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Periodपाठ Take action to ensure every menstruating person in India enjoys a safe, healthy and risk-free period

Hear, hear!

Hear, hear!

This false representation highlights the very idea to hide blood and bloodstains. It implies that period blood is shameful and needs to be hidden.


Through their participation in sports, Anandita and Khadija are representing girls in this field, breaking gender barriers in their communities.


Feminists have since long carried out an inadequate discourse around menstruation. A polarised dialogue about the upper-middle class and their plight.

Seriously shaking my head

Seriously shaking my head

Even though there are a plethora of policies in place and relevant treaties signed by India, the ground reality remains despicable.

Wondering how to talk to your kids about periods?  ाठ

Wondering how to talk to your kids about periods? ाठ

Talking about periods shouldn’t be one big talk at a particular age. Instead, start the conversation early and slowly build on your child’s understanding.

डॉ. नरगिस ने मुझसे पूछा, “सिदरा, क्या तुम्हारे उस जगह से खून आया है कभी भी?” यह सुनकर मुझे ऐसा लग रहा था मानो मेरा कोई अ...

डॉ. नरगिस ने मुझसे पूछा, “सिदरा, क्या तुम्हारे उस जगह से खून आया है कभी भी?” यह सुनकर मुझे ऐसा लग रहा था मानो मेरा कोई अपराध पकड़ा गया और मैं एक मुज़रिम की तरह जज के सामने खड़ी हूं। ाठ

जिस खून से तुम पैदा हुए, उस खून के दुश्मन बनते हो बेहिस वजह आंखों पे रख नश्तर का चिलमन सिलते हो। वस्ल की राहत से उठकर .....

Why we need inclusivity in menstruation.  ाठ

Why we need inclusivity in menstruation. ाठ

“It makes me extremely dysphoric using the women’s restroom, but what else can I do? I think it would be dangerous if I used the men’s restroom. A gender-neutral restroom would be a great thing”.

Using Tinder to talk about periods? Why not?  ाठ

Using Tinder to talk about periods? Why not? ाठ

I wanted to know what men understood about menstruation. So I went to the only place where I would find a large population of men ready to talk to and about women. I downloaded Tinder.

We still live under these notions.  ाठ

We still live under these notions. ाठ

The shame and stigma around it, coupled with a lack of education and awareness, has made menstruation a huge taboo.

एक शोध के मुताबिक, महिलाओं में वजाइनल बैक्टीरियल इंफेक्शन सबसे अधिक 25 से 35 की उम्र के बीच होता है।  ाठ

एक शोध के मुताबिक, महिलाओं में वजाइनल बैक्टीरियल इंफेक्शन सबसे अधिक 25 से 35 की उम्र के बीच होता है। ाठ

हर महिला की योनि में एक प्राकृतिक गंध होती है।

Not everything biodegradable is eco-friendly.  ाठ

Not everything biodegradable is eco-friendly. ाठ

If ‘biodegradable’ sanitary pads are not easy to compost by users themselves, how sustainable are they really?

What's your score?

What's your score?

Talk on menstruation is either about myth, stigmas and taboos, or it’s about sanitary pads harming the environment with a plea to switch to eco-friendly alternatives like menstrual cups and cloth pads.

"A woman who has experienced ge***al cutting or infibulation may be inadequate for menstrual flow, increasing chances of...

"A woman who has experienced ge***al cutting or infibulation may be inadequate for menstrual flow, increasing chances of blockage and build-up of blood clots."

Globally, people still hold onto many taboos and myths around menstruation. Such notions around period create negative attitudes toward this biological phenomenon and menstruators experiencing it.

Pass it on: Stop the invisibilization of women domestic workers. Recognize domestic work as real work and families as wo...

Pass it on: Stop the invisibilization of women domestic workers. Recognize domestic work as real work and families as workplaces. ाठ

Women and children make-up 90% of the 80 million domestic workers in India. Their work has been invisibilized through the years and is often not considered ‘real’ work.

"The story below has been written by a cis woman in her 40s, who recounts – as vividly as her memories would allow her –...

