Hellenic History Series

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Hellenic History Series Our page is devoted to bringing to life Hellenic (Greek) history via animated educational videos, or

Check out the pictures and video of our recent amazing, "Living History" guest, Mr. Andrew Yamato, from his visit to Sai...

Check out the pictures and video of our recent amazing, "Living History" guest, Mr. Andrew Yamato, from his visit to Saint Demetrios Prep!


Νικόλας Δημητριάδης ΡΩΜΑΝΙΑ: Η ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΗ ΟΙΚΟΥΜΕΝΗ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΟΥΣ ΜΕΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΟΝΟΥΣ (θ΄ - ια΄ αιώνας) Ιστορικός Χάρτης α΄ έκδοση: 500 αντίτυπα, Δεκέμβριος 2023 ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ Δ...


History under the flags 🇬🇷

Ενα ιστορικό χειρόγραφο του 1823 που μας δείχνει τις διάφορες σημαίες που χρησιμοποιούσε το Ελληνικό πολεμικό ναυτικό και οι ναύαρχοι στα χρόνια της Επανάστασης!

A manuscript from 1823, depicting the various flags of the Greek revolutionary navy and its various admirals.

Xenophon - Book of Signals - Flags of the Admirals

Greek priest blessing a family in Ramallah, Palestine, January 1900.

Greek priest blessing a family in Ramallah, Palestine, January 1900.

Shout out to our newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!Ioannis Chekimoglou, Holli E. Hatfield

Shout out to our newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Ioannis Chekimoglou, Holli E. Hatfield

ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΟ: Η επιστημονική αναγνώριση του παγκόσμιου ρόλου του!του Laurent Guyénot1Η χιλιόχρονη Βυζαντινή Αυτοκρατορία είχ...

ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΟ: Η επιστημονική αναγνώριση του παγκόσμιου ρόλου του!
του Laurent Guyénot1
Η χιλιόχρονη Βυζαντινή Αυτοκρατορία είχε δύο «μειονεκτήματα»: ήταν ελληνόφωνη και ορθόδοξη. Έτσι, οι δυτικοί ιστορικοί επινόησαν τις περιόδους «Μεσαίωνας» και «Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα» για να της αφαιρέσουν την αίγλη και το πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο στην παγκόσμια Ιστορία και να την πετάξουν στον σκουπιδοτενεκέ της Ιστορίας…

του Laurent Guyénot1 Η χιλιόχρονη Βυζαντινή Αυτοκρατορία είχε δύο «μειονεκτήματα»: ήταν ελληνόφωνη και ορθόδοξη. Έτσι, οι δυτικοί ιστορικοί επινόησαν τις περιόδους «Μεσα...


"Yes! We Have No Bananas," which was based on Greek fruit sellers, became an unlikely hit after it was released for the first time in 1923.



In the days of the Buddha, Indian culture had attained a height which made possible one of the most remarkable of the world's religious movements-the establishment of a faith that discarded all previous religious features and superstition and formulated a moral code which even today can scarcely be regarded as antiquated.

Nevertheless, Indian antiquities are much younger than they are popularly supposed to

be, and neither manuscripts nor monuments of the Brahmans and Buddhists date back earlier than the 4th century B.C.E. No doubt they include more ancient traditions, and we do not hesitate to acknowledge that the Buddhist books incorporate sayings of the Buddha which are genuine and may be the very words of the founder of the Dharma ; but the Mahabharata, for instance, the national epic of India, in the shape in which it now has, though resting on primitive traditions, has been influenced by Greek thought, and the traces of the Illiad and the Odyssey are noticeable in its verses.

What plastic art may have existed in India before the 3rd century B.C.E is not known, and if there was any, the work must
have been executed in perishable material, for nothing has been
preserved. The first specimens of Indian art are of Greek origin,
and are found in the Gandhara districts, which were overrun by
Greek adventurers after the time of Alexander the Great. At its home,

Greek art entered a state of decadence, but here the artists were inspired with new thoughts; and though in terms of technique they were inferior to their brethren in Athens, Rhodes and other centers of Greek sculpture, they made a start towards a new development.

This development was destined to sweep over the whole of Asia and produce that peculiar kind of sculpture which found a new typical expression in Chinese and Japanese art. Even before this significant connection of Asiatic art with the last traces of Greek vitality had been known, connoisseurs of Chinese, Japanese, and Tibetan sculpture

called attention to the fact that, in contrast to other subjects of Oriental art, the Buddha always bore Western features. The reason for this is now obvious, for it is natural that, on account of the reverence in which the Buddha figure was held, the conservatism of tradition would require that the original type of this most sacred figure should have been preserved more faithfully than in other cases.

