is Also another Type Of Tear Gas used From Long Time In Bahrain It’s From French Company called (SAE Alsetex) or (Alsetex grenades) They Use Two Types Of Tear Gas

2-GR 56 FUM LAC G1

Both of them can Reach for 100 meter or 200 meter it depend on The Fuse Type

Then The projectile explodes and 6 Tear Gas canister came out of it flaming and burning while The Gas is spread out Also The canister do not hold settle it Keeps Moving And Blowing So The Protesters can not Throw It Back on Police.

They Use Two Type Of 56mm Gr***de Launcher To Fire The projectiles :

1- Cougar 56mm Gr***de Launche
2-Chouka 56mm Gr***de Launche


Armoured Vehicles is From Turkey Company Called Otokar They use 3 Types Of Armoured Vehicles in Bahrain

1-Otokar Cobra
2-Otokar ISV
3-Otokar APV

Bahrain Protesters Will Never Stop From demonstrating and Fighting For The people and Citizens Rights & Freedom In Bahrain

Other Important Videos :

(Bahrain This is How Police Kill People With Automatic Shotguns )

For more information about using shotguns in Bahrain and killing

the Protesters with it Please watch & Share This Video :

#البحرين #بحرين #النويدرات #المنامة

Kingdom Of Bahrain : Thursday (September 15, 2016) Nuwaidrat Village South of the Capital Manama, During The Violent Clashes Between Angry Resistance Movemen...

Bahrain : Protesters Resist Riot Police Armoured Vehicle and Defend Their Village From Them

Kingdom Of Bahrain : Thursday (September 15, 2016) Nuwaidrat Village South of the Capital Manama,

Violent Clashes Between Angry Resistance Movement & Protesters With Riot police ,

Confirmation To Not Stop From Protesting and Keep
Demonstrating With Resisting Till We Get Our Rights Back and Freedom.
Riot Police Armoured vehicle Attacked The Protesters Citizens with Excessive force against them By Firing Brutally Semi Automatic Shotguns And Multiple Teargas Charge Directly on The Persons To Cause Them Serious injury or To kill Them Or Some Times Just To Cause Them A Serious Injury and Leave Them Bleeding Because They will Not Be able To go To hospital Because The Government Will Arrest Them so The Protesters Will Suffer and Live with the Rest of Them Life’s With The shotgun Pellets are Inside Their Body !
and To make it hard To Them To walk normal so They will Not gonna be able To go Out side again to protest or to run anymore !!

Revolution Movements and Protesters Will Continue Without Stopping Till The Victory Will Be Ours and To Have Our Rights Back With Freedom.

Mercenaries Riot Police Forces Fired GL 203/L - Multiple Charge Tear Gas 37/38mm Product of Brazil or 56mm Tear Gas Product Of France and 12 Gage Shotguns From Armoured Vehicles .


The Weapons That The Government use against The people

Shotgun ammunition is From Cyprus company called Victory cartridges the model of the GAME LOAD is STARLIGHT 32GR Medium Brass Pellets size 8 that means each one shotshell has 410 Pellets ( for per shell 410 pellets) !!

Shotguns Rifle is from Italy company called benelli they use powerful Shotgun called : (12 gauge Benelli m4 super 90 / M1014)
19 Person was Killed By Shotgun Between Them Teenagers

And Thousands Of People and children Was Injured With Shotgun and most of them Lost Their Eyes Because Of Using Shotguns By the Mercenaries Riot Police Violently and Excessive .


Tear Gas is From Brazil company called (Condor Non Lethal Technologies) They use two Types

1- GL 203/L - Multiple Charge Tear Gas
2-203 GL/T - Triple Charge Tear Gas

They use AM 637 - 37/38mm Non-Lethal Launcher To Fire The Tear Gas Ammunition

There Is Also another Type Of Tear Gas used From Long Time In Bahrain It’s From French Company called (SAE Alsetex) or (Alsetex grenades) They Use Two Types Of Tear Gas

2-GR 56 FUM LAC G1

Both of them can Reach for 100 meter or 200 meter it depend on The Fuse Type

Then The projectile explodes and 6 Tear Gas canister came out of it flaming and burning while The Gas is spread out Also The canister do not hold settle it Keeps Moving And Blowing So The Protesters can not Throw It Back on Police.

They Use Two Type Of 56mm Gr***de Launcher To Fire The projectiles :

1- Cougar 56mm Gr***de Launche
2-Chouka 56mm Gr***de Launche


Armoured Vehicles is From Turkey Company Called Otokar They use 3 Types Of Armoured Vehicles in Bahrain

1-Otokar Cobra
2-Otokar ISV
3-Otokar APV

Bahrain Protesters Will Never Stop From demonstrating and Fighting For The people and Citizens Rights & Freedom In Bahrain

Other Important Videos :

(Bahrain This is How Police Kill People With Automatic Shotguns )

For more information about using shotguns in Bahrain and killing

the Protesters with it Please watch & Share This Video :

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