"The story below has been written by a cis woman in her 40s, who recounts – as vividly as her memories would allow her – the traumatic events leading up to her sudden hysterectomy in May 2020"

I asked her, “Did you talk to my husband, what did he say?” She said, “He said, do anything. Just save my wife’s life!”

Women in prison deserve rights too!

Women in prison deserve rights too!

Women are not accounted for while making policies and laws for prisons because only 4.3% of all prisoners in India are women.

उसको छुपाने की क्या ज़रूरत है? कॉन्डम तो पुरुष समुदाय खुलेआम खरीदते हैं।- YKA यूज़र इमरान  ाठ

उसको छुपाने की क्या ज़रूरत है? कॉन्डम तो पुरुष समुदाय खुलेआम खरीदते हैं।- YKA यूज़र इमरान ाठ

कंडोम तो पुरुष समुदाय खुलेआम खरीदते हैं। वहीं, जब पैड की बात आती है तो घर की महिलाएं याद आती हैं।

What's language got to do with menstruation?

What's language got to do with menstruation?

The language used for any activity or phenomenon tends to describe the society’s general attitude towards it.

जमीला कहती हैं, "मेरा शौहर तो मेरे पास आना दूर मेरे हाथ का बना खाना नहीं खाता। मैं एक ही कपड़ों में 5-7 दिन गुज़रती हूं।" ...

जमीला कहती हैं, "मेरा शौहर तो मेरे पास आना दूर मेरे हाथ का बना खाना नहीं खाता। मैं एक ही कपड़ों में 5-7 दिन गुज़रती हूं।" ाठ

मेरे पेशाब की जगह पर बड़े-बड़े फोड़े हो जाते हैं, जिसमें से गंदी बदबू आती है।

अवनि बताती हैं, "वह दिन मुझे याद आता है जब मैंने पैड की जगह अपना पूरा रजिस्टर खत्म कर दिया था, खून फिर भी नहीं रुक रहा थ...

अवनि बताती हैं, "वह दिन मुझे याद आता है जब मैंने पैड की जगह अपना पूरा रजिस्टर खत्म कर दिया था, खून फिर भी नहीं रुक रहा था।" ाठ

शहरी जीवन के मुकाबले ग्रामीण जीवन में शिक्षा की जो स्थिति है, वह कोई खास अच्छी नहीं है। लड़कियों के लिए एक नहीं, बल्क.....

अमेरिकी महिला एस्ट्रोनॉट सैली राइड जब अपनी पहली यात्रा करने वाली थीं, तो उनसे सबसे पहले प्रेस के द्वारा यही सवाल किया गय...

अमेरिकी महिला एस्ट्रोनॉट सैली राइड जब अपनी पहली यात्रा करने वाली थीं, तो उनसे सबसे पहले प्रेस के द्वारा यही सवाल किया गया था कि यदि आपको यात्रा के दौरान मासिक धर्म का चक्र शुरू हो गया तो? ाठ

वहां गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल नहीं होता, ऐसे में कई सारे सवाल तो दिमाग में आते ही होंगे।

Have you ever thought about menstruation in India's jails? The Ministry of Women and Child Development says that 81.8 % ...

Have you ever thought about menstruation in India's jails? The Ministry of Women and Child Development says that 81.8 % of women prisoners are of menstruating age. And do they get the right menstrual management tools? Do they have privacy to even change their pads in crowded jail cells? User Shabnam Sheik writes: "Although the national prison manual prescribes 135-litre water per inmate, in reality, they do not get sufficient water to keep themselves clean. To make it worse, they cannot wash the few clothes they are provided regularly. It directly translates in fear of leaking and staining when on periods." ⠀⠀
Shabnam goes on to talk about the Bangkok rules on improving the treatment of women prisoners. When India is a signatory to the documentary, then it should make good on its promise to manage menstrual hygiene in its jails! Nobody should have to deal with period nightmares, don't you agree? ⠀⠀
We hope Shabnam's words, and this powerful illustration by get you thinking. Don't forget to share your thoughts with us!⠀

ाठ *xualhealth

You have to talk to your sons about periods too!

You have to talk to your sons about periods too!