It is now commonly agreed that the figure of Buddha was
modelled after the prototype of Apollo, and the abnormalities which mark the character of Buddha according to Indian traditions, have been so softened as not to be offensive to the more cultivated Greek taste. So, especially the bump of intelligence on the top of Buddha'shead, which would appear ugly to a refined artist, has been changed into a top knot of his hair, which happened to be fashionable in those days in Athens and is quite obvious in the Apollo Belvedere.
A specially remarkable evidence of the Greek character of Buddhist art is a statue found among the Buddhist Gandhara sculptures
at Peshawar, now in the museum at Calcutta. That the
statue is Greek in origin and type is clearly evident by the name Yavanis, which the Hindus have popularly given to all statues of this type.Yavani is the Indian pronunciation of the name Ionian by which all people of Hellenic origin are denoted.

A comparison with Athene statues and bas-reliefs plainly indicates that the Buddhist sculptors were either Greek themselves or had learned their lessons from Greek masters. The figure of Athene
in bas-relief here reproduced is of an unknown authorship, and
apparently dates back to the best times of Greek art. It must have
served as a stele to a tomb, for the attitude is characterized by a pensive solemnity which is not overawed by the problem of death
but dwells on it in earnest contemplation.

Our frontispiece is known as the Athene of Peace which next
to the aphrodite of Milo is one of the best treasures of the Louvre.
The absence of all armor is obviously intentional. Only the helmet
is left and the head of Medusa for unequivocal identification. The technique of Gandhara art is apparently below that of the
best Greek workmanship, but it is animated by a new spirit of
promise which can not be traced in the contemporaneous post-Hellenic period. The field of early Buddhist art is still but little touched by systematic investigation.

Another favorite subject for Greek artists was the representation of
the struggle of Zeus against the monsters and giants of the deep,
who, in the Pergamon Zeus temple, are sculptured as wild men
ending in serpent tails. It is scarcely possible that the same idea should have originated independently in Gandhara, and the similarity of the design, including even such a detail as its use upon a staircase, is too great to be accidental.

Eastern Asia has undoubtedly developed a civilization of its own. Its religions, its arts, its literature and philosophy are typically Asiatic, and we know positively that many of the parallels that may be traced have originated in an independent development. The same psychical laws under similar conditions produced the same effects in different countries, and yet we sometimes discover historical connections where we least expect them. Gandhara was a center from which Greek methods spread over the whole of Eastern Asia, and their influence has been the more far-reaching since religious conservatism preserved some important traces of the Buddha type which was held in special sanctity.




"The Odyssey" is an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to the poet Homer. It tells the story of Odysseus' journey home from the Trojan War and his adventures along the way.

A critical analysis of "The Odyssey" involves examining various aspects of the epic poem, including its themes, characters, structure, and literary techniques. Here are some key points to consider:

1. **Themes**:
- **Heroism**: "The Odyssey" explores the concept of heroism through the character of Odysseus. He is a complex hero who faces numerous challenges and demonstrates qualities like cunning, bravery, and resilience.

- **Homecoming**: Central to the poem is Odysseus' desire to return home to Ithaca. This theme highlights the importance of home and family in Greek culture.

- **Fate vs. Free Will**: Throughout the epic, there is a tension between the gods' influence (fate) and human choices (free will). Odysseus often struggles with his destiny and the intervention of gods in his journey.

- **Hospitality**: Hospitality, or xenia, is a significant theme. It illustrates the expectations of guest-host relationships in ancient Greece and how violating these norms can lead to dire consequences.

2. **Characters**:
- **Odysseus**: As the protagonist, Odysseus is a multi-dimensional character. He is known for his intelligence, courage, and resourcefulness. However, he is also flawed, as seen in his pride and tendency to deceive.

- **Penelope**: Odysseus' wife, Penelope, is a symbol of fidelity and cleverness. Her steadfastness in waiting for her husband's return contrasts with Odysseus' adventures.

- **Telemachus**: Odysseus' son, Telemachus, undergoes significant growth and transformation throughout the poem, evolving from a timid youth into a confident young man.

3. **Structure**:
- "The Odyssey" is divided into 24 books or chapters, which can be further grouped into three main sections: Odysseus' wanderings, his return to Ithaca, and the final showdown with the suitors.

- The use of flashbacks and storytelling within the story adds depth to the narrative and reveals character backgrounds.

4. **Literary Techniques**:
- **Epic Similes**: Homer employs elaborate similes to vividly describe scenes and events, often comparing them to nature or everyday life.

- **Epic Poetic Form**: "The Odyssey" follows the conventions of epic poetry, including elevated language, meter, and repetition, which contribute to its rhythmic and memorable quality.