I was in the third grade when I asked my mother, “Aai, where do children come from?” She answered with the commonest answer to the most common question any child on this earth asks. She said, “They come from the sky. God brings them to mothers.” Now I was standing and laughing in front of......

Do you know your history of menstruation?

Do you know your history of menstruation?

The Egyptians used wool fused with herbs as a pessary, or vaginal insertion to control menstrual flow.

महावारी के समय लड़कियां और महिलाएं मानसिक और शारीरिक परेशानियों से गुज़रती हैं। ऐसे में उनके लिए किसी मज़बूत नीति का निमार...

महावारी के समय लड़कियां और महिलाएं मानसिक और शारीरिक परेशानियों से गुज़रती हैं। ऐसे में उनके लिए किसी मज़बूत नीति का निमार्ण करना बेहद ज़रूरी है।- YKA यूज़र इमरान खान ाठ

चाहे विद्यालय हो या ऑफिस, हर जगह महिलाएं मासिक धर्म के दौरान महिलाओं के साथ भेदभाव होता है।

What's your bathroom horror story?

What's your bathroom horror story?

Every woman should be informed of the benefits and convenience of menstrual cups and they should be made available in local stores. Period poverty is a serious issue.

"Girls who have been told about taboos on menstruation reported greater stress about it, according to a research thesis ...

"Girls who have been told about taboos on menstruation reported greater stress about it, according to a research thesis by a scholar at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhingar (IITGN)."

The purpose of the study was to address the knowledge gap in understanding menstruation by boys and girls and identifying other health-related outcomes.

We have always believed in expanding the conversation around menstruation. Not everyone who menstruates is a cisgender w...

We have always believed in expanding the conversation around menstruation. Not everyone who menstruates is a cisgender woman. Our language needs to change. Our ideas about infrastructure need to change. The way we teach needs to include people of all genders!


One of the great ironies of life! ाठ          *xualhealth

One of the great ironies of life!

ाठ *xualhealth

Your 101 on vaginal discharge!

Your 101 on vaginal discharge!

Your vaginal discharge comes in yellow, green, red, pink, black! There are varying possibilities but one should not panic or go on google search ending in 3 am-cancer-thoughts.

"Shakti Sri Maya is an inters*x activist from Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. She is the co-founder of Inters*x Human Rights I...

"Shakti Sri Maya is an inters*x activist from Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. She is the co-founder of Inters*x Human Rights India."

There’s a scarcity of healthcare resources for inters*x persons. Hormonal imbalance treatment costs a lot and regular sanitary pads are uncomfortable.

"The ‘I’ in the LGBTIAQ+ undergo added stigma due to lack of awareness, visibility & a consequent absence of policies. I...

"The ‘I’ in the LGBTIAQ+ undergo added stigma due to lack of awareness, visibility & a consequent absence of policies. Ignorance also causes inters*x & transgender identities to be conflated..."

Inters*x persons have sensitive bodies and require empathetic healthcare. Govt hospitals have no provision for them, and few doctors have a clear idea about what inters*x is.

Imagine a world where the boys in your classroom are also completely okay talking about periods. 🙏🙏🙏⠀⠀ ाठ               ...

Imagine a world where the boys in your classroom are also completely okay talking about periods. 🙏🙏🙏⠀⠀

Are they?

Are they?

For about 50 million women around the world, these apps help keep track of their period cycles, fertility period, thereby helping them plan either conception or contraception.

"Menstruators are not allowed into temples or offer pujas when they’re menstruating. But doesn’t God say that we can pra...

"Menstruators are not allowed into temples or offer pujas when they’re menstruating. But doesn’t God say that we can pray to him anytime?"

Start talking about menstruation and s*x today and help get these taboos out of our society for everyone’s benefit.

Your 101 on cloth pads! No they're not unhygienic, yes they can be used to soak up period blood. Read on!

Your 101 on cloth pads! No they're not unhygienic, yes they can be used to soak up period blood. Read on!

Bonus: you can make your own cloth pad following this tutorial.


When access to water is a privilege, so is access to menstrual health and hygiene.
Art by amazing

So how far are we in its implementation?

So how far are we in its implementation?

Our understanding of the default design as the design for everyone and any changes in it as an accommodation of a specific gender’s needs are flawed.



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