- **Apotheosis**: The epic involves the transformation of Odysseus from a mortal hero to a quasi-divine figure through his interactions with gods.

5. **Cultural and Historical Context**:
- Consider the socio-cultural context of ancient Greece, including the role of mythology, religion, and the importance of storytelling in oral tradition.

A critical analysis of "The Odyssey" should delve into these elements, offering insights into the work's enduring significance and the human experiences it explores. It's a rich and complex epic that continues to be studied and appreciated for its depth and storytelling prowess.


«Αθήναι, 405 π.Χ. Η πόλη στερείται ταλαντούχους ποιητές. Κατά συνέπεια, ο θεός Διόνυσος, συνοδευόμενος από τον δούλο του Ξανθία, ξεκινά ένα ταξίδι στον κάτω


Η σύντομη αναβίωση μιας γιορτής των αρχαίων Αθηναίων στο Βυζάντιο.

👑Ο Αυτοκράτορας Αλέξανδρος βασίλεψε μόνο για έναν χρόνο (912-913 μ.Χ.) αλλά η πολιτική του θεωρήθηκε καταστροφική. Μια από τις χειρότερες αποφάσεις του ήταν να προκαλέσει τον πόλεμο με την πανίσχυρη Βουλγαρία του Συμεών που είχε ως συνέπεια ο 2ος να φτάσει μέχρι τα τείχη της Κωνσταντινούπολης.

🎉Στις πηγές αναφέρεται και ένα ακόμα αξιοπερίεργο γεγονός για την βασιλεία του. Ο Αλέξανδρος αναβίωσε την αρχαία γιορτή των Ανθεστηρίων στον ιππόδρομο της Κωνσταντινούπολης

🌺Στην αρχαία εποχή τα Ανθεστήρια εορτάζονταν στην αρχή της άνοιξης και ήταν μια από τις γιορτές που ήταν αφιερωμένες στον θεό Διόνυσο.

🍷Η αναβίωση της γιορτής είχε ίσως να κάνει με δυο λόγους. Ο ένας ήταν πως ο Αλέξανδρος ήταν γνωστός για την ακατάσχετη οινοποσία του επομένως μια τέτοια γιορτή του ταίριαζε γάντι, και ο δεύτερος ήταν πως στο Βυζάντιο η διακόσμηση χώρων με φυτά και δέντρα αλλά και η διακόσμηση κήπων αποτελούσαν στοιχεία κοινωνικού ή αυτοκρατορικού κύρους.

Η γιορτή μάλλον δεν κράτησε για πολύ μιας και μετά τον θάνατο του Αλεξάνδρου δεν αναφέρεται ξανά. Δυστυχώς δεν έχουμε κανένα στοιχείο για τον τρόπο του εορτασμού της.

Today in history and three other major events! Please subscribe and share our channel.

Today in history and three other major events! Please subscribe and share our channel.

4 September Events in Hellenic History you should know!1) The Greek Orthodox Christian New Liturgical Calendar September 1ST2) The Discovery & Elevation of t...


Memory Eternal: Nick Andriotis

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live."
John 11:25

It is with great sadness that we communicate
the passing of Nick Andriotis
on September 2nd, 2023. Mr. Andriotis was a parishioner, benefactor and supporter of our Cathedral Parish and Greek American School. We express our heartfelt condolences to the entire Andriotis family during these difficult times.

Tuesday, September 5th &
Wednesday, September 6th
Saint Demetrios Cathedral

Funeral Service:
Thursday, September 7th
Saint Demetrios Cathedral

Saint Michael’s Cemetery
7202 Astoria Blvd S
Astoria, NY 11370

We are thrilled to announce that our own Billy   Chrissochos is invited back to speak for Embca’s OHI Day commemoration....

We are thrilled to announce that our own Billy Chrissochos is invited back to speak for Embca’s OHI Day commemoration. https://embca.com/event/annual-oxi-day-october-28-1940-commemoration-the-struggle-for-all-has-begun-%CE%BD%CF%85%CE%BD-%CF%85%CF%80%CE%AD%CF%81-%CF%80%CE%AC%CE%BD%CF%84%CF%89%CE%BD-%CE%BF-%CE%B1%CE%B3%CF%8E%CE%BD/?event_date=2021-10-28&fbclid=IwAR00YueR4hJtRMxYJr25NjIhYqSk2kHxtRik-CB8qvImTJ33gEaKg5cOBkU

Join us on Thursday, October 28 for EMBCA’s “ Annual OXI Day (October, 28, 1940) Commemoration: The struggle for all has begun./ Νυν υπέρ πάντων ο αγών." at the 3 West Club (3 West 51st ) at 6 P.M.. It will be a Demetrios Contos Memorial Lecture in Celebration of OXI Day. The C...

This is an incredible video depicting “Moments” in Byzantine History. Check out our good friends at the Academy of HEMA ...

This is an incredible video depicting “Moments” in Byzantine History. Check out our good friends at the Academy of HEMA Leontes here:

"Στιγμές" Βυζαντινής ΙστορίαςΈνα φωτογραφικό ταξίδι στην Βυζαντινή ιστορία από την δουλειά του συλλόγου μας πάνω στην αναβίωση, η οποία καλύπτει περιόδους α...

Hot off the presses! We are extremely proud of our founder Billy Chrissochos who is now also the   Hermes 186 Chapter pr...

Hot off the presses! We are extremely proud of our founder Billy Chrissochos who is now also the Hermes 186 Chapter president. Congratulations to the new board and all their endeavors!

ASTORIA – The Hermes AHEPA Chapter 186 in Astoria held its first official meeting of the new year at St. Catherine and St. George Greek Orthodox Church on September 21 with President Billy

Very excited for our own Billy Chrissochos to be part of this wonderful broadcast and event tonight with Peter Steve G f...

Very excited for our own Billy Chrissochos to be part of this wonderful broadcast and event tonight with Peter Steve G from representing our UNESCO Piraeus NY branch for modern music. Glen A. Larson did so much to promote concepts of Greek history, mythology and music in the classic Battlestar Galactica series.

For Immediate Release:
Friday September 17, 2021, at 8pm EST.
IFB INTERFLEET BROADCASTING will host a special award ceremony honoring Glen A. Larson. Join our Guest of Honor Eric Larson for this special award presentation.

This was one of 7 Art exhibits Our own Billy Chrissochos had helped organize at the Greek Federation a few years back.

This was one of 7 Art exhibits Our own Billy Chrissochos had helped organize at the Greek Federation a few years back.

Greek News article on our Spring Art Exhibition and Sale!


Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church


Potamitis Publishing since 2007

This is Iron Maiden’s classic album that featured the epic Alexander the Great! Enjoy 🙂

This is Iron Maiden’s classic album that featured the epic Alexander the Great! Enjoy 🙂

Band - Iro̲n̲ Maid̲en̲Album - Som̲e̲where In T̲imeDate Released - 29th September 1986Genre - Heavy Metal

We hope you all have a wonderful Dekapentavgousto, and wish all those celebrating a Happy Nameday. Alongside, Mary also ...

We hope you all have a wonderful Dekapentavgousto, and wish all those celebrating a Happy Nameday. Alongside, Mary also celebrated on this day, are Marios, Panagiotis, Panagiota, Despina, Parthena, and many more.
And watch this great video on the subject from the Hellenic History Series:

4 August Events in Hellenic History you should know!1) Battle of Chaeronea 08-02-338 BC2) The Fourth August Regime 08-04-1936 AD3) Knights of St. John Conque...

Read all about it! Wonderful Greek review about  ’s historic show at Athens Square Park in   from  ! Many thanks to   He...

Read all about it! Wonderful Greek review about ’s historic show at Athens Square Park in from ! Many thanks to Hermes 186 and the Athens Square Park committee for sponsoring us! Many thanks to reviewer Demetrios Jussi Tsinopoulos and editor Mr Demetrios Tsakas. (English article to follow.)

Οι Porphyra την Τρίτη, λοιπόν, μας παρουσίασαν μουσικά κομμάτια από σχεδόν όλη την πορεία τους ως συγκρότημα.


Το συγκρότημα γνωστό ως Porphyra, θα παρουσιάσει στην Ππλατεία Αθηνών στην Αστόρια την ροκ Όπερα "Άννα και Βλαντιμίρ"

How you read our new newsletter? All sorts of great things in there :)

How you read our new newsletter? All sorts of great things in there :)

Our Patreon page is devoted to bringing to life Hellenic (Greek) history via animated educational videos, original art, books, and music. Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age, Byzantium, the Greek War of Independence, and the Balkan Wars are examples of some animated video project themes.We a...


Fri Jul 30 2021 at 09:00 pm, Ancient Corinth, Ancient Corinth, Corinth, Greece. Corinth Municipal Cultural Centre's organizationMUNICIPAL BAND OF CORINTH DIRECTED BY MAESTRO GLYKERIA MORAITAKI«1821 – 2021»SONGS BY PANAGIOTIS KAROUSOS FOR THE GREEK REVOLUTION OF 1821«1821 – 2021» A concert fo